Saturday, November 14, 2015



The Way To Peace! #266

"Friday, the 13th," of November, 2015, "The City of Light" has, once again, "Been Savagely, and Brutally Attacked!" "Resulting in the Deaths of 129 Innocent Lives (More than Twenty People from Foreign Countries have Been Killed, Including One American, Nohemi Gonzalez, 23, Three Chileans, Two Innocent Victims from Mexico, Two from Spain, One from Belgium, One from the United Kingdom, and Many French Citizens, the Names of Whom are in the Process of Being Revealed, by French Authorities. And, Tragically, There are Other Victims who have Not Been Identified yet)!"
These Deaths were Caused by, (1) A Series of "Suicide Bombings," at the Stade De France, and (2) "Vicious and Callous Murders Carried out," at, Le Petit Cambodge, and, Le Carillon Restaurants, and, Le Bataclan Theatre, in the 10th District, where An American Group "Eagles of Death Metal,' were Performing, and, at Cafe La Belle Equipe, in the 11the District, near Place De La Bastille!
(It was, also, Reported that, "More than 350 People were Injured (Including at least 2 Americans), in Total!" 

All of Which has Given Paris, "The Sense of Being A City Under Siege!" And, Causing French President Francois Hollande to say (in brief), "France will be merciless towards these Barbarians from Daesh!"

It has, also, been Reported by Reuters, that Six Gunmen Blew Themselves up, and, One other, was Killed by French Police! An Eighth Gunman, Salah Abdeslam, 26, Is still Being Sought! 
And, The Terrorist who Planned the Attack on Paris, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, a Belgium, is Believed to Be in Syria!  

French Officials have Detained a Father and Brother of One of the Gunmen! And, More than One Hundred People are Under House Arrest! 
And, French Warplanes have Begun an Intensive Air Campaign against the ISIS Central Location, of Raqqa, in Syria!
(ISIS (Daesh) has Claimed Responsibility for the Attacks)

President Hollande has Called these Attacks, "An Act of War!" And, He has Issued, "A Nationwide State of Emergency!"
President Hollande has, also, Declared that ,"There will be Three Days of National Mourning!"

(Our Hearts and Souls Go out to the Families, and, Friends, who have Lost a Loved One, or, a Dear Friend, and, to the Nation of France, who have had to Mourn the Passing of Too Many of Its Son's and Daughter's, in One Senseless Act of Terror after Another!)  

On Monday, the 2nd of November We Posted (in United Interdependent Global Activists-The Way To Peace #265) that, "Evolving Circumstances Demand, that After Decades of War on Terror," that, have "Caused the Deaths of Too Many Innocent Victims," and "Brave Member's of The Coalition Forces of the Global Armed Services, and, Mass Destruction, Worldwide," "A New Sense of Urgency Must Be Respected and Adhered to!" 

And, "An Earthwise Strategy Must Be Agreed to by All the Leaders of The Earths Nations," that "Commits Them to Pursue the Necessity of An All Out Attack" upon "These Barbaric Forces of Evil, Chaos, Torture, and, Oppression!"

And, "After This New Series of Evil, and, Dishonorable Attacks," Carried Out in Paris," by Members of Extreme Radical Terrorist Syndicates, "The Sense of Urgency" has, "Tragically, Made Itself, Ever More so Apparent!"

"Is there Any Doubt, in Any one's Mind, that, Immediate Measure's Must Be Decided upon, Agreed to, and, Enacted upon, For The Sake of All that We Hold Sacred!"

"The 2015 G-20 Antalya Summit," on the 15th of November, and, The Future Meetings in Vienna, by Nations Concerned with the Ongoing War in Syria, and, The Future of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, "Must Address This Urgency!" 

And, "Strategic and Visionary New Initiatives Must Be Embarked upon," that Not only Focus on Realistic and Logical Actions to Prevent the Continuous Threat and Spread of Global Terrorism, but, also, to "Understand the Immediate and Moral Necessity to Find New Solutions and Homes for The Millions of Women, Men, and Children who have Been Displaced from Their Homes," and, are "Living in Refugee Camps," or, "Immersed Within A Desolate and Constant State of Migration!"  

"The Leaders of the World Must Act, Now!" And, Whether or Not, "You are a Leader of, A Coalition Nation, or, Sovereign Nation of The Earth," "The Time to Push Back and Suppress the Forces of Global Extreme Radical Terrorist Syndicates, is Now!"

"These Immoral and Villainous Syndicates Must Not Be Allowed to Dictate, or, Institute Their Agenda upon The People of The World!"

"They Must Not Be Allowed to Think that by Causing Chaos to Our Communities, and, Our Financial Systems," that "They Can Force a Solution that Ends up in Their Favor!"

