Wednesday, December 16, 2015



The Way To Peace! #269

"This Morning, The Sun was Sleeping Late, Lying in a Bed of Beautiful Stratus, Cirrus, and Mountainous, Gray and White Cumuli, Stretching Across An Indian Summer Sky, as the Multicolored Hues of Autumn Prepare to Change to the Grays, Blues, Browns, Lingering Greens, and Crystalline Sculptured Snowflakes of Winters White!" But, Now as The Day Progresses, "A Magnificent Blue Sky has Emerged, Extending For as Far as I Can See, with The Sun Radiating It's Warmth O'er the Land and Sea!"

And, "As I Sip a Cup of Tea" (Rosie Lee), and "Reflect On Things that Be," (While, also, Listening to the Songs of Holiday Cheer), my State of  Contemplation and Meditation have Become Centered on "An Inner Flow of Nurturing, and Empowering Dialogue," that, "All but Encompasses me," Revealing that, "We Live in An Extraordinary Age of Accomplishment, Innovation, and New Discoveries!" "Whether it Be in Science and Technology, Music and Art, Sports and Biology, Physics, and Space Exploration, Philanthropy, and Healing, Education and Psychology," or, within "The Universe of Cyber Space and Spirituality, Satellites and Mathematics, Oceanology and Chemistry, the List Continues into Infinity!"
All of Which, Makes it All the More Disturbing, "Why, There is Slavery of Whatever Nature, in Existence," On the Surface of This Planet Earth!

"President Barack Obama's Eloquent Speech," "Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the Ratification of the 13th Amendment of the United States Constitution," Which Took place, "on the 6th of December 1865," that "Abolished Slavery," For Once and For All in The Unites States of America, had "Significant Aspects to it," Specifically, in regards to (1) the Conflict over the Faith of Islam, (Followed by More than 1 Billion Followers of Muhammad, Worldwide) and (2) the Abuse of This Holy Faith, by Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates, and (3) the Ever growing Refugee Problem, that has Caused Divisions amongst the Populace of the Earths Civilized Nations, and, (4) in my Opinion, the Subtle Rebuke of the Comments Made by Donald Trump, in regards to Muslims and Refugees, (Mr. Trump's Comments Border on Being Unconstitutional, and, a Violation of the First and Fourteenth Amendments, and, also, Lack the True American Spirit and Compassion the United States has, Always Been Known, and, Admired for).

And, As I Continued Rummaging thru, and, Contemplating over the Limitless Number of Events that Permeate, althroughout, the Global Cross-Media News Blitz, Beginning with, (1) Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's Recent Remarks, During "the Fisher versus the University of Texas Oral Arguments, Affirmative Action Case," Suggesting that "African-Americans Should go to a Less-Advanced School," and, "a Less -- a Slower-Track School where They do Well," "Demonstrated that Even Supreme Court Judges Can Lose Sight of the Challenges that Exist for Ethnic Groups in Today's Societies!" And, Unfortunately, also, "Displayed For the World to See," just, "How Isolated His Thoughts are" from, "What is Real versus Unreal!"

(2) And, "In Another High Profile Court Case of Important Significance," "A Mistrial in the Criminal Case of William Porter," Who was "One of Six Police Officers, in Baltimore, Maryland," "Brought up on Chargers in the Death of Freddie Gray, 25," Whose Death Caused Riots and Mass Demonstrations, is "Another Frustrating Example of a Miscarriage of Justice at Mr. Gray's Expense," and, "Last Breath on Earth!"
And, In a Broader Sense, "Will Definitely Cast Further Doubt on Whether the Baltimore/Maryland Police Department, and, or Court System,"  Can Treat the African American Community" in An Unbiased Nature!"

"This Mistrial Should Cause Great Consternation in the African American Community and Mobilize a Great Soul Force of Non-Violent Protestations, Marches, and Demonstrations!"

