Thursday, October 8, 2015



The Way To Peace! #263

Let's Put it Simply and Plainly, There are Too Many Obstructionists in The U.S. Congress!
"They Operate Under a the Name of One Political Ideology, Persuasion, or Another," However, Let's Not Be Fooled, "Their Primary Goal," (Now that "They have Unsuccessfully Prevented President Barack Obama from Being Re-Elected) is to "Obstruct the Obama Administration from Passing any Legislation," and, "It Doesn't Appear to Matter, Whether There's Any Meaningful Substance to His Proposals or Ideas!" "They Continue to Ignore, Delay, or, Stand in the Way of  Important Legislation!" 

Whether it Be; (1) Repair and Rebuild the Infrastructure of The U.S. and, by Doing so, Empower the U.S. Economy by Creating Jobs, as well as, the Obvious Need for Repairing Our Roads and Highways, Bridges, Dam's, and Ports, and Develop a High Speed Railway System, just to Name a Few of the Projects that Need Immediate Care, or,

(2) Pass New Gun Reform Legislation, (after  Yet Another Tragic Mass Shooting at Umpqua Community College, in Roseburg, Oregon, on the 1st of October, 2015, Killing Nine Innocent People, and Injuring Nine, You would Think that There Would Be a Sense of Urgency to Pass New Gun Reform Legislation), The Gunman took his own life!

(3) Pass New Immigration Reforms, and Take a Leadership Position in Dealing with The Migrant/Refugee Catastrophe that the United Nations of the World Must Find a Resolution for, and Provide Them with New Homes and Security and Safety from Their Oppressors!

(4) Pass the Letter from President Obama to Congress, on the 11th of February, 2015, "To Authorize the Limited Use of Military Armed Force (AUMF) against the Islamic State of Iraq, and The Levant (ISIL/ISIS)." Now, Known as Daesh! 
(It makes Sense Due to the Fact that The U.S. and at More than Sixty Sovereign Nations of The World are in A War against Terror! 

And then, Add to this The New Taliban Attacks in Kunduz, and North Afghanistan, and, the Global Cross-Media News Reports on the 7th of October, 2016, Reporting on Attempts by Gangs from the Former Soviet Union who Attempted to Smuggle and Sell Radioactive  Materials on The Black Market, in Moldova. (This Smuggling Attempt was Prevented by the FBI and Moldavian Police).

And, Let's Not Forgot that, Tensions with Russia Continue to Threaten the Fragile Stability in the Middle East, and, In the Sovereign Nation of Ukraine! 
It's Obvious that Russia has It's Own Agenda, that Includes Support of Syria's President Bashar al-Assad, at the Expense of the Strategies of the U.S. and It's Coalition Nations who are Dedicated and Committed to Be Victorious in Their War Against Daesh!

(And, The Accidental Attack on the International Hospital in Kunduz, in Afghanistan, on the 3rd, of October, 2015, that Caused the Deaths of 22 People, and, Injured More than 30, is A Tragic Example of the Consequence of An Ongoing War against the Taliban! However, the Mistaken Bombing of this Hospital, Operated by the International Aid Organization Doctors Without Borders, Needs Clarification! Who Authorized the Order for the Air strike, and, Why the Military Checks and Balances Failed in this Horrific Military Action, that Killed 10 Patients and, 12 Staff Members. War is Hell, But, This is a Mistake that Should Not have Happened! 
However, This is All the More Reason Why the U.S. Congress Should Involve Itself More Explicitly and Supportively in The Global War on Terror! There is Little Doubt that, These are Serious Times and the United States Must Be United in Purpose, in War and Peace!)

(5) Create New Environmental Legislation that Protects Our Planet Earth and "We The People," from the Abuse and Misuse of The Earth's Natural Resources, (Typhoon Dujuan that Caused 2 Deaths and Injured More than 300 People, and Brought Major Damage in Taiwan, on September 29, 2015, Hurricane Joaquin, and the Thunderous Rain Storms, that have Pummeled the Southeastern Region of the U.S. over the Last Week and a Half, plus, Flash Floods, have Caused  Major Damage, and, is All the More Reason For Why there Should Be Concern over Climate Change! 

"The Death Toll  has Risen to 17 in South Carolina and 2 in North Carolina," and, the Property Damage, that has Been Heart Breaking to Home Owners, Families, and the Business Community Across the State, and in the Region, is Approximately 1 Billion Dollars with Higher Expectations to Come! 
This is a Flood Disaster of the Highest Magnitude, North Carolina, and South Carolina, alone, have Received Rainfalls of Approximately 5.2 and 5.8 Trillion Gallons of Rain, Respectfully, and the Threats to the Dams have Compounded the Situation!

