Tuesday, September 1, 2015



The Way To Peace! #259

As "We Celebrate The Achievements and Grand Success of Our Labor Force," Let Us, also, Salute the Social and Economic Accomplishments of The Global Labor Movement," and "the Great Undertaking made by The Workers of The World, Who've had to Transcend the Restrictions and Constraints of Big Business, and, at Times, Government!
And, with "New Trade Agreements of The Twenty-first Century," Posing Threats to the Continuation of Labor Employment at a High Level, such as, For Example, "The Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement (TPP)," to Be "Followed by the Prospect  of A New Trade Agreement with Europe," Being Debated and Decided upon by World Powers, "Labor Faces a Whole New Realm of Challenges!" 
And "There is Very Little Doubt that Labor's Commitment to Fair Wages and Work Conditions that "Protects Its Work Force, Will Be Sorely Tested, Once More!"

And, Let Us, also, "Take A Moment" to Continue "The Celebration of The 95th Anniversary of The Ratification of The 19th Amendment to The Constitution of the United States," Which was "Ratified on, the 18th of August, 1920," after 70 Years of Intense Struggle to Do so, and "Put into Effect on the 26th of August!" 
It was A True Labor of Love" that Finally, "Gave Women The Right To Vote in The United States Of America!" 

It was "A Grand Achievement for The Women's Suffrage Movement," and "Thanks to The Extraordinary Efforts and Sacrifice, Dedication and Perseverance, and Magnificent Commitment To The Women's Rights Movement, by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Sojouner Truth, Francis Willard, Carrie Chapman Catt, Harriot Stanton Blatch, Ida B. Wells, and Susan B. Anthony," amongst "Many Other Dedicated Women Activists, Who Strove Tirelessly For Female Citizens to have The Same Rights as Men," in the U.S., "Each New Generation Can, Now Look Forward to Their Future, Knowing that They Have a Choice," and "Their Thoughts Words, and Actions Can Make a Difference!"

"The Passage of The 19th Amendment was, and, Still is a Great Moment of Accomplishment For The Women of The United States Of America," Who Now have "A Grand Opportunity to Make Their Voices Heard," "Loud and Clear," in "The 2016 Presidential Election!" 
And, "Each New Generation of Young Girls and Women," "Can Now Imagine Becoming The President of The United States, Should They Wish to!" And, "This is A True Demonstration of Democracy at Its Very Best!

(It is with my Deepest Sorrow to Report that, on Friday, the 28th of August, 2015, from 38 to 65 Young Girls and Women, at last count, were Killed in a Traffic Incident, While Traveling on Their Way to Swaziland's Most Popular Traditional Festival, "The Reed Dance!" The Traffic Incident Occurred in Between the Cities Mbabane and Manzini. One of the Driver's Involved, a 46 year old man, has Been Arrested on Charges of Negligence, and Remains in Police Custody. He is Employed by the Government of Swaziland. 
More that 20 Victims have also been Seriously Injured and Still Remain Hospitalized! 

Approximately 40,000  Young Girls and Women Attended this Week long Cultural Event! And, While I may Not Agree with the Significance of the Reed Dance, or, the Idea of  An Absolute Monarch, Mswati III,  the Precious Loss of Life of These Young Girls and Women who Will Never Know Their Potential in Life, is Wretchedly Depressing! Their Families and Friends Must Be Disconsolate!) 

And, "As Summer Reaches Out to a Lasting Embrace and Loving Caress in the Arms of Indian Summer," I feel Very Fortunate to have seen Apache, Cherokee, Comanche, and Navajo, all together, For The First Time, and "In a Moment of Passing Reflection," I Continue to Be Amazed, "How Majestic Nature and the Ecology of This Planet Earth, Truly is!"
And, "How Every Day is like A Miracle, Enfolding Itself before Our Eyes to Admire!"

