Tuesday, December 1, 2015



The Way To Peace! #268

"My Wish List for the Jewish, Milad-un-Nabi (Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad,) Christmas, and, New Years Holidays" (and the 21st Century) is, "If, The Worlds Populace Must Exist" (as It has For Millennia upon Millennia), "In a World of Divided Sovereign Nations and States," "Let Us Be Undivided in Spirit and Purpose!" 
And, Let there Be a "Reconciliation of The People of The Earth in Peace" (Not just For the Central African Republic, as Pope Francis has Wished for).

And, Let Us Not Be Divided by "The Impediments that Bar The Way To Inner Clarity and Perceptivity!" 
"Nor, Let Us Be Divided by The Voices of Dissent that Argue against the Conclusions, Intelligence, and, Advice of Scientists!" 

And, Let Us Not Be Deluded by The False Rhetoric of Political Discourse "that Bloviate, Rather than Educate," or, "Religious Ideologies that Pontificate, Rather than Heal and Enlighten The World!"

And, "Let Us Not Be Psyched Out of Believing in That Which You Truly Love and are Inspired by," and, "What is Real from Unreal!"

"History has Revealed that For Millennia upon Millennia," "The Earths Populace/We The People" have Been "Taught and Conditioned, by Egregious Religious, State, Civil, Business, and, Military Leaders," to Hate Our Fellow Human Being," and,"Engage, over and over again, In Wars that have Violated The Core Beliefs of Our Faiths," "Under False Pretenses!"

Or, "Our Historical Records have Revealed" that, "We"..."The People," have Been "Told Outright Lies," in order that, "A Few," May Gain Property and Wealth, "at The Expense of The People," and, "Relish in the Enjoyment of Seeing Those of Us, who were Less Fortunate" 
(at Times a Whole Race of People), "Being Subjugated and Enslaved in The Name of God!"

Or, "We" have Been "Manipulated and Conditioned to Believe in What is Good Versus Evil," "But, Not For The Good or Benefit of The People" (does it Sound Familiar)!

And, Here "We" are "Half Way thru The Second Decade of The 21st Century," with the United Nations, the European Union, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, the People's Republic of China (PRC), the Federal Republic of Germany, France, the French Republic, NATO, International Courts of Law, and, International Trade Agreements between Sovereign Nations All over The World, "Building a Nexus of Bridges of Commerce to Herald in A Global Peacetime Economy," and, "Yet, The World Still Exists in a Fractious State of Being!" 

"The Key Words" are "United, Republic, and, Union!" "A State in which the Power Lies in the Hands Of The People" (and Their Elected Representatives), "Joined Together in a Common Purpose," (such as Freedom)! "This is what the Civilized Nations of The Earth Must Be!" 

Or, In this Case, "A Grand Union of United Nations," Sworn to Eradicate the Syndicates of Extreme Radical Terrorists, and, Their Criminal Collaborators from Ever Being a Threat to the Best Interests of Our Nations, and, the Well Being and Lives of We The People!"

And, "to All the World Leaders Attending the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, (COP 21 or CMP 11)," from the 30th of November until the 11th of December, Principally, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, United States President Barack Obama, French President Francois Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, UK Prime Minister David Cameron, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, and, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi,  It is of the Utmost Importance that "You are Aware of," and, "are In Absolute Agreement" that "The Danger to This Earth of Ours Lies Beyond The Pollution of Our Lands, Seas, and Skies!" 
"The Danger," also, "Lies in The Hands of Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates," who "Care Not if They Destroy Our Towns, Villages, and Cities!" 

"Nor, Do They Care about Murdering Our Children, or Enslaving Them!" 

"Nor, Do They Care about Killing or Torturing the Innocent!"

"They" have "Stolen Our Children, Our Lands and Property, and, have Caused The Ruination of Millions of Families!"

And, "They" are "No Better than Criminals," (Crime and Drug Lords, and Sex Traffickers), Pretenders of The Faith, (that They have Disgraced by Their Actions), "Maiming, Killing, and, Torturing Innocent Women and Men, in the Name of God!" "While Sinning against God," and, "The Children of God, Their Fellow Human Beings!"

So, "Let Your Environmental and Ecological Accords," "Reach New Agreements" that Specify, 
(1) You Vow to Lower Greenhouse Gas Emission," 
(2) Achieve a Binding Agreement on Climate Change, 
(3) Protect the Earths Threatened Species, and, Our Seas, Lands, Skies, and Universe, 
But, also, "Add a New Perspective!"  "A Vow to Protect The Lives of All The People, of This Planet Earth," from, "The Dangers of Depraved, Diabolical, Wanton, and, Malicious Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates," and, "Their Malevolent Accomplices!"

And, "Let Us Agree" to "Not Allow Ourselves to Continue to Be Fooled or Pitted against One Another," "In The Name of God!" "Where One Nation of People are Deluded into Taking the Lives of Another," "Under the Guise of False Statements," and "Misleading Beliefs of Superiority", "In the Name of God!"

And, "Let Us, also, Agree" to "Not Allow the Political Ambitions, Greed, and, Lust of Power," of Any World Leader, Domestic Politician,  Business, Drug or Crime Syndicate, or, So-Called Religious Leader, "to Delude, Terrorize, Enslave, Subjugate, Addict, Torture, or, Commit Criminal/ Unlawful Acts against Humanity!"

Instead, "Let Us Wholeheartedly Agree" that, "It is Time For A Prevalent Spirit of Good Will to Embrace The World, and, "All The People and Sentient Beings of The Earth!"