These Storms are a Part of the Ongoing Concern of World Leaders in regards to this New Age of Climate Warming, and, the Global Environmental and Ecological Changes that Need Constant Monitoring! Which is Why They will Be Meeting at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21 or CMP11), in Paris, France from November 30th to December 11, 2015. Where Their Goal will Be to Reach a "Legally Binding and Universal Agreement on Climate from All the Nations of the World!"

(6) Renew the Healthcare Program for 9/11 First Responders!

(7) Make Absolutely Positive that Our Veterans Receive Their Entitlements each Year, Including Their Pensions and Death Benefits to Their Families, and Their Disability Money! And, This Should All Take Place in a Timely Manner, without Long Delays involved!

(8) Be More Supportive of New Education Programs and Explore New Idea's For Keeping Tuition Costs For College Students at a Bear Minimum, or, For Free! (It's Not a Radical Idea at All, and, Countries such as Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Germany, and Brazil already have, Either, Low or Free Higher Education)

(9) And, the Politicization of Establishing Yet, Another Congressional Committee Must Come to An End! And, Now It's Planned Parenthood's Turn! This is Not a Helpful Political Strategy! In Fact, It's Become, Just Another Example in More of the Same Ole, Misleading/Political Rhetoric, without Ever having to Legislate!

(10) And, This is Not the Time to Wait until the Last Second to Make Rational Decisions in regards to Raising the Debt Ceiling, or Pass A New Bill to Fund the Highway Trust Fund!

I sincerely Believe "Our Founding Father's Would Be Astonished by The Deliberate Obstructionist Acts, Tactic's, and, Method's that These Member's of The U.S. Congress have Applied," and, "Continue to Utilize for Their Own Selfish Purposes," Such as; 
(1) Threatening to Shut Down The U.S. Government, at The Expense of The Countries Credit Rating, and Damaging the U.S. Economy, or (2) Threatening to Do so, once again!

And, "These Elected Officials Misguided Attempts to Impose Their False Rhetoric, and, Obstructionist Actions, Upon The Citizens of The United States.," at a Time, "When The World is In A War on Terror, and Global Economies have Not Fully Recovered," is Beyond Comprehension! 
"They have Taken An Oath" to "Represent We The People," and "We Expect Them to Make New Legislative Initiatives, Propose New Bills, and Vote on Them!"

And, Why Should "We The People" Embrace or "Desire the Idea of Smaller Government?" "When Our Founding Fathers were Explicit in Creating the Idea of A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" 
Any Attempt to Make a "Smaller Government," is "A Blatant Attempt to Lessen the Involvement of The Citizen's of The U.S. in The Electoral Process and a Government Of The People!" And, Just as Importantly, "Contrary to The Visionary, Statesmen, Diplomats, Jurists, Soldiers, and Politicians who Devoted Their Lives to Make Our Republic and Democracy A Reality!"

I Can Not Imagine, "How Frustrated it Must Be For Member's of the Congress who, Still  Believe in the Art of Collaborating on, and Passing New Legislation," that is "Beneficial to the Economic Stability, Development, Growth, and Sociological Evolution and Values Of The Citizens of the Unites States!" 

And, "In This Age of Global Expansion with New Trade Agreements such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership" (TPP), Which is "A Trade Agreement between the United States and 11 other Pacific Rim Nations," and, "the Outright Need For Global Coalitions Diplomatically and Militaristically," Whether it Be to "Empower the Recovery of Global Economies, or, In the Global War on Terror," "It Should Be Obvious" that, "This is Not the Time For Isolationist Policies or Smaller Government!" "It's Time For the U.S. Congress to Be Fully Engaged in The Times," For, As the Saying goes, "The Times They Are A-Changing!"

And, "It is Not the Time," Under the Guise of Smaller Government Rhetoric, For These Same Obstructionists to "Advance Their Goals of Privatization!"

"We are at A Twenty-first Century Crossroads of Our Civilization," and, "The Need For Global Economic Policies" that, "Both, Invest and Empower The Citizens of the World are Evermore In Need of!"

And, "While The People of This Earth are In Need of Financial Investment and Support from Financial Institutions, Charitable Foundations, the Global Banking System, Markets, and Individual Billionaires, Multi-Millionaires, and The Global Oligarchs," "We The People," "Definitively, Do Not Need The Profit Mongers," "who Led The World Down a Path of Financial Destruction in 2008, to Regain Possession of Our Lives, Once again!" 
"We Need Compassionate Leaders, Financially, Politically, Militarily, Diplomatically, Philanthropically, and Spiritually, to Make a Better World For We The People!" A Just World! And, "A World of Faith and Opportunity For All The People's of This Planet Earth!"

