Tuesday, November 17, 2015



The Way To Peace! #267

"World Leaders of The Coalition of Civilized Nations," "It Must Come to No One's Surprise" that "The Global War Against Terror" (the Overseas Contingency Operations) "Can Not Be Won by Air Strikes alone (and a Few Special Operation Forces)!" 
It Will Take "A Highly Planned, Coordinated, and, Concentrated Ground and Air Campaign from Each and Everyone of You," to "Subdue and Defeat the Syndicates and Networks of Extreme Radical Terrorists, and, Their Collaborators!"

And, "While There Should Be an Immediate Short Term Effort" to "Crush, Demoralize, and Destroy These Syndicates of Extreme Radical Terrorists," There Should also Be, "a Long Term Strategy to Re-build the Geological Environment that has Been Destroyed by Daesh, and, from the Bombs of U.S. and Coalition Forces!" Plus, "a Political System that Represents All the People in Equilibre with Each Other," That is "Empowered by an Economical Infrastructure that Provides All the People with a State of Social Security, that is Culturally Evolved," and, also, "That Reflects the Universal Values of Living in a Modern-Civilized World Community of Nations!"  

And, "It Should Come to No One's Surprise" that "Until the Conflict in Syria and Iraq are Resolved in Favor of The People of Syria and Iraq and Our Coalition of Civilized Nations," the "Continuous Flow of Migrant Families from the Middle East and North Africa, to Europe, Will Not Cease!" 
And, "The United Nations of The World Can Not Ignore," or, "Turn a Deaf Ear to Their Plight!"

And, Once again, "The World is at Another Crossroad of Good against Evil!" 

"There is No Other Logical Way to Look at the State of Unmitigated Violence and Terror that has Been Unleashed against Innocent Children, Women and Men!" And, "Law and Order Must Be Firmly Restored, Improved, and, Broadened, to Protect Our Neighborhoods, Towns, Cities, States, and Countries!"

Millions of Innocent Lives are Being, either, Forced from Their Homes, in Fear!" 
"Killed, Tortured, Kidnapped, Raped, or, Forced into Servitude, or, Living in Refugee Camps, in Fear!" 
Or, are "Living from Hand to Hand, Journeying for Thousands of Miles O'er Sea and Land, in Fear!" "Fear of Losing Their Lives!"

And, "Yes, This is Not a Traditional War!" So, "You Must Use All of Your Resources," Your Spy Satellites, Police, Armed Forces, and, Intelligent Agencies, (in this Non Traditional War Against Terrorism) to Locate, Militaristically Engage, Capture, and, Imprison the Followers of Each Terror Syndicate," until "They have Been Ripped and Uprooted from Our Global Community!"

"Sever Their Bank Accounts, Sever Their Connections to Weapons Suppliers, Conduct Overnight Raids, and, Daily Incursions into Their Strongholds, Caves, and Cells!" 

"Destroy Their Oil Fields," and, "Sever All Civilized Ties and Contacts with Any Nation, Corporation, Person or Person's, who has Anything to Do with Them!" 

"Isolate Them from the Civilized World!" "Cut Them Off from All Their Sources, and, Hunt Them Down, Like the Criminals They are!" 

And, "Do Whatever It Takes," within The Conduct of War, to "Instill the Same Fear in Them that They are Attempting to Instill in Us!" 

And, "Give Them No Place to Hide!" "Subdue, and, Defeat Them!" Now!

And then, "Bring Them up on Charges in An International Court of Law," and "Sentence Them to Life Imprisonment," "For Their Careless Disregard of The Lives of Their Fellow Human Beings!"

And, "We Must Clearly Comprehend the Depth and Singular Significance" that "These Terrorist Syndicates, and, Their Collaborators, Live by," Which is, "They Gain Their Satisfaction and Profit," from "Killing Our Children, Our Daughters, Our Son's, without Mercy!"

(And, Let's also Bring to Justice Any Sex and Weapons Traffickers, and, Drug and Crime Lords who have Previously Been Able to Escape from Law Enforcement Authorities!)

"It Should Be Obvious," that the "Time For an Advanced Military Strategy of Engagement is Clearly upon Us, and, "Since, This is "Not a Traditional War," A Conscientious Domestic/Streetwise Strategy Makes Total Sense to Pursue!" 

For Example, "You Would Not Allow a Street Gang to Ravage a Local Neighborhood!" You Would Send in the Police or State Troopers to Stop the Violence," and, "Arrest the Perpetrators!" 
And then, "You Would also Make Sure that There are Enough Law Enforcement Authorities in the Neighborhood," to "Guarantee the Safety and Security of Every Citizen!" 
And, "They Would Remain on the Beat, For as Long as It Took to Stabilize the Situation," irregardless of the Cost!" "For The Safety of the Community!" Because, "to Do Nothing," "Would End up Being, Much, Much Worst!"
And, "This Same Approach/Strategy," "Can Be Utilized in the War Against Terror!"  

"Non Traditional Warfare or Traditional Warfare, It's Still War!" And, "The Tragedy of War" is that, "Death and Destruction Cause the Ruination of Too Many of Our Families, Homes, Towns, Cities, and, Countries!" And, "Cause the Cruel Finality and End of Dreams and Aspirations of Too Many Women, and, Men!" But, "The Saving Grace is," "That Their Lives Will Not, have Been Lost in Vain!" Because, They've Died to Preserve Our Liberties, Freedom, and, Way of Life!" But Today, "Too Many People, are Dying in Vain!"And, "This is a Tragedy of Enormous Proportions!" And, "There Must Be Justice!"

