Wednesday, December 16, 2015



The Way To Peace! #269

"This Morning, The Sun was Sleeping Late, Lying in a Bed of Beautiful Stratus, Cirrus, and Mountainous, Gray and White Cumuli, Stretching Across An Indian Summer Sky, as the Multicolored Hues of Autumn Prepare to Change to the Grays, Blues, Browns, Lingering Greens, and Crystalline Sculptured Snowflakes of Winters White!" But, Now as The Day Progresses, "A Magnificent Blue Sky has Emerged, Extending For as Far as I Can See, with The Sun Radiating It's Warmth O'er the Land and Sea!"

And, "As I Sip a Cup of Tea" (Rosie Lee), and "Reflect On Things that Be," (While, also, Listening to the Songs of Holiday Cheer), my State of  Contemplation and Meditation have Become Centered on "An Inner Flow of Nurturing, and Empowering Dialogue," that, "All but Encompasses me," Revealing that, "We Live in An Extraordinary Age of Accomplishment, Innovation, and New Discoveries!" "Whether it Be in Science and Technology, Music and Art, Sports and Biology, Physics, and Space Exploration, Philanthropy, and Healing, Education and Psychology," or, within "The Universe of Cyber Space and Spirituality, Satellites and Mathematics, Oceanology and Chemistry, the List Continues into Infinity!"
All of Which, Makes it All the More Disturbing, "Why, There is Slavery of Whatever Nature, in Existence," On the Surface of This Planet Earth!

"President Barack Obama's Eloquent Speech," "Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the Ratification of the 13th Amendment of the United States Constitution," Which Took place, "on the 6th of December 1865," that "Abolished Slavery," For Once and For All in The Unites States of America, had "Significant Aspects to it," Specifically, in regards to (1) the Conflict over the Faith of Islam, (Followed by More than 1 Billion Followers of Muhammad, Worldwide) and (2) the Abuse of This Holy Faith, by Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates, and (3) the Ever growing Refugee Problem, that has Caused Divisions amongst the Populace of the Earths Civilized Nations, and, (4) in my Opinion, the Subtle Rebuke of the Comments Made by Donald Trump, in regards to Muslims and Refugees, (Mr. Trump's Comments Border on Being Unconstitutional, and, a Violation of the First and Fourteenth Amendments, and, also, Lack the True American Spirit and Compassion the United States has, Always Been Known, and, Admired for).

And, As I Continued Rummaging thru, and, Contemplating over the Limitless Number of Events that Permeate, althroughout, the Global Cross-Media News Blitz, Beginning with, (1) Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's Recent Remarks, During "the Fisher versus the University of Texas Oral Arguments, Affirmative Action Case," Suggesting that "African-Americans Should go to a Less-Advanced School," and, "a Less -- a Slower-Track School where They do Well," "Demonstrated that Even Supreme Court Judges Can Lose Sight of the Challenges that Exist for Ethnic Groups in Today's Societies!" And, Unfortunately, also, "Displayed For the World to See," just, "How Isolated His Thoughts are" from, "What is Real versus Unreal!"

(2) And, "In Another High Profile Court Case of Important Significance," "A Mistrial in the Criminal Case of William Porter," Who was "One of Six Police Officers, in Baltimore, Maryland," "Brought up on Chargers in the Death of Freddie Gray, 25," Whose Death Caused Riots and Mass Demonstrations, is "Another Frustrating Example of a Miscarriage of Justice at Mr. Gray's Expense," and, "Last Breath on Earth!"
And, In a Broader Sense, "Will Definitely Cast Further Doubt on Whether the Baltimore/Maryland Police Department, and, or Court System,"  Can Treat the African American Community" in An Unbiased Nature!"

"This Mistrial Should Cause Great Consternation in the African American Community and Mobilize a Great Soul Force of Non-Violent Protestations, Marches, and Demonstrations!"

"Justice Must Be Served," and, "Let There Be No Doubt" that "a Mistrial Should Not Be the Final Word in the Death of Freddie Gray!"
(After approximately Sixteen Hours of Deliberation, over a Three Day Period, The Jury of Seven Black and Five White Jurors were Deadlocked on All Four Charges, including Involuntary Manslaughter! The Circuit Court Judge Barry Williams has Instructed the Defense Lawyers and Prosecutors "to Discuss a New Trial Date!") 

(3) And, The Results of the Week long Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit, in Manila, Philippines, that Began on, the 13th and Culminated on the 19th of November, 2015, that Resulted in "A New Declaration/Agreement" to "Fight against Poverty and Terrorism, and, the Serious Challenge of Climate Change, Plus, the Importance of Continued Economic Growth, and, the Global Economic Outlook."  
APEC's Theme, and Agenda, Which was, "Building Inclusive Economies, Build a Better World," Did Not Include, "China's Claims to Several Uninhabited Islands in the South China Sea," interestingly Enough! 

(4) And, "After Lama al-Sulaiman," was One of the "First Women Elected in Saudi Arabia's Elections, Last Weekend." 
Will this Historical Moment "Herald in a New Age of Women Holding Political Office in Saudi Arabia, is the Question!" 

"Ms. al-Sulaiman" is One of, at Least, "a Dozen Women Who Won a Seat in Saudi Arabia's National Municipal Elections, on Saturday, the 12th of December, 2015." And, "She is, also, An Entrepreneur of a Woman Only Fitness Club!"

(5) And, "Marine Le Pen's National Front Party's Defeat," and, "Nicolas Sarkozy's the Republicans Party Successes in France's Regional Elections, "Pose a Definite Restructuring to the Political Landscape in France! 
How Much of a Threat to President Francois Hollande's Socialist Party," in the Next Presidential Elections, will Former President Sarkozy Be?
 "Will There Be a New Far Right Coalition," or, "Will There Be A New Alliance between Former President Sarkozy, and, Current President Hollande?"

(6) And, In Venezuela, "The People" have "Spoken out For Change!" "They have Given a Clear Mandate to the Venezuelan Opposition Party (MUD), The Democratic Unity Coalition, Rejecting the Policies of President Nicolas Maduro's United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV)," on the 6th of December, 2015!

(While In the United States, there Still is More than a Month until the Iowa Caucuses Take Place, on the First of February, 2016! With Donald Trump Leading the Republican Candidates, and, Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton Leading the Candidates of the Democrat Party! 
"The Ramification's of the U.S. Presidential Election Will Portend the Gravest of Implications For Both The U.S. and The World Body of Civilized Nations!"

(7) And, "How will the Turkey/Russia Tensions Be Resolved" after the Shooting Down of a Russian Warplane by Turkish Fighter Jets, on Tuesday, November 24th, 2015, "Causing the Death of One Russian Pilot, However, the Other Pilot was Rescued." (and How will Increased Tensions between Turkey and Russia, Affect the Fragile Relationship between NATO and Russia). 

And, "How will Russia's Strategy of Supporting Syrian President Assad," at the Consternation of the U.S. Led Coalition of Nations, Formed to Fight against Daesh, "Be Resolved!" 
And, "Let Us Not Forget" that "the Continued Hostilities between Russia and the Sovereign Nation of Ukraine are Still Unresolved."

It Amazes me, "How Russian President Putin still Remains a Popular Figure in Russia," When "He has Involved His Country in Conflict after Conflict, with For the Most Part, "His Own Agenda in Mind!" "While the Ruble, and, the Russian Economy is in Dire Straits!" 

And, also, "The International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) has Provisionally Suspended Russia's Track and Field Federation by a 22 to 1 Vote, on Friday, the 11th of November, 2015, over Doping Charges!" "Which Could Deny Russia from Being Able to Participate in Next Years Olympics in Brazil!"  
Russia is Being "Accused of Widespread, Systematic Doping, in a report released on Monday, the 14th of December, 2015,  by the World Anti-Doping Agency Commission (WADA). And, "This is All Occurring on President Putin's Watch!" 

(8) And, "How Will the Increase of Federal Reserve Rate, on Short Term Borrowing, Affect the Global Markets?" And, "Will it Empower the Global Economies!"

(9) And, "When and Where Will the Next Cyber Attack Take Place!" And, "Will the We Be Ready For It!"

(10) And, "Will Mayor Rahm Emanuel's Tenure, as Mayor of Chicago, "Be Ended," "Because of the Political Abuse Issues," and, "Besmirched Breakdown of Chicago's Police Departments Public Image!" 
And, "Will the Tragic, Brutal, and Unconscionable Circumstances Surrounding the Execution/Death of 17 year old, African American, Laquan McDonald, in October, of 2014," and, "the Threat of Strike by Chicago's Teachers Union," over the Proposed Layoff's of 5,000 Jobs by CEO of Schools, Forrest Claypool.  "Be the Final Blows of His Undoing!" 
Chicago Police Officer, Jason Van Dyke, was arrested, and, has Been "Charged with First Degree Murder, for Allegedly Shooting Laquan 16 Times!"

(11) And, "As the Post Cross-Media News Revelations Wane," about the Husband and Wife Terrorists who "Caused the Deaths of 14 Women and Men in San Bernardino, California, and, Wounding 22 Others," (while They Themselves were Shot and Killed in a Car Chase by the San Bernardino Police), "New Threats of Violence," Caused the Closure of  Los Angeles Unified School Districts, on Tuesday, The 15th of December, 2015, Schools in California (and Reopened on Wednesday)." 

"The Same Threat was Made against the Schools in New York City," as well, However, "They" were Considered to Be "a Hoax," by the New York City Police Department!
And, "Still, the Need for New Gun Reforms Goes Unheeded by the U.S. Congress!" "Shamefully!"

(12) On a More Positive Note, "The U.S. Congress has Reached a Tentative Agreement," on "A New 1.1 Trillion Dollar Spending Deal" (and Tax Breaks, of course), "to Fund the U.S. Government thru the 2016 Budget Year!" The Spending Agreement Would, also, "Include the Re-Authorization and Expansion of Aid and Benefits for 9/11 Emergency Workers," (the Renewal of Which has Been Long Over Due), and, "Allows For Export of American Oil!"

(13) And, "More Good News" is, "German Chancellor Angela Merkel," has Been Named Time Magazines "Person Of The Year 2015!" 
Chancellor Merkel is "Very Deserving of this Prestigious Award, Due to Her Embrace/Welcoming of  More than a Million Middle Eastern Refugees to Germany," and, "Her Leadership in World Monetary and Political Affairs!" She is Definitely "A Profile in Courage to Be Greatly Admired!"   

(14) And, "After 2 Weeks of Discussions and Negotiations at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP21), in Paris, France," by More than 190 Countries, "A Historical/Landmark Agreement has Been Reached to Decrease/Reduce the Use of Fossil Fuels!" 
"The Accord that has Been Agreed to" "Will Keep Climate Warming at Levels Lower than 2 Degrees Celsius, above Pre-Industrial Levels," and, "Hopefully," One Day in the Not Too Far off Future, "Keep them at 1.5 Degrees Below!" And, "Reduce Their Emissions Levels every 5 Years," Beginning in 2018.  

"Environmental Scientist," Simon Lewis, Claims that "We will see more Reductions in Temperatures if Increased Emission Cuts Continue to Be Made after 2025." 
However, "The Fact that this Broad Agreement has Be Reached by so Many," is "a Positive Step Forward For The Future of This Earth of Ours," and, "Our Future Generations," and, "Has the Magnificent Feeling" of "A New Beginning of Cooperation" between "All the Civilized Nations of The Earth!"

But, "While There is Much to Celebrate about the Ecological Future of The Earth," There is Still Much to Do, "to Make A Better World For One and All," and, As my Thoughts Continue to Evolve,  and Coalesce, I Find myself Returning to "The Fact" that, "While the Ratification of The 13th Amendment" of the U.S. Constitution, "Abolishing Slavery" was," and, "Still Remains A Remarkable Achievement," "In a Global and Moral Sense," "Slavery Continues to Exist!"
And, "This Needs to Be Adhered to by Our Global Law Enforcement Communities, Intelligence Agencies," and, "Military Forces of the Worlds Civilized Nations!"

And, "The Fact Still Remains" that, Sex Traffickers, Immoral Militant Groups, Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates and Their Collaborators, Pedophiles, and, Drug and Crime Syndicates, of "Whatever Affiliation, Organization, or Institution," Continue to "Savagely Ravage, Steal/Kidnap, Sell, Mentally Manipulate, and, Violate the Rights of Our Children," "From Africa to the Middle East, and, from Europe to Oceania, Asia, and, The Americas!"

This is "Why, The Global Law Enforcement Community and Military of The Earths United/Civilized Nations," "Must Go Beyond Their Strategies to Contain This Global Syndicate of Sinful Evildoers," and "Attack Them in Full Force!"

"This Global Syndicate of Sex Traffickers, Immoral Militant Groups" (such as Boko Haram, who have Kidnapped Hundreds of Young School Girls)), "Illegal Weapon Dealers, and Extreme Radical Terror Groups," (such as Daesh) and, "Their Collaborators" (and Sympathizers), "Must Cease to Exist!"
"They Must Be Found Out, Arrested," and "Brought up on Charges in Front of An International Court of Law," and "Convicted of Crimes against Humanity!" It's as Simple as that!"

