Monday, January 4, 2016



The Way To Peace! #270

"Seven Continents, More than 100, 000 Islands, Oceans, Limitless Numbers of Lakes, Rivers, Streams, Mountains, Valleys, Waterfalls, Icebergs, Deserts, Open Plains, and Jungles, Nations, States, Cities, Towns, Villages, Billions of Human Beings, Billions of Sentient Life Forms and Organisms, Skies, Stars, Moons, Sun's, Planets, Asteroids, Comets, X's, Shooting Stars, Galaxies, Black Holes, and Solar Systems!"
"Think about It!"

"We" are but, "A Minuscule," Ever so " Infinitesimal Part," of, "A Limitless, Unbounded Infinity of A Grand Creation!"
"How Breathtakingly Magnificent This Grand Adventure is!" And, There is, "Still So Much More Knowledge to be Gleaned from It!"

Whether it Be from "A Cognitive or Purely Academic Perspective," or, from "The Absolute Awe -Inspiring Experience" that "Can Be Gained from a Spiritual Quest!"
How "Remarkable," "This Empirical, Physical, Astronomical, and Universal Experience is !"

And, "Think about," and Focus on, "How Much Education, Omniscience, and Awareness," "We Can Share and Pass Along to Our Children and the Future Generations of This Planet Earth!"

"Think about It," When "You Hear Political Rhetoric that is "False and Misleading, Degrading and Outright Lies!"

"Think about it," When "You Read False Propaganda and Misleading Statements by Global Extreme Terror Syndicates!"

"Think about It," When "You See Acts of Violence and Invasion's of An Interdependent Sovereign Nation!"

"Think about It," When "You See, Read, and Hear Global Cross-Media News Reports," In the Newspapers, Journals, Internet, Network, Cable, Satellite TV, and Radio Programs, "Depicting in Stark Detail, the Tortures, Kidnappings, Mass Shootings, and Cruelty Being Perpetrated by Immoral Militants Groups, Sex Traffickers, Domestic Terrorists, Illegal Weapons Dealers, or Crime and Drug Syndicates!"

"Think about It," When "Global Finance Systems, and Banks," "No Longer Reflect or Provide the Proper Services, Investment, or Support Needed by the Public," to "Rebuild, Repair, Research, and Develop New Enterprises that Empower the Public and, the Global Economy," or "the Financial Encouragement that Small Businesses Need," or, "the Business World, and Sovereign Governments Need to Invest and Provide New Jobs and Improved/Modernization of Public Infrastructures!"

"Think about It," When "You Discover" that "There are Certain Religious, Political, Military, and Financial Leaders and Global Oligarchs," that Are "Taking Illegal, Immoral, and Unfair Advantage Of The People," As "They Deride The People, and, At The Expense Of The People!"

And, "You Will Be Able to See in All Clarity and Pure Visibility," the "Imbalance of The Global Human Equation!" And, "How this Imbalance," has "Trickled Down, Ripple upon Ripple into All of Our Lives!"
"Creating Distrust, Resignation, the Lack of Hope, and Disbelief in the Tenets and Way of Life" that "We were Brought up and Taught to Believe in!"

But, "Back to The Equation!" A "Change Must Come in the Mind set of Every Human Being, Worldwide," that "Comprehends that the Falsehood's that We have Been Conditioned by," "Must Be Undone and Eradicated/Expunged from Our Consciousness!" 
And, "We Must," One and All, "Become Equal, Civil, Environmental, and Peace Advocates/Activists!" And, "Utilize The Vote, Non-Violent Global Demonstrations, Sit ins, Strikes and Meditation, and Contemplation and Concentration" on, "What is Real versus Unreal in Our Lives to Achieve Our Goals!"

"A Global Equation/Change" that "Is Beneficial to the Overall Growth and Evolution of Each and Every Child and Adult!" So, that "Our Earths Societies May Evolve in A Global Equilibre," that "Casts Out the Evildoers, who Presume to Oppress and Control Us by Force," or, "by Tempting Us with Simple Platitudes and Subtleties, in An Attempt to Lure Us," into yet, "Another Mental, Financial, Spiritual, Psychological, Political, or, Militaristic Trap!"