And, "As The Time/Space Reality of Each Summer Day Smiled upon me, I Made it a Point to, also, Enjoy and Appreciate Centuries of Musical Excellence," As, I Listened to The Myriad Musical and Lyrical Productions and Arrangements, Flowing and Playing, Intermittently, Through my mind O'er the Summer Days and Eventide's, from Debussy's "L'apres-midi d'un faune," to Hendrix's "Little Wing," to a Song entitled "Source" composed by Joseph V. Tranchina, and Performed by Darshana, to "Alone Again Or," by Love, Wagner's "Tristan et Isolde," Ravi Shankar's "ARPAN,"(A Composition written For George Harrison), to Stevie Ray Vaughn, Sinatra, Basie and Quincy, to "Gayane" by Khachaturian, "Bolero" by Ravel, to Tal Wilkenfeld, and, "Here Comes The Sun," and, "The Long and Winding Road," by The Beatles, to "Glory" by Common and John Legend, Winner of Best Original Song at Oscars 2015, to "Last Tango in Paris," by Gato Barbieri,  to Just Name a Few of the Artists who Segued In and Out of my Summer Month's Music Programming!" 
Without a Doubt, Everyday was "A Grand Discovery of Breathtaking Sunsets, Twilight's, and Sunrises of Impressionistic Visions," and, I Found myself "Marveling at The Vast Expanse of The Cosmos," Whether Seen in Photos from "NASA'S Hubble Telescope," or, "As Photographed from The International Space Station," and "Shown on Twitter, PBS, or The Global Cross-Media News Universe, via the Camera Work of Astronauts Karen Nyberg, Reid Wiseman, and Chris Hadfield, Coupled Together with A Spectacular View of The Moon, Stars, and Planets in The Eventide Sky," All of Which has "Left me Humbled by The Grand Act of Creation!"

And, "Then Add to that, The Birth of Each Newborn Child," and "The Evolution of All Sentient Beings" that, also, "Left Very Little Doubt, in my mind, Of The Wonderment of The Great Universal Experience," that "We" are But, "A Small, although, Important Part of!" 
And, "Why Our Daily Contribution to It, and Care of It, is So Meaningful!" And, "Why Our Idea's, Contemplations, Actions, and Visions, have such a Great Responsibility and Significance to Our Evolution as A Civilized People!" And, to One Another!"
"The Essence of this Train of Thought is," that, "These Earthly, and Universal Responsibilities, Can Not be Ignored by The Global Industries, and Worlds of Finance, Business, Leisure, Politics, Technology, Energy, Science, or, The Sociological Powers that Be!" (And, Lets Hope that, on August 29, 2025, "the 20th Anniversary of the Hurricane Katrina" Will Be Looked Back Upon, "As Being a Grand Business, Environmental, and Cultural Success, for New Orleans and the State of Louisiana)

And, "Our Religious and Spiritual Leaders" also "have An Important Responsibility to Voice Their Support of Ecologists and Environmentalists, and The Philanthropists who've Spoken Out and Voiced Their Growing Concerns about The Welfare of Our Earth, Skies, Seas, and Universe!" 

"These Religious and Spiritual Leaders Must Increase Their Work, and Intensify Their Efforts in Our Communities on A Daily Basis, within Our Cities, Villages, Towns, and Neighborhoods!" And, "Their Voices Must Sing Out in A Grand Choir of Enlightenment, Spreading The Word of A Global Earthwise Vision!" 

Pope Francis of The Worldwide Catholic Church (Who is Scheduled to Visit the United States, for the First Time, on the 22nd of September, 2015), His Holiness The 14th Dali Lama of Tibet, The Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei of Iran, His Holiness Patriarch Kiril of Moscow and All Russia, Presiding Bishop Katherine Jefferts Schori of the Episcopal Church in the United States, and, The Grand Ayatollah Ali al- Sistani of Iraq, "Must Provide the Leadership For This Global Movement of Peace, Environmental and Ecological Awareness, and Non-Violence!"
"For, There is, Still Much to Be Sung about in These Changing Times of the 21st Century, As The Lives of An Earth's Populace Continues to Face New Challenges," While, "Simultaneously, Dealing with the Unresolved Emotional and Sociological Issues of the 20th Century, that Still Remain  Unsettled and Problematic!"