"Justice Must Be Served," and, "Let There Be No Doubt" that "a Mistrial Should Not Be the Final Word in the Death of Freddie Gray!"
(After approximately Sixteen Hours of Deliberation, over a Three Day Period, The Jury of Seven Black and Five White Jurors were Deadlocked on All Four Charges, including Involuntary Manslaughter! The Circuit Court Judge Barry Williams has Instructed the Defense Lawyers and Prosecutors "to Discuss a New Trial Date!") 

(3) And, The Results of the Week long Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit, in Manila, Philippines, that Began on, the 13th and Culminated on the 19th of November, 2015, that Resulted in "A New Declaration/Agreement" to "Fight against Poverty and Terrorism, and, the Serious Challenge of Climate Change, Plus, the Importance of Continued Economic Growth, and, the Global Economic Outlook."  
APEC's Theme, and Agenda, Which was, "Building Inclusive Economies, Build a Better World," Did Not Include, "China's Claims to Several Uninhabited Islands in the South China Sea," interestingly Enough! 

(4) And, "After Lama al-Sulaiman," was One of the "First Women Elected in Saudi Arabia's Elections, Last Weekend." 
Will this Historical Moment "Herald in a New Age of Women Holding Political Office in Saudi Arabia, is the Question!" 

"Ms. al-Sulaiman" is One of, at Least, "a Dozen Women Who Won a Seat in Saudi Arabia's National Municipal Elections, on Saturday, the 12th of December, 2015." And, "She is, also, An Entrepreneur of a Woman Only Fitness Club!"

(5) And, "Marine Le Pen's National Front Party's Defeat," and, "Nicolas Sarkozy's the Republicans Party Successes in France's Regional Elections, "Pose a Definite Restructuring to the Political Landscape in France! 
How Much of a Threat to President Francois Hollande's Socialist Party," in the Next Presidential Elections, will Former President Sarkozy Be?
 "Will There Be a New Far Right Coalition," or, "Will There Be A New Alliance between Former President Sarkozy, and, Current President Hollande?"

(6) And, In Venezuela, "The People" have "Spoken out For Change!" "They have Given a Clear Mandate to the Venezuelan Opposition Party (MUD), The Democratic Unity Coalition, Rejecting the Policies of President Nicolas Maduro's United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV)," on the 6th of December, 2015!

(While In the United States, there Still is More than a Month until the Iowa Caucuses Take Place, on the First of February, 2016! With Donald Trump Leading the Republican Candidates, and, Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton Leading the Candidates of the Democrat Party! 
"The Ramification's of the U.S. Presidential Election Will Portend the Gravest of Implications For Both The U.S. and The World Body of Civilized Nations!"

(7) And, "How will the Turkey/Russia Tensions Be Resolved" after the Shooting Down of a Russian Warplane by Turkish Fighter Jets, on Tuesday, November 24th, 2015, "Causing the Death of One Russian Pilot, However, the Other Pilot was Rescued." (and How will Increased Tensions between Turkey and Russia, Affect the Fragile Relationship between NATO and Russia). 

And, "How will Russia's Strategy of Supporting Syrian President Assad," at the Consternation of the U.S. Led Coalition of Nations, Formed to Fight against Daesh, "Be Resolved!" 
And, "Let Us Not Forget" that "the Continued Hostilities between Russia and the Sovereign Nation of Ukraine are Still Unresolved."

It Amazes me, "How Russian President Putin still Remains a Popular Figure in Russia," When "He has Involved His Country in Conflict after Conflict, with For the Most Part, "His Own Agenda in Mind!" "While the Ruble, and, the Russian Economy is in Dire Straits!" 

And, also, "The International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) has Provisionally Suspended Russia's Track and Field Federation by a 22 to 1 Vote, on Friday, the 11th of November, 2015, over Doping Charges!" "Which Could Deny Russia from Being Able to Participate in Next Years Olympics in Brazil!"  
Russia is Being "Accused of Widespread, Systematic Doping, in a report released on Monday, the 14th of December, 2015,  by the World Anti-Doping Agency Commission (WADA). And, "This is All Occurring on President Putin's Watch!" 

(8) And, "How Will the Increase of Federal Reserve Rate, on Short Term Borrowing, Affect the Global Markets?" And, "Will it Empower the Global Economies!"

