Tuesday, October 20, 2015



The Way To Peace! #178 Revisited

"The World of The 21st Century," Should Resemble A Unified World! A Global Community, "Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth! And, An Age of, Heroines and Heroes, "Of Peace, By The Glory Of Peace, and, For The Sake Of Peace, For The World!"

And, An Age of, Volunteer Workers, Who In Times of Severe Crisis, are Willing, Ready, and, Able, To Come Forward, To Aid Their Fellow Citizens, and, Neighbors, Who've had Their Homes Destroyed, and Seen Their Communities Wiped Out By Natural Disasters! 

Women and Men, Who are Truly, "Volunteers Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

"The World of The 21st Century," Should Resemble A Unified World of, Political Leaders who have "Vowed to Legislate on Behalf Of The People, and, Be True Representatives Of The People!" Including "Financial, Religious, and, Military Leaders, Who Realize The Seriousness of Their Responsibilities to Their Fellow Human Being, To Make A Better World!"

And, also, Who have Dedicated Themselves, To Make The Economical, Spiritual, Political, Sociological, Personal and Universal Reforms, that, Will Guarantee, The Social/Financial Security, Health, and, Welfare, that, Will Grace and Empower, The Earths Communities, and, Enhance The Quality of Life Experiences, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

"The World of The 21st Century," Should Resemble A Unified World of, Philosophers, Voices of Reason, Philanthropists, and, Peacemakers of, True Heart, Mind, and, Soul, Whose Vision Of The Earth is, Consistent with, The Idea's, Hopes, and, Earthrise Vision Path, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth! Whose Teaching and Activism, Fully Supports, The Fact that, "We The People," are Citizens of "One World!" "We were Born on This Planet Earth, and, are "One and All," Sovereign Citizens of, This, The Third Planet from The Sun!" 

And, "Irregardless of the Lies, and False Rhetoric" that "We" Have Been Taught To Believe in by Obstructionists, or, Segregationists, or, by "A Manipulative, Selfish, Egotistical, Conditioned Global Oligarchy," or, by "Those World Leaders whose Strategies and Imperialistic Designs are World Domination," "Let Us, always, Remember that in Times Gone by, When The World has United in It's Fight against Oppressors, Dictators, and, Corrupt Financial Institutions, in the Name of Freedom, Justice and Peace, "The World has been Victorious!"
And, "Let Us Find Peace of Mind and Purpose in Knowing that History has Recorded that Truth, Peace, and Justice has Prevailed!"
But, "Now Comes The Greatest Challenge of All to Accept and Respect Each Other!"

(And, Let there Be, "No Doubt" that "This is Not the Time to Be Building Wall's to Keep People Out, Let Us instead, Show Beneficence to Our Fellow Human Being, It's Time to Build Homes to Keep People Secure," and, that Includes Migrants, Transients, The Homeless, Refugee's, and The Poor, "Safe and Secure from Harms way!")

(And, The Leaders of the Worlds Major Industrialized Nations Must take a Leadership Role in This Effort a la the G-7, sans Russia!) 
(Russia, Must Decide Whether it will Act as a True Coalition Partner with The Civilized Nations of The World, As It Did with the P5 +1, For example, But, Not only to Work Towards Preventing Further Nuclear Proliferation, But, also, to (1) Come to the Aid of Those who are in Need, and (2) Respect the Rights of All Sovereign Nations of the World who Believe in Peace, and the Well Being of It's Citizens!)


"The World of The 21st Century," Should Resemble A Unified World, Driven By, A Peace Time Economy, and, An Age of Green Industrialization, and, Entrepreneurialism! Empowered by, A New Equation Aligning Innovation, Ecological Concerns, Space Exploration, Global Stimulus Programs,  International Trade Agreements, and, An Ever Expanding Growth in Hi-Tech, and, Science, All of Which Should Give Birth to A New Age of Global Employment Expansion and Job Security For the Earth's Populace!

And, A Unified World Of Enlightened Omniscience! Strengthened and Illuminated By, A Committed Generation of, Teachers, World Leaders, and, Parents, Combined with, A Compassionate, Purposeful, and, Universally Minded Generation of, Scientists, Engineers, and, Visionaries, Who Represent A Technologically Inspired, "Human Conscious Awareness!" Who are, also, An Environmental, Ecological, and, Morally Aware Group Of, "Interdependent Individuals," Who are, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of This Planet Earth! 

And, An Age Where "Journalistic Integrity" is "The Motto/Axiom of The Global Cross-Media News Universe!" And, American Broadcast Journalist and CBS Evening News Anchorman Walter Cronkite Still Remains the Model For Journalistic Integrity and the Image that Most Serious Journalists Aim for! (In the 1960s and the 1970s Walter Cronkite was Referred to as Being "The Most Trusted Man in America!")

