Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Calling Planet Earth

New Millennium Vision Path Pt.II

We need to feel a Sense of Being Here & Now, A Sense of Being One with the Universe, and of Being Citizen's of The Third Planet from The Sun.
We need to feel a Sense of Belonging to a Universal Vision of Enlightenment for "One and All to Share." We need to Learn how to, Re-Learn how to Respect and Treat One Another. We are all Sentient Beings born as free individuals, who are, initially, dependent on our Mother's and Father's to provide us with the Spiritual, Intellectual, Emotional, Physical Guidance, and Care, that is necessary for each and everyone of us to evolve, and grow as Balanced Individuals. As new born Children of the Universe, we need to be nurtured by the Love of our parents,and as adults, we still need to Share that same nourishing Love, in addition to a Heart and Soul filled Trust and Belief in One another.
Before "We" as a Collective United Nations, plan to establish Colonies on the Moon and Mars, as far out as that may seem, we have to clearly establish a United Nations here on Earth, with the sole purpose of Living in Equanimity with One another, and Respectful of each other's Way of Life.
And, careful not to abuse, misuse, manipulate or delude those who are in need. Careful to provide Guidance, to those who are in more fortunate positions, that it ii is in their Best Interests, and Responsibility, to come to the aid of those who are less fortunate.
It is by his Demonstration of Concerned Action, that we will Truly Demonstrate to "One and All" that this is a New Millennium of Enlightened Compassion, and a New Age of Evolved Reason, Purpose, and Wisdom.