"Our Founding Fathers and Mother's Created a Grand Idea," It was "A Vision of How a Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People, Would Function!"
Where There Would Be Three Distinct and Separate Branches of The Federal Government, The Executive (The President and Federal Employees)), Legislative (including the Senate and House of Representatives), and Judicial (The Supreme Court and Lower Courts)!
And, The U.S. Congress Made up of The House of Representatives, and the Senate were Established to Create and Pass Legislation For The People!" "Which is Exactly the Opposite of What the Present Congress is Doing!" 
And, "The President had The Power of The Veto at His Disposal," (or Her Disposal, Here in the 21st Century) but, "Congress had been Given the Power to Over Turn it!"

"The Founders Created a Grand Idea of Government," with "A Sense of Purpose For The People," and, "A Sense of Balance, to Deal with any Attempts to Obstruct or Impede the Political Process from Taking Place!"

And, in addition, "The Concept of a Federal Government was Established to Balance out The Overall Powers of State Governments!" And, with "The Electoral Process Clearly in Place, a True Federal Republic and Democracy was Born," "Giving Birth to the Declaration of Independence," in which Congress Gave Approval of The Final Text, on July 4, 1776, and, "Signed on August 2, 1776," and, "the  Constitution of the United States," Created on September 17, 1787, and, "Ratified on June 21, 1788."

However, "Today, A Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People," 
"Does Not Appear to  have Very Much Appeal to a Great Many Member's of The U.S. Congress!" 
"These Elected Officials" of The U.S. Congress, "Do Not Appear to Care about Passing New Legislation For The People," as Much as, "They Appear to Care about Being Re-Elected," or, "Obtaining the Campaign Finance They Need to Run For Re-Election, or Get Elected For the First Time!" 

And, "As We are All  Too Aware of," in the U.S. "There is Virtually An Unlimited Amount of Campaign Finance to Be Had," As a Result of New Campaign Finance Laws, that have "Provided Super PACs, with An Endless Flow of Money," and, "a Power to Effect in Whom the Party Nominee Will Be," and, "Who Gets The Golden Ring!"

"Is This what Our Founders had in Mind?" I Think Not! "To Be Controlled by Super PACs, Billionaires, Wall St., and The World of Big Business?" Without Being a Psychic or a Visionary, 
"I Believe that I Can say, I Think Not!"

And, "While We May Be Forced to Have to Deal with Too Much Money in Our Election Campaigns," I Believe that "We The People," Citizens of The United States of America, 
"Do Not Wish This Present Election Process to Exist For Our Children or For Future Generations," and, "We Will, Eventually, Bring Enough Pressure on Our Politicians and Legal Authorities to Return Our Election Campaigns to a Public Forum," "Where Each and Every Person's Vote is Valued and Treasured above The Choices of the Elite, or, the Oligarchs/Political Power Brokers!" And, Return it to The Original Constitutional Principle and Significance of, "One Person, One Vote!"

But, to Do This, "The Global Cross-Media News Universe and the Social Media Must Bring Great Pressure upon These Obstructionists and the Supreme Court to Support Our Democracy/Republic, as much as, They Support Our Capitalistic Economic Policies and Ideology!"

"His Holiness Pope Francis" Spoke Passionately and Sincerely about the "Need For A Dialogue with The People," in Front of the U.S. Congress! "He Did Not Speak of Exclusivity of The People!"
And, "He Did Not Speak of Minimizing the Government," or "Shutting Down the Government For any Reason!"
And, "His Holiness, Did Not Speak about Building Walls, to Keep Out Immigrants or Migrants, Fleeing from Oppression," instead, "He said," Exactly the Opposite, Including that "He, Himself, was An Immigrant!"

So, "Who are These Representatives of The People," These Obstructionists, and, "Who are The People, They Represent!"
"Do They Represent The Majority of Americans?" I Do Not Think so! And, "What of Their Public Approval Rating?" "It's at the Lowest since Polling became a Way of Life in Politics!"
So, Let's Do the Math, "They Do Not Represent the Majority of Americans, and Their Polling Numbers at the Lowest Point in Polling History!" So, Isn't it Time that "We Fired Them, in The Next Elections!" And, By Doing so, "Say No to Their Policies of Exclusion!" And, "Say No to Their Policies of Privatization!" And, "No to Their Attempts of Obstruction!"

