Thursday, September 24, 2015



The Way To Peace #261

His Holiness Pope Francis, the 266th and Current Pope of The Catholic Church, and Sovereign of Vatican City's, Journey to The United States, is "A Well Timed and Welcomed Visit!" "His Compassion, Sincerity, and Concern For His Fellow Human Being is Rivetingly Apparent, in His Words, Ideas, and Actions!"

And, "He has Imbued in Us a Feeling of Compassion For Our Fellow Human Being," and "Shown Us What the Consequences of Positive Ideas, Hard Work, and Sincere and Trustworthy Collaborations, Can Be," As Demonstrated by the Important Role He Played, as a Mediator, Between Cuba and The United States! "Resulting in a New Era of Harmonious Diplomatic Relations Between the Two Countries, For the First Time in More than A Half Century!"

And, "He" has also Shown "The Members of The Cross-Media News Services An Insight into What a True State of Community, Spirit, Honor, Grace, and A Great Soul Can Be!"

And, "By His Presence," You Can Feel the Illuminating Effect He has had on "The Vast Crowds of People, and, Catholics from All over The World!" While Simultaneously, Giving The Cross-Media News Universe a Clear Vision into The Hearts, Minds, and Souls of The People!" And, "The Effect that A Man of the True Spirit of God Can have," so Emotionally and Spiritually Moving to Everyone who Saw Him!"

You Could See and Feel The Spirit of Love Embodied in The People Surrounding Him," Who Came to See Him, and Hear Him," and "Emanating from Him wherever He went!" 
And, Wherever He went, "He was Greeted with Love, Smiles, Admiration, Large Crowds, Cheers, and Respect!" Leaving No Doubt in Any one's Mind that "He was A True Pope of The People!"

Even "The U.S. Congress and Presidential Candidates," seated in the Chamber of the House of Representatives, along with Members of the Supreme Court and Other House Dignitaries, Noted Personalities, and Religious Leaders, had to "Give Pause from Their Fractious Behavior, and Listen to His Words and Ideas," and "Give Pope Francis the Due Consideration, Deliberation, Cheers, and the Respect Due to a Sovereign Leader of His Stature," But, "More Importantly, to  Show Him the Proper Reverence, Due to a Great Soul of  His Holy Comportment!"

And, "He Spoke so Eloquently about His Concerns" for, Climate Change and the Environment, Immigration and Support of the Family, Love, Peace, God, and, the Need For a New Era of Global Dialogue, Diplomacy and Political Cooperation, and Global Policies Befitting a New Age of Peace, Faith, God and The People! 
"He Spoke Softly, Frankly, and Meaningfully" about, the Need to Care For the Poor, Former President Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King's Dream, Dorothy Day, Thomas Merton, Being an Immigrant, Himself, Moses, The Great Importance of Golden Rule, Legislative Activity, Social Responsibility, the End of Racial Prejudices and Racial Indignation, the Abolition of the Death Penalty, and of the Importance for Dialogues with the Youth, and We The People! 
Plus, the Creation and Distribution of Wealth, the Role of Business to Create Jobs, Environmental Challenges and the Effect that Climate Change has had on All of Us, Social Justice, and the Role that Technology has in Our Global Society. 
Plus, the Threat of Ideological Extremists, and the Protection of Our Religious and Intellectual Freedoms. 
Pope Francis Spoke of American Values, and of the U.S. Being The Land of the Free, the Defense of Liberty, and the Importance to Support and Generate Global Solidarity and Fraternity! 
And, He Spoke of a Mission, and Dialogue with The People, and of a Conversation about How We Can All Make a Difference! These were just "Some of the Issues and Concerns that Pope Francis Spoke about!" 

And, "He has also Complimented Us," and, "Movingly Reminded Us," that "We are All Immigrants," in The United States of America, (with the Exception of Native Americans), and, that "We have a Responsibility to Care For The Migrants who have Been Forced Out of Their Homes, in Fear of Being, Tortured or Killed!"  "Migrant Families, Women, Children, and Men, Who have Undertaken Perilous Voyages, from Their Home Countries to Europe, and, the United States, in Hopes of Finding a Safe Haven, and, a Place to Live, in Peace and Security!" "In Search of A Land of Opportunity," that "They Can Call Home!"
And, He used Saint Joseph and Saint Mary, as An Analogy of What a the Plight of a Homeless Person and Family has to Endure! And, How Joseph and Mary's Faith in God, Gave Them the Strength to Overcome the Difficulties that Surrounded Them! 
This was in Fact a Sermon on the Meaning and Significance of Faith, Homelessness, the Poor, and the Plight of Migrants! And, His Belief in Prayer, God, and Jesus! And, The Oneness that Graces Us All!