"Give Them No Quarter!" "No Place to Hide!" "No Place where They Can Feel Safe to Consort and Plan Their Acts of Violence against Freedom Loving People All over The World!"

"There are Too Many People of All Faiths and Beliefs," Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Atheists, Agnostics, and, Jewish, "Depending on Our Civilian, Military, Religious, Spiritual, and, Business Leaders," and, "Law Enforcement Officials," "Making a Deliberate, Purposeful, and, Hands on/Concentrated Effort to Bring these Crime and Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates to Justice!"  

Only then, "Can We as a Sovereign People," of This Planet Earth, "Find Comfort and Satisfaction," In Knowing that "Our Children are Safe from Harms way," and, that "the Evildoers that Feast upon Each New Generation of Families of Our Earths Societies are In Prison!"
"This Perverted Mosaic of Pathological, Despotic, Destructive, Oppressive, Violent, and, Evil," "Must Be Removed from Doing Any Further Harm to The Earths Societies!"

And, "They Can No Longer Be Tolerated or Permitted to Exist as An Integral Part of the 21st Century," or, "For Future Millennias to Come!"

And, I look Forward to the Day when, "There is No Slavery on Earth!" 

And, "No Poverty on Earth!" And, "An End to Homelessness, Hatred, Bigotry!"

And then, "We Can Truly Celebrate a Great Jubilee of Peace, Freedom, Justice, Opportunity, and Prosperity!" "For One and All!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries, "Let Us Find Agreement and Comfort in The Reality that There are Solutions" to "The Myriad Sociological Complexities and Evils, that Our Global Communities are Being Faced with!"

And, "Let Us Find Hope, Comfort, and, Optimism," in An Earthwise Vision Path, "Of, By, and, For The People," that, "Encompasses the Heart, Soul, Generosity, and, Charitable Nature of The People, of This Planet Earth!"

And, "In Regards to Those Who Attempt or Choose to Impede, or, Obstruct the Evolution and Universal Awareness of Our Inner-selves and Global Societies," "Let Us Continue to Find the Soul Strength, To Evolve, Transcend, and Grow," as "An Indefatigable, Cognitive, and, United People of The Earth," "Who are Destined To Be A Great Soul Force of Reason, Intelligence, Compassion and Faith," and, "Cast Out," of Our Lives, "These Obstructionists and Extremists from Having Any Further Affect on Our Livelihood, or, Our Future!"

And, "Let Us Continue to have Faith and Trust in the Eloquence and Reverence of Being," and, "In Our Fellow Human Being!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Be Protectors of the Earths Environment," and, "Defenders of A Great Soul Force of Truth and Justice!"

For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Selfless and Unfaltering Personification of Being Here and Now, In An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age of Peace, Social Security and Global Equilibre, On Earth! 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015



The Way To Peace! #268

"My Wish List for the Jewish, Milad-un-Nabi (Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad,) Christmas, and, New Years Holidays" (and the 21st Century) is, "If, The Worlds Populace Must Exist" (as It has For Millennia upon Millennia), "In a World of Divided Sovereign Nations and States," "Let Us Be Undivided in Spirit and Purpose!" 
And, Let there Be a "Reconciliation of The People of The Earth in Peace" (Not just For the Central African Republic, as Pope Francis has Wished for).

And, Let Us Not Be Divided by "The Impediments that Bar The Way To Inner Clarity and Perceptivity!" 
"Nor, Let Us Be Divided by The Voices of Dissent that Argue against the Conclusions, Intelligence, and, Advice of Scientists!" 

And, Let Us Not Be Deluded by The False Rhetoric of Political Discourse "that Bloviate, Rather than Educate," or, "Religious Ideologies that Pontificate, Rather than Heal and Enlighten The World!"

And, "Let Us Not Be Psyched Out of Believing in That Which You Truly Love and are Inspired by," and, "What is Real from Unreal!"

"History has Revealed that For Millennia upon Millennia," "The Earths Populace/We The People" have Been "Taught and Conditioned, by Egregious Religious, State, Civil, Business, and, Military Leaders," to Hate Our Fellow Human Being," and,"Engage, over and over again, In Wars that have Violated The Core Beliefs of Our Faiths," "Under False Pretenses!"

Or, "Our Historical Records have Revealed" that, "We"..."The People," have Been "Told Outright Lies," in order that, "A Few," May Gain Property and Wealth, "at The Expense of The People," and, "Relish in the Enjoyment of Seeing Those of Us, who were Less Fortunate" 
(at Times a Whole Race of People), "Being Subjugated and Enslaved in The Name of God!"

Or, "We" have Been "Manipulated and Conditioned to Believe in What is Good Versus Evil," "But, Not For The Good or Benefit of The People" (does it Sound Familiar)!

And, Here "We" are "Half Way thru The Second Decade of The 21st Century," with the United Nations, the European Union, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, the People's Republic of China (PRC), the Federal Republic of Germany, France, the French Republic, NATO, International Courts of Law, and, International Trade Agreements between Sovereign Nations All over The World, "Building a Nexus of Bridges of Commerce to Herald in A Global Peacetime Economy," and, "Yet, The World Still Exists in a Fractious State of Being!" 

"The Key Words" are "United, Republic, and, Union!" "A State in which the Power Lies in the Hands Of The People" (and Their Elected Representatives), "Joined Together in a Common Purpose," (such as Freedom)! "This is what the Civilized Nations of The Earth Must Be!" 

Or, In this Case, "A Grand Union of United Nations," Sworn to Eradicate the Syndicates of Extreme Radical Terrorists, and, Their Criminal Collaborators from Ever Being a Threat to the Best Interests of Our Nations, and, the Well Being and Lives of We The People!"

And, "to All the World Leaders Attending the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, (COP 21 or CMP 11)," from the 30th of November until the 11th of December, Principally, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, United States President Barack Obama, French President Francois Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, UK Prime Minister David Cameron, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, and, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi,  It is of the Utmost Importance that "You are Aware of," and, "are In Absolute Agreement" that "The Danger to This Earth of Ours Lies Beyond The Pollution of Our Lands, Seas, and Skies!" 
"The Danger," also, "Lies in The Hands of Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates," who "Care Not if They Destroy Our Towns, Villages, and Cities!" 

"Nor, Do They Care about Murdering Our Children, or Enslaving Them!" 

"Nor, Do They Care about Killing or Torturing the Innocent!"

"They" have "Stolen Our Children, Our Lands and Property, and, have Caused The Ruination of Millions of Families!"

And, "They" are "No Better than Criminals," (Crime and Drug Lords, and Sex Traffickers), Pretenders of The Faith, (that They have Disgraced by Their Actions), "Maiming, Killing, and, Torturing Innocent Women and Men, in the Name of God!" "While Sinning against God," and, "The Children of God, Their Fellow Human Beings!"

So, "Let Your Environmental and Ecological Accords," "Reach New Agreements" that Specify, 
(1) You Vow to Lower Greenhouse Gas Emission," 
(2) Achieve a Binding Agreement on Climate Change, 
(3) Protect the Earths Threatened Species, and, Our Seas, Lands, Skies, and Universe, 
But, also, "Add a New Perspective!"  "A Vow to Protect The Lives of All The People, of This Planet Earth," from, "The Dangers of Depraved, Diabolical, Wanton, and, Malicious Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates," and, "Their Malevolent Accomplices!"

And, "Let Us Agree" to "Not Allow Ourselves to Continue to Be Fooled or Pitted against One Another," "In The Name of God!" "Where One Nation of People are Deluded into Taking the Lives of Another," "Under the Guise of False Statements," and "Misleading Beliefs of Superiority", "In the Name of God!"

And, "Let Us, also, Agree" to "Not Allow the Political Ambitions, Greed, and, Lust of Power," of Any World Leader, Domestic Politician,  Business, Drug or Crime Syndicate, or, So-Called Religious Leader, "to Delude, Terrorize, Enslave, Subjugate, Addict, Torture, or, Commit Criminal/ Unlawful Acts against Humanity!"

Instead, "Let Us Wholeheartedly Agree" that, "It is Time For A Prevalent Spirit of Good Will to Embrace The World, and, "All The People and Sentient Beings of The Earth!"

"It Shouldn't Take Another Horrific Mass Carnage of Innocent Victims to Mobilize the World Leaders of Civilized Nations to Act in Full Force," "Putting in Action a Global Strategy and Military Engagement," Arming Their Navy's, Armies, Air Forces, Intelligence Agencies, Special Operation Forces, Spy Satellites, and, Drones, "to Suppress, Prove False, Find and Destroy the Tyrannical Operatives of Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates, and, Their Leaders, and, "Remove from Power and Influence, Any Leader who has Imperialistic Delusions of World Domination!"

"History has Provided Us with a Cognitive Understanding and Knowledge of Times Gone By," when "Previous Acts of War, Mass Carnage, and Violence, Conducted by Barbarians, and Uncivilized Nations, Threatened the Security of the People of The Earth!"

And, "If There is Further Reason to  Justify the Full Global Mobilization of All Sovereign/Civilized Nations against the Syndicates of Extreme Radical Terror," the Displacement of Millions of Innocent People from Their Homes is One, (Vet Them, Screen Them, But, Provide Them with Homes, and Safe Harbor. (Let's always Remember that Joseph and Mary, when Mary was Pregnant with Baby Jesus, were Homeless),
And, (2) the Murder and Torture of Innocent Victims, and (3) the Generations of Children who are Being Denied a Proper Education, and, the Surety, Safety, and, Security of Growing up without Living in Fear of Losing Their Lives, "are Compelling Reasons to Act Now!"

"There Can Not Be A Generation Gap," or, "A Void of Conscious Awareness, or, "A Lapse in Spiritual and Religious Values, that Guides Us and Provides Us with a Sense of Empathy and Philanthropy For Our Fellow Human Being!" "Our Doctrines and Tenets that Guarantee that Our Freedom and Innate Quality of Life Should Be Passed On to Every Generation," For the Benefit and Welfare of Every Woman, Man, and, Child!" And, "For People of All Genders and Ways of Life!"

"Without A Great Union Of The People, By The People, and, For The People, United in Spirit and Purpose," "A Divided World Will Exist, With Millions of People Living in Poverty," and, 
"Too Many People Still in Need of Healthcare," "Lacking in Employment," and, "Without Access to Higher Education!" 

And, There are "Too Many People" Living amongst Us, "Who are Plagued by Fragile Psyches," or, are "Exhibiting Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Psychic Imbalances," and, are "Easily Manipulated by the State of Amorphous, and, Sociological Inequalities," that, Still Exist in Our World Today, and, "Cause (in Them) a Sense of Resignation and Frustration," or, "Cause Them to Strike Out in Vehemence," or, "In Blind Confusion, Towards Their Fellow Human Being!"  
"Causing Death and Despair" to, "Too Many Disheartened, and, Disconsolate Families who've Lost a Loved One!"
"These Individuals are Susceptible to Becoming Perfect Converts of Terror Syndicates," and, "Crime!"
"Ending up as Another Negative Statistic," and, "Soulless Perpetrator Doomed to A Hellish Demise" (as is the Case with the Majority of Foreign Fighters and Domestic Terrorists) "with the Eventuality of Death and Disgrace as Their Final Act."

However, "With a Great Union Of, By, and, For The People," in Place, "Educating, Healing, Providing Philanthropy, Healthcare, Social Security, and, Opportunity For The People,"  A Soul Force of Public Servants, "Can Reach Out to These Individuals who've Gone Astray," and, "Help Them Find a New Balance in Their Lives!"
"One, that Embraces Humanity," and, "All Sentient/Universal Life Forms!" 

"Envision" with me, "A Great Union Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," that is "Empowered by the U.S. Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank (ECB), the IMF, and, A Vibrant Age of Global Technology, Enlightened Scientific Discoveries, Resilient Global Markets, Emerging Economies, Investment in the Modernization of the Earths Infrastructures,  a New World Unification of Banking and Privatization in the Name Of The People, Affordable Healthcare, and, a Global Peace Time Economy!" 
"Bringing Forth a New Global Financial Equilibre and Security," to "Our Towns and Villages, Cities, States, and Nations of The Earth!"

Yes, "This is a Substantial Holiday Wish List," and, "Change Can Prove to Be Difficult," But, "As The History of Humankind has Shown Us," "Where, There is a Will to Make a Positive Change For the Betterment of All Humankind," "It Can Be Done!" And, "The Proof Lies in Each New Day, Season, Idea, Thought, Word and Action!"  

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries, "Can We Ride the Wind to, Yet, a New Horizon, Where Innovation, Evolution, Generosity of Spirit, and Change Exist For All The People of The Earth!"

"Where a Magnificent Earthrise of Infinite Proportions, Illuminate and Enlighten the Earths Populace!"

"Where a Child's Smile Can Bring a Cascade of Endless Joy and Happiness into Your Life!"

"Where a Politicians Mantra, or, Motto is, To Truly Serve the People!"

"Where All the Tithes of The Worlds Religions are Used Solely For the Benefit Of The People!"