"Think about It," As "We Embark upon a New Year, 2016," with "All the Potential that it Beholds," in this 21st Century!" And, "Consider Carefully," "All that We have," Before You/We, "Allow It to Be Taken Away," by "Greedy, Unprincipled, Spiteful, Egotistical Pretenders/Sophists, Machiavellian, Decadent, Corrupt Licentious, and False Prophets!"

And, "Always Remember," to "Vote Your Conscious!" And, "Believe in What You Know to Be the Truth," and "In Fact What is The Truth!"

"For, This is The Second Decade of The 21st Century" and, "We" have "The Voting Power," and "The Buying Power on Our Side!"

And, "We are," and, "Makeup the Body, Mind, Heart and Soul of The Armed Forces of The United Coalition of Civilized Nations!" And, "The Body, Mind, Heart and Soul of Law Enforcement of The Truth and Justice O'er The Land!" 
So, "What Do We have to Be Afraid of? "Rien," as "The French Would Say!"

And, "Nothing," and "No One," "Can Deter Us from Living Our Lives as A Free Interdependent Sovereign People of The Earth!"

And, "No One Can Deter Us from Living by The Tenets, and Values of A Free Interdependent Sovereign People of This Planet Earth!" For, "This is Our Destiny and Fate!" And, "The Inheritance" that "Each and Every Child, Woman, and Man, was Born to Enjoy, Defend, Share, and Live By!"

So, "Let Your New Years Resolution Be," One of, "Down with Tyranny, and Down with Political, and Religious Extremists," who "Attempt to Divide and Manipulate Us!"

And, "Down with Financial Corruption" that "Attempts to Misuse and Drain Us of Our Personal Assets and Resources, and Our Will to Live"

For, "We" are "the Innovators, the Pioneers, the Scientists, Astronauts, Mathematicians, Engineers, Librarians, Teachers, Doctors, Entrepreneurs, Navy, Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, Special Operations Forces, Intelligence Agencies, Nurses, Postal, Fire, and Police Officials, Lawyers, Judges, High Tech Graphic Designers, Meteorologists, Energy, Housing, Airline, and Automobile Industries, Marketing Experts, Retail, Travel and Leisure Industries, Musicians, Dancers, Artists, Conductors, Arrangers, Filmmakers, Sports Athletes, Public, Civil and Equal Rights Advocates and Activists, Journalists, Philanthropists, Philosophers, Environmentalists, Volunteer and Rescue Workers, Parents, Government Servants, Peacemakers, Voices of Reason, and The Hope and Truth Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and, "For The Future!"

"Whatever the Category is, that You May Be a Part of, or Represent," "You/We" are "The Engine, Soul, Spirit, and Conscious of Our Global Society! And, "The Driving Force" of "A 21st Century Earthrise Vision of A Global Society of Enlightenment and Unanimity!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries, "Let Us Continue to Strive in the Pursuit of Excellence!"

And, "Let There Be No Doubt" that "You/We have to Be Streetwise and Earthwise in All of Our/ Your Pursuits!"
And, that "This Should Be Our Mantra, Strategy, and Cross-Media Universal Prototype/Model," For "A Global Ascendancy Of, By, and For The People!"

"For Much Too Long The Peoples Concerns have Been Ignored," or "Placated by Illusions and Delusions of Grandeur," and, if, "We are to Transcend These Illusions," and "Succeed in Making a Better World For One Another," a la, "A Beautiful Song of Interconnected Sonorities of Inspiring, Uplifting, and Meaningful Melodies of Peace, Prosperity, and Harmony," For One Another, "We Must, Come Together," as The Beatles Sang, "As a United People of The Earth," and, "Truly Create a Reality of Change," that "Embraces" and "Allows For Us to Share A Fundamentally, Higher Value, and Universal State of Being For the Sake of Future Generations to Come!"  "Out of Respect For The Sanctity of Life, and The Lives of All Sentient and Universal Beings!" This is "A Gift of Life that We Can Give to Our Children and Grandchildren!"

This is, The Way To Peace and, An Omniscient, Omnipotent, and, Omnipresent Age of Peace, Love, Honesty, Compassion, Soul Strength, Trust, Faith, Justice, and Reverence!