And, "He has Complimented the United States on Being a Land of Opportunity and Prosperity," "While Reminding Us that We have a Responsibility to Care For The Poor and Less Fortunate!"

And, "He has also Reminded Us that We have a Responsibility to Care about Issues such as Climate Change and the Reduction of Air Pollution!"

"His Visit to the U.S." also "Comes in Advance of a Meeting of World Leaders," at "The 70th Session of the United Nations," in NYC. (the Sustainable Development Summit from the 25th to 27th of September, Annual General Debate, from the 28th 'til the 3rd of October, and, High Level Thematic Debate, "Maintenance of International Peace and Security" from, the 1st to the 2nd of October), "Where President Obama, and President Putin, of Russia, will have An Opportunity to Meet and Discuss, How to Resolve Their Differences, in Person," Should They Wish to (and Should in my Opinion). "Russia's Continued Support of Pro-Moscow Separatists in Ukraine," and Their recent Dispute with, and Threats against, Poland," Plus, "Russia's recent Decision to Send Russian Soldiers and Weapons to Syria, Should Be at The Top of The List!"

And, "The Pope's Visit" also "Coincides with the Visit of President Xi JinPing, of China" (and His Wife, Peng Liyuan). To Say that, "This is a Propitious Time Period, Would Be An Understatement," and, "Should Not Be Disregarded as Anything Else, Other than An Opportunity to Make a Positive Step Forward Towards World Peace and Global Stability!"

Altogether, "These Three Men + The Pope," have, "An Opportunity to Agree to Pursue a Course of Amelioration," to Change The World, "For The Betterment of The World, and This Planet Earth!"
And, "Enter into; (1) An Age of Non-Aggression, (2) Environmental and Ecological Protection of This Sacred Earth, (3) End Cyber Warfare and Nuclear Proliferation!" And, (4) "Empower a Global Movement, amongst All Nations of The World, To End Poverty!"

And, "This is A Great Opportunity For The United Nations of The World to Join Together," 
"In A Synergy of Positive Diplomacy, For All The People's of The World to See!"

It was "Very Touching to See The Pope Wave to Children, Women and Men, and Families, who had Been Waiting For Hours Just to See Him," or, "Hug, Him, or Speak with Him, If just For a Brief Moment!" 
He has Been Called, "The People's Pope," and, "It's hard Not to Believe, This to Be True!" 
"He has Touched Everyone" with "The Candidness of His Beliefs" and "The Piercing Gentleness of His Voice!" And, "There is No Doubt that He has Given Hope to The Children of The Catholic Church," and, "The Belief that You Can Trust and Believe in This Bishop of Rome," as "Truly Being, Nothing less than, An Inspiring Presence of the Spirit of Saint Peter, and the Personification of Saint Francis Of Assisi (Whose Name He Chose to Take), in the Catholic Church!"

"Seeing The Pope Exit His Fiat," in Front of Saint Mathew's Cathedral," Reaffirmed Everything that had Been Reported about Him," However, I Could Not Help But Remember, "Another Moment in American History, that Took Place, at this Very Same Cathedral, Encompassed in a Photo of John-John, the 3 Year Old Son, of Former United States President John F. Kennedy, Saluting His Father, in One Final Gesture of Goodbye, While He lay in a Flag Draped Casket!" "A Historical Moment, that Brought Tragedy into Our Homes, with the Assassination of President Kennedy," in Dallas, Texas, and, "The End of Camelot, in the U.S."

And, "The Pope's Reference to Martin Luther King Jr. also, Brought Back Memories of a Volatile Time Period in American History," when "Civil Rights, Equal Rights, and Anti-War Movements, Took to The Streets in Protests, and Demonstrations!" And, of "The Tragic Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.!" 

