Friday, October 23, 2015



The Way To Peace! #264

"You Don't have to Be a Republican, Independent, Democrat or Have Any Political Affiliation at All," to Know that "What Occurred Yesterday, October 22, 2015, at the United States House-Select Committee Hearing On Benghazi, was A Political Anathema in Today's Age of Very Partisan Politics!"

"The Promised Appearance of Former United States Secretary of State Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton, in Front of the House-Select Committee," conducted (and I use the term loosely) by Representative Gowdy, was "More Like A Medieval Inquisition," than "A Hearing to Investigate, or Search For New Solutions and Answers For the Attack on the United States Compound in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2012," that "Caused the Deaths of Four Brave Americans, Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, and Two Navy Seal Commandos, Tyrone Woods, and Glen Doherty, and, Sean Smith, an Information Manager!"  "Ten others were also Injured!"

"The Perpetrators (Extreme Radical Terrorist Group) that Caused this Attack is the Ansar al-Sharia," One of whom, Ahmed Abu Khattala,  a Senior Leader of the Militants, was "Recently Captured in Libya by U.S. Forces, on Sunday, the 18th of October, 2015," and, "has Admitted to Being One of the Militants Responsible For the Attack on the Benghazi Compound!"
(Which He Claimed was Due to the Video/Film that that Insulted Islam, and The Muslim Prophet Muhammad, that was Shown in the U.S. and Brought about Violent Clashes and Demonstrations All throughout the Middle East and North Africa!)

"To Those of You who Saw this Repugnant Debacle of a Hearing," It was "More Like Seeing the 7 Republicans of the U.S. House of Representatives, who Participated in this Committee," Chairman Trey Gowdy from South Carolina, Mike Pompeo, from Kansas, Jim Jordan from Ohio, Susan Brooks from Indiana, Peter Roskam from Illinois, Lynn Westmoreland from Georgia, and, Martha Roby, from Alabama, "All Trying Their Very Best to Break Former U.S Secretary of State of State Clinton," and "Get a "Gotcha Moment," "Rather than Seeking For The Truth, or Discovering New Way's of Preventing Another Tragedy of this Nature from ever Happening again," For the Sake of, (1) The Families who Lost a Loved One in the Attack, and, (2) For the Members of the Diplomatic Service who are "Constantly in Dangerous Locations, and, or, Where Potentially Explosive Situations, May Take Place, such as, In Yemen, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, or Libya!"

"These 7 Republicans" Deserve "No Badges of Courage or Medals" For "Their Partisan Behaviour, in this Brutal, and at Times, Totally Disrespectful Line of Questioningly" (without waiting for an Answer from Former Secretary Clinton in Many Occasions)! And, "They will Be Remembered as Participating in One of the Least Admirable and Dis-Respected House-Select Investigatory Committees on Record!"

On the Other Hand, "Former U.S. Secretary of State Clinton's Appearance in Front of this Committee" will Be Long Remembered as, "Being A Profile in Courage" under "the Barrage of a Vicious Negative Line of Questioning, For More than 9 Hours" (11 Hours in Total, including Breaks), that "Finally Concluded at Approximately 9 PM Thursday Evening!" 
And, As, "It Resembled More Like A Medieval Inquisition than a Hearing," in this Case "the Political Heretics were the Republicans!"

"They Behaved Abhorrently For Everyone to See!" And, Unfortunately, "The Hearing became An Ugly Display of Partisan Politics at It's Worst!"

But, If there ever was "An Example of Restraint and Equanimity under Fire," and "How to Act when Being Continuously Bombarded with Verbal Abuse" by These 7 Members of the U.S. House of Representatives, "There Sat Secretary Clinton!" "It was Truly a Formidable and Admirable Act of Courage that is Seldom Seen in Today's Political Arena!"

"The Secretary Took One Verbal Attack after Another," with "A Grace that Took and Incredible Display of Strength of Character," that "Went on For More than 9 Hours!" "More than Any Other Individual who was Asked to Testify in Front of the Committee!"

"The Secretary Answered Questions that Became Increasingly Redundant and Aggressive" over this Time Period, "Succinctly (for the most part), and to the Best of Her Ability" (the Description of Her activities the Day of the Attack on the U.S. Benghazi Compound was Riveting and Mesmerizing )! "All of Which was Evident, even to, An Un-Experienced Person!"
And, "All the While the Republican Men, and Women, Continued to Heap Their Mountain Dis-respectful and Unwarranted Verbiage upon Her!"

And, "At Times, It was Apparent" that "They" Did Not Care as Much to Hear what Secretary Clinton's Answer's were," as Much as, It Appeared, "They" Wanted to Hear Themselves Cast Their Aspersions upon Her!"

"We were Fortunate to See and Hear Moments of Rebuttal, when It was Time For the 5 Democrats on the Committee," Ranking Member Elijah Cummings from Maryland, Adam Schiff from California, Tammy Duckworth from Illinois, Adam Smith from Washington, and Linda Sanchez from California, "Ask Their Questions, Make Their Observations, and Express Their Deep Regrets, and Dismay" over the "Way the Republicans had Handled the Committee and Questioning of Secretary Clinton!"

