Friday, September 18, 2015



The Way To Peace #217 Revisited

I've been Deeply Contemplating, Why, "We" as "A People," Should Not Be "Rooted and Actively Engaged in An Age" that "Reflects An Eloquence Of Being!" An Age that Reflects, "A Universal and Personal State Of Evolution, Faith, and Grace!"
"Empowered by A Cognitive Awareness" that "Foretells The Coming of Millennia upon Millennia Of Economic Parity and Social Security For Each and Every Sovereign Citizen Of This Planet Earth!" An Age, "In which Each and Every One of Us is Given An Unlimited Opportunity to Achieve Our Goals, Dreams, and Visions!"

It is Deeply Disturbing that, There is, "In This Age of Wondrous Scientific and Technological Research and Development," Where there is So much Wealth and Prosperity...."One Child Living in Poverty!"

Shouldn't "The Overall Quality Of Life Be One of Plethora," For One and All? "With High Standards Of Education," For One and All! And, "Where The Winds Of Inspiration and Communication are So Far Reaching," that "Any Thoughts Of War and Violence are Dissuaded from Touching The Minds Of The Less Fortunate" because, It is So Apparent that "We as A People," are Nothing Less than "A Great Soul Force Of, What is Destined To Be, The Embodiment of A Great Age Of The People," that "Reflects A Great Eloquence Of Being!"

Are "We" Not Existing in The Second Decade of The 21st Century, "Where Wall Street Continues to Rise To Newer Heights, Inspite of Its Own Fears," and, "There are More Millionaires and Billionaires than Ever Before!" And, "Where New Celebrities and Stars Of The Future are Created through The Social and Cross-Media Universes!
So, "Why Should Human Trafficking and Sex Slaves Continue to Taint The Soul Of Our Communities," and, "Savagely Rip Away at The Hearts, Minds, and Souls of Too many of Our Families," Leaving "A Dark Void of Uncontrollable Sadness," "Where There Should Be Illumination, Joyfulness and Enlightenment!"

And, "Why Should any Child Fear for Their Lives," because, "They would Simply like to Go to School" and "Receive A Proper Education!"

And, "Why Should Millions of People Be Forced from Their Homes to Wander Aimlessly, in Hopes of A Place to Live, without Fear of Oppression and Torture!" "Rape and Death!"

"We," As A People of The 21st Century have Come To Far to "Not Be Enjoying The Empirical and Documented Knowledge of Our Experiences" as well as, "A Great Cultural Evolution that is Graced by An Infinite Ability, Insight and Perception of What Being Here and Now Truly is!" 

And, "We," As A People of This Planet Earth, have Come To Far to "Not Show Compassion For Our Fellow Human Being" and "The Lives of All Sentient Beings!"
"We" Should Be Existing as if "We" are "A Great Wave of Omniscience," "Reaching Out to Every Corner of This Earth of Ours!" "Lifting The Spirits of Those who are In Need" and "Giving Strength and Encouragement to Those of Us who have Been Down for so Long" that "Getting Up seems Impossible to Do!"

And, "We," As A People of, A Great Global Body of Human Initiative and Innovation," Should Be Feeling The Empowerment of "A Renaissance of Peacemakers and Voices of Reason," "Who Represent We The People," and, "Who are The Military, Financial, Political, Philanthropic, and Religious Leaders of The Earths United Nations!" Leaders, "Who are Consecrated and Dedicated to The Philosophy of Equilibre, Justice, and Peace On Earth, For Each and Every Sovereign Citizen of This The Third Planet from The Sun!" Truly, "Leaders of A Great Vision Path Of Peace!"

Of, "An Eloquence Of Being," "A Great Earthrise Of The People!" This is what "The Twenty-First Century Should Resemble!"
"Anything less" than that, "Would Be A Dis-Grace to Those who've Given Their Lives To Achieve An Eloquence of Being Here and Now!" 
The Names of Siddhartha Gautama, Jesus of Nazareth, Socrates, Lao-Tse, Machiventa Melchizedek, Zoroaster, Mary Magdalene, Confucius, Clara Barton, Charlemagne, St. Francis Of Assisi, Martin Luther King, Rabindranath Tagore,  Rumi, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Mary, Muhammad, Moses, Nelson Mandela, and, So Many More Spiritual, Equal, and Civil Rights Activists and Advocates Of The People are Truly, "The Illuminating and Soulful Embodiment of  This Great Eloquence Of Being," of "We The People!" And, "For Future Generations to Come!"

This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient Age Of Peace, Faith, Trust, and Social Security On Earth!