And, "Where Cyber Space is a Place of Growth, Wisdom, Knowledge, Joyful Entertainment, Universal Exploration, Global Bridges to The Great Spirit Of The People, and, The Sharing of Evolutionary New Arts and Culture!"
The Answer is, "Yes We Can!"

For, This is, The Way To Peace, and,  An Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent Age of Peace, Truth, Social Security, and, Hope On Earth! 


Tuesday, November 17, 2015



The Way To Peace! #267

"World Leaders of The Coalition of Civilized Nations," "It Must Come to No One's Surprise" that "The Global War Against Terror" (the Overseas Contingency Operations) "Can Not Be Won by Air Strikes alone (and a Few Special Operation Forces)!" 
It Will Take "A Highly Planned, Coordinated, and, Concentrated Ground and Air Campaign from Each and Everyone of You," to "Subdue and Defeat the Syndicates and Networks of Extreme Radical Terrorists, and, Their Collaborators!"

And, "While There Should Be an Immediate Short Term Effort" to "Crush, Demoralize, and Destroy These Syndicates of Extreme Radical Terrorists," There Should also Be, "a Long Term Strategy to Re-build the Geological Environment that has Been Destroyed by Daesh, and, from the Bombs of U.S. and Coalition Forces!" Plus, "a Political System that Represents All the People in Equilibre with Each Other," That is "Empowered by an Economical Infrastructure that Provides All the People with a State of Social Security, that is Culturally Evolved," and, also, "That Reflects the Universal Values of Living in a Modern-Civilized World Community of Nations!"  

And, "It Should Come to No One's Surprise" that "Until the Conflict in Syria and Iraq are Resolved in Favor of The People of Syria and Iraq and Our Coalition of Civilized Nations," the "Continuous Flow of Migrant Families from the Middle East and North Africa, to Europe, Will Not Cease!" 
And, "The United Nations of The World Can Not Ignore," or, "Turn a Deaf Ear to Their Plight!"

And, Once again, "The World is at Another Crossroad of Good against Evil!" 

"There is No Other Logical Way to Look at the State of Unmitigated Violence and Terror that has Been Unleashed against Innocent Children, Women and Men!" And, "Law and Order Must Be Firmly Restored, Improved, and, Broadened, to Protect Our Neighborhoods, Towns, Cities, States, and Countries!"

Millions of Innocent Lives are Being, either, Forced from Their Homes, in Fear!" 
"Killed, Tortured, Kidnapped, Raped, or, Forced into Servitude, or, Living in Refugee Camps, in Fear!" 
Or, are "Living from Hand to Hand, Journeying for Thousands of Miles O'er Sea and Land, in Fear!" "Fear of Losing Their Lives!"

And, "Yes, This is Not a Traditional War!" So, "You Must Use All of Your Resources," Your Spy Satellites, Police, Armed Forces, and, Intelligent Agencies, (in this Non Traditional War Against Terrorism) to Locate, Militaristically Engage, Capture, and, Imprison the Followers of Each Terror Syndicate," until "They have Been Ripped and Uprooted from Our Global Community!"

"Sever Their Bank Accounts, Sever Their Connections to Weapons Suppliers, Conduct Overnight Raids, and, Daily Incursions into Their Strongholds, Caves, and Cells!" 

"Destroy Their Oil Fields," and, "Sever All Civilized Ties and Contacts with Any Nation, Corporation, Person or Person's, who has Anything to Do with Them!" 

"Isolate Them from the Civilized World!" "Cut Them Off from All Their Sources, and, Hunt Them Down, Like the Criminals They are!" 

And, "Do Whatever It Takes," within The Conduct of War, to "Instill the Same Fear in Them that They are Attempting to Instill in Us!" 

And, "Give Them No Place to Hide!" "Subdue, and, Defeat Them!" Now!

And then, "Bring Them up on Charges in An International Court of Law," and "Sentence Them to Life Imprisonment," "For Their Careless Disregard of The Lives of Their Fellow Human Beings!"

And, "We Must Clearly Comprehend the Depth and Singular Significance" that "These Terrorist Syndicates, and, Their Collaborators, Live by," Which is, "They Gain Their Satisfaction and Profit," from "Killing Our Children, Our Daughters, Our Son's, without Mercy!"

(And, Let's also Bring to Justice Any Sex and Weapons Traffickers, and, Drug and Crime Lords who have Previously Been Able to Escape from Law Enforcement Authorities!)

"It Should Be Obvious," that the "Time For an Advanced Military Strategy of Engagement is Clearly upon Us, and, "Since, This is "Not a Traditional War," A Conscientious Domestic/Streetwise Strategy Makes Total Sense to Pursue!" 

For Example, "You Would Not Allow a Street Gang to Ravage a Local Neighborhood!" You Would Send in the Police or State Troopers to Stop the Violence," and, "Arrest the Perpetrators!" 
And then, "You Would also Make Sure that There are Enough Law Enforcement Authorities in the Neighborhood," to "Guarantee the Safety and Security of Every Citizen!" 
And, "They Would Remain on the Beat, For as Long as It Took to Stabilize the Situation," irregardless of the Cost!" "For The Safety of the Community!" Because, "to Do Nothing," "Would End up Being, Much, Much Worst!"
And, "This Same Approach/Strategy," "Can Be Utilized in the War Against Terror!"  

"Non Traditional Warfare or Traditional Warfare, It's Still War!" And, "The Tragedy of War" is that, "Death and Destruction Cause the Ruination of Too Many of Our Families, Homes, Towns, Cities, and, Countries!" And, "Cause the Cruel Finality and End of Dreams and Aspirations of Too Many Women, and, Men!" But, "The Saving Grace is," "That Their Lives Will Not, have Been Lost in Vain!" Because, They've Died to Preserve Our Liberties, Freedom, and, Way of Life!" But Today, "Too Many People, are Dying in Vain!"And, "This is a Tragedy of Enormous Proportions!" And, "There Must Be Justice!"

"World Leaders," of the G20, the COP21, NATO, The EU, and, The United Nations, Can't You See that, "Too Many People are Dying," For Just Sitting in a Cafe, or Restaurant!"

And, "Too Many People are Dying," For Just Going to a Music Concert!" 

And, "Too Many People are Dying, For Just Going to Work," or, "While Taking a Vacation, with Their Friends, and, Family!"

Actually, "This is Not even a Non Traditional War," "This is A Crime Against All Humanity!"

And, Yes, "It May Take Grueling House to House Military Campaign," in a Foreign Country, or, "Within Your Own Sovereign Nation," But, "Isn't It Obvious that There is No Way to Avoid Doing this!" "This is What War is, Traditional or Not!"

But, "What is Most Important" is that, "We Can Not Allow Ourselves to Be Manipulated, Coerced, Bullied, Divided, or, Controlled by Fear! 
And, "We Can Not Lose Sight of Our Principles and Values," "Due to the Evil Threats of Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates, and, Their Collaborators!"

If It Takes Invoking Article 5 of The NATO Agreement, Then, "It Should Be Done!"

"Why," Because, "It is in the National Interest of Every Civilized Nation to Subdue and Defeat These Terror Syndicates!"  Whether They Be ISIS (Daesh), AQAP (Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, or, Whomever, "It is In The Best Interests of The People of the Earth, to Act Now!"

"I Remember Former President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, When He Made His Historical Speech," at The Berlin Wall, on the 26th of June, 1963, When, He said in German, "Ich Bin Ein Berliner!" 
And, He was Correct! "Irregardless of Race, Creed, Nationality, or, Gender, You May Be," 
"We are All Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth," and, "All of Our Fates are Tied Together," "For Better or For Worst!" "This is Not a Matter of Sunni Against Shiite, or, Christianity versus Islam," 
"This is A Battle Between Good and Evil!"

And, "This is Time For All the People of The Earth, and, Leaders of The United Nations to Be United in Purpose," and, "That Purpose is to Defeat the Syndicates of Terror," and, "Put an End to Their Attempts to Control the Minds, Souls, Spirits, and Bodies, of "We The People!"

And, "The United States" has, both, "A Humane and Historically Founded upon Responsibility" "to Continue to Provide Leadership," and, "Whatever Resources are Necessary to Defeat and Bring The Assassins of Our Youth to Justice!"

"Ever Since World War II," "the U.S. has Come to the Aid of People All over the World," and, "Fought with Allies to Overcome the Threat of Tyranny and Oppression from Europe, to, the South Pacific," Dedicated to Defeat Those Who Threatened World Security, and, Preserve and Maintain Peace In The World!"
And, "Today, United States Armed Forces are Based All over the World in Support of Peace Loving People Everywhere!"

And, "In this New Threat to Peace and Security," that, also, "Is a Threat to the Sanctity of All Nations to Evolve as Interdependent Sovereign Nations of the Earth," "the United States has an Duty to Defend, Not only, What is in Its Own Self Interests," But, also, "What's in the Best Interests of All the People of the World!" 

And, "Yes, This May Not Be a Traditional War," But, "The Realities are such, That, "the U.S. Must, Forthrightly, Address the Violence and Mayhem of Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates, and, Their Networks of Evil," "As One would Deal with a Madman who is Trying to Kill You!"

And, "Let Us, One and All Agree" that "This is the Case!" And that, "No One is Safe," until, "The War has Been Won by the Global Coalition Allies!" 

And, Even then, "A Global Vigil Must, always, Be In Place," to "Safeguard, Defend, and, Protect the Rights of Freedom Loving People," with "Interchanging Tours of Coalition Armed Forces, Supporting and Empowering the National Armed Forces of Any Country, or, People who are in Need of Help Against Oppression, or, Request Aid!"

"This is The First Step in Maintaining A Cognitive, Compassionate, and, Realistic New Age of Peace, Security, Economic Parity, Higher Education, Advanced Growth in Science and Technology, Universal Healthcare, Entrepreneurialism, Limitless Opportunistic Potential, and, Global Equilibre in the 21st Century," and, "For Future Generations to Come!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries,  "I Can Still Hear the French Parliament Singing the Marseillaise in a Demonstration of Unity with One Another and The French People!"
And, "I Can Still See The Courageous Faces of the Citizens of Paris," at the Memorial, Near the Bataclan Theatre, "A Cascade of Tears Falling Down on the Beds of Flowers Covering the Ground," and, as "They Resolutely and Unwaveringly Go about Living, and, Embracing the Joy of Life," In spite of "the Threats Against Their Lives, Paris, and, France!"

"It is Inspiring," and, "Soulfully Empowering To See such Grand Spirit," Staring Back in Defiance in the Face of Danger, These are Golden Moments, Treasured Moments, that  Remind Me of Times Gone by," "When the People have Risen as a Great Soul Force," to "Confront, Oppose, and, Drive out Tyrants, and Dictators!"  And, "As History has Revealed,"  In the End, "Good has always Prevailed and Triumphed over Evil!" 
And that, "The People have Always Found, within Themselves the Inherent Soul Strength to Brave The Tides of Evil," and, "Transcend the Darkness!" "To Live as a Free Interdependent Sovereign People of the City, World, and, Spirit of The Light!"

This is The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent Age of Peace and Justice, (and) Hope and Prosperity, For One and All! Freely Flowing, Evolving, and, Enjoying a Higher State of Universal and Cognitive Enlightenment, and, Conscious Awareness of A Grand Earthrise Vision Path Of The People, By The People, and For The People!            

Saturday, November 14, 2015



The Way To Peace! #266

"Friday, the 13th," of November, 2015, "The City of Light" has, once again, "Been Savagely, and Brutally Attacked!" "Resulting in the Deaths of 129 Innocent Lives (More than Twenty People from Foreign Countries have Been Killed, Including One American, Nohemi Gonzalez, 23, Three Chileans, Two Innocent Victims from Mexico, Two from Spain, One from Belgium, One from the United Kingdom, and Many French Citizens, the Names of Whom are in the Process of Being Revealed, by French Authorities. And, Tragically, There are Other Victims who have Not Been Identified yet)!"
These Deaths were Caused by, (1) A Series of "Suicide Bombings," at the Stade De France, and (2) "Vicious and Callous Murders Carried out," at, Le Petit Cambodge, and, Le Carillon Restaurants, and, Le Bataclan Theatre, in the 10th District, where An American Group "Eagles of Death Metal,' were Performing, and, at Cafe La Belle Equipe, in the 11the District, near Place De La Bastille!
(It was, also, Reported that, "More than 350 People were Injured (Including at least 2 Americans), in Total!" 

All of Which has Given Paris, "The Sense of Being A City Under Siege!" And, Causing French President Francois Hollande to say (in brief), "France will be merciless towards these Barbarians from Daesh!"

It has, also, been Reported by Reuters, that Six Gunmen Blew Themselves up, and, One other, was Killed by French Police! An Eighth Gunman, Salah Abdeslam, 26, Is still Being Sought! 
And, The Terrorist who Planned the Attack on Paris, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, a Belgium, is Believed to Be in Syria!  

