Monday, January 31, 2011



The Way To Peace! #139

"We The People," Citizens Of The Earth Must Engage in A Vision Path of Activism! For, If "We" Remain Silent and Inactive, During these Very Difficult and Crucial Time Periods, When UN-Employment is Ravaging Our Societies/Communities, and Homelessness is Prevalent Everywhere! And, Our Civilian, Military, and, Religious Leaders Continue to Drag Their Feet and Procrastinate, Instead of Acting, Immediately, to Find Solutions to The Growing List of Problems, such as; Home Foreclosures, Bankruptcy, Corruption, Violence and Crime, "We" have to Speak Out, and, Through Non-Violent Demonstrations, Make Our Voices Heard, and, Shakeup, Rock Out, and, Change The World!
Patience is A Virtue, However, "We" are At A Critical Juncture, Where The Loss of Time and Action, May cause The Loss of Lives, and, "We Must Act, Now!"

"We" Can Not Continue to Live in This Stagnant Economic Culture of Illusions! And, "We" Need Real Economic Growth that, "Favors All The People," and, Not Just The Few!

And, "We" Can Not Afford to Live under The Rules and Regulations of, "The "Ists," and, "The Isms," of The Global Oligarchs!

And, "We" Need New Laws that are, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"
Laws that are Just and Moral! Laws that have Been Created to Adhere to, The Realities of The 21st Century! And, A Civilized World Culture of, A Social and Cross-Media Universe!

And, Let Us Be Absolutely Clear, that, "We" Must Be Spiritual Activists! Political Activists! Environmental Activists! Economical Activists! Media Activists! Energy Activists! Legal Activists! And, Cultural Activists! "We" are "A Great People" of, "A Great Soul Force, and, "We" Must, "One and All," Be "A Great Nexus of Activism Who are Committed and Dedicated, to Be Honest, Fair minded, Moral, and, Just Representatives, "Of, By, and, For The People!"

And, Let Us, also, Be A Great Earthrise Movement, That is Unafraid to Challenge The Bureaucrats, Sophists, Economists, Military, Civilian, and, Religious Leaders, Who are in The Pocket of The Oligarchs of Elitism and Crime!

And, If, You are A Global, or, Regional Celebrity, or, A Millionaire, or, A Billionaire! Or, If, You are Fortunate to have Succeeded in Whatever Professional Endeavor that You have Chosen, Don't Wait for Some One to Lead The Way, Be An Interdependent Activist on Your Own! Or, Join Together with Others, Who are Passionate about Improving The Plight of The Poor and Afflicted! Or, Come to The Aid of Homeowners, Who are Threatened with Foreclosure! Or, Provide Financial Support for The Middle Class, Who have also Taken The Blunt of The Economic Decline, Worldwide! Or, Aid of The Millions of Single Parents, Who are Struggling to Survive and Care for Their Children!

And, To Those of You Who have a Propensity Towards The Law, Lets Work Towards Exposing The Degenerate and Immoral Organized Crime Groups, and, Individuals, Who Conduct Acts of Depravity against Children and Humanity! "They" Must be Stopped from Enslaving Our Children, and, Women and Men, Who are Helpless to Defend Themselves, and, Who have Been Sold as Sex Slaves, and, Abused and Misused over and again!

And, Its Time for The Civilian, Military, and, Religious Leaders of The Earths United Nations, to Lead The Way, to Bring about The Economical, Political, and, Social Reforms that, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Need to Prosper, Evolve, and, Enjoy The Fruits of Technology, Science, and, The Social and Cross-Media Universes! The Times they are a changing," as Bob Dylan wrote, and, Its Time that, The The World Leaders "Got The Message!" Its Obvious to Everyone else, althrough-out The World, that, The Winds of Change are Here and Now! The Demonstrations in Yemen, Tunisia, Lebanon, and, Egypt are A Reflection of This Change! But, It is also, of The Utmost Importance, "For One and All" to Remember to Follow, "The Vision Path of A Non-Violence!" And, Refrain from Acts of Violence! And, Do Not Tarnish Our Movement for Change, by Stealing or Looting, in The Spirit and Passion of Your Demonstrations and Protestations! "We" Need To Empower Each Other, Not Reduce The Meaningfulness of Our Actions by Criminal Acts of Irresponsibility!

And, To, The Anti-War Groups, All Over The Earth, Its Time to Re-Engage Your Energies, and, Begin A New Peace Initiative and Effort! And, Lets Utilize The Limitless Avenues Available to Us, via, The Internet, and, The Social and Cross-Media Universes, to Advance Our Cause and Achieve Our Goals of Peace, Now! And, Lets Call for A Global Truce, and, Immediate Peace Dialogues! And, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal The World! And, A Way Towards The Reality of There Being, A Peace Millennium!

And, To, All The Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Lets Share, The Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions of Our Vision Path "Of, By, and, For The People," via Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Yahoo, Google, MySpace, You Tube, iTunes, and, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms!

And, Let Us Continue to Be, A Great Earthrise Evolution and Movement, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The The Earth, in The Great Tradition of Women and Men, Who have Lead The Way by Their Actions, Words, Thoughts, and Idea's, of A Highly Evolved, Illuminated, Compassionate, Wise, Empathetic, and, Enlightened Way of Life! And, so, Lets Be A Great Soul Force and Synergy of Action, in The Tradition of, Nelson Mandela, Socrates, Mother Teresa, Confucius, Siddhartha Gautama, Jesus Of Nazareth, Lao-Tse, Mary, St. Francis of Assisi, Martin Luther King, Muhammad, Zoroaster, Mary Magdalene, Machiventa Melchizedek, Charlemagne, and, Mahatma Gandhi!

And, Let Us Continue to Spread "The Good News" of, Change, Hope, Equality, Equanimity, and, Economic Opportunity, "For All The People, Worldwide, via, The Most Omnipotent Non-Violent Activists Communication Network and Nexus, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, Let Us Root and Center Our Earthrise Evolution and Movement, "Of, By, and For the People," Firmly in Our Knowing, that, Our Time has Come, and, Our Philosophy of Change Must Become A Reality! And, that, This is Our Earth, and, Our Planet, and, "We" are The The Citizens of, This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

And, May Our Non-Violent Evolution, "Of The People" Continue to Evolve and Soar on The Eddies, X's, Thought waves, and, Links of Peace, On The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, and, A Fraternity, Union and Communion of, "One and All," Excluding No One, and, Including All Sentient Beings!

And, With Our Vision Of Change, Let Us Bring A New Ecology and Environmental Wisdom to The Universal Equation of The 21st Century, that, Leads Us to A New Age of Consciousness and Spiritual Awareness, and, Worldwide Perspicacity! This is Our Destiny and Fate, and, Let Us Share This Belief and Understanding with Each and Every Breath, that, "We" Take, and, with Everyone that, "We" Meet!

And, May "We" Be Lead from Political Rhetoric and Lies, To A New Truth and Solar Axiom, "Of The People!"

And, Let Us Be Lead from Policies of Constraint and Restraint, To A New Sowing of Global Investment by The Worlds of Finance, Rebuilding The Infrastructures of The Earths Economy, and, Its Communities!

And, Lets Re-Commit and Dedicate Ourselves, To Eliminate Poverty from Being A Part of Our Earths Societies, or, Any Infants Memory!

And, Lets Lead The Way from War to Peace! And, from Hate to Love! And, from A Class and Materialistic Conditioned Reality, To A Universal and Spiritually Evolved State of Conscious Awareness! And, This is, The Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium!