Thursday, October 1, 2015



The Way To Peace! #262 

"Can You Hear it, Flowing O'er The Earth from Continent to Continent, Ever so Increasingly, Rising in Volume and Intensity, It's a Song of Despair," Emanating from "The Cry of Displaced Migrant Families Who've Seen Their Children Die in Their Arms, Due to the Travails of Their Journey, and The Hardships and Risks They've Taken to Find a New Home!"

"It's the Sound of Hunger," the Rumbling Growl of a Child's Stomach," whose Family is Living in Poverty!"  

"It's the Sigh of Absolute Resignation of Mother's and Father's Living in Refugee Camps, in the Middle East, and Africa."

And, "It's the Sound of Silence of a Family Living in South Sudan, in Fear of Their Daughters Being Kidnapped and Raped," or, "Their Son's, Being Kidnapped and Forced into a Life of Violence," Tragically, by, Either, Rebel Militia, or Pro-Government Troops!"

"Is there No Hope For these Children, Families, Mother's and Father's, and, Friends and Relatives, who are Fleeing From Their Homes and Neighborhoods, in Fear of Being Tortured, or Killed by Extreme Radical Terrorist Syndicates, Dishonorable Rebel Militias, and, the Immoral Acts of Sex Criminals, Who Steal away The Lives of the Most Vulnerable....Children, and Sell Them as Sex Slaves!" 

And, "The Truth is," that "Until All the Nations of The Earth, Join Together, in Agreement, that Justice For One and All, Must Prevail For One and All," Unfortunately, "A Void" of Anguish and Disharmony, Cognitive Dissonance, Grief, Economic Disparity, Global Instability, and, the Bleak Desolation of the Earth's Environment, and Poverty, "Will Continue to Plague The Societies of The World, Ravaging Homes, Minds, Bodies, and Spirits, "Wherever, We The People, of this Planet Earth May Be!"

"Can You Hear it," "It's the Sound of the Silent Majority who Feel Totally Forgotten, It's the Lifeless Resignation of the Transient or Homeless, Living in a Tent Cities, Cars, Open Fields, Sidewalks, Alley's, and Underpasses in The U.S., It's the Sound of Tears Falling on the Cheeks of Families Living in Our Urban Cities, whose Children have Been Cruelly and Violently Taken from Them Because of the Color of His or Her Skin, Gender, Ethnicity, or Religiosity!" 
Or, "The Sobs of Families, who've Lost a Loved One, Friend, or Neighbor, Due to Yet, Another Mass Shooting in Our Schools, or, on Our College Campuses!

And, It's the "Deep Lamentation of Nature" over "The Loss of It's Forests and Jungles, and, the Pollution of It's Seas, Air, and Skies! And, Indiscriminate Murder of Its Family of Sentient Beings!"

Fortunately, "We have Been able to See Through the Charitable Act's of Philanthropy," and "Act's of Mercy," "A Glimmer of Hope, A Prescient Glimpse into A New Era of Compassion!"

"The Philanthropic Efforts" of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, The Susan Thompson Buffet Foundation, The Clinton Global Initiative, and, the Pledge of 2 Billion Dollar's to A "Global Assistance Fund," by China's President Xi Jinping at the UN, on the 26th of September, 2015, to Help the Development of the Poorest Nations of The World, and China's Goal to Increase It's Pledge to 12 Billion over the Next 15 Years to Help The United Nations Reach It's Goal of "Eliminating Extreme Poverty by 2030," and, the Humanitarian Efforts of Doctors and Nurses without Borders, The Red Cross, His Holiness Pope Francis Mission to Care For the Poor, and Care For Our Families, and the Environment, in Addition to Religious Clergy and Devotee's, Spiritual Leader's, and Individuals who've Devoted Their Lives to Volunteerism and Public Service, Environmentalists and Ecologists, Scientists, Peacemakers, Voices of Reason, and, the 137 Billionaires or Former Billionaires and Couples, who've Signed "The Giving Pledge,"Agreeing to Give at Least Half of Their Fortunes, or More, to Charity, To Help The People of The Earth, "is a is A Magnificent Offering to Heal the Open Sores that Exist in Our Earth's Societies!"