French Officials have Detained a Father and Brother of One of the Gunmen! And, More than One Hundred People are Under House Arrest! 
And, French Warplanes have Begun an Intensive Air Campaign against the ISIS Central Location, of Raqqa, in Syria!
(ISIS (Daesh) has Claimed Responsibility for the Attacks)

President Hollande has Called these Attacks, "An Act of War!" And, He has Issued, "A Nationwide State of Emergency!"
President Hollande has, also, Declared that ,"There will be Three Days of National Mourning!"

(Our Hearts and Souls Go out to the Families, and, Friends, who have Lost a Loved One, or, a Dear Friend, and, to the Nation of France, who have had to Mourn the Passing of Too Many of Its Son's and Daughter's, in One Senseless Act of Terror after Another!)  

On Monday, the 2nd of November We Posted (in United Interdependent Global Activists-The Way To Peace #265) that, "Evolving Circumstances Demand, that After Decades of War on Terror," that, have "Caused the Deaths of Too Many Innocent Victims," and "Brave Member's of The Coalition Forces of the Global Armed Services, and, Mass Destruction, Worldwide," "A New Sense of Urgency Must Be Respected and Adhered to!" 

And, "An Earthwise Strategy Must Be Agreed to by All the Leaders of The Earths Nations," that "Commits Them to Pursue the Necessity of An All Out Attack" upon "These Barbaric Forces of Evil, Chaos, Torture, and, Oppression!"

And, "After This New Series of Evil, and, Dishonorable Attacks," Carried Out in Paris," by Members of Extreme Radical Terrorist Syndicates, "The Sense of Urgency" has, "Tragically, Made Itself, Ever More so Apparent!"

"Is there Any Doubt, in Any one's Mind, that, Immediate Measure's Must Be Decided upon, Agreed to, and, Enacted upon, For The Sake of All that We Hold Sacred!"

"The 2015 G-20 Antalya Summit," on the 15th of November, and, The Future Meetings in Vienna, by Nations Concerned with the Ongoing War in Syria, and, The Future of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, "Must Address This Urgency!" 

And, "Strategic and Visionary New Initiatives Must Be Embarked upon," that Not only Focus on Realistic and Logical Actions to Prevent the Continuous Threat and Spread of Global Terrorism, but, also, to "Understand the Immediate and Moral Necessity to Find New Solutions and Homes for The Millions of Women, Men, and Children who have Been Displaced from Their Homes," and, are "Living in Refugee Camps," or, "Immersed Within A Desolate and Constant State of Migration!"  

"The Leaders of the World Must Act, Now!" And, Whether or Not, "You are a Leader of, A Coalition Nation, or, Sovereign Nation of The Earth," "The Time to Push Back and Suppress the Forces of Global Extreme Radical Terrorist Syndicates, is Now!"

"These Immoral and Villainous Syndicates Must Not Be Allowed to Dictate, or, Institute Their Agenda upon The People of The World!"

"They Must Not Be Allowed to Think that by Causing Chaos to Our Communities, and, Our Financial Systems," that "They Can Force a Solution that Ends up in Their Favor!"

And, "They Must Not Be Allowed to Cause, such a Disruption in Our Lives," as "to Leave Our Families in a State of Frustration, and, Insecurity," Sensing the Possibility of Terror, Death and Destruction at Every Turn!" And, "They Must Not Be Allowed to," Simultaneously, "Bring Chaos to The Global Community, and, Destabilize the  Infrastructure of The Civilized World!" 

"Religious, and Spiritual Leaders, Educators and Philosophers, Business Leaders, Politicians, Military Leaders, and, Oligarchs," "Now, is The Time to Act in Concert with One Another to Protect, Preserve, and, Safeguard The Interests, Cultures, and, The Spirit Of The People!" For, "We are," At yet, "Another Crucial Crossroads of Civilization!"

And, "Now, is The Time to Act to Safeguard The The Rights Of The People, In The Name Of The People, and, For Our Future Generations to Live in Peace!" There Can Be, "Absolutely, No Hesitation or Procrastination!" Now is The Time to Act!"

"It is as Simple as This," "The World Must Exist in a Global State of Law and Order," For The Sake of All People!" "We Can Not Be A World Ruled by Dictators, Tyrants, Drug and Crime Lords, Sex Traffickers, or, Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates!" 

And, "Immediate Decisions Must Be Made, by The Leaders of The United Nations," to "Agree to Defeat, Disarm, and, Bring in Front of An International Court of Law," "Enemies Of The Sovereign People of the World," on "Charges of Terror, Torture, Rape, Kidnapping, Murder," and, "All of Crimes against Humanity that They have Committed," and, "Convict and Imprison Them," from "Doing Further Harm to Their Fellow Human Being!"

"These Decisions Must Not Be Made in a Desperate Atmosphere of Haphazardness and Amorphous," They Must Be Made in a Conscientious, Comprehensive, United, and, Cognitive State of Awareness and Determination, "To Act on Behalf Of The People, with, The Best Interests of The People in Mind!" 

And, Let there Be, "No Doubt" that "A Coordinated Global Response and Military Offensive Must Be Made by The United Nations," and, "The Coalition of Military and Intelligence Leaders of All Peace Loving Nations of The Earth!"
("There is No Contradiction in This," because, "Freedom Loving People of The Earth are Under Attack," and "Their Rights and Principles to Live in a Free World Must Be Defended!")

And, "to All the World Leaders Attending the Upcoming 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, (COP 21 or CMP 11)," from the 30th of November 'til the 11th of December, "Let Us Agree that The Danger to This Earth of Ours Lies Beyond The Pollution of Our Lands, Seas, and Skies!" 
"The Danger," also, "Lies in The Hands of Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates," who "Care Not if They Destroy Our Towns, Villages, and Cities!" 
"Nor, Do They Care about Murdering Our Children, or Enslaving Them!" 
"Nor, Do They Care about Killing or Torturing the Innocent!"

So, "Let Your Environmental and Ecological Accords," that, (1) Vow to Lower Greenhouse Gas Emission," (2) Achieve a Binding Agreement on Climate Change, (3) to Protect the Earths Threatened Species, and, Our Seas, Lands, Skies, and Universe, Also, "Add a New Perspective,"  "A Vow to Protect The Lives of All The People, of This Planet Earth," from, "The Dangers of Depraved, Diabolical, Wanton, and, Malicious Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates," and, "Their Malevolent Accomplices!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries, "Allow me to Repeat what was Written in United Interdependent Global Activists The Way To Peace #265," that, 
"It's Time For The U.S. Congress to Agree" ( as President Obama Requested, on the 11th of February, 2015,) "To Authorize the Limited Use of Military Armed Force (AUMF) against the Islamic State of Iraq, and The Levant (ISIL/ISIS)." Now, Known as Daesh! 

Or, "They Must Draft and Vote on" "A Declaration of War, in Conjunction with the United Nations, against the Forces of Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates!" And, "Explicitly Name the Syndicates," That, are "An Immediate National Security Threat" against "the Interests of the United States," and, "All the Civilized Nations of the Earth," and, "Make Them," (these Extreme Radical Terrorist Syndicates) "The Core and Central Focal Point of This Declaration!"

"It's Time to Put an End to the Cruel and Inhumane Abuse of Innocent People All over This Earth of Ours," by "Anyone or Any Nation that Does Not Respect The Lives," or, "The Will of We The People" to "Live in Peace and Harmony with Each Other!" Enough is Enough!"

"Let A New Visionary Age of Peace and Diplomacy Lead the Way to A Future of Global Equilibre, Economic Parity, Justice, Social Security, and, A Cultural Evolution that Graces and Embraces The Lives of All The People, of This Planet Earth!!"

For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent Age of Peace On Earth! 

Monday, November 2, 2015



The Way To Peace! #265

"If We are to Ever Get Out of This Endless Spiraling Nightmare of War," The Coalition Leaders of the World's Civilized Nations, who "Believe in the Grand Idea of Peace on Earth," Must Make it "Absolutely Clear and Understandable to All the People of the World," the "Reason Why A Global Armed Incursion Must Take Place to Defeat the Enemies of the Sovereign People of the Earth, Now!" 
And, also, In Doing so, "Present a Clear Vision to What the Future Can Be without the Evil Intentions and Actions of Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates, Tyrant's, Dictator's, and, World Leaders who have Imperialistic Designs on the Future of the Earth!"

And, "The Leaders of the United Nations" Must "Individually Explain to Their Fellow Citizens," of this Planet Earth, the "National Security Threat that These Evil Forces Present!" 

And, "An Earthwise Strategy Must Be Agreed to by All the Leaders of The Earths Nations," that "Commits Them to Pursue the Necessity of An All Out Attack" upon "These Barbaric Forces of Evil, Chaos, Torture, and, Oppression!"

This is More than "Putting Boots on the Ground," or, "Sending Approximately Fifty Courageous U.S. Special Operation Forces to Syria as Military Advisers," This Must Be "A Global Commitment to End the Global War on Terror (the Overseas Contingency Operations) Victoriously!" 
"The Predominant Words" are "A Global Commitment to End the Global War on Terror, Victoriously!"

And, Now, "Evolving Circumstances Demand, that After Decades of War on Terror," that, have "Caused the Deaths of Too Many Innocent Victims and Brave Member's of The Coalition Forces of the Global Armed Services, and, Mass Destruction, Worldwide," "A New Sense of Urgency Must Be Respected and Adhered to!" 

Think upon it, "After Decades upon Decades of War and Regional Conflicts, and, Terrorist Attacks, Taking Place within the Border's of the United States, or, Outside of It,  Continuing, from One United States Administration to Another," Going All the Way Back to;
(1) The 23rd of October, 1983, During Former United States President Ronald Reagan's Administration, the Bombing Attack upon U.S. Marine Barracks, in Beirut, Lebanon, Caused the Deaths of 241 American Servicemen, and, Wounded at Least 128. And, In a Separate Attack, 58 French Service men were Killed, and, at Least 15 were Injured, During the Lebanese Civil War. These Casualties Did Not Include the Deaths and Injured, Suffered by the Lebanese People.
Both the United States and France Responded in Force to These Attacks!

(2) On the 2nd of August, 1990, Iraq Made an Unprovoked Attack upon the Sovereign Nation of Kuwait. On the 17th of January, 1991, A Coalition of Allied Forces, Led by the U.S. began An Attack that Drove The Iraqi Army out of Kuwait! The U.S. Congress "Authorized the Use of Military Force!" This is an "Important Example of a United Action undertaken by the U.S. Government, and It's Coalition Allies!" 

And, (3) On Two Separate Occasions, During the Administration of Former United States President William J. Clinton, Terrorist Attacks Occurred! (a) The First One Took Place, On the 19th of April, 1995, When A Domestic Terrorist Attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, in Oklahoma City, Caused the Deaths of 168 People, and, Injured More than 680! 

It was Reported that, The Blast, either, Damaged or Destroyed, Approximately 324 Buildings within a 16 Block Radius! This Domestic Terror Attack was Caused by Timothy McVeigh, and, Terry Nichols! 
An Hour and a Half, after the Bombings, Timothy McVeigh was Arrested by Oklahoma State Trooper, Charlie Hanger, Originally because of Driving without a License Plate, and, Possession of Illegal Weapons! And, within Days, Forensic Evidence Connected Him to Terry Nichols! 

They were Both Convicted and Found Guilty in a Court of Law, in 1997! 
(Husband and Wife, Michael and Lori Fortier were, also, Arrested as Accomplices! And, On the 27th of May, 1998, Michael was Given a Reduced Sentence of 12 Years in Prison, and, Fined 
$75, 000 Dollars, and, Because of His Cooperation with Authorities, and, Testimony against McVeigh and Nichols,  Lori was Given Immunity)
McVeigh was Sentenced to Death, by Lethal Injection, on the 11th of June, 2001, and, Nichols, was Sentenced to Life in Prison, in 2004! 

And, (b) The Second Terrorist Attack, Occurred, On the 7th of August, 1998, During Former United States President William J. Clinton's  Administration, Approximately 250 People were Killed, Including 12 Americans, and, Thousands more were Injured, when Al-Qaeda Terrorists Bombed U.S. Embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. And, again, The U.S. Responded in Force with Operation Infinite Reach!"
The United Nations Security Council Passed Resolution 1189, Condemning the Bombings of the Two Embassies!

And, (4) The Terrorist Attacks that Took Place on the 11th of September, 2001, in the United States, When Four Passenger Airliners were Hijacked and Used as Instruments of Destruction and Death! Two, American Airline Flights 11 and 175, were Used to Crash into the North and South Towers of World Trade Center Complex, and, the Third, American Airline Flight 77, was Used to Attack the Pentagon, in Arlington County, Virginia (the Headquarters of the U.S. Department of Defense) and, Because of the Heroics of Passengers on the Fourth Passenger Airline, who Tried Their Best to Overcome the Hijackers, United Airline Flight 93, that was Headed for Washington, D.C., Instead, Crashed into a Field Near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, that Caused a Total of 2,996 Deaths (including 19 Terrorists). 
(Al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden, "Claimed Responsibility for the Attacks!")

