Monday, November 2, 2015



The Way To Peace! #265

"If We are to Ever Get Out of This Endless Spiraling Nightmare of War," The Coalition Leaders of the World's Civilized Nations, who "Believe in the Grand Idea of Peace on Earth," Must Make it "Absolutely Clear and Understandable to All the People of the World," the "Reason Why A Global Armed Incursion Must Take Place to Defeat the Enemies of the Sovereign People of the Earth, Now!" 
And, also, In Doing so, "Present a Clear Vision to What the Future Can Be without the Evil Intentions and Actions of Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates, Tyrant's, Dictator's, and, World Leaders who have Imperialistic Designs on the Future of the Earth!"

And, "The Leaders of the United Nations" Must "Individually Explain to Their Fellow Citizens," of this Planet Earth, the "National Security Threat that These Evil Forces Present!" 

And, "An Earthwise Strategy Must Be Agreed to by All the Leaders of The Earths Nations," that "Commits Them to Pursue the Necessity of An All Out Attack" upon "These Barbaric Forces of Evil, Chaos, Torture, and, Oppression!"

This is More than "Putting Boots on the Ground," or, "Sending Approximately Fifty Courageous U.S. Special Operation Forces to Syria as Military Advisers," This Must Be "A Global Commitment to End the Global War on Terror (the Overseas Contingency Operations) Victoriously!" 
"The Predominant Words" are "A Global Commitment to End the Global War on Terror, Victoriously!"

And, Now, "Evolving Circumstances Demand, that After Decades of War on Terror," that, have "Caused the Deaths of Too Many Innocent Victims and Brave Member's of The Coalition Forces of the Global Armed Services, and, Mass Destruction, Worldwide," "A New Sense of Urgency Must Be Respected and Adhered to!" 

Think upon it, "After Decades upon Decades of War and Regional Conflicts, and, Terrorist Attacks, Taking Place within the Border's of the United States, or, Outside of It,  Continuing, from One United States Administration to Another," Going All the Way Back to;
(1) The 23rd of October, 1983, During Former United States President Ronald Reagan's Administration, the Bombing Attack upon U.S. Marine Barracks, in Beirut, Lebanon, Caused the Deaths of 241 American Servicemen, and, Wounded at Least 128. And, In a Separate Attack, 58 French Service men were Killed, and, at Least 15 were Injured, During the Lebanese Civil War. These Casualties Did Not Include the Deaths and Injured, Suffered by the Lebanese People.
Both the United States and France Responded in Force to These Attacks!

(2) On the 2nd of August, 1990, Iraq Made an Unprovoked Attack upon the Sovereign Nation of Kuwait. On the 17th of January, 1991, A Coalition of Allied Forces, Led by the U.S. began An Attack that Drove The Iraqi Army out of Kuwait! The U.S. Congress "Authorized the Use of Military Force!" This is an "Important Example of a United Action undertaken by the U.S. Government, and It's Coalition Allies!" 

And, (3) On Two Separate Occasions, During the Administration of Former United States President William J. Clinton, Terrorist Attacks Occurred! (a) The First One Took Place, On the 19th of April, 1995, When A Domestic Terrorist Attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, in Oklahoma City, Caused the Deaths of 168 People, and, Injured More than 680! 

It was Reported that, The Blast, either, Damaged or Destroyed, Approximately 324 Buildings within a 16 Block Radius! This Domestic Terror Attack was Caused by Timothy McVeigh, and, Terry Nichols! 
An Hour and a Half, after the Bombings, Timothy McVeigh was Arrested by Oklahoma State Trooper, Charlie Hanger, Originally because of Driving without a License Plate, and, Possession of Illegal Weapons! And, within Days, Forensic Evidence Connected Him to Terry Nichols! 

They were Both Convicted and Found Guilty in a Court of Law, in 1997! 
(Husband and Wife, Michael and Lori Fortier were, also, Arrested as Accomplices! And, On the 27th of May, 1998, Michael was Given a Reduced Sentence of 12 Years in Prison, and, Fined 
$75, 000 Dollars, and, Because of His Cooperation with Authorities, and, Testimony against McVeigh and Nichols,  Lori was Given Immunity)
McVeigh was Sentenced to Death, by Lethal Injection, on the 11th of June, 2001, and, Nichols, was Sentenced to Life in Prison, in 2004! 

And, (b) The Second Terrorist Attack, Occurred, On the 7th of August, 1998, During Former United States President William J. Clinton's  Administration, Approximately 250 People were Killed, Including 12 Americans, and, Thousands more were Injured, when Al-Qaeda Terrorists Bombed U.S. Embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. And, again, The U.S. Responded in Force with Operation Infinite Reach!"
The United Nations Security Council Passed Resolution 1189, Condemning the Bombings of the Two Embassies!

And, (4) The Terrorist Attacks that Took Place on the 11th of September, 2001, in the United States, When Four Passenger Airliners were Hijacked and Used as Instruments of Destruction and Death! Two, American Airline Flights 11 and 175, were Used to Crash into the North and South Towers of World Trade Center Complex, and, the Third, American Airline Flight 77, was Used to Attack the Pentagon, in Arlington County, Virginia (the Headquarters of the U.S. Department of Defense) and, Because of the Heroics of Passengers on the Fourth Passenger Airline, who Tried Their Best to Overcome the Hijackers, United Airline Flight 93, that was Headed for Washington, D.C., Instead, Crashed into a Field Near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, that Caused a Total of 2,996 Deaths (including 19 Terrorists). 
(Al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden, "Claimed Responsibility for the Attacks!")

And, On the 18th of September, Former President George W. Bush Signed an Authorization by the U.S. Congress "to Use the United States Armed Forces against Those Responsible for the Attacks on September 11th!"
(Osama bin Laden, the Founder and Head of Al-Qaeda was Killed in a Raid on His Compound, in Abbottabad, Pakistan, On the 2nd of May, 2011, by U.S. Navy SEALS of the U.S. Naval Special Warfare Development Group!) 

And, (5) The Boston Marathon Bombings, on the 15th of April, 2013, Occurred During President Barack Obama's Administration,  Causing the Deaths of 3 Innocent Victim's, and Injured Approximately 264 Others. 
The Manhunt for the Perpetrators, The Tsarnaev Brothers, Resulted in Tamerlan, the Older Brother, Being Shot and Killed in a Gun Fight with Law Enforcement Officers, and, Dzhokhar, was Captured and, on the 8th of April, 2015, Found Guilty on All Charges, and, One Month Later, Sentenced to Death! 
(They learned how to make the Devices from an Online Al-Qaeda Affiliate in Yemen) Dzhokhar, also, Revealed that They, also, Planned to Bomb Time Square, in New York City! 

And, "Since September 11, 2001," There have Been "One Horrific Terrorist Attack after Another" Causing Deaths in the United Kingdom, France, Denmark, Israel, Turkey, Afghanistan, and, Unfortunately, All over the World!"

(And, As has, Just Recently, Been, "Reported by the Global Cross-Media News Universe," 
Two Anti-ISIS Activists, 22 year old, Ibrahim Abdel Qader, and, 20 year old, Fares Hammadi, Both, Members of the Citizen-Journalist Group, "Raqqa," were Found in An Apartment, in the Town of Sanliurfa, Turkey, on Friday, the 30th of October, 2015, Stabbed Multiple Times and Beheaded! They were Betrayed by a Member of ISIS, who Pretended that He was Defector and "Wanted to Help Them!") 

"These are Just Some of the Tragic Examples, Exemplifying, and, Encapsulating the Ongoing Violence, Regional Conflicts, and, War on Terror" that, has "Spread like a Plague from the Middle East, East Africa, and, North Africa, to the World!"

And, "Recent Tensions," in This Region, and, "The Evolving Circumstances" that, have Prevailed, have "Brought on A Sense of Human Emergency of Massive Proportions," "Causing a Vast Migration of Families from the Middle East, and, North Africa, to Undertake Perilous Life and Death Journey's, Across Land and Sea, to Europe!" And, "New Perils Lie Ahead as Autumn and Winter Seasons Threaten to Make Their Lives even More Precarious," with, "the Prospect of Death and Suffering Lying in Wait, in Their Future!" But, "Hopefully," There will Be, "A New Home, and Financial Security For Their Families!"

