Monday, September 21, 2015



The Way To Peace! #260

"The Horrific Cross-Media News Report that Boys were Being Imprisoned and Held as Sex Slaves, and Raped, on U.S. Bases, by Afghan Police and Militia Commanders," (referred to as "Boy Play"), "If True, Is Extremely Distressing and Disturbing News!"
And, "Although, These Stories of Rape, and Forced Imprisonment of Boys," in Afghanistan, have Emanated from as Far Back as 2010, They Need to Be Clarified by The U.S. Department Of Defense, Immediately!"

"War is Hell," and "A Strategic and Brutal Affair," But, "There has always Been A Code of Ethics to Be Adhered to," "Even in the Most Confrontational of Encounters!"
As of Recent, "This Code has Been Violated, Continuously, by Extreme Radical Terrorist Syndicates in The Global War on Terror" (called The Overseas Contingency Operation' by the Obama Administration).

But, "If This Cross-Media News Report Bears out To Be The Truth," and, the U.S. is Implicated, 
"It would be a Tragic Blow against The Valiant, and Heroic Members of The U.S. Armed Service, who've Voluntarily Placed Themselves in Harms Way, so, that Sovereign Citizens of Nations All Over The World, May Live Free from Oppression and Injustice!"

And, "If, It is True," that "There is An Unspoken Policy," in Place, "Instructing Soldiers to Look the Other Way, and Ignore This Immoral Abuse of Boys," Held as Sex Slaves, "the Consequences of Such a Policy would Cause Great Damage to The Prestige of U.S. Service Men and Women!"

And, In Addition, "to Further Compound this Assertion of Boys Being Held as Sex Slaves by Members of the Afghan Police and Militia Commanders," "The Following News Reports" that, "Former Green Beret Special Forces Captain, Dan Quinn, and, Green Beret Sgt. First Class Charles Martland, were Reprimanded, Because, They Beat up An American Backed Militia Commander, who was Keeping a Boy Chained to His Bed (as a Sex Slave), is Beyond Imagination!"

And, "Whether this is An Unspoken Policy," or, "a Formal One," "It Still Goes Against Everything that We were Brought up to Believe in!" "A Code of Justice!" "A Code of Ethical Behavior!" "A Code of Honor!" "A Code of Law and Order!"

"The Question is," "If, This Cross-Media News Report is True," and It Appears to Be, "Who Authorized This Policy!" "Who is Responsible For It!" "When Did It Begin!" And, "What's To Be Done about It!"

"The Lives of Our Children are Too Sacred and Precious to Be Violated, Abused, Ruined, and Dishonored, in Such a Cruel, Savage, and Inhumane Manner!" 

And, "Those Members of The Afghan Police and Military who are The Unholy Perpetrators," Allies or Not, "They Must Be Arrested and Brought up on Legal Charges in Front of The International Court Of Justice," For The World to See! 
And, "For Future Generations to See," that "There is a Higher Form of Justice," that is "Universally Upheld and Believed in Amongst All The Nations of The World!" 

Truly, "A Declaration of Law," that is "Of, By, and For The Safety and Security of All the People, of this Planet Earth!"

And lastly, "Religious Leaders of All Denominations, Religious Persuasions, Creeds and Ideologies, Should Demand that There Be A Universal Code of Honor Amongst All Nations, and Extreme Radical Terrorist Syndicates, who are Engaged in War!" "Our Future, As A Civilized People of The Earth, Living in Peace, sans Fear, Depends on It!"

The United States has, An "American Policy of Non-Intervention," But, "This is Taking it Too Far, in my Humble Opinion!"
Green Beret Captain Quinn was Relieved from His Command, and has Left The Military! 
And, Green Beret Sgt. First Class, Charles Martland is Being Threatened with, "Being Forced Out of the Service!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 21st and 20th Centuries, "Though The Road to Peace May Be Long, and, At Times, Arduous, Exhausting, Threatening, and Challenging," 
"Let Us Not Be Dissuaded by The Impediments of Ignorance and Violence, that Lie in The Way!"
"Nor, by The Falsehoods and Lies that Attempt to Misdirect Us from Achieving Our Goals!"

And, Let Us, Instead, "Continue to Instill and Sow The Seeds of Peace, Justice, Non-Violence, and Hope," So, that, "We Will Inspire and Empower All The People's of The World to Continue to Embark upon An Earthwise Vision Path of Unity in Purpose," and "In The Grand Aspiration" that "We," As A Sovereign People of This Planet Earth, "Can Live in Peace and Global Equilibre with One Another!"
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age of Peace, Wonderment, Great Expectation, Justice, and Social Security For One and All, O'er This Planet Earth!