And, On the 18th of September, Former President George W. Bush Signed an Authorization by the U.S. Congress "to Use the United States Armed Forces against Those Responsible for the Attacks on September 11th!"
(Osama bin Laden, the Founder and Head of Al-Qaeda was Killed in a Raid on His Compound, in Abbottabad, Pakistan, On the 2nd of May, 2011, by U.S. Navy SEALS of the U.S. Naval Special Warfare Development Group!) 

And, (5) The Boston Marathon Bombings, on the 15th of April, 2013, Occurred During President Barack Obama's Administration,  Causing the Deaths of 3 Innocent Victim's, and Injured Approximately 264 Others. 
The Manhunt for the Perpetrators, The Tsarnaev Brothers, Resulted in Tamerlan, the Older Brother, Being Shot and Killed in a Gun Fight with Law Enforcement Officers, and, Dzhokhar, was Captured and, on the 8th of April, 2015, Found Guilty on All Charges, and, One Month Later, Sentenced to Death! 
(They learned how to make the Devices from an Online Al-Qaeda Affiliate in Yemen) Dzhokhar, also, Revealed that They, also, Planned to Bomb Time Square, in New York City! 

And, "Since September 11, 2001," There have Been "One Horrific Terrorist Attack after Another" Causing Deaths in the United Kingdom, France, Denmark, Israel, Turkey, Afghanistan, and, Unfortunately, All over the World!"

(And, As has, Just Recently, Been, "Reported by the Global Cross-Media News Universe," 
Two Anti-ISIS Activists, 22 year old, Ibrahim Abdel Qader, and, 20 year old, Fares Hammadi, Both, Members of the Citizen-Journalist Group, "Raqqa," were Found in An Apartment, in the Town of Sanliurfa, Turkey, on Friday, the 30th of October, 2015, Stabbed Multiple Times and Beheaded! They were Betrayed by a Member of ISIS, who Pretended that He was Defector and "Wanted to Help Them!") 

"These are Just Some of the Tragic Examples, Exemplifying, and, Encapsulating the Ongoing Violence, Regional Conflicts, and, War on Terror" that, has "Spread like a Plague from the Middle East, East Africa, and, North Africa, to the World!"

And, "Recent Tensions," in This Region, and, "The Evolving Circumstances" that, have Prevailed, have "Brought on A Sense of Human Emergency of Massive Proportions," "Causing a Vast Migration of Families from the Middle East, and, North Africa, to Undertake Perilous Life and Death Journey's, Across Land and Sea, to Europe!" And, "New Perils Lie Ahead as Autumn and Winter Seasons Threaten to Make Their Lives even More Precarious," with, "the Prospect of Death and Suffering Lying in Wait, in Their Future!" But, "Hopefully," There will Be, "A New Home, and Financial Security For Their Families!"

(The Deaths of 224 Passengers who Died in the Crash of  the Russian Metrojet Airbus A-321, in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, on Saturday, the 31st of October, is a Tragic Aside to the Unstable Conditions in the Middle East. We Send Our Sincerest Condolences to the Families and Friends of These Unfortunate Passengers and Crew members, Children, Women, and Men, who were Returning Home from Spending Holidays in Egypt. An ISIS-Affiliated Group Claims Responsibility for the Deaths, and, Destruction of this Flight)   

And, "The Fact that New Partnerships and Coalitions are Causing Divisions amongst Sovereign Nations/States," and, amongst Religious Groups, who are "Involved in the War and Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa," "The Immediacy of A Global Military Engagement against Terrorism Must Be Enacted upon without Further Delay!"

"The Recent Meeting in Vienna, on the 29th and 30th of October, 2015,  by 12 Concerned Nations, Including, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iran, Turkey, and, the United States, Should Be the First amongst Many," More than "Once Every 2 Week's," as is Being Proposed (a la the P5+1  Meetings with Iran) to Discuss and Organize, 
(1) the  Implementation of a Clear, Concise, and Coordinated Military and Diplomatic Approach/Strategy to Rid the World of the Threat of Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates and Their Allies, Whomever They May Be, and, 

(2) the Future of President Bashar al-Assad!

"It Should Be Obvious" by Now, that "Global Instability, and, the Global Economy will Continue to Suffer," While the Middle East Continues to Exist as a War Torn Region! 
And, "The Threat to World Interests" will "Continue to have a Negative Impact on the Living Conditions of Millions of People throughout the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe!"   

"Russia and Iran have Their Own Agenda, in Support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad," while "the United States and More than Sixty Coalition Nations have Theirs, that Excludes Syrian President Bashar al-Assad!"
"These Conflicting Strategies Must Merge Together," and, "Evolve into A Cohesive Global Strategy that Does Not Marginalize the War on Terror," instead, "Moves Aggressively Towards A Victorious Conclusion In the War against Daesh, and, All of the Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates, in Total!" 
And, "Allows For the Millions of Refugee's that have Been Forced from Their Homes, "Living in Foreign Countries," to "Return with Their Families to Their Respective Nations!"

And, also, "This Cohesive Global Strategy," "Must Put An End to the Imperialistic Designs of Any Nation or World Leader!"

And, "It's Time For The U.S. Congress to Agree" ( as President Obama Requested, on the 11th of February, 2015,) "To Authorize the Limited Use of Military Armed Force (AUMF) against the Islamic State of Iraq, and The Levant (ISIL/ISIS)." Now, Known as Daesh! 

Or, "They Must Draft and Vote on" "A Declaration of War, in Conjunction with the United Nations, against the Forces of Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates!" And, "Explicitly Name the Syndicates," That, are "An Immediate National Security Threat" against "the Interests of the United States," and, "All the Civilized Nations of the Earth," and, "Make Them," (these Extreme Radical Terrorist Syndicates) "The Core and Central Focal Point of This Declaration!"
"Congress Must Back up Its Rhetoric with Legislative Action!" "Now!" "In the Name Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" This was "the Vision of The Founders" and, "Should Be Respected, as such, For The Sake of The Democracy and The Republic!" And, "All The People of The Earth, who Believe in, and, Desire to Live in Peace!"

"The Earth is," Once again, at "A Perilous Crossroads of War and Peace!" And, "The World's Populace Must Be Clearly Informed of this!"

"Tyrants, Dictators, Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates, and Crime/Drug Lords, and, Those who are Complicit with Their Actions Must Not Be Allowed to Continue to Threaten, Bully, or Negatively Manipulate Our Lives!" "They Must Not Be Allowed to Continue as Thus!"

And, "World Partners of Peace," "You Who have Committed Your Armed Forces In the Defense of Our Sovereign Right to Live As A Free People," It is "Now," that "You Must Engage the Forces of Evil" with "A Global Military Strategy that Leads to Nothing Less than Total Victory!"

And, "Then the Serious Business of The Total Reconstruction of An Infrastructure that is Built upon A Global Vision of A Thriving Peace Time Economic, and, Sociological, Strategy that Empowers The People," Irregardless of Race, Color, Creed, Gender, or Nationality, "Must Begin!"

And, "Together with The Earths Populace, Build An Enlightened and Cognitive Society Of, By, and, For The People!"

Combined with, "A Law of the Earth that Is Built upon A Platform of Justice and Integrity," and, "Defended by A Soul Force of Warriors of The Truth!"
This is, "The Moment in Time," "For The Warriors and Partners of Peace to Be Victorious," 
"For The Sake of The World, For The Benefit of The World, and, For Future Generations to Come!"
"A Twenty-first Century World" that "The Leaders of The Earths Nations," and "The People of The World Must Build Together, in The Name of Peace and Prosperity For One and All!"

And, There is "No Quiting," until "We have Won An Everlasting Peace!" And, "There is No Looking Back in Fear or Regret!" "We Must Be Victorious,"  Because, "There Can Not Be Any Compromise with Evil!" 

And, "All of the Armed Forces of Our Partners of Peace, Must Enjoy a Shared Victory, Equally, For, "There is No Doubt," that "The Sacrifice, Effort, and Magnitude of This Global Military Engagement" will Cost a Multitude of Lives!" And, "the Tears that will Flow will Seem Endless!"

And, So, Clearly, "It is of the Utmost Importance," that, "In Light of this Sacrifice, Effort, and Probable Loss of Life, of This New Global Military Engagement," "Whatever Diplomatic Efforts Entered into on Behalf of We The People," "Must Be Equal to the Demands Being Asked of Us by the Leaders of Our Governments, and, the Military Generals of Our Armed Forces!" 
And, "Most of All, Negotiations Must Be Made in An Atmosphere of Achieving An Honest Peace on Earth!" For, "So Much is The Cost!"

So, that "A New Age of Technological, Scientific, Cultural, Educational, Cognitive and Spiritual Awareness, Will Emerge!" Coupled with "New Advances in Alternative Energy Development, Intellectual Growth, Prescience Awareness, and A Collective Global Perceptivity and Inner Peace, Will Emerge!"

And, "An Age of Innovation, and, Research and Development that Eliminates Disease," and, "Job Creation that Gives Birth to Progressive and Imaginative Employment Opportunities," and, "the Spirit of Global Entrepreneurialism, and, Hope, Will Emerge!"

"A New Age of Compassion and Empathy, Reverence and Equality," and, "the Wonderment of Universal Exploration, Will Emerge!"

And, "A New Age of Diplomacy and Peace Dialogues" that "Create An Earthwise Conversation  between The World Leaders and Citizens of The Earth," that is "Focused on, and, Concentrated and Engaged in," "Making a Better World For One and All, sans Poverty!" And, "Without Homelessness!" And, "Without Fear, Distrust, Hatred, Prejudice, Hopelessness, and, Injustice, Will Emerge!"

And, "An Insightful World of New Challenges, Limitless Possibilities, Joyful Experiences, Peace of Mind, and, A Determination and Willingness to Transcend the Impediments, and Obstructions, that Lie in the Way of Any Attempt to Achieve and Enjoy the Realization and Fulfillment of A Positive and Fruitful Way of Life, Will Emerge!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries, "We are at the Crossroads of a New 21st Century Global Equation that Can No Longer Be Repaired with Temporary Fixes!"

And, "We Can Not Afford to Be Fooled again," by "Unrealistic Solutions, Trickery, False Political Rhetoric, Out Right Lies, or Tom Foolery of Whatever Nature!"

And, "We Can Not Afford to Be Manipulated by Ineptitude, Ignorance, and, Lack of Good Sense!"

"What We Need is, Knowledgeable, Just, Compassionate, Courageous, Experienced Military, Experienced Financial, Spiritual, Lawful, Philanthropic, and, Political Leaders" who "Excel in Public Service" and, "In Finding Solutions to the Continuous Flow of Global and Universal Issues, as They Present Themselves, from All Over The World!" 
For, This is, The Way to Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age of Global Equilibre, Social Security, Economic Parity, Justice, and Peace On Earth! 


Friday, October 23, 2015



The Way To Peace! #264

"You Don't have to Be a Republican, Independent, Democrat or Have Any Political Affiliation at All," to Know that "What Occurred Yesterday, October 22, 2015, at the United States House-Select Committee Hearing On Benghazi, was A Political Anathema in Today's Age of Very Partisan Politics!"

"The Promised Appearance of Former United States Secretary of State Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton, in Front of the House-Select Committee," conducted (and I use the term loosely) by Representative Gowdy, was "More Like A Medieval Inquisition," than "A Hearing to Investigate, or Search For New Solutions and Answers For the Attack on the United States Compound in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2012," that "Caused the Deaths of Four Brave Americans, Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, and Two Navy Seal Commandos, Tyrone Woods, and Glen Doherty, and, Sean Smith, an Information Manager!"  "Ten others were also Injured!"

"The Perpetrators (Extreme Radical Terrorist Group) that Caused this Attack is the Ansar al-Sharia," One of whom, Ahmed Abu Khattala,  a Senior Leader of the Militants, was "Recently Captured in Libya by U.S. Forces, on Sunday, the 18th of October, 2015," and, "has Admitted to Being One of the Militants Responsible For the Attack on the Benghazi Compound!"
(Which He Claimed was Due to the Video/Film that that Insulted Islam, and The Muslim Prophet Muhammad, that was Shown in the U.S. and Brought about Violent Clashes and Demonstrations All throughout the Middle East and North Africa!)

"To Those of You who Saw this Repugnant Debacle of a Hearing," It was "More Like Seeing the 7 Republicans of the U.S. House of Representatives, who Participated in this Committee," Chairman Trey Gowdy from South Carolina, Mike Pompeo, from Kansas, Jim Jordan from Ohio, Susan Brooks from Indiana, Peter Roskam from Illinois, Lynn Westmoreland from Georgia, and, Martha Roby, from Alabama, "All Trying Their Very Best to Break Former U.S Secretary of State of State Clinton," and "Get a "Gotcha Moment," "Rather than Seeking For The Truth, or Discovering New Way's of Preventing Another Tragedy of this Nature from ever Happening again," For the Sake of, (1) The Families who Lost a Loved One in the Attack, and, (2) For the Members of the Diplomatic Service who are "Constantly in Dangerous Locations, and, or, Where Potentially Explosive Situations, May Take Place, such as, In Yemen, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, or Libya!"