"World Leaders," of the G20, the COP21, NATO, The EU, and, The United Nations, Can't You See that, "Too Many People are Dying," For Just Sitting in a Cafe, or Restaurant!"

And, "Too Many People are Dying," For Just Going to a Music Concert!" 

And, "Too Many People are Dying, For Just Going to Work," or, "While Taking a Vacation, with Their Friends, and, Family!"

Actually, "This is Not even a Non Traditional War," "This is A Crime Against All Humanity!"

And, Yes, "It May Take Grueling House to House Military Campaign," in a Foreign Country, or, "Within Your Own Sovereign Nation," But, "Isn't It Obvious that There is No Way to Avoid Doing this!" "This is What War is, Traditional or Not!"

But, "What is Most Important" is that, "We Can Not Allow Ourselves to Be Manipulated, Coerced, Bullied, Divided, or, Controlled by Fear! 
And, "We Can Not Lose Sight of Our Principles and Values," "Due to the Evil Threats of Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates, and, Their Collaborators!"

If It Takes Invoking Article 5 of The NATO Agreement, Then, "It Should Be Done!"

"Why," Because, "It is in the National Interest of Every Civilized Nation to Subdue and Defeat These Terror Syndicates!"  Whether They Be ISIS (Daesh), AQAP (Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, or, Whomever, "It is In The Best Interests of The People of the Earth, to Act Now!"

"I Remember Former President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, When He Made His Historical Speech," at The Berlin Wall, on the 26th of June, 1963, When, He said in German, "Ich Bin Ein Berliner!" 
And, He was Correct! "Irregardless of Race, Creed, Nationality, or, Gender, You May Be," 
"We are All Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth," and, "All of Our Fates are Tied Together," "For Better or For Worst!" "This is Not a Matter of Sunni Against Shiite, or, Christianity versus Islam," 
"This is A Battle Between Good and Evil!"

And, "This is Time For All the People of The Earth, and, Leaders of The United Nations to Be United in Purpose," and, "That Purpose is to Defeat the Syndicates of Terror," and, "Put an End to Their Attempts to Control the Minds, Souls, Spirits, and Bodies, of "We The People!"

And, "The United States" has, both, "A Humane and Historically Founded upon Responsibility" "to Continue to Provide Leadership," and, "Whatever Resources are Necessary to Defeat and Bring The Assassins of Our Youth to Justice!"

"Ever Since World War II," "the U.S. has Come to the Aid of People All over the World," and, "Fought with Allies to Overcome the Threat of Tyranny and Oppression from Europe, to, the South Pacific," Dedicated to Defeat Those Who Threatened World Security, and, Preserve and Maintain Peace In The World!"
And, "Today, United States Armed Forces are Based All over the World in Support of Peace Loving People Everywhere!"

And, "In this New Threat to Peace and Security," that, also, "Is a Threat to the Sanctity of All Nations to Evolve as Interdependent Sovereign Nations of the Earth," "the United States has an Duty to Defend, Not only, What is in Its Own Self Interests," But, also, "What's in the Best Interests of All the People of the World!" 

And, "Yes, This May Not Be a Traditional War," But, "The Realities are such, That, "the U.S. Must, Forthrightly, Address the Violence and Mayhem of Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates, and, Their Networks of Evil," "As One would Deal with a Madman who is Trying to Kill You!"

And, "Let Us, One and All Agree" that "This is the Case!" And that, "No One is Safe," until, "The War has Been Won by the Global Coalition Allies!" 

And, Even then, "A Global Vigil Must, always, Be In Place," to "Safeguard, Defend, and, Protect the Rights of Freedom Loving People," with "Interchanging Tours of Coalition Armed Forces, Supporting and Empowering the National Armed Forces of Any Country, or, People who are in Need of Help Against Oppression, or, Request Aid!"

"This is The First Step in Maintaining A Cognitive, Compassionate, and, Realistic New Age of Peace, Security, Economic Parity, Higher Education, Advanced Growth in Science and Technology, Universal Healthcare, Entrepreneurialism, Limitless Opportunistic Potential, and, Global Equilibre in the 21st Century," and, "For Future Generations to Come!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries,  "I Can Still Hear the French Parliament Singing the Marseillaise in a Demonstration of Unity with One Another and The French People!"
And, "I Can Still See The Courageous Faces of the Citizens of Paris," at the Memorial, Near the Bataclan Theatre, "A Cascade of Tears Falling Down on the Beds of Flowers Covering the Ground," and, as "They Resolutely and Unwaveringly Go about Living, and, Embracing the Joy of Life," In spite of "the Threats Against Their Lives, Paris, and, France!"

"It is Inspiring," and, "Soulfully Empowering To See such Grand Spirit," Staring Back in Defiance in the Face of Danger, These are Golden Moments, Treasured Moments, that  Remind Me of Times Gone by," "When the People have Risen as a Great Soul Force," to "Confront, Oppose, and, Drive out Tyrants, and Dictators!"  And, "As History has Revealed,"  In the End, "Good has always Prevailed and Triumphed over Evil!" 
And that, "The People have Always Found, within Themselves the Inherent Soul Strength to Brave The Tides of Evil," and, "Transcend the Darkness!" "To Live as a Free Interdependent Sovereign People of the City, World, and, Spirit of The Light!"

This is The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent Age of Peace and Justice, (and) Hope and Prosperity, For One and All! Freely Flowing, Evolving, and, Enjoying a Higher State of Universal and Cognitive Enlightenment, and, Conscious Awareness of A Grand Earthrise Vision Path Of The People, By The People, and For The People!