(Truly, At a Time when The World is Rife with Real Life Stories of Heartbreaking Human Drama as Migrants Undergo Life and Death Journey's in Search of a New Home, and, the Serious Effects of Climate Change, the Ongoing War in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan, and the Escalation of Violence between the Sovereign Nations/States of Israel and Palestine in the Middle East, the Victorious Election of Liberal Candidate Justin Pierre James Trudeau (the Son of Former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau) as the New Prime Minister-Designate of Canada, and, the Courageous  Act's of Heroism in the Face of Terrorist Attacks, and, Domestic Violence, and, the Selfless Act's of Volunteerism, and Public Service, as Flash Floods, and Fire's Destroy Homes, and Businesses, Leaving Families Possession less and Homeless, or the Impoverished State of Hundred's of Millions of People Worldwide, "The Global Cross-Media News Blitz' Focus" on, 
(1) "The Fascination over Whether Joseph Biden, the 47th U.S. Vice President of the United States, Enters the Race for the Nominee of the Democrat Party for President, or, 

(2) Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's appearance in front of, yet, Another House Committee Investigation in the Benghazi Tragedy  (This Most Recent One, the 8th, has Cost U.S. Tax payer almost 5 Million Dollars), and, the Obsession with Her Emails, or, 

(3) Providing the Irreverent Political Campaign of Billionaire Donald Trump, to Become the Republican Party Nominee For President of the United States, with Virtually Free Air Time and Publicity, or, 

(4) Who will Become the New Republican Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Should Take a Lesser Role in Their Reportage!" There is a "Much Greater Universe of Human Related Issues" that is of "Considerately More Significance to the Welfare of A World in Need of The Truth," and, "The News!")


"The World of The 21st Century," Should Be An Age of Opportunity and Fulfillment, and, A Unified World of, Honorable, Principled, and Intelligent Young Women and Men, Who've Enlisted in Our Armed Forces, To Defend The Rights, Principles, Laws, and, Freedoms, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
Brave and Courageous Women and Men, Who've Volunteered and Dedicated Their Lives To Be, "Protectors and Defenders Of The People," and, Resistant To The Hostile, Evil, and Oppressive Directives of, Dictators, Tyrants, Organize Crime/Drug Lords, and, Agents of Corruption, Greed, Lust, and, Violence!

(And, Let there Be, "No Doubt," "As We Continue to Pursue New Global Approaches to Put An End to The Culture of War and Gun-Related Violence" that Continues to Threaten Our Earth, and, Our Lives, that "A Powerful, Global Military Defense and Response to Aggression, Coupled with Global Diplomatic Efforts, are The Most Formidable Way to Maintain Peace!" And, Let Us "Not Doubt This For One Nanosecond!")

(And, Let there Be, "No Doubt" that The Global War on Terror Continues to Exist and Threatens All Our Lives," and, that "Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates are Willing to Commit Any Atrocity, such as, Torture, or, Act as Suicide Bombers, to Commit Their Dishonorable Acts of Violence to Murder, Maim, or Injure Innocent Bystanders, Children, Mothers and Fathers," if "They Believe that this will Lead to Their Advantage!")

(And, Let there Be, "No Doubt" that "These Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates and Their Cohorts and Militias" have "No Respect For Our Cultures, Principles, Values, or Individual Freedoms," Nor do, "They Show Any Reverence For Our Families, Religious Freedoms, or Sacred Sites!")

 (And, Let there Be, "No Doubt" in the Minds of The World Leaders of The United Nations that The Future of The World Depends on The Civilized Nations of The Earth Acting in Concert with One Another to Use Maximum Effort, and, All the Resources of Their Combined Military Power to Force An Absolute Submission and Capitulation of the Leaders and Followers of These Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates and Their Political Allies! Any Delay in Doing so, Will Cause only More Suffering, Destruction, and Tears!)

"The World of The 21st Century," Should Be Made up of A Unified World of Law Enforcement, Who are Dedicated To Protect, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, from The Predators, Who "Seek Out Our Children For Their Immoral Purposes!"
A Unified World of Law Enforcement Officials, "Who have Given a Solemn Oath, a Pledge, a Vow, that Guarantee's the Protection of Our Son's and Daughters, from The Predators who Attempt To Corrupt Them, Kidnap Them, Enslave Them, Coerce Them, and, Addict Them," "For Profit, or, For Their Own Evil Intentions!"

(But, Let there Be, "No Doubt," in Any one's Mind, that Our Law Enforcement Officials are "Not Exempt from Any Charge" if "They Perform an Unpremeditated Act of Violence Without Due Cause," against "We The People!" And, "Will Be Judged Guilty by Their Peers," if "They Do Not Demonstrate or Show Proof, or, Reason For Their Actions," in a Court of Law!" "They will Be Held Accountable For Their Actions as Everyone Else is!" And, Let there Be "No Doubt" that New Criminal Justice Reform is Needed!")


"The World of The 21st Century," Should Be A Unified World, that, Is Against Poverty! And, Against Homelessness! And, Against Racism! And, Against Gender Discrimination!