"These 7 Republicans" Deserve "No Badges of Courage or Medals" For "Their Partisan Behaviour, in this Brutal, and at Times, Totally Disrespectful Line of Questioningly" (without waiting for an Answer from Former Secretary Clinton in Many Occasions)! And, "They will Be Remembered as Participating in One of the Least Admirable and Dis-Respected House-Select Investigatory Committees on Record!"

On the Other Hand, "Former U.S. Secretary of State Clinton's Appearance in Front of this Committee" will Be Long Remembered as, "Being A Profile in Courage" under "the Barrage of a Vicious Negative Line of Questioning, For More than 9 Hours" (11 Hours in Total, including Breaks), that "Finally Concluded at Approximately 9 PM Thursday Evening!" 
And, As, "It Resembled More Like A Medieval Inquisition than a Hearing," in this Case "the Political Heretics were the Republicans!"

"They Behaved Abhorrently For Everyone to See!" And, Unfortunately, "The Hearing became An Ugly Display of Partisan Politics at It's Worst!"

But, If there ever was "An Example of Restraint and Equanimity under Fire," and "How to Act when Being Continuously Bombarded with Verbal Abuse" by These 7 Members of the U.S. House of Representatives, "There Sat Secretary Clinton!" "It was Truly a Formidable and Admirable Act of Courage that is Seldom Seen in Today's Political Arena!"

"The Secretary Took One Verbal Attack after Another," with "A Grace that Took and Incredible Display of Strength of Character," that "Went on For More than 9 Hours!" "More than Any Other Individual who was Asked to Testify in Front of the Committee!"

"The Secretary Answered Questions that Became Increasingly Redundant and Aggressive" over this Time Period, "Succinctly (for the most part), and to the Best of Her Ability" (the Description of Her activities the Day of the Attack on the U.S. Benghazi Compound was Riveting and Mesmerizing )! "All of Which was Evident, even to, An Un-Experienced Person!"
And, "All the While the Republican Men, and Women, Continued to Heap Their Mountain Dis-respectful and Unwarranted Verbiage upon Her!"

And, "At Times, It was Apparent" that "They" Did Not Care as Much to Hear what Secretary Clinton's Answer's were," as Much as, It Appeared, "They" Wanted to Hear Themselves Cast Their Aspersions upon Her!"

"We were Fortunate to See and Hear Moments of Rebuttal, when It was Time For the 5 Democrats on the Committee," Ranking Member Elijah Cummings from Maryland, Adam Schiff from California, Tammy Duckworth from Illinois, Adam Smith from Washington, and Linda Sanchez from California, "Ask Their Questions, Make Their Observations, and Express Their Deep Regrets, and Dismay" over the "Way the Republicans had Handled the Committee and Questioning of Secretary Clinton!"

"Representative Duckworths's Questions were Purposeful and Knowledgeable," and, "All of the Democrats Displayed the Proper Sense of Decorum Due to a U.S. Secretary of State!" 
And, "Representative Cummings, Showed the Truth," that "He has Always Exemplified as A Civil Rights Leader and As a Highly Respected Member of the U.S. House of Representatives!"
And, "This was Beyond Party Loyalty," "This was a Demonstration of Respect For the Office of U.S. Secretary of State, and, the Secretary!" And, of "the Way a Hearing of this Nature, Magnitude, and Importance Should be Held!" And, "We Commend Them For Doing so!"

And, "We" also "Commend Them For Resisting the Temptation to Boycott this Committee Hearing!" "There would have been A Serious Imbalance," if "They had Not been There!" 
"Which would have Been Unbearable to See," and, "A Political Blight on Our Democrat Principles!"

"The Dismissive Attitude of the Republican's on the Committee," in Regards to "Previous Hearings on Benghazi, was "a Display of Arrogance and Dis-Respect that was Very Difficult to Watch!"

And, "Although the Republicans Used the Accountability Review Board" (the ARB) that was Chaired by Ambassador Thomas J. Pickering, and, Vice Chairman by Admiral Michael Mullen, USN (retired), Convened in 2012 by Secretary Clinton, "to Their Benefit, or, to Support Their Points of Contention," whenever "They Saw Fit to Do so," "They" also by "Their Dismissive Attitude and Arrogance," "Besmirched the Conclusions of the ARB, and the Years of Experience and Service of U.S. Admiral Mullen and Ambassador Pickering," who are "Two of the Most Highly Respected Diplomatic and Military Figures in America!"
And, "It was Former Secretary Clinton, who after Approximately 11 Hours had Gone by,"  who "Spoke Passionately and Eloquently of the Exemplary Service and Character of both of these Two American Citizens!"

But, If It was "Some Sense of Glory, or Redemption" that, These 7 Republicans Sought after," 
"All in Fact, They Achieved was just The Opposite,"A Moment in Political Infamy!"
However, At the Least, "The Nations of The World had a Real Opportunity to See Our Democracy in Action, For Better or For Worst!"

"War is Hell!" And, "the United States has Been in One State of Conflict or War after Another For More than A Decade," and, "Unfortunately, There Appears to Be No Immediate End in Sight," Due to The War on Terror (the Overseas Contingency Operations), the Ongoing War and Conflict in the Middle East with Syria, Daesh, Iraq, Iran, and Turkey, amongst More than 60 Other Coalition Nations Involved, (Some who Support the U.S. and United Nations Strategies, Some who are Aligned with Syria, Iran, and Russia)! And, Then There's the Escalation of New/Old Tensions with the States of Israel, and Palestine, and, the Ever Persistent Tensions in the Sovereign State of Ukraine, in which Russian Supporters and Russia are Directly Involved, "to Name just a Few of The Most Inflamed Areas of Aggression and Oppression that are Threatening World Stability" and "Driving Millions of Families from Their Homes!" 
All the More Reason, "Why, Politicians Should Refrain from the Partisan Party Politics," that "We The People, Saw on Display," Yesterday, "In the U.S. House-Select Committee Hearing on Benghazi!"

However, On a Lasting Note, "to See Former Secretary of State Clinton Shake Hands with All the Member's of The Committee, Republican and Democrat," after "9 Hours (11 in Total) of Being Attacked by the 7 Republican's on the Committee," over and over, "Gave Hope to the Future of American Politics," and, "Left No Doubt," that, This is "A Leader that We Can All Be Proud of!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries, "Let Us Show Reason and Factuality, Where There is Chaos and Instability!"

And, "Let Us Show Empathy and Compassion Where There is Arrogance and Abuse!"

And, "Let Us Show Soul Strength, and The Willingness to Defend the Principles of Freedom, Justice, and Peace, Where There is Anarchy, Oppression, Lust of Power, and Lies!"

And, "Let Us Give Hope to Those Who've Given Up!" And, "Let Us Share An Earthrise Vision of Innovation, and Opportunity, Plus A Cognitive, Spiritual Universe of Awareness, Where There is A Void of Hopelessness!"

And, "Let Us Share the Joy of Life and the All the Natural Fruits of This Planet Earth with The Many Who Have Left Behind All Their Possessions," and, "Have Nothing, But Each Other," "Families who are Now Living as Wandering Migrants, and Refugee's of War and Violence, in Search of A New Home!" 
"No Woman and Man Should Live in Poverty!" And, "No Child Should Ever Go without A Home to Call Their Own!"
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age of Peace, Global Equilibre, Justice, Truth, Economic Parity, and Security on Earth! 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015



The Way To Peace! #178 Revisited

"The World of The 21st Century," Should Resemble A Unified World! A Global Community, "Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth! And, An Age of, Heroines and Heroes, "Of Peace, By The Glory Of Peace, and, For The Sake Of Peace, For The World!"

And, An Age of, Volunteer Workers, Who In Times of Severe Crisis, are Willing, Ready, and, Able, To Come Forward, To Aid Their Fellow Citizens, and, Neighbors, Who've had Their Homes Destroyed, and Seen Their Communities Wiped Out By Natural Disasters! 

Women and Men, Who are Truly, "Volunteers Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

"The World of The 21st Century," Should Resemble A Unified World of, Political Leaders who have "Vowed to Legislate on Behalf Of The People, and, Be True Representatives Of The People!" Including "Financial, Religious, and, Military Leaders, Who Realize The Seriousness of Their Responsibilities to Their Fellow Human Being, To Make A Better World!"

And, also, Who have Dedicated Themselves, To Make The Economical, Spiritual, Political, Sociological, Personal and Universal Reforms, that, Will Guarantee, The Social/Financial Security, Health, and, Welfare, that, Will Grace and Empower, The Earths Communities, and, Enhance The Quality of Life Experiences, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

"The World of The 21st Century," Should Resemble A Unified World of, Philosophers, Voices of Reason, Philanthropists, and, Peacemakers of, True Heart, Mind, and, Soul, Whose Vision Of The Earth is, Consistent with, The Idea's, Hopes, and, Earthrise Vision Path, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth! Whose Teaching and Activism, Fully Supports, The Fact that, "We The People," are Citizens of "One World!" "We were Born on This Planet Earth, and, are "One and All," Sovereign Citizens of, This, The Third Planet from The Sun!" 

And, "Irregardless of the Lies, and False Rhetoric" that "We" Have Been Taught To Believe in by Obstructionists, or, Segregationists, or, by "A Manipulative, Selfish, Egotistical, Conditioned Global Oligarchy," or, by "Those World Leaders whose Strategies and Imperialistic Designs are World Domination," "Let Us, always, Remember that in Times Gone by, When The World has United in It's Fight against Oppressors, Dictators, and, Corrupt Financial Institutions, in the Name of Freedom, Justice and Peace, "The World has been Victorious!"
And, "Let Us Find Peace of Mind and Purpose in Knowing that History has Recorded that Truth, Peace, and Justice has Prevailed!"
But, "Now Comes The Greatest Challenge of All to Accept and Respect Each Other!"

(And, Let there Be, "No Doubt" that "This is Not the Time to Be Building Wall's to Keep People Out, Let Us instead, Show Beneficence to Our Fellow Human Being, It's Time to Build Homes to Keep People Secure," and, that Includes Migrants, Transients, The Homeless, Refugee's, and The Poor, "Safe and Secure from Harms way!")

(And, The Leaders of the Worlds Major Industrialized Nations Must take a Leadership Role in This Effort a la the G-7, sans Russia!) 
(Russia, Must Decide Whether it will Act as a True Coalition Partner with The Civilized Nations of The World, As It Did with the P5 +1, For example, But, Not only to Work Towards Preventing Further Nuclear Proliferation, But, also, to (1) Come to the Aid of Those who are in Need, and (2) Respect the Rights of All Sovereign Nations of the World who Believe in Peace, and the Well Being of It's Citizens!)


"The World of The 21st Century," Should Resemble A Unified World, Driven By, A Peace Time Economy, and, An Age of Green Industrialization, and, Entrepreneurialism! Empowered by, A New Equation Aligning Innovation, Ecological Concerns, Space Exploration, Global Stimulus Programs,  International Trade Agreements, and, An Ever Expanding Growth in Hi-Tech, and, Science, All of Which Should Give Birth to A New Age of Global Employment Expansion and Job Security For the Earth's Populace!

And, A Unified World Of Enlightened Omniscience! Strengthened and Illuminated By, A Committed Generation of, Teachers, World Leaders, and, Parents, Combined with, A Compassionate, Purposeful, and, Universally Minded Generation of, Scientists, Engineers, and, Visionaries, Who Represent A Technologically Inspired, "Human Conscious Awareness!" Who are, also, An Environmental, Ecological, and, Morally Aware Group Of, "Interdependent Individuals," Who are, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of This Planet Earth! 

And, An Age Where "Journalistic Integrity" is "The Motto/Axiom of The Global Cross-Media News Universe!" And, American Broadcast Journalist and CBS Evening News Anchorman Walter Cronkite Still Remains the Model For Journalistic Integrity and the Image that Most Serious Journalists Aim for! (In the 1960s and the 1970s Walter Cronkite was Referred to as Being "The Most Trusted Man in America!")

(Truly, At a Time when The World is Rife with Real Life Stories of Heartbreaking Human Drama as Migrants Undergo Life and Death Journey's in Search of a New Home, and, the Serious Effects of Climate Change, the Ongoing War in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan, and the Escalation of Violence between the Sovereign Nations/States of Israel and Palestine in the Middle East, the Victorious Election of Liberal Candidate Justin Pierre James Trudeau (the Son of Former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau) as the New Prime Minister-Designate of Canada, and, the Courageous  Act's of Heroism in the Face of Terrorist Attacks, and, Domestic Violence, and, the Selfless Act's of Volunteerism, and Public Service, as Flash Floods, and Fire's Destroy Homes, and Businesses, Leaving Families Possession less and Homeless, or the Impoverished State of Hundred's of Millions of People Worldwide, "The Global Cross-Media News Blitz' Focus" on, 
(1) "The Fascination over Whether Joseph Biden, the 47th U.S. Vice President of the United States, Enters the Race for the Nominee of the Democrat Party for President, or, 

(2) Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's appearance in front of, yet, Another House Committee Investigation in the Benghazi Tragedy  (This Most Recent One, the 8th, has Cost U.S. Tax payer almost 5 Million Dollars), and, the Obsession with Her Emails, or, 

(3) Providing the Irreverent Political Campaign of Billionaire Donald Trump, to Become the Republican Party Nominee For President of the United States, with Virtually Free Air Time and Publicity, or, 

(4) Who will Become the New Republican Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Should Take a Lesser Role in Their Reportage!" There is a "Much Greater Universe of Human Related Issues" that is of "Considerately More Significance to the Welfare of A World in Need of The Truth," and, "The News!")