And, "Yes, They  May be Temporarily Protected by Recent Redistricting Laws," But, "Eventually Our Day Will Come!"

And though, "President Obama's Tenure in Office is In It's Final Ebb and Flow of Time," "It is of The Utmost Importance that the Tyrants, Dictators, Radical Extreme Terror Syndicates, and Global Enemies of The United States See that Our Government is Able to Transcend It's Differences and Stand Firm in the Face of Oppression, Wherever It May Occur on This Planet Earth!"
And, "It is of the Utmost Importance" that "These Oppressors of Freedom," are "Not Able to Take Advantage of this Leadership and Political Change in Power in the United States, For Their Evil Purposes!

So, "Let This Moment in Time Demonstrate the True Vigor, Courageous, and, Inspirational Leadership that a Government of a Great Nation Represents," "Especially, As the Political Campaign For Who Will Become the Party Nominees For President and Vice President of the United States Continues to Evolve Thru Its Political Process," Towards Its Eventual Conclusion, on Tuesday, the 8th, of November, 2016, "When the 58th Quadrennial U.S. Presidential Election is Decided Upon!" 

And, "If These Elected Officials/Obstructionists, Continue to Ignore and Not Embrace the Grand Significance of What The Founders Created For We The People," then, "They" have a, "Simple Choice to Make," Either, "Resign," or else, "We Will Vote Them Out of Office!" And, "Replace Them with True Public Servants and Representatives Of The People!"

"This is An All Important and Fundamental Change that is Needed in U.S. Politics," and, "In Fact, Is Needed within All The Governments of the World," that, "There be A True Representation Of, By, and For The People!" 

And, While Not Excluding Them, "The Founder's Idea was Not to Create a Government Of The Lobbyists, or, Of The Banks, or, Of Wall Street, and Big Business!" 
"The Founder's Created a Government Of The People!"

Call it "A Political or Ideological Change that Gives Birth to A New Era of Hope, Reason, Peace and Hope!" And, "A New Spirit of Cooperation!"

Call it "An Amalgamation of Global Principles and Ideals that Empowers The People!" 
And, "That Care's For All The People's of The World!"
"An Earthwise Era of Reason and Compassion, For All The People's of The World!"
And, "A Time when Peace Time Economics is The Driving Force Behind the Global Economy!"

And, "A Time when Poverty, No Longer Exists," and, "The Threat to The Earth's Ecology, No Longer Exists!"

And, "A Time when The Positive Benefits of A Global Civilization is Shared by All the People's of This Planet Earth, In Equilibre!"

And lastly, "A Time when Development and Research in Energy, Technology, Science, Education, and Healthcare, Enrich the Quality of Life of All The People of The Earth!" And, "Not Just the Few Corporations, Institutions, and Oligarchs, who Prosper, solely, At the Expense of, and, Without Giving An Appropriate Share of Their Riches to, The Families, Women, Men, and Children," who are, "In Fact, The Backbone of The World Economies, and Their Industries!" "The Consumers Of The World!"

"It's a Simple Equation of Economics and Understanding," "Without The People," What Would the Worlds of Finance Be? "Rien," as The French Would say! Think about it, Absolutely, "Nothing!"

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers of the 21st and 20th Centuries, "We Find Ourselves," at "The Juncture" of Yet, "Another Economic, Militaristic, Spiritual,and Political Crossroads, Here in the Second Decade of the Twenty-first Century!" And, "From a Cognitive Point of View, "We have Learned a Great Deal!"
For one, "History has Shown Us the Foolishness of Our Ways," and, "Yet There are Some amongst Us who Would have Us Go Down Paths that Can only Lead to Death and Destruction, once again!"

So, "Let Us Show Great Determination in Not Repeating the Blunders of The Past!"

And, "Let Us Not Repeat The Mistakes that have Led Us Down the Path of Economic Ruin, and Chaos!" And, "The Loss of Our Homes, and, Bank Accounts, and Seen the Break up of Our Families!"

Let Us, instead, "Continue to Evolve as A Global Civilization of A United People, who Aspire to A Global Vision that is All Inclusive, Not Divisive!"
"An Earthwise Vision that is Empathetic, Transcendent, and Peaceful!"
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omniscient, Omnipotent, and, Omnipresent Age of Peace, Justice, and, Social Security! And, The Way to An Unparalleled Era of Civilized Existence On Earth! And, "An Illuminated Soul Force Of, By, and, For The People!"