And, A Unified World, that, Recognizes, that, Without The Universes of Art and Culture, "We" Would Be Existing In A World, "With No Soul," and, Without, "The Creative, Interdependent, Free Flowing, Individualistic Expression of, Our Thoughts, Words, Idea's, and, Feelings!"

The Universes of Art and Culture Opens up Our Minds and Intellect to Imagine and See Things that We Never Thought Could Be! Entertaining Us, While Inspiring Us To Dream, Communicate and Pursue The Goals of A Lifetime of Visions! 

The Universes of Art and Culture Teaches Us How to Admire, Express, and Share The Beauty Of Life, and, The Joy Of Life,  and All the Natural Embodiment's of Life's Riches, It's Skies, Seas, Landscapes, and Celestial Bodies, and A Myriad Generations of Sentient Beings and The Quintessential Essence of The People Of The Earth, Their Soul and Indomitable Spirit!"

And, A Unified World Knowing, that, There is a Global Constitution, that Represents, "All The People," Irregardless of, Race, Creed, Gender, or, Nationality You May Be!
And, that "There is a Universal Emancipation Proclamation, and, Global Declaration of Independence, that Guarantee's that All Women and Men of The Earth are Free to Pursue An Interdependent Life of Their Own Choosing!" "As long as It is Respectful of The Rights of One and All to Live in Peace!" "Benefiting One and All," and, that "Provides Equal Justice For One and All!" 

"This Earthrise Vision of The 21st Century" is a Transcendental One, A Global Equation of What The World of The 21st Century Should Resemble, and, A Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium, "For Future Now Civilizations, and For An Endless Season Of Generation's of We The People," Citizens Of This Planet Earth, "For Millennia upon Millennia To Come!"


Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Heart, Mind, and Soul of The Twentieth, and, Twenty-first Centuries, "The Gift Of Life that We Behold," "Is Sacred," Just as, "The Lives Of All Sentient Beings," Of This Planet Earth, "Is Sacred!"
So, Let Us Resolutely, and, Determinedly, Continue To Sow The Seeds of "Our Earthrise Vision Path," "Of, By, and, For The People," Wherever The Eddies, Streams, Currents, Waves, and, Sometimes, Hurricane Winds Of Change, and Peace May Be! And, Wherever The Dawn Of A New Age Of Non-Violent Evolution, Revolution, and, The Birth Of New Worlds, and, New States Of Being, May Be!

And, Let Us Continue To Share, "The Good News," that, "We" are Here, Ready, Willing and Able, To Join and Support, The Course of Evolution, Wherever It May Occur, Each and Every One Of Us, As "A Great Soul Force," "Of, By, and, For The People," via, The Global Internet, and, The Social, and, Global Cross-Media Universes! And, via The Nexus of The Unlimited, Omnipotent, Non-Violent, Hi-Tech, Activist Communication Network, and, Links, "Of The People!"

And, Lets Continue To Spread The Idea's, Words, Thoughts, and, Actions of, "Our Peace and People Initiative," "For, (1) A Global Truce, and Peace Dialogues, and, 

(2) A New and Advanced Age of Job Creation, and Alternative Energy, and, 
(3) A Peace Time Economy," that, "Is Empowered By, The Development and Research of, An Eco-Vision Of Green Manufacturing and Productivity," that, "Graces and Enhances Our Quality Of Life, and, The Quality Of Life of, The Earths Environment and Ecology!" 
And, That, also, "Gives Birth To A New Age of Economic Growth, Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "via, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, Linkedin, Hi-Speed Computers and Algorithms Dedicated To Finding New Cures for The Diseases, that, have Scourged The Earth For Centuries!"

And, Lets Continue To Spread The Word, Thoughts, Idea's, and, Acts of Conscious Awareness, via, The Universes of Music, Dance, Theatre, Film, and, Thru All The Myriad Worlds of Art and Culture! 

And, also, via, Interviews, Newspapers, Magazines, Non-Violent Demonstrations and Marches, Sit Ins, Strikes, Activist Groups, The Vote, Cable, Network, and, Satellite TV and Radio, In Concert Performances, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Amazon.co.uk, .co.jp, .fr, .de, .com, iTunes, Telethons, X's, Napster, Fax's, Meditation, Contemplation, and, Thought Projection!

And, Let Us Continue To Rise To A Higher Ground Of Spiritual, Emotional, Physical, Intellectual, Personal, Sociological, and, Universal Heights of, Enlightened Consciousness, Equilibre, and Equanimity, On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, Change, Hope, and, Compassion, For Our Fellow Human Being, and, once again, For The Lives Of "All Sentient Beings" Of, This Planet Earth! For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Way To Heal and Cure The World! And, The Way To, A Peace Time Economy, Empowered and Driven By, A World Of Green Industrialization, and, Education!
And, This is, The Way To, An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent Peace Millennium!