And, "The Complexities" Continue to Plague Us from; (1) Racial Tensions and Differences, and the Indiscriminate Profiling of Our Fellow Human Beings by Law Enforcement Officials, Still Remains Unresolved, (the Reason's why a Young African-American Woman, Sandra Bland, 28, should Commit Suicide, while being held on Charges in the Waller County Jail, in Texas, is Deeply Disturbing. She was pulled over for Failing to Signal when Changing Lanes, in Texas, on July 10, 2015. The the Texas Trooper arrested her for Refusing to cooperate, when she refused to put out her cigarette, when he asked her to. She was Found Dead in her Cell on July 13th. The Authorities claimed that She Hanged Herself to Death). 

On the 17th of August, 2015, a Report on Police Training Revealed there is a Need for New Idea's and Reform in Police Training, and that, the Training System Process may Be Seriously Broken, and Lacking in How to Implement Improved Social Science Research Programs into Police Academy Training! 

(2) And, Poverty Shamelessly, Still Lays Claim to The Lives of Hundreds of Millions Of People, Worldwide.

(3) And, Human Slavery and Sex Trafficking Continues to Rob Our Families of Our Children, Parents, and Relatives, without Pause or Care For The Damage and Tragedy Imposed upon Our Communities.

(4) And, The Inequitable Balance of Economic Growth and Development that Exists between The Major Industrialized Nations, Merging Nations, and Poor Nations, Must Be Re-Structured to Embrace A New Age of Global Financial Needs! Unequal, Unbalanced, and Preferential Global Trade Policies Will Not Empower Our Labor Forces, or Our Communities, and "We The People," Will Pay the Price For this Lack of Economic Vision, or Quite Simply Greed, that Continues to Drain Economies and the Less Fortunate in the 21ts Century.

(5) And, Global Capital Markets Continue to Crash, Rise, and, Fall in a Cyclic Pattern, that is Causing Global Worries in the Financial Markets! The Concern over Global Growth or Lack there of, Rising Rates, and Inflation have Created an Unstable Climate For Investment. However, This is Nothing New, Perhaps, New Priorities and Reasons For Doing Business Need to Be Addressed.

And, the Recent Devaluation of the Chinese Yuan, by the Peoples Bank of China (PBOC), on Tuesday, the 11th of August, 2015, of Approximately 2%, has Done Little to Stabilize the Chinese Economy, or Improve the Asian/Global Economy. Nor Did Its Plummet Provide a Stimulus for It's Exports. 
And, the Continuing Devaluations of the Yuan, have Not Stabilized the Global Markets or Its Own! 

The Devaluation of the Yuan, on the 11th, Caused Its Most Immense One Day Collapse since 1994. Giving Rise and Concern that the Real Growth of Its Economy may Be Lower than the Estimated 7% a Year Growth. All of which, has also Given Further Impetus to the Suggestion that a Global Currency War has Indeed Become a Reality! 
And, It Appears as if, The Internal Hierarchy of the Chinese Government is at Odds, with Each Other, Over What the Future or Present Course of The Chinese Economy Should be! 

In the Mean time, on the 26th of August, 2015, It was Reported, that The American Stock Market Lost Over 2.1 Trillion of Value, During the Previous Six Days!
And, It's the First 10% Decline, that has Transpired from a Recent Market High, Since 2011! 
This Includes NASDAQ, The Dow, and the S&P 500! And, The World Markets haven't Fared Much Better!
Add to this the Growing Concern about when The US Federal Reserve Will Raise its Interest Rates, and You Can Understand the Depths of Why The American and Global Capital Markets are in Such a Turbulent Flux!

(6) And, Sovereign Nations and Their Citizens Continue to Be Threatened with Military Aggression, Torture, and Psychological Intimidation, by Rogue Nations, Tyrants, Dictators, and Radical Extreme Terrorist Syndicates. 
The Bombing that Occurred in Bangkok, the Capital of Thailand, on Monday, the 17th of August, 2015, that Caused the Deaths of at least 22 People, is Another in the List of Immoral Transgressions against Humanity, by Radical Extremists who Dishonor Themselves by Killing Innocent Tourists and Office Workers! Arrest Warrants have Been Issued for 2 Suspects, Wanna Suansan, a 26 year old Thai Woman, and, a Foreign Man, who have been Charged with Premeditated Murder, by the Thailand Authorities.
(The Police have Arrested Another Male Suspect in a Bombing at a Hindu Shrine, in Bangkok, that Caused the Deaths of at Least 22 People, and Wounded Approximately 120, on Monday, the 17th of August, 2015.)