(9) And, "When and Where Will the Next Cyber Attack Take Place!" And, "Will the We Be Ready For It!"

(10) And, "Will Mayor Rahm Emanuel's Tenure, as Mayor of Chicago, "Be Ended," "Because of the Political Abuse Issues," and, "Besmirched Breakdown of Chicago's Police Departments Public Image!" 
And, "Will the Tragic, Brutal, and Unconscionable Circumstances Surrounding the Execution/Death of 17 year old, African American, Laquan McDonald, in October, of 2014," and, "the Threat of Strike by Chicago's Teachers Union," over the Proposed Layoff's of 5,000 Jobs by CEO of Schools, Forrest Claypool.  "Be the Final Blows of His Undoing!" 
Chicago Police Officer, Jason Van Dyke, was arrested, and, has Been "Charged with First Degree Murder, for Allegedly Shooting Laquan 16 Times!"

(11) And, "As the Post Cross-Media News Revelations Wane," about the Husband and Wife Terrorists who "Caused the Deaths of 14 Women and Men in San Bernardino, California, and, Wounding 22 Others," (while They Themselves were Shot and Killed in a Car Chase by the San Bernardino Police), "New Threats of Violence," Caused the Closure of  Los Angeles Unified School Districts, on Tuesday, The 15th of December, 2015, Schools in California (and Reopened on Wednesday)." 

"The Same Threat was Made against the Schools in New York City," as well, However, "They" were Considered to Be "a Hoax," by the New York City Police Department!
And, "Still, the Need for New Gun Reforms Goes Unheeded by the U.S. Congress!" "Shamefully!"

(12) On a More Positive Note, "The U.S. Congress has Reached a Tentative Agreement," on "A New 1.1 Trillion Dollar Spending Deal" (and Tax Breaks, of course), "to Fund the U.S. Government thru the 2016 Budget Year!" The Spending Agreement Would, also, "Include the Re-Authorization and Expansion of Aid and Benefits for 9/11 Emergency Workers," (the Renewal of Which has Been Long Over Due), and, "Allows For Export of American Oil!"

(13) And, "More Good News" is, "German Chancellor Angela Merkel," has Been Named Time Magazines "Person Of The Year 2015!" 
Chancellor Merkel is "Very Deserving of this Prestigious Award, Due to Her Embrace/Welcoming of  More than a Million Middle Eastern Refugees to Germany," and, "Her Leadership in World Monetary and Political Affairs!" She is Definitely "A Profile in Courage to Be Greatly Admired!"   

(14) And, "After 2 Weeks of Discussions and Negotiations at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP21), in Paris, France," by More than 190 Countries, "A Historical/Landmark Agreement has Been Reached to Decrease/Reduce the Use of Fossil Fuels!" 
"The Accord that has Been Agreed to" "Will Keep Climate Warming at Levels Lower than 2 Degrees Celsius, above Pre-Industrial Levels," and, "Hopefully," One Day in the Not Too Far off Future, "Keep them at 1.5 Degrees Below!" And, "Reduce Their Emissions Levels every 5 Years," Beginning in 2018.  

"Environmental Scientist," Simon Lewis, Claims that "We will see more Reductions in Temperatures if Increased Emission Cuts Continue to Be Made after 2025." 
However, "The Fact that this Broad Agreement has Be Reached by so Many," is "a Positive Step Forward For The Future of This Earth of Ours," and, "Our Future Generations," and, "Has the Magnificent Feeling" of "A New Beginning of Cooperation" between "All the Civilized Nations of The Earth!"

But, "While There is Much to Celebrate about the Ecological Future of The Earth," There is Still Much to Do, "to Make A Better World For One and All," and, As my Thoughts Continue to Evolve,  and Coalesce, I Find myself Returning to "The Fact" that, "While the Ratification of The 13th Amendment" of the U.S. Constitution, "Abolishing Slavery" was," and, "Still Remains A Remarkable Achievement," "In a Global and Moral Sense," "Slavery Continues to Exist!"
And, "This Needs to Be Adhered to by Our Global Law Enforcement Communities, Intelligence Agencies," and, "Military Forces of the Worlds Civilized Nations!"

