Saturday, January 3, 2009


Calling Planet Earth

There are 2 million children living in poverty in the U.S. alone. The question is Why?

There are millions of people who have been displaced from their families and homes, in

Africa, The Middle East, Europe, The U.S., and Asia. Once again the question is Why?

There are millions of children and adults who are living in slavery, and are sexually abused, Why?

Our elder generation are threatened with the loss of their social security, after having lived

and worked all of their lives, fought in wars, and are now looking forward to their retirements.

And, once again, the question is Why?

Why are our Religious, Spiritual, and Political leader's unable to come to our aid, haven't we

paid enough dues, already?

And lastly, why hasn't the Global Media exposed these injustices? It seem's to me that they are

too concerned with their ratings and sales to care about the injustices that are being forced upon

us, by uncaring leader's, tyrants, and dictator's.