(The Deaths of 224 Passengers who Died in the Crash of  the Russian Metrojet Airbus A-321, in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, on Saturday, the 31st of October, is a Tragic Aside to the Unstable Conditions in the Middle East. We Send Our Sincerest Condolences to the Families and Friends of These Unfortunate Passengers and Crew members, Children, Women, and Men, who were Returning Home from Spending Holidays in Egypt. An ISIS-Affiliated Group Claims Responsibility for the Deaths, and, Destruction of this Flight)   

And, "The Fact that New Partnerships and Coalitions are Causing Divisions amongst Sovereign Nations/States," and, amongst Religious Groups, who are "Involved in the War and Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa," "The Immediacy of A Global Military Engagement against Terrorism Must Be Enacted upon without Further Delay!"

"The Recent Meeting in Vienna, on the 29th and 30th of October, 2015,  by 12 Concerned Nations, Including, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iran, Turkey, and, the United States, Should Be the First amongst Many," More than "Once Every 2 Week's," as is Being Proposed (a la the P5+1  Meetings with Iran) to Discuss and Organize, 
(1) the  Implementation of a Clear, Concise, and Coordinated Military and Diplomatic Approach/Strategy to Rid the World of the Threat of Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates and Their Allies, Whomever They May Be, and, 

(2) the Future of President Bashar al-Assad!

"It Should Be Obvious" by Now, that "Global Instability, and, the Global Economy will Continue to Suffer," While the Middle East Continues to Exist as a War Torn Region! 
And, "The Threat to World Interests" will "Continue to have a Negative Impact on the Living Conditions of Millions of People throughout the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe!"   

"Russia and Iran have Their Own Agenda, in Support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad," while "the United States and More than Sixty Coalition Nations have Theirs, that Excludes Syrian President Bashar al-Assad!"
"These Conflicting Strategies Must Merge Together," and, "Evolve into A Cohesive Global Strategy that Does Not Marginalize the War on Terror," instead, "Moves Aggressively Towards A Victorious Conclusion In the War against Daesh, and, All of the Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates, in Total!" 
And, "Allows For the Millions of Refugee's that have Been Forced from Their Homes, "Living in Foreign Countries," to "Return with Their Families to Their Respective Nations!"

And, also, "This Cohesive Global Strategy," "Must Put An End to the Imperialistic Designs of Any Nation or World Leader!"

And, "It's Time For The U.S. Congress to Agree" ( as President Obama Requested, on the 11th of February, 2015,) "To Authorize the Limited Use of Military Armed Force (AUMF) against the Islamic State of Iraq, and The Levant (ISIL/ISIS)." Now, Known as Daesh! 

Or, "They Must Draft and Vote on" "A Declaration of War, in Conjunction with the United Nations, against the Forces of Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates!" And, "Explicitly Name the Syndicates," That, are "An Immediate National Security Threat" against "the Interests of the United States," and, "All the Civilized Nations of the Earth," and, "Make Them," (these Extreme Radical Terrorist Syndicates) "The Core and Central Focal Point of This Declaration!"
"Congress Must Back up Its Rhetoric with Legislative Action!" "Now!" "In the Name Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" This was "the Vision of The Founders" and, "Should Be Respected, as such, For The Sake of The Democracy and The Republic!" And, "All The People of The Earth, who Believe in, and, Desire to Live in Peace!"

"The Earth is," Once again, at "A Perilous Crossroads of War and Peace!" And, "The World's Populace Must Be Clearly Informed of this!"

"Tyrants, Dictators, Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates, and Crime/Drug Lords, and, Those who are Complicit with Their Actions Must Not Be Allowed to Continue to Threaten, Bully, or Negatively Manipulate Our Lives!" "They Must Not Be Allowed to Continue as Thus!"

And, "World Partners of Peace," "You Who have Committed Your Armed Forces In the Defense of Our Sovereign Right to Live As A Free People," It is "Now," that "You Must Engage the Forces of Evil" with "A Global Military Strategy that Leads to Nothing Less than Total Victory!"