"Representative Duckworths's Questions were Purposeful and Knowledgeable," and, "All of the Democrats Displayed the Proper Sense of Decorum Due to a U.S. Secretary of State!" 
And, "Representative Cummings, Showed the Truth," that "He has Always Exemplified as A Civil Rights Leader and As a Highly Respected Member of the U.S. House of Representatives!"
And, "This was Beyond Party Loyalty," "This was a Demonstration of Respect For the Office of U.S. Secretary of State, and, the Secretary!" And, of "the Way a Hearing of this Nature, Magnitude, and Importance Should be Held!" And, "We Commend Them For Doing so!"

And, "We" also "Commend Them For Resisting the Temptation to Boycott this Committee Hearing!" "There would have been A Serious Imbalance," if "They had Not been There!" 
"Which would have Been Unbearable to See," and, "A Political Blight on Our Democrat Principles!"

"The Dismissive Attitude of the Republican's on the Committee," in Regards to "Previous Hearings on Benghazi, was "a Display of Arrogance and Dis-Respect that was Very Difficult to Watch!"

And, "Although the Republicans Used the Accountability Review Board" (the ARB) that was Chaired by Ambassador Thomas J. Pickering, and, Vice Chairman by Admiral Michael Mullen, USN (retired), Convened in 2012 by Secretary Clinton, "to Their Benefit, or, to Support Their Points of Contention," whenever "They Saw Fit to Do so," "They" also by "Their Dismissive Attitude and Arrogance," "Besmirched the Conclusions of the ARB, and the Years of Experience and Service of U.S. Admiral Mullen and Ambassador Pickering," who are "Two of the Most Highly Respected Diplomatic and Military Figures in America!"
And, "It was Former Secretary Clinton, who after Approximately 11 Hours had Gone by,"  who "Spoke Passionately and Eloquently of the Exemplary Service and Character of both of these Two American Citizens!"

But, If It was "Some Sense of Glory, or Redemption" that, These 7 Republicans Sought after," 
"All in Fact, They Achieved was just The Opposite,"A Moment in Political Infamy!"
However, At the Least, "The Nations of The World had a Real Opportunity to See Our Democracy in Action, For Better or For Worst!"

"War is Hell!" And, "the United States has Been in One State of Conflict or War after Another For More than A Decade," and, "Unfortunately, There Appears to Be No Immediate End in Sight," Due to The War on Terror (the Overseas Contingency Operations), the Ongoing War and Conflict in the Middle East with Syria, Daesh, Iraq, Iran, and Turkey, amongst More than 60 Other Coalition Nations Involved, (Some who Support the U.S. and United Nations Strategies, Some who are Aligned with Syria, Iran, and Russia)! And, Then There's the Escalation of New/Old Tensions with the States of Israel, and Palestine, and, the Ever Persistent Tensions in the Sovereign State of Ukraine, in which Russian Supporters and Russia are Directly Involved, "to Name just a Few of The Most Inflamed Areas of Aggression and Oppression that are Threatening World Stability" and "Driving Millions of Families from Their Homes!" 
All the More Reason, "Why, Politicians Should Refrain from the Partisan Party Politics," that "We The People, Saw on Display," Yesterday, "In the U.S. House-Select Committee Hearing on Benghazi!"

However, On a Lasting Note, "to See Former Secretary of State Clinton Shake Hands with All the Member's of The Committee, Republican and Democrat," after "9 Hours (11 in Total) of Being Attacked by the 7 Republican's on the Committee," over and over, "Gave Hope to the Future of American Politics," and, "Left No Doubt," that, This is "A Leader that We Can All Be Proud of!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries, "Let Us Show Reason and Factuality, Where There is Chaos and Instability!"

And, "Let Us Show Empathy and Compassion Where There is Arrogance and Abuse!"

And, "Let Us Show Soul Strength, and The Willingness to Defend the Principles of Freedom, Justice, and Peace, Where There is Anarchy, Oppression, Lust of Power, and Lies!"

And, "Let Us Give Hope to Those Who've Given Up!" And, "Let Us Share An Earthrise Vision of Innovation, and Opportunity, Plus A Cognitive, Spiritual Universe of Awareness, Where There is A Void of Hopelessness!"

And, "Let Us Share the Joy of Life and the All the Natural Fruits of This Planet Earth with The Many Who Have Left Behind All Their Possessions," and, "Have Nothing, But Each Other," "Families who are Now Living as Wandering Migrants, and Refugee's of War and Violence, in Search of A New Home!" 
"No Woman and Man Should Live in Poverty!" And, "No Child Should Ever Go without A Home to Call Their Own!"
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age of Peace, Global Equilibre, Justice, Truth, Economic Parity, and Security on Earth!