Saturday, January 24, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

I am more that curious about how much "pork" our new congressional leaders are going to attach to President Barack H. OBama's "Stimulus Package. You would think that after the last 8 year's of transgressions, that our elective officials would have learned something. This is not the time for a "Politics as usual mentality."
We are involved in 3 wars, there are millions of people living in poverty, there are ten's of thousands who have lost there homes, we have the highest unemployment in decades,there are 2 million children living in poverty in the U.S., alone. What does it take for our elective officials to get the message that this is not the time to call for another committee to meet, this is the time for action. Have they no conscious, have they no sense of morality. Have they no respect for "We The People," or for the principles that our country was founded upon.