And, On Friday, August 21, 2015 Reuters has Reported that, North Korea (also known as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, or DPRK) has Threatened South Korean (also known as the Republic of Korea, ROK) with Military Action. Hostilities have Resumed over South Korea's Anti-Pyongyang Propaganda Broadcasts. Fortunately, Calmer Heads Interceded and Prevailed, and, on Tuesday, the 25th of August, 2015, North Korea Apologized, "Expressed "Regret," to South Korea for a Recent Land Mine Explosion that Wounded Several South Koreans, that Seoul Blamed on the North, and South Korea has Agreed to Stop Its Anti-Pyongyang Broadcasts! Proving that Diplomacy is the Best Way to Resolve Our Differences! And, More Diplomatic Efforts such as the P5+1 is Needed Worldwide! 
The Two Koreas have also agreed to begin Talks in September, over the Reunion of Families Separated by the Korean War and the Ongoing Tensions between the Two Separate Sovereign Nations.

And, The Internal Political Unrest in The Ukraine Continues to Challenge It's Path as A Sovereign Democracy! As An Explosion Killed a National Guardsman Outside of the National Parliament Building in Kiev, on Monday, the 31st of August, 2015. The Approximate Total of Injuries Reached as High as 69. Lawmakers had Just Voted on, and Passed a Bill to Amend Its Constitution, Granting More Autonomy to Local Governments, that Would Be Advantageous to Russian Backed Separatists. This was a Critical Part of a Peace Agreement between Kiev and The Separatists, that was Supported by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko!

(7) And, Crime and Drug Lords Continue to Violate and Threaten Our Children with Violence and Addiction, again and again, Without Pause or Care For The Damage and Tragic Consequences Our Families May Face.

(8) And, Politicians Spew Forth Their Rhetoric and Ideologies to Gain Our Vote, Irregardless of What the True Needs of Their Constituents, or, of what, "We The People" May Be In Need of, Violating The Vows that They Have Made to The People.
"We" are Not in Need of Petty Squabbles and Reality Show Politics, There are Important Issues that Need Addressing! And, Gun Related Violence is One of Them!
The Deaths of a Local TV Reporter, Alison Parker, 24, and, Photographer, Adam Ward, 27, of WDBJ-TV in Buford City, Virginia, on Wednesday, the 25th of August, 2015, is Just Another in the Line of Ever growing Domestic Violence Acts that Continue to Bedevil Our Lives! 
Our Sincerest Condolences go out to Their Families, Friends and Colleagues. 

The Murderer, Vester Lee Flanagan, 41, aka Bryce Williams, a Former Reporter for WDBJ-TV, Committed Suicide, by Fatally Shooting and Killing Himself, after Filming His Murder of Alison Parker and Adam Ward! One other Person, Vicki Gardner, of the Local Chamber of Commerce, who was Being Interviewed by Alison Parker, was Wounded in the Shooting.

(9) And, The World of Finance Continues to Hold Back Finances that are Needed to Re-Build the Infrastructure of Our Communities. And, the Giants of The World Banking Need to Respond to the Needs of The People, here in the 21st Century! Especially in Light of Their Past Grievances!

(10) And, The Continued Cyber Warfare between Sovereign Nations is A Constant Threat to Our Privacy, The Worlds of Business, Economic Growth, Technological Search and Discovery, Scientific Evolution, and National Security! 
As Recently as Monday, the 17th of August, 2015, The IRS Reported that Hackers/Cyber Criminals Gained Access to 330,000 Taxpayer Accounts. But, this is just "the Tip of the Iceberg," as the saying goes, Reports also Show that Cyber Criminals have Attempted to Steal Information from Taxpayer and Social Security Accounts going back to 2013, and I'm sure that Further Review will Provide Evidence of Hacking Going Back even Before this!
"These Complex Issues, Illegal Activities, Unsettling Global Cross-Media News Reports, Sociological Concerns, and Responsibilities to Our Environment, Go Beyond Politics and Profit!" 
"They Relate or Deal Directly with The Violation of Our Civil Rights and the Survival of Our Planet," and, "the Overall Welfare of We The  People," Sovereign Citizens of This Earth, and, The Grand Universe that Surrounds Us!

