Saturday, January 17, 2009


Calling Planet Earth

It is very obvious that our Elective Officials, and The Media have forgotten what is means to

exist and be a positive working partner of The Universal Family of All Sentient Beings.

The Media continuously runs the same ole stories, reworked, in new way's, to gain our interest.

They are not interested in reporting on World News, or, the economic woes that most

Americans, and Citizens of the World, are experiencing, nor, are they reporting on the real

struggle that continues to exist in our Societies. If they do, it is only to sensationalize it, so that

they can get higher ratings, or to increase their sales. They have forgotten how to be

trustworthy news reporter's, in the tradition of, David Brinkley, or Walter Cronkite.

And, as for our Elective Officials, who are constantly setting up new committee's, supposedly to

help us with our problem's, I say, tell a starving child, and it's parent's who have just lost their

home, that they have to wait until you've convened a new session, before you can come to their


Our Elective Officials have become cruel and heartless, and no longer, truly ,represent the

Universal Family of All Sentient Beings.