"It Shouldn't Take Another Horrific Mass Carnage of Innocent Victims to Mobilize the World Leaders of Civilized Nations to Act in Full Force," "Putting in Action a Global Strategy and Military Engagement," Arming Their Navy's, Armies, Air Forces, Intelligence Agencies, Special Operation Forces, Spy Satellites, and, Drones, "to Suppress, Prove False, Find and Destroy the Tyrannical Operatives of Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates, and, Their Leaders, and, "Remove from Power and Influence, Any Leader who has Imperialistic Delusions of World Domination!"

"History has Provided Us with a Cognitive Understanding and Knowledge of Times Gone By," when "Previous Acts of War, Mass Carnage, and Violence, Conducted by Barbarians, and Uncivilized Nations, Threatened the Security of the People of The Earth!"

And, "If There is Further Reason to  Justify the Full Global Mobilization of All Sovereign/Civilized Nations against the Syndicates of Extreme Radical Terror," the Displacement of Millions of Innocent People from Their Homes is One, (Vet Them, Screen Them, But, Provide Them with Homes, and Safe Harbor. (Let's always Remember that Joseph and Mary, when Mary was Pregnant with Baby Jesus, were Homeless),
And, (2) the Murder and Torture of Innocent Victims, and (3) the Generations of Children who are Being Denied a Proper Education, and, the Surety, Safety, and, Security of Growing up without Living in Fear of Losing Their Lives, "are Compelling Reasons to Act Now!"

"There Can Not Be A Generation Gap," or, "A Void of Conscious Awareness, or, "A Lapse in Spiritual and Religious Values, that Guides Us and Provides Us with a Sense of Empathy and Philanthropy For Our Fellow Human Being!" "Our Doctrines and Tenets that Guarantee that Our Freedom and Innate Quality of Life Should Be Passed On to Every Generation," For the Benefit and Welfare of Every Woman, Man, and, Child!" And, "For People of All Genders and Ways of Life!"

"Without A Great Union Of The People, By The People, and, For The People, United in Spirit and Purpose," "A Divided World Will Exist, With Millions of People Living in Poverty," and, 
"Too Many People Still in Need of Healthcare," "Lacking in Employment," and, "Without Access to Higher Education!" 

And, There are "Too Many People" Living amongst Us, "Who are Plagued by Fragile Psyches," or, are "Exhibiting Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Psychic Imbalances," and, are "Easily Manipulated by the State of Amorphous, and, Sociological Inequalities," that, Still Exist in Our World Today, and, "Cause (in Them) a Sense of Resignation and Frustration," or, "Cause Them to Strike Out in Vehemence," or, "In Blind Confusion, Towards Their Fellow Human Being!"  
"Causing Death and Despair" to, "Too Many Disheartened, and, Disconsolate Families who've Lost a Loved One!"
"These Individuals are Susceptible to Becoming Perfect Converts of Terror Syndicates," and, "Crime!"
"Ending up as Another Negative Statistic," and, "Soulless Perpetrator Doomed to A Hellish Demise" (as is the Case with the Majority of Foreign Fighters and Domestic Terrorists) "with the Eventuality of Death and Disgrace as Their Final Act."

However, "With a Great Union Of, By, and, For The People," in Place, "Educating, Healing, Providing Philanthropy, Healthcare, Social Security, and, Opportunity For The People,"  A Soul Force of Public Servants, "Can Reach Out to These Individuals who've Gone Astray," and, "Help Them Find a New Balance in Their Lives!"
"One, that Embraces Humanity," and, "All Sentient/Universal Life Forms!" 

"Envision" with me, "A Great Union Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," that is "Empowered by the U.S. Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank (ECB), the IMF, and, A Vibrant Age of Global Technology, Enlightened Scientific Discoveries, Resilient Global Markets, Emerging Economies, Investment in the Modernization of the Earths Infrastructures,  a New World Unification of Banking and Privatization in the Name Of The People, Affordable Healthcare, and, a Global Peace Time Economy!" 
"Bringing Forth a New Global Financial Equilibre and Security," to "Our Towns and Villages, Cities, States, and Nations of The Earth!"

Yes, "This is a Substantial Holiday Wish List," and, "Change Can Prove to Be Difficult," But, "As The History of Humankind has Shown Us," "Where, There is a Will to Make a Positive Change For the Betterment of All Humankind," "It Can Be Done!" And, "The Proof Lies in Each New Day, Season, Idea, Thought, Word and Action!"  

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries, "Can We Ride the Wind to, Yet, a New Horizon, Where Innovation, Evolution, Generosity of Spirit, and Change Exist For All The People of The Earth!"

"Where a Magnificent Earthrise of Infinite Proportions, Illuminate and Enlighten the Earths Populace!"

"Where a Child's Smile Can Bring a Cascade of Endless Joy and Happiness into Your Life!"

"Where a Politicians Mantra, or, Motto is, To Truly Serve the People!"

"Where All the Tithes of The Worlds Religions are Used Solely For the Benefit Of The People!"

And, "Where Cyber Space is a Place of Growth, Wisdom, Knowledge, Joyful Entertainment, Universal Exploration, Global Bridges to The Great Spirit Of The People, and, The Sharing of Evolutionary New Arts and Culture!"
The Answer is, "Yes We Can!"

For, This is, The Way To Peace, and,  An Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent Age of Peace, Truth, Social Security, and, Hope On Earth!