"There Must be An Earthwise Strategy, Agreed to, and Enacted upon, by The Nations of The World!"
"One that is of Benefit to One and All! Showing Reverence For Each Others Way of Peaceful Co-Existence," and, For Each Others "Inalienable Rights of Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness!"

"An Earthwise Vision of Global Economic Equilibre! An Earthwise Policy of Learning, that Provides for The Education, and Development of Every Child!"

"A Grand Earthwise Policy, that Guarantees Every Family to have A Home," and, "A Fair Opportunity to Achieve Their Goals in Life!" 
(The Difficulties For Any Family to Exist in a Refugee Camp is Practically Insurmountable! And, The Migration of Families in Europe and The United States, and Other Parts of The World, is Slowly but Surely Becoming a Tragic Displacement of Humanity! Woefully Regrettable and Piteous! And, Building Walls Will Not Solve the Problem! Homes, a Good Education, and Employment Will!)

"There Should Never Be A Reason For Any Family to Experience the Famine of Poverty!"
"The Reason For this, and The Truth, Lies in The Laughter, Eyes, and Embrace of A Child!" "Perhaps Your Own! Or, Your Grandchild, Niece, Nephew, Brother or Sister!" 

(The Political Use of the Term, "Anchor Baby" is a Cruel Misuse of The Political Process! And, An Immoral Approach Towards Obtaining the Vote of the Electorate!)
"There Can Be No Greater Value than The Life, Love, and Education of A Child!"

And, "Every Grand Enterprise For The Present and Future," Should Be Created with the Overall Global Concern for; (1) The Welfare of All Sovereign Beings, (2) Nature's Continued Evolution, and, (3) The Universe Itself, "All Clearly Imagined and Planned Out in Whatever the Undertaking or Enterprise May Be!"
And,"That Responsibility Should Begin with, and, Be Maintained in Synchronicity and Conjunction with Each New Generation!" 

And, "As Each Sovereign Nation Reaches Out to The Stars, There Must Be A Concerned Reverence For The Cosmos and Its Infinite, Imponderable Macrocosm!" 
And, "The Solar Axiom of Being Should Never Be Taken for Granted or Ignored!"

"When You Consider the Labor, Love, Passion and Sacrifice, and, Commitment and Vision, that Our Founders Placed in Imagining The Concept of what, This Grand Experience of Humanity Could Be," "The Photo or Video of A Global Selfie Of The People, By The People, and For The People, Living in Harmony and Unity with One Another, Here in The 21st Century, Would Be A Wonderful Image of what, They Envisioned!"

And, "When You Consider the Gifts of Life, Contributions, and Guidance, that So many Illuminated Icons have Shared with Us, of Their Own Free Consciousness and Awareness, For The Benefit and Survival Of Our World, Lives, and Families, that History has Given Great Acclaim to, and Heaped Great Praise upon," "Can We, But Not Agree, One and All, To Immerse Ourselves, in A Concerted Effort within the Omniscience and Cognitive Tenets and Philosophies of Their Teachings," and Grasp the Universal Significance, "Of One People, Evolving as Sovereign, Interdependent, Citizens of The World!"
And, "Showing Reverence For Each Others Peaceful Existence On This Planet Earth!
"Establishing A Golden Age of Millennials, Peacemakers, Teachers, Voices of Reason, Parents, Children, Friends and Neighbors!"

"A Golden Age Of Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness For One and All!"

"A Golden Age of Cultural, Technological, Scientific, and Philosophical Universal Axioms to Embolden, Enlighten, Inspire and Educate Each New Generation with The Adage and Precept that We are All One People of The Earth!"

