Monday, January 12, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

There has to be a Clear Vision Path of Peace for The New Millennium, and for our Future Generations. And, it is necessary that every nation actively agree to, and participate in the Evolution of this Vision Path for One and All to Share.

The United States, Russia, The European Union, and The UK, have a great responsibility to lead The Way, and all of the warring, and terrorist factions who are bent on creating chaos, and destruction, must, also, participate, and agree to make a sincere commitment to a Declaration of Eternal Peace on Earth. This is not as impossible as it may seem. It has been done before.

We need a Vision Path that includes and is completely beneficial to All Sentient Beings of this The Third Planet from The Sun. This Vision Path would stand as a Universal and Spiritual Declaration committed to build a Bridge of Peace and Equanimity to the Future.

If we continue on a path of violence, and intimidation to solve our differences, We will surely Destroy this Planet, and everyone on it. What is there to gain from a Path of Total Destruction?

This is a Call to Voices of Reason to come together, men and women who are Dedicated to the Betterment of All Mankind.

Voices of Reason who understand the importance of a Peace Time Economy, and the Necessity for a Cultural, Educational, Scientific, Technological, and Spiritual Evolution to become apart of an absolute reality.

The day's of the Great Empire philosophy, is passe, wouldn't you agree.

It's time for a Rebirth in our overall Contemplation, and Universal Consciousness.

Have we forgotten the great sacrifice that Mahatma Gandhi, Jesus Christ, Mother Teresa,
Martin Luther King, Socrates, Siddhartha Gautama, Melchizedek, and many other's have made
to improve our quality of life, and show us The Way.

The Question that I have is, Why hasn't the U.S. congressmen and women realized the
seriousness of the economic woes of hard working men and women in the U.S., as well as the
millions who are out of work, and living in poverty.

These elective officials are supposed to represent "We the People," but they do not!

The TARP funds did not clear up the mortgage's that are in a State of Disarray, or Cleanup the Credit Crisis. The TARP funds paid off the Banks, Financial Institutions, Wall Street, and the Mortgage Companies. These funds did not go to the aid of "We the People."

These elective officials have No Shame, they are a Disgrace to America.

And, They've Disgraced themselves to the Farmer's, The Union & Non-Union Worker's, our Armed Forces, that defend us, and the Parent's and Children who Believe in our Great Country. As well as to the Elderly who have Dedicated Themselvesto the Principles & Laws of our Democracy.