"The World of The 21st Century," Should Be An Age of Opportunity and Fulfillment, and, A Unified World of, Honorable, Principled, and Intelligent Young Women and Men, Who've Enlisted in Our Armed Forces, To Defend The Rights, Principles, Laws, and, Freedoms, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
Brave and Courageous Women and Men, Who've Volunteered and Dedicated Their Lives To Be, "Protectors and Defenders Of The People," and, Resistant To The Hostile, Evil, and Oppressive Directives of, Dictators, Tyrants, Organize Crime/Drug Lords, and, Agents of Corruption, Greed, Lust, and, Violence!

(And, Let there Be, "No Doubt," "As We Continue to Pursue New Global Approaches to Put An End to The Culture of War and Gun-Related Violence" that Continues to Threaten Our Earth, and, Our Lives, that "A Powerful, Global Military Defense and Response to Aggression, Coupled with Global Diplomatic Efforts, are The Most Formidable Way to Maintain Peace!" And, Let Us "Not Doubt This For One Nanosecond!")

(And, Let there Be, "No Doubt" that The Global War on Terror Continues to Exist and Threatens All Our Lives," and, that "Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates are Willing to Commit Any Atrocity, such as, Torture, or, Act as Suicide Bombers, to Commit Their Dishonorable Acts of Violence to Murder, Maim, or Injure Innocent Bystanders, Children, Mothers and Fathers," if "They Believe that this will Lead to Their Advantage!")

(And, Let there Be, "No Doubt" that "These Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates and Their Cohorts and Militias" have "No Respect For Our Cultures, Principles, Values, or Individual Freedoms," Nor do, "They Show Any Reverence For Our Families, Religious Freedoms, or Sacred Sites!")

 (And, Let there Be, "No Doubt" in the Minds of The World Leaders of The United Nations that The Future of The World Depends on The Civilized Nations of The Earth Acting in Concert with One Another to Use Maximum Effort, and, All the Resources of Their Combined Military Power to Force An Absolute Submission and Capitulation of the Leaders and Followers of These Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates and Their Political Allies! Any Delay in Doing so, Will Cause only More Suffering, Destruction, and Tears!)

"The World of The 21st Century," Should Be Made up of A Unified World of Law Enforcement, Who are Dedicated To Protect, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, from The Predators, Who "Seek Out Our Children For Their Immoral Purposes!"
A Unified World of Law Enforcement Officials, "Who have Given a Solemn Oath, a Pledge, a Vow, that Guarantee's the Protection of Our Son's and Daughters, from The Predators who Attempt To Corrupt Them, Kidnap Them, Enslave Them, Coerce Them, and, Addict Them," "For Profit, or, For Their Own Evil Intentions!"

(But, Let there Be, "No Doubt," in Any one's Mind, that Our Law Enforcement Officials are "Not Exempt from Any Charge" if "They Perform an Unpremeditated Act of Violence Without Due Cause," against "We The People!" And, "Will Be Judged Guilty by Their Peers," if "They Do Not Demonstrate or Show Proof, or, Reason For Their Actions," in a Court of Law!" "They will Be Held Accountable For Their Actions as Everyone Else is!" And, Let there Be "No Doubt" that New Criminal Justice Reform is Needed!")


"The World of The 21st Century," Should Be A Unified World, that, Is Against Poverty! And, Against Homelessness! And, Against Racism! And, Against Gender Discrimination!

And, A Unified World, that, Recognizes, that, Without The Universes of Art and Culture, "We" Would Be Existing In A World, "With No Soul," and, Without, "The Creative, Interdependent, Free Flowing, Individualistic Expression of, Our Thoughts, Words, Idea's, and, Feelings!"

The Universes of Art and Culture Opens up Our Minds and Intellect to Imagine and See Things that We Never Thought Could Be! Entertaining Us, While Inspiring Us To Dream, Communicate and Pursue The Goals of A Lifetime of Visions! 

The Universes of Art and Culture Teaches Us How to Admire, Express, and Share The Beauty Of Life, and, The Joy Of Life,  and All the Natural Embodiment's of Life's Riches, It's Skies, Seas, Landscapes, and Celestial Bodies, and A Myriad Generations of Sentient Beings and The Quintessential Essence of The People Of The Earth, Their Soul and Indomitable Spirit!"

And, A Unified World Knowing, that, There is a Global Constitution, that Represents, "All The People," Irregardless of, Race, Creed, Gender, or, Nationality You May Be!
And, that "There is a Universal Emancipation Proclamation, and, Global Declaration of Independence, that Guarantee's that All Women and Men of The Earth are Free to Pursue An Interdependent Life of Their Own Choosing!" "As long as It is Respectful of The Rights of One and All to Live in Peace!" "Benefiting One and All," and, that "Provides Equal Justice For One and All!" 

"This Earthrise Vision of The 21st Century" is a Transcendental One, A Global Equation of What The World of The 21st Century Should Resemble, and, A Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium, "For Future Now Civilizations, and For An Endless Season Of Generation's of We The People," Citizens Of This Planet Earth, "For Millennia upon Millennia To Come!"


Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Heart, Mind, and Soul of The Twentieth, and, Twenty-first Centuries, "The Gift Of Life that We Behold," "Is Sacred," Just as, "The Lives Of All Sentient Beings," Of This Planet Earth, "Is Sacred!"
So, Let Us Resolutely, and, Determinedly, Continue To Sow The Seeds of "Our Earthrise Vision Path," "Of, By, and, For The People," Wherever The Eddies, Streams, Currents, Waves, and, Sometimes, Hurricane Winds Of Change, and Peace May Be! And, Wherever The Dawn Of A New Age Of Non-Violent Evolution, Revolution, and, The Birth Of New Worlds, and, New States Of Being, May Be!

And, Let Us Continue To Share, "The Good News," that, "We" are Here, Ready, Willing and Able, To Join and Support, The Course of Evolution, Wherever It May Occur, Each and Every One Of Us, As "A Great Soul Force," "Of, By, and, For The People," via, The Global Internet, and, The Social, and, Global Cross-Media Universes! And, via The Nexus of The Unlimited, Omnipotent, Non-Violent, Hi-Tech, Activist Communication Network, and, Links, "Of The People!"

And, Lets Continue To Spread The Idea's, Words, Thoughts, and, Actions of, "Our Peace and People Initiative," "For, (1) A Global Truce, and Peace Dialogues, and, 

(2) A New and Advanced Age of Job Creation, and Alternative Energy, and, 
(3) A Peace Time Economy," that, "Is Empowered By, The Development and Research of, An Eco-Vision Of Green Manufacturing and Productivity," that, "Graces and Enhances Our Quality Of Life, and, The Quality Of Life of, The Earths Environment and Ecology!" 
And, That, also, "Gives Birth To A New Age of Economic Growth, Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "via, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, Linkedin, Hi-Speed Computers and Algorithms Dedicated To Finding New Cures for The Diseases, that, have Scourged The Earth For Centuries!"

And, Lets Continue To Spread The Word, Thoughts, Idea's, and, Acts of Conscious Awareness, via, The Universes of Music, Dance, Theatre, Film, and, Thru All The Myriad Worlds of Art and Culture! 

And, also, via, Interviews, Newspapers, Magazines, Non-Violent Demonstrations and Marches, Sit Ins, Strikes, Activist Groups, The Vote, Cable, Network, and, Satellite TV and Radio, In Concert Performances, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms,,, .fr, .de, .com, iTunes, Telethons, X's, Napster, Fax's, Meditation, Contemplation, and, Thought Projection!

And, Let Us Continue To Rise To A Higher Ground Of Spiritual, Emotional, Physical, Intellectual, Personal, Sociological, and, Universal Heights of, Enlightened Consciousness, Equilibre, and Equanimity, On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, Change, Hope, and, Compassion, For Our Fellow Human Being, and, once again, For The Lives Of "All Sentient Beings" Of, This Planet Earth! For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Way To Heal and Cure The World! And, The Way To, A Peace Time Economy, Empowered and Driven By, A World Of Green Industrialization, and, Education!
And, This is, The Way To, An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent Peace Millennium!

Thursday, October 8, 2015



The Way To Peace! #263

Let's Put it Simply and Plainly, There are Too Many Obstructionists in The U.S. Congress!
"They Operate Under a the Name of One Political Ideology, Persuasion, or Another," However, Let's Not Be Fooled, "Their Primary Goal," (Now that "They have Unsuccessfully Prevented President Barack Obama from Being Re-Elected) is to "Obstruct the Obama Administration from Passing any Legislation," and, "It Doesn't Appear to Matter, Whether There's Any Meaningful Substance to His Proposals or Ideas!" "They Continue to Ignore, Delay, or, Stand in the Way of  Important Legislation!" 

Whether it Be; (1) Repair and Rebuild the Infrastructure of The U.S. and, by Doing so, Empower the U.S. Economy by Creating Jobs, as well as, the Obvious Need for Repairing Our Roads and Highways, Bridges, Dam's, and Ports, and Develop a High Speed Railway System, just to Name a Few of the Projects that Need Immediate Care, or,

(2) Pass New Gun Reform Legislation, (after  Yet Another Tragic Mass Shooting at Umpqua Community College, in Roseburg, Oregon, on the 1st of October, 2015, Killing Nine Innocent People, and Injuring Nine, You would Think that There Would Be a Sense of Urgency to Pass New Gun Reform Legislation), The Gunman took his own life!

(3) Pass New Immigration Reforms, and Take a Leadership Position in Dealing with The Migrant/Refugee Catastrophe that the United Nations of the World Must Find a Resolution for, and Provide Them with New Homes and Security and Safety from Their Oppressors!

(4) Pass the Letter from President Obama to Congress, on the 11th of February, 2015, "To Authorize the Limited Use of Military Armed Force (AUMF) against the Islamic State of Iraq, and The Levant (ISIL/ISIS)." Now, Known as Daesh! 
(It makes Sense Due to the Fact that The U.S. and at More than Sixty Sovereign Nations of The World are in A War against Terror! 

And then, Add to this The New Taliban Attacks in Kunduz, and North Afghanistan, and, the Global Cross-Media News Reports on the 7th of October, 2016, Reporting on Attempts by Gangs from the Former Soviet Union who Attempted to Smuggle and Sell Radioactive  Materials on The Black Market, in Moldova. (This Smuggling Attempt was Prevented by the FBI and Moldavian Police).

And, Let's Not Forgot that, Tensions with Russia Continue to Threaten the Fragile Stability in the Middle East, and, In the Sovereign Nation of Ukraine! 
It's Obvious that Russia has It's Own Agenda, that Includes Support of Syria's President Bashar al-Assad, at the Expense of the Strategies of the U.S. and It's Coalition Nations who are Dedicated and Committed to Be Victorious in Their War Against Daesh!

(And, The Accidental Attack on the International Hospital in Kunduz, in Afghanistan, on the 3rd, of October, 2015, that Caused the Deaths of 22 People, and, Injured More than 30, is A Tragic Example of the Consequence of An Ongoing War against the Taliban! However, the Mistaken Bombing of this Hospital, Operated by the International Aid Organization Doctors Without Borders, Needs Clarification! Who Authorized the Order for the Air strike, and, Why the Military Checks and Balances Failed in this Horrific Military Action, that Killed 10 Patients and, 12 Staff Members. War is Hell, But, This is a Mistake that Should Not have Happened! 
However, This is All the More Reason Why the U.S. Congress Should Involve Itself More Explicitly and Supportively in The Global War on Terror! There is Little Doubt that, These are Serious Times and the United States Must Be United in Purpose, in War and Peace!)

(5) Create New Environmental Legislation that Protects Our Planet Earth and "We The People," from the Abuse and Misuse of The Earth's Natural Resources, (Typhoon Dujuan that Caused 2 Deaths and Injured More than 300 People, and Brought Major Damage in Taiwan, on September 29, 2015, Hurricane Joaquin, and the Thunderous Rain Storms, that have Pummeled the Southeastern Region of the U.S. over the Last Week and a Half, plus, Flash Floods, have Caused  Major Damage, and, is All the More Reason For Why there Should Be Concern over Climate Change! 

"The Death Toll  has Risen to 17 in South Carolina and 2 in North Carolina," and, the Property Damage, that has Been Heart Breaking to Home Owners, Families, and the Business Community Across the State, and in the Region, is Approximately 1 Billion Dollars with Higher Expectations to Come! 
This is a Flood Disaster of the Highest Magnitude, North Carolina, and South Carolina, alone, have Received Rainfalls of Approximately 5.2 and 5.8 Trillion Gallons of Rain, Respectfully, and the Threats to the Dams have Compounded the Situation!