And, "Then the Serious Business of The Total Reconstruction of An Infrastructure that is Built upon A Global Vision of A Thriving Peace Time Economic, and, Sociological, Strategy that Empowers The People," Irregardless of Race, Color, Creed, Gender, or Nationality, "Must Begin!"

And, "Together with The Earths Populace, Build An Enlightened and Cognitive Society Of, By, and, For The People!"

Combined with, "A Law of the Earth that Is Built upon A Platform of Justice and Integrity," and, "Defended by A Soul Force of Warriors of The Truth!"
This is, "The Moment in Time," "For The Warriors and Partners of Peace to Be Victorious," 
"For The Sake of The World, For The Benefit of The World, and, For Future Generations to Come!"
"A Twenty-first Century World" that "The Leaders of The Earths Nations," and "The People of The World Must Build Together, in The Name of Peace and Prosperity For One and All!"

And, There is "No Quiting," until "We have Won An Everlasting Peace!" And, "There is No Looking Back in Fear or Regret!" "We Must Be Victorious,"  Because, "There Can Not Be Any Compromise with Evil!" 

And, "All of the Armed Forces of Our Partners of Peace, Must Enjoy a Shared Victory, Equally, For, "There is No Doubt," that "The Sacrifice, Effort, and Magnitude of This Global Military Engagement" will Cost a Multitude of Lives!" And, "the Tears that will Flow will Seem Endless!"

And, So, Clearly, "It is of the Utmost Importance," that, "In Light of this Sacrifice, Effort, and Probable Loss of Life, of This New Global Military Engagement," "Whatever Diplomatic Efforts Entered into on Behalf of We The People," "Must Be Equal to the Demands Being Asked of Us by the Leaders of Our Governments, and, the Military Generals of Our Armed Forces!" 
And, "Most of All, Negotiations Must Be Made in An Atmosphere of Achieving An Honest Peace on Earth!" For, "So Much is The Cost!"

So, that "A New Age of Technological, Scientific, Cultural, Educational, Cognitive and Spiritual Awareness, Will Emerge!" Coupled with "New Advances in Alternative Energy Development, Intellectual Growth, Prescience Awareness, and A Collective Global Perceptivity and Inner Peace, Will Emerge!"

And, "An Age of Innovation, and, Research and Development that Eliminates Disease," and, "Job Creation that Gives Birth to Progressive and Imaginative Employment Opportunities," and, "the Spirit of Global Entrepreneurialism, and, Hope, Will Emerge!"

"A New Age of Compassion and Empathy, Reverence and Equality," and, "the Wonderment of Universal Exploration, Will Emerge!"

And, "A New Age of Diplomacy and Peace Dialogues" that "Create An Earthwise Conversation  between The World Leaders and Citizens of The Earth," that is "Focused on, and, Concentrated and Engaged in," "Making a Better World For One and All, sans Poverty!" And, "Without Homelessness!" And, "Without Fear, Distrust, Hatred, Prejudice, Hopelessness, and, Injustice, Will Emerge!"

And, "An Insightful World of New Challenges, Limitless Possibilities, Joyful Experiences, Peace of Mind, and, A Determination and Willingness to Transcend the Impediments, and Obstructions, that Lie in the Way of Any Attempt to Achieve and Enjoy the Realization and Fulfillment of A Positive and Fruitful Way of Life, Will Emerge!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries, "We are at the Crossroads of a New 21st Century Global Equation that Can No Longer Be Repaired with Temporary Fixes!"

And, "We Can Not Afford to Be Fooled again," by "Unrealistic Solutions, Trickery, False Political Rhetoric, Out Right Lies, or Tom Foolery of Whatever Nature!"

And, "We Can Not Afford to Be Manipulated by Ineptitude, Ignorance, and, Lack of Good Sense!"

"What We Need is, Knowledgeable, Just, Compassionate, Courageous, Experienced Military, Experienced Financial, Spiritual, Lawful, Philanthropic, and, Political Leaders" who "Excel in Public Service" and, "In Finding Solutions to the Continuous Flow of Global and Universal Issues, as They Present Themselves, from All Over The World!" 
For, This is, The Way to Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age of Global Equilibre, Social Security, Economic Parity, Justice, and Peace On Earth!