"This was Not only a Volatile Time Period, But, also, a Pivotal One, in American History," when "Five Assassinations;" (1) The 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, 46, whose Political Age of Camelot, Inspired Million's of Americans, was Assassinated on November 22, 1963, and,

(2) Medgar Evers, 37, a Prominent Civil Rights Activist, was Assassinated on June 12, 1963, and,

(3) Malcolm X, 39, American Muslim Minister, and Inspirational Civil Rights Activist/Leader, was Assassinated on February 21, 1965, and,

(4) Martin Luther King Jr., 39, American Baptist Minister, Iconic Civil Rights Leader, Nobel Peace Prize Winner, and Humanitarian, was Assassinated on April 4, 1968, and, 

(5) Robert F. Kennedy, 42, U.S. Attorney General, Former Senator for N.Y., and Leading Candidate for The Democratic Party in the 1968 Election Season, and Advocate for The African-American Civil Rights Movement, was Assassinated on June 6, 1968, (and, the Younger Brother of Former U.S. President John F, Kennedy), 
"All Had A Shocking and Extremely Painful Effect upon The Lives of All Americans, and Devastatingly, Destroyed The Hopes and Beliefs of Many who Believed in Bringing a Positive Change to the United States of America!" "A Long Awaited One, in Regards to Civil Rights," and, "The Rights of All Americans to Live in Equality with One Another!" And, "An End of Poverty, and, The Undeclared War in Vietnam!"
"These Five Assassinations" Occurred at "A Crossroads of Time in American History!"  

And, Here "We" are, "At Yet Another Crossroads!" "A Twenty-first Century Crossroads Of, By, and For The People!" 
Potentially, "A New Beginning in The History of The United States and The World," Based on "The Simple Premise that Goodness, Faith, Freedom, and Compassion For One's Fellow Human Being Will Prevail!" 
And, "If, There is a Glimmer of Hope For The Peoples of The World, His Holiness Pope Francis has Shown It to Us!" 
And, For the Sake of Our Children and Our Children's Children, "Let it Begin Here and Now!"

And, "As the Jewish and Muslim Holidays" of "Yom Kippur," The Jewish Day of Atonement, and, the Muslim Holiday of "Eid al-Adha," The Feast of Sacrifice, Begin, "What Better Time than Now, For The Worlds Religious Leaders to Reach Out to Their Follower's," and "Call For A New Age of Global Cooperation, and Global Diplomacy to Begin," in The Name of Peace, "For All The People's Of The World!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 21st and 20th Centuries, Let Us Hope that, "Pope Francis' Visit to The United States is the First of Many More to Come!" 

And, "Let Us Continue To Sow The Seeds of Peace at This Extraordinary Juncture in Time,"  Heralding The Beginning of  "A New Crossroads of Hope, Here in The 21st Century,"  and, "That Our Lives Will Be Graced with A New Age of Economic Parity, and Respect For The Lives of Our Fellow Human Beings, and The Safeguard of This Planet Earth!" 

And, "Let Us Continue to Sow The Seeds of An Age of Enlightenment, Rationality, Knowledge, and Justice, For the Benefit of Our Children," and, "For the Benefit of Future Generations!"

And, "Let The Choirs of Peace, and The Church Bells of Hope, Sing and Ring Out, Loud and Clear," For All The World to Hear, that "We are at A New Crossroads of Change and Hope, in This Time/Space Reality of The 21st Century!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Share Our Goals and Commitment to Make A Better World," For One and All to Embrace and Enjoy, "With All the People's of The World!"  
 "Where An Age of Global Equilibre is A Reality!" And, "Where Leaders, of An Earthwise State of Being, are Dedicated to Reason and Govern, Fairly, and Justly!" And, "are Committed to Represent, Protect, and, Defend The Rights of All The People,"  Whatever Race, Creed, Gender, Transgender, or Nationality, They May Be!

And, "Let Us Continue to Commit and Dedicate Ourselves to Empower and Encourage, All who are in Need via Our Social Media, and Cross-Media Universe of Instant Communication, Worldwide!" "Exposing The Truth When Need to Do so, Is Obvious," and, "Creating a Platform For The Oppressed to Be Heard When the Need to Do so, Is Overwhelming!"
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent, Age of Peace, Justice, Faith, and Social Security For One and All, on This Planet Earth!