These Storms are a Part of the Ongoing Concern of World Leaders in regards to this New Age of Climate Warming, and, the Global Environmental and Ecological Changes that Need Constant Monitoring! Which is Why They will Be Meeting at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21 or CMP11), in Paris, France from November 30th to December 11, 2015. Where Their Goal will Be to Reach a "Legally Binding and Universal Agreement on Climate from All the Nations of the World!"

(6) Renew the Healthcare Program for 9/11 First Responders!

(7) Make Absolutely Positive that Our Veterans Receive Their Entitlements each Year, Including Their Pensions and Death Benefits to Their Families, and Their Disability Money! And, This Should All Take Place in a Timely Manner, without Long Delays involved!

(8) Be More Supportive of New Education Programs and Explore New Idea's For Keeping Tuition Costs For College Students at a Bear Minimum, or, For Free! (It's Not a Radical Idea at All, and, Countries such as Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Germany, and Brazil already have, Either, Low or Free Higher Education)

(9) And, the Politicization of Establishing Yet, Another Congressional Committee Must Come to An End! And, Now It's Planned Parenthood's Turn! This is Not a Helpful Political Strategy! In Fact, It's Become, Just Another Example in More of the Same Ole, Misleading/Political Rhetoric, without Ever having to Legislate!

(10) And, This is Not the Time to Wait until the Last Second to Make Rational Decisions in regards to Raising the Debt Ceiling, or Pass A New Bill to Fund the Highway Trust Fund!

I sincerely Believe "Our Founding Father's Would Be Astonished by The Deliberate Obstructionist Acts, Tactic's, and, Method's that These Member's of The U.S. Congress have Applied," and, "Continue to Utilize for Their Own Selfish Purposes," Such as; 
(1) Threatening to Shut Down The U.S. Government, at The Expense of The Countries Credit Rating, and Damaging the U.S. Economy, or (2) Threatening to Do so, once again!

And, "These Elected Officials Misguided Attempts to Impose Their False Rhetoric, and, Obstructionist Actions, Upon The Citizens of The United States.," at a Time, "When The World is In A War on Terror, and Global Economies have Not Fully Recovered," is Beyond Comprehension! 
"They have Taken An Oath" to "Represent We The People," and "We Expect Them to Make New Legislative Initiatives, Propose New Bills, and Vote on Them!"

And, Why Should "We The People" Embrace or "Desire the Idea of Smaller Government?" "When Our Founding Fathers were Explicit in Creating the Idea of A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" 
Any Attempt to Make a "Smaller Government," is "A Blatant Attempt to Lessen the Involvement of The Citizen's of The U.S. in The Electoral Process and a Government Of The People!" And, Just as Importantly, "Contrary to The Visionary, Statesmen, Diplomats, Jurists, Soldiers, and Politicians who Devoted Their Lives to Make Our Republic and Democracy A Reality!"

I Can Not Imagine, "How Frustrated it Must Be For Member's of the Congress who, Still  Believe in the Art of Collaborating on, and Passing New Legislation," that is "Beneficial to the Economic Stability, Development, Growth, and Sociological Evolution and Values Of The Citizens of the Unites States!" 

And, "In This Age of Global Expansion with New Trade Agreements such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership" (TPP), Which is "A Trade Agreement between the United States and 11 other Pacific Rim Nations," and, "the Outright Need For Global Coalitions Diplomatically and Militaristically," Whether it Be to "Empower the Recovery of Global Economies, or, In the Global War on Terror," "It Should Be Obvious" that, "This is Not the Time For Isolationist Policies or Smaller Government!" "It's Time For the U.S. Congress to Be Fully Engaged in The Times," For, As the Saying goes, "The Times They Are A-Changing!"

And, "It is Not the Time," Under the Guise of Smaller Government Rhetoric, For These Same Obstructionists to "Advance Their Goals of Privatization!"

"We are at A Twenty-first Century Crossroads of Our Civilization," and, "The Need For Global Economic Policies" that, "Both, Invest and Empower The Citizens of the World are Evermore In Need of!"

And, "While The People of This Earth are In Need of Financial Investment and Support from Financial Institutions, Charitable Foundations, the Global Banking System, Markets, and Individual Billionaires, Multi-Millionaires, and The Global Oligarchs," "We The People," "Definitively, Do Not Need The Profit Mongers," "who Led The World Down a Path of Financial Destruction in 2008, to Regain Possession of Our Lives, Once again!" 
"We Need Compassionate Leaders, Financially, Politically, Militarily, Diplomatically, Philanthropically, and Spiritually, to Make a Better World For We The People!" A Just World! And, "A World of Faith and Opportunity For All The People's of This Planet Earth!"

"Our Founding Fathers and Mother's Created a Grand Idea," It was "A Vision of How a Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People, Would Function!"
Where There Would Be Three Distinct and Separate Branches of The Federal Government, The Executive (The President and Federal Employees)), Legislative (including the Senate and House of Representatives), and Judicial (The Supreme Court and Lower Courts)!
And, The U.S. Congress Made up of The House of Representatives, and the Senate were Established to Create and Pass Legislation For The People!" "Which is Exactly the Opposite of What the Present Congress is Doing!" 
And, "The President had The Power of The Veto at His Disposal," (or Her Disposal, Here in the 21st Century) but, "Congress had been Given the Power to Over Turn it!"

"The Founders Created a Grand Idea of Government," with "A Sense of Purpose For The People," and, "A Sense of Balance, to Deal with any Attempts to Obstruct or Impede the Political Process from Taking Place!"

And, in addition, "The Concept of a Federal Government was Established to Balance out The Overall Powers of State Governments!" And, with "The Electoral Process Clearly in Place, a True Federal Republic and Democracy was Born," "Giving Birth to the Declaration of Independence," in which Congress Gave Approval of The Final Text, on July 4, 1776, and, "Signed on August 2, 1776," and, "the  Constitution of the United States," Created on September 17, 1787, and, "Ratified on June 21, 1788."

However, "Today, A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," 
"Does Not Appear to  have Very Much Appeal to a Great Many Member's of The U.S. Congress!" 
"These Elected Officials" of The U.S. Congress, "Do Not Appear to Care about Passing New Legislation For The People," as Much as, "They Appear to Care about Being Re-Elected," or, "Obtaining the Campaign Finance They Need to Run For Re-Election, or Get Elected For the First Time!" 

And, "As We are All  Too Aware of," in the U.S. "There is Virtually An Unlimited Amount of Campaign Finance to Be Had," As a Result of New Campaign Finance Laws, that have "Provided Super PACs, with An Endless Flow of Money," and, "a Power to Effect in Whom the Party Nominee Will Be," and, "Who Gets The Golden Ring!"

"Is This what Our Founders had in Mind?" I Think Not! "To Be Controlled by Super PACs, Billionaires, Wall St., and The World of Big Business?" Without Being a Psychic or a Visionary, 
"I Believe that I Can say, I Think Not!"

And, "While We May Be Forced to Have to Deal with Too Much Money in Our Election Campaigns," I Believe that "We The People," Citizens of The United States of America, 
"Do Not Wish This Present Election Process to Exist For Our Children or For Future Generations," and, "We Will, Eventually, Bring Enough Pressure on Our Politicians and Legal Authorities to Return Our Election Campaigns to a Public Forum," "Where Each and Every Person's Vote is Valued and Treasured above The Choices of the Elite, or, the Oligarchs/Political Power Brokers!" And, Return it to The Original Constitutional Principle and Significance of, "One Person, One Vote!"

But, to Do This, "The Global Cross-Media News Universe and the Social Media Must Bring Great Pressure upon These Obstructionists and the Supreme Court to Support Our Democracy/Republic, as much as, They Support Our Capitalistic Economic Policies and Ideology!"

"His Holiness Pope Francis" Spoke Passionately and Sincerely about the "Need For A Dialogue with The People," in Front of the U.S. Congress! "He Did Not Speak of Exclusivity of The People!"
And, "He Did Not Speak of Minimizing the Government," or "Shutting Down the Government For any Reason!"
And, "His Holiness, Did Not Speak about Building Walls, to Keep Out Immigrants or Migrants, Fleeing from Oppression," instead, "He said," Exactly the Opposite, Including that "He, Himself, was An Immigrant!"

So, "Who are These Representatives of The People," These Obstructionists, and, "Who are The People, They Represent!"
"Do They Represent The Majority of Americans?" I Do Not Think so! And, "What of Their Public Approval Rating?" "It's at the Lowest since Polling became a Way of Life in Politics!"
So, Let's Do the Math, "They Do Not Represent the Majority of Americans, and Their Polling Numbers at the Lowest Point in Polling History!" So, Isn't it Time that "We Fired Them, in The Next Elections!" And, By Doing so, "Say No to Their Policies of Exclusion!" And, "Say No to Their Policies of Privatization!" And, "No to Their Attempts of Obstruction!"

And, "Yes, They  May be Temporarily Protected by Recent Redistricting Laws," But, "Eventually Our Day Will Come!"

And though, "President Obama's Tenure in Office is In It's Final Ebb and Flow of Time," "It is of The Utmost Importance that the Tyrants, Dictators, Radical Extreme Terror Syndicates, and Global Enemies of The United States See that Our Government is Able to Transcend It's Differences and Stand Firm in the Face of Oppression, Wherever It May Occur on This Planet Earth!"
And, "It is of the Utmost Importance" that "These Oppressors of Freedom," are "Not Able to Take Advantage of this Leadership and Political Change in Power in the United States, For Their Evil Purposes!

So, "Let This Moment in Time Demonstrate the True Vigor, Courageous, and, Inspirational Leadership that a Government of a Great Nation Represents," "Especially, As the Political Campaign For Who Will Become the Party Nominees For President and Vice President of the United States Continues to Evolve Thru Its Political Process," Towards Its Eventual Conclusion, on Tuesday, the 8th, of November, 2016, "When the 58th Quadrennial U.S. Presidential Election is Decided Upon!" 

And, "If These Elected Officials/Obstructionists, Continue to Ignore and Not Embrace the Grand Significance of What The Founders Created For We The People," then, "They" have a, "Simple Choice to Make," Either, "Resign," or else, "We Will Vote Them Out of Office!" And, "Replace Them with True Public Servants and Representatives Of The People!"

"This is An All Important and Fundamental Change that is Needed in U.S. Politics," and, "In Fact, Is Needed within All The Governments of the World," that, "There be A True Representation Of, By, and For The People!" 

And, While Not Excluding Them, "The Founder's Idea was Not to Create a Government Of The Lobbyists, or, Of The Banks, or, Of Wall Street, and Big Business!" 
"The Founder's Created a Government Of The People!"

Call it "A Political or Ideological Change that Gives Birth to A New Era of Hope, Reason, Peace and Hope!" And, "A New Spirit of Cooperation!"

Call it "An Amalgamation of Global Principles and Ideals that Empowers The People!" 
And, "That Care's For All The People's of The World!"
"An Earthwise Era of Reason and Compassion, For All The People's of The World!"
And, "A Time when Peace Time Economics is The Driving Force Behind the Global Economy!"

And, "A Time when Poverty, No Longer Exists," and, "The Threat to The Earth's Ecology, No Longer Exists!"

And, "A Time when The Positive Benefits of A Global Civilization is Shared by All the People's of This Planet Earth, In Equilibre!"

And lastly, "A Time when Development and Research in Energy, Technology, Science, Education, and Healthcare, Enrich the Quality of Life of All The People of The Earth!" And, "Not Just the Few Corporations, Institutions, and Oligarchs, who Prosper, solely, At the Expense of, and, Without Giving An Appropriate Share of Their Riches to, The Families, Women, Men, and Children," who are, "In Fact, The Backbone of The World Economies, and Their Industries!" "The Consumers Of The World!"

"It's a Simple Equation of Economics and Understanding," "Without The People," What Would the Worlds of Finance Be? "Rien," as The French Would say! Think about it, Absolutely, "Nothing!"

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers of the 21st and 20th Centuries, "We Find Ourselves," at "The Juncture" of Yet, "Another Economic, Militaristic, Spiritual,and Political Crossroads, Here in the Second Decade of the Twenty-first Century!" And, "From a Cognitive Point of View, "We have Learned a Great Deal!"
For one, "History has Shown Us the Foolishness of Our Ways," and, "Yet There are Some amongst Us who Would have Us Go Down Paths that Can only Lead to Death and Destruction, once again!"

So, "Let Us Show Great Determination in Not Repeating the Blunders of The Past!"

And, "Let Us Not Repeat The Mistakes that have Led Us Down the Path of Economic Ruin, and Chaos!" And, "The Loss of Our Homes, and, Bank Accounts, and Seen the Break up of Our Families!"

Let Us, instead, "Continue to Evolve as A Global Civilization of A United People, who Aspire to A Global Vision that is All Inclusive, Not Divisive!"
"An Earthwise Vision that is Empathetic, Transcendent, and Peaceful!"
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omniscient, Omnipotent, and, Omnipresent Age of Peace, Justice, and, Social Security! And, The Way to An Unparalleled Era of Civilized Existence On Earth! And, "An Illuminated Soul Force Of, By, and, For The People!"