"Call it A Grandiose Idea, or A Global Earthwise Strategic Principle or Belief in The Potential of Humanity!" Or, "Quite Simply, Giving Credence and Cadence to the Spiritual Beliefs, Solar Axioms, Philosophical, Cultural, and Basic Principles of Life, Provided for Our Implementation by Civil Rights/Equal Rights, Spiritual Leaders, and Illuminated Beings of The Ages," such as; Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Jesus Of Nazareth, Mary Magdalene, Saint Francis Of Assisi, Muhammad, Zoroaster, Rabindranath Tagore, Charlemagne, Mary, Moses, Martin Luther King Jr., Rumi, Socrates, Mother Teresa, Machiventa Melchizedek, Lao-Tse, Siddhartha Gautama, Clara Barton, and Confucius, "Who Gave Their Lives so that We May Live Ours in Peace, Freedom, Justly, and In Equality!" So, "Let Us Live Our Lives as Such," and, 
As, "A Culturally Evolved, Interdependent, Sovereign People of This Planet Earth!"

 And, "Let's Take a Moment to Add the Names of Three Americans, A French National, and A Citizen from Great Britain, to Our Wish List for A New Age of Heroines and Heroes of The Twenty-First Century," (along with the Two Teachers Jean Meaux, and Ali Martin, who Saved Lives in the Lafayette, Louisiana, Movie Theater Shooting, on July 23rd, 2015, by Setting off The Alarm while being Seriously Wounded Themselves).
U.S. Airman Spencer Stone, 23, and, National Guardsman, Alek Skarlatos, 22, Both, from Roseburg, Oregon, and Their Friend, Anthony Sadler Jr., 23, a Senior at California State University, in Sacramento, along with, French-American Citizen, Mark Moogalian, (who was Wounded) and, A Briton, Chris Norman, While Riding on A High Speed Train from Amsterdam to Paris, on Friday, the 21st of August, 2015, Prevented a Gunman, Ayoub El-Khazzani, 25,  from Attacking the Passengers! "Their Selfless Acts of Heroism Prevented a Major Tragedy and Loss of Life from Taking Place!"

The Authorities Reported that the Gunman had a Kalashnikov, Box Cutter, and, a Luger Pistol, in his Possession, and, that he Belonged to the "Radical Islamic Movement! It has also Been Reported that He had a Bottle of Petrol in His Possession. 

"We Send Our Gratitude and Thanks to These Five Gentlemen, For Their Selfless Act of Courage and Heroism in the Face of Danger!"  
French President Francois Hollande Gave The Heroes France's Highest Recognition,  for Their Act of Heroism, The "Legion d'Honneur! "The Three Americans were Vacationing in Europe!"
It is also Reported that "Two People were Wounded, in Total!" 

The Gunman, Ayoub El-Khazzanni Claimed that, "he only intended to Rob the Passengers on the Train!" He is Being Charged with Terrorism!

Voices Of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "It is No Mystery or Hidden Secret" that "The Truth Lies within All of Us," "We have," But, "To Take the Time to Feel it, Know it, and Share it!" At Times, "It is like a Microcosmic Solar Axiom Waiting to Blossom!" Or, "At Other Times, It is in Full Bloom!" 
Whatever The State of Being It is, "It is Meant to Be Shared, to Do Less, Would Deny Its Relevancy, Cognitive Significance, Universal State of Being, and Promise to The World!"

So, "Let's Share this Cognitive Life's Being in All of It's Essence, with Each Breath, Conversation, Text, Email, and Internet Transmission, via Our Social Media, and Cross-Media Universe!"

And, "Let Transparency, Authenticity,  Compassion, and The Truth, Be the Bridge and Nexus of Our Core Principles, Tenets, and Beliefs!" And, "Through Our Combined Efforts, The Truth Will Prevail!"
And, "A Golden Age of Peace, Justice, Economic Parity, Trust, and Social Security Will Come to Be!"

"Yes, It Will Take a Combined Concentrated, Focused, Non-Violent Effort, Embodied in A Soul Force Of The People, By The People, and, For The People, Before We've Achieved Our Goals" Of, "A Golden Earthrise of Peace and Prosperity, Shared in Equilibre, and, in Good Faith, All Across This Earth!" Truly, "A Golden Age Of, By, and For The People!"
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and An Age of Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Peace On Earth!