And, "The Fact Still Remains" that, Sex Traffickers, Immoral Militant Groups, Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates and Their Collaborators, Pedophiles, and, Drug and Crime Syndicates, of "Whatever Affiliation, Organization, or Institution," Continue to "Savagely Ravage, Steal/Kidnap, Sell, Mentally Manipulate, and, Violate the Rights of Our Children," "From Africa to the Middle East, and, from Europe to Oceania, Asia, and, The Americas!"

This is "Why, The Global Law Enforcement Community and Military of The Earths United/Civilized Nations," "Must Go Beyond Their Strategies to Contain This Global Syndicate of Sinful Evildoers," and "Attack Them in Full Force!"

"This Global Syndicate of Sex Traffickers, Immoral Militant Groups" (such as Boko Haram, who have Kidnapped Hundreds of Young School Girls)), "Illegal Weapon Dealers, and Extreme Radical Terror Groups," (such as Daesh) and, "Their Collaborators" (and Sympathizers), "Must Cease to Exist!"
"They Must Be Found Out, Arrested," and "Brought up on Charges in Front of An International Court of Law," and "Convicted of Crimes against Humanity!" It's as Simple as that!"

"Give Them No Quarter!" "No Place to Hide!" "No Place where They Can Feel Safe to Consort and Plan Their Acts of Violence against Freedom Loving People All over The World!"

"There are Too Many People of All Faiths and Beliefs," Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Atheists, Agnostics, and, Jewish, "Depending on Our Civilian, Military, Religious, Spiritual, and, Business Leaders," and, "Law Enforcement Officials," "Making a Deliberate, Purposeful, and, Hands on/Concentrated Effort to Bring these Crime and Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates to Justice!"  

Only then, "Can We as a Sovereign People," of This Planet Earth, "Find Comfort and Satisfaction," In Knowing that "Our Children are Safe from Harms way," and, that "the Evildoers that Feast upon Each New Generation of Families of Our Earths Societies are In Prison!"
"This Perverted Mosaic of Pathological, Despotic, Destructive, Oppressive, Violent, and, Evil," "Must Be Removed from Doing Any Further Harm to The Earths Societies!"

And, "They Can No Longer Be Tolerated or Permitted to Exist as An Integral Part of the 21st Century," or, "For Future Millennias to Come!"

And, I look Forward to the Day when, "There is No Slavery on Earth!" 

And, "No Poverty on Earth!" And, "An End to Homelessness, Hatred, Bigotry!"

And then, "We Can Truly Celebrate a Great Jubilee of Peace, Freedom, Justice, Opportunity, and Prosperity!" "For One and All!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries, "Let Us Find Agreement and Comfort in The Reality that There are Solutions" to "The Myriad Sociological Complexities and Evils, that Our Global Communities are Being Faced with!"

And, "Let Us Find Hope, Comfort, and, Optimism," in An Earthwise Vision Path, "Of, By, and, For The People," that, "Encompasses the Heart, Soul, Generosity, and, Charitable Nature of The People, of This Planet Earth!"

And, "In Regards to Those Who Attempt or Choose to Impede, or, Obstruct the Evolution and Universal Awareness of Our Inner-selves and Global Societies," "Let Us Continue to Find the Soul Strength, To Evolve, Transcend, and Grow," as "An Indefatigable, Cognitive, and, United People of The Earth," "Who are Destined To Be A Great Soul Force of Reason, Intelligence, Compassion and Faith," and, "Cast Out," of Our Lives, "These Obstructionists and Extremists from Having Any Further Affect on Our Livelihood, or, Our Future!"

And, "Let Us Continue to have Faith and Trust in the Eloquence and Reverence of Being," and, "In Our Fellow Human Being!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Be Protectors of the Earths Environment," and, "Defenders of A Great Soul Force of Truth and Justice!"

For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Selfless and Unfaltering Personification of Being Here and Now, In An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age of Peace, Social Security and Global Equilibre, On Earth!