And, "They Must Not Be Allowed to Cause, such a Disruption in Our Lives," as "to Leave Our Families in a State of Frustration, and, Insecurity," Sensing the Possibility of Terror, Death and Destruction at Every Turn!" And, "They Must Not Be Allowed to," Simultaneously, "Bring Chaos to The Global Community, and, Destabilize the  Infrastructure of The Civilized World!" 

"Religious, and Spiritual Leaders, Educators and Philosophers, Business Leaders, Politicians, Military Leaders, and, Oligarchs," "Now, is The Time to Act in Concert with One Another to Protect, Preserve, and, Safeguard The Interests, Cultures, and, The Spirit Of The People!" For, "We are," At yet, "Another Crucial Crossroads of Civilization!"

And, "Now, is The Time to Act to Safeguard The The Rights Of The People, In The Name Of The People, and, For Our Future Generations to Live in Peace!" There Can Be, "Absolutely, No Hesitation or Procrastination!" Now is The Time to Act!"

"It is as Simple as This," "The World Must Exist in a Global State of Law and Order," For The Sake of All People!" "We Can Not Be A World Ruled by Dictators, Tyrants, Drug and Crime Lords, Sex Traffickers, or, Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates!" 

And, "Immediate Decisions Must Be Made, by The Leaders of The United Nations," to "Agree to Defeat, Disarm, and, Bring in Front of An International Court of Law," "Enemies Of The Sovereign People of the World," on "Charges of Terror, Torture, Rape, Kidnapping, Murder," and, "All of Crimes against Humanity that They have Committed," and, "Convict and Imprison Them," from "Doing Further Harm to Their Fellow Human Being!"

"These Decisions Must Not Be Made in a Desperate Atmosphere of Haphazardness and Amorphous," They Must Be Made in a Conscientious, Comprehensive, United, and, Cognitive State of Awareness and Determination, "To Act on Behalf Of The People, with, The Best Interests of The People in Mind!" 

And, Let there Be, "No Doubt" that "A Coordinated Global Response and Military Offensive Must Be Made by The United Nations," and, "The Coalition of Military and Intelligence Leaders of All Peace Loving Nations of The Earth!"
("There is No Contradiction in This," because, "Freedom Loving People of The Earth are Under Attack," and "Their Rights and Principles to Live in a Free World Must Be Defended!")

And, "to All the World Leaders Attending the Upcoming 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, (COP 21 or CMP 11)," from the 30th of November 'til the 11th of December, "Let Us Agree that The Danger to This Earth of Ours Lies Beyond The Pollution of Our Lands, Seas, and Skies!" 
"The Danger," also, "Lies in The Hands of Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates," who "Care Not if They Destroy Our Towns, Villages, and Cities!" 
"Nor, Do They Care about Murdering Our Children, or Enslaving Them!" 
"Nor, Do They Care about Killing or Torturing the Innocent!"

So, "Let Your Environmental and Ecological Accords," that, (1) Vow to Lower Greenhouse Gas Emission," (2) Achieve a Binding Agreement on Climate Change, (3) to Protect the Earths Threatened Species, and, Our Seas, Lands, Skies, and Universe, Also, "Add a New Perspective,"  "A Vow to Protect The Lives of All The People, of This Planet Earth," from, "The Dangers of Depraved, Diabolical, Wanton, and, Malicious Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates," and, "Their Malevolent Accomplices!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries, "Allow me to Repeat what was Written in United Interdependent Global Activists The Way To Peace #265," that, 
"It's Time For The U.S. Congress to Agree" ( as President Obama Requested, on the 11th of February, 2015,) "To Authorize the Limited Use of Military Armed Force (AUMF) against the Islamic State of Iraq, and The Levant (ISIL/ISIS)." Now, Known as Daesh! 

Or, "They Must Draft and Vote on" "A Declaration of War, in Conjunction with the United Nations, against the Forces of Extreme Radical Terror Syndicates!" And, "Explicitly Name the Syndicates," That, are "An Immediate National Security Threat" against "the Interests of the United States," and, "All the Civilized Nations of the Earth," and, "Make Them," (these Extreme Radical Terrorist Syndicates) "The Core and Central Focal Point of This Declaration!"

"It's Time to Put an End to the Cruel and Inhumane Abuse of Innocent People All over This Earth of Ours," by "Anyone or Any Nation that Does Not Respect The Lives," or, "The Will of We The People" to "Live in Peace and Harmony with Each Other!" Enough is Enough!"

"Let A New Visionary Age of Peace and Diplomacy Lead the Way to A Future of Global Equilibre, Economic Parity, Justice, Social Security, and, A Cultural Evolution that Graces and Embraces The Lives of All The People, of This Planet Earth!!"

For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent Age of Peace On Earth!