"However, The Need For All the Nations of The World to Come Forward" and "Form a Great Wave of Decided upon Action, that Cleanses the Impurities and Negativity from Our Lives," and "Eradicates the Threat of Extreme Radical Terrorist Syndicates from Attempting Any Further Attacks on Our Lives," and "Casts Out the Dictators, and Tyrants," who've been "Abusing and Misusing the Trust that We've Given Them," is "The New Song of Hope and Transcendence, that The Earth Needs!" Without Pause or Hesitation! 
(Russia's Military Involvement in Syria will Be De-stabilizing, if, They Do Not Agree to Participate in The Anti-ISIS/Extreme Radical Terrorist Syndicates Strategy (the Anti-Daesh Strategy), already, In Action by More than 60 Countries!)

There is Little Doubt, in my mind, that "A Combined, Concentrated, United, Committed, Cooperative, and Dedicated Action amongst the Nations of The World Will Prove to Be Victorious, Just as it was in WWII." But, "It has to Be A Unanimous Agreement!" 
And, "The P5+ 1, Plus, Iran, and, The Sovereign State of Israel, Must Provide a United Leadership!"
(Russia's Military Violation of The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine is An Example of What Not To Do! And, Most Importantly, "Russia Should Not Attack Syrian Opposition Forces," In An Attempt to Support Syrian President Bashar al-Assad!")

"The Need For This Global Action has been Debated Long Enough, and Strategized Long Enough!" And, "Unequivocally, The Time to Act is Now!"
"For the Sake of Humanity, This Planet Earth, and the Lives of All Sentient Creatures!"

And, "A Global Earthwise Strategy," One that is Based on, "Rationality, Justice, Social Equilibre, Peace, Economic Parity, a Peace Time Economy, and, Financial Responsibility by World Markets and Financial Systems, Banks, and Institutions, Plus, The Re-Building of Infrastructures, Education, Diplomacy (Peace Dialogues)," and, "The Defense of All The People of The World Societies, May Be Challenging But, It is Necessary," If, "We are to Continue to Evolve as a Civilized World Of The People, By The People, and For The People, in the 21st Century!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries, "We" have Heard the Lament of Millions of Refugee's and Migrants," from All over This Earth of Ours, "Asking For Help, Asking For Support, Asking For Protection and Defense" from Military Dictatorships, Tyrants, Rebel Militias and Extreme Radical Terrorist Syndicates! "Women, Men and Children who have Lived in Inhumane Conditions For Years!"

"Women, Men, and Children whose only Desire is, to Live in the Safety of Their Own Homes, without Fear of Oppression, and Violence!"

"Women, Men, and Children who have Mourned the Loss of Life in Their Families," and, "Longed For so Long to See Their Dreams to Come True, and, For Their Children to Have a Good Education, and, An Opportunity to Enjoy A Good Days Work, and, To Live in Peace!"

"Let Us Continue to Be a Platform For Their Voices and, also, to Express The Deep Concerns of Our Own!" 

And, "Let Us Continue to Show the World" that "We" have Not Lost Sight Our Our Vision Path Of The People, By The People, and For The Rights Of All The People, Nor Our Desire to Make A Positive Contribution to This World!"

So, Let Our Voices Continue to Sing Out, "Songs Befitting A New Era of Peace, Unity, and Freedom!" 
And, "The Right of All The People of The Earth to Be Happy and Live in A Cognitive and Highly Cultural World, of The 21st Century!" 

And, "Let Us Continue to Utilize the Unlimited Resources of the Social Media and the Cross-Media Universes to Inform and Empower Our Fellow Human Beings who Lie in Harms Way," While Simultaneously, "Continuing to Reach Out, and Build a Bridge of Conscious, Unselfish, Insightful, Compassionate, and Thoughtful Awareness!" 
"A Bridge that Touches the Universal Nexus of A Soulful, Peaceful, and Courageous Global Society Of, By, and For The People," Who Continue to Be "Activists and Advocates For Equal and Civil Rights of A Caring, Loving, and Compassionate World!"
 For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent Age Of Peace, Justice, and Social Security On Earth! And, A New Era of Hope! Truly, A Golden, Illuminating Earthrise of Humanity, Who Believe in Safeguarding of The Lives of All Sentient Beings!