Thursday, January 20, 2011



The Way To Peace! #136

"Divided We" Stand! Interesting isn't it! Politically, There are The Battle Ground States! And then, There are The Red and Blue States! Have "We" Forgotten about The United States?

And, In The World of Business, The Business Models and Strategies are Broken Down into Demographics, and, or, Graphics, of One Kind or Another Reflecting which Consumer Market, "They" are Directing Their Advertising and Marketing Campaigns Towards!

And, From City to City, and, Country to Country, Everything seems to be Broken Down Along The Lines of, What Race, Gender, Religion, Political Affiliation, Wealth, or Lack Thereof, Neighborhood, Celebrity, "Ism," or, "Ist," You Belong to!

Isn't it Interesting How Our Differences are Used to Define Who, "We" are, "As A People," and, "As A World!"
Does it Matter to Anyone that, "We" are "All Born On The Planet Earth!"

These Days, "On The Streets Of The People," The Differences Between Us, have Been Magnified Tremendously!

And, From City to City, There are Miniature Microcosms and Reflections of, Countries and Nationalities Manifesting Themselves, Everywhere You Look!
In Fact, That Appears to Be, "The Look of The Future!" Doesn't it!
Such as; "Little Italy (which is One Of The Forerunners of, "This New World Look"), to "Little Vietnam!" Times have Changed Dramatically, and, in Some Ways The World has to!

There Used to Be A Time when You Lived in, "East New York," or, "The South," and, there was A Special Significance to it, but Now, You Live in A Pivotal Swing State, or, You're Apart of, A Crucial Ethnic Group, that Can Change The Course of An Election!

Or, Maybe, This Analogy has always Been Apart of Our Existence, Although in a Much More Subliminal Way! However, As "Divided as We May have Been," Still "Divided We Stand!"

Maybe, Its just that, The Words have a Different Significance to Them, such as, If You Live in, "A Tent City," This Would Be a Reflection of The State of Poverty that You are Sadly Existing in!
Whereas Native Americans Lived, Nobly and Proudly This Way, for Centuries! But, Now, It May Refer to Millions of People, Who've Been Displaced from, Their Families, Friends and Homes, Caused by A Natural Disaster, or, The Devastation of War, or Yet, Another Regional Conflict! However, The Reality of, "Tent Cities," Now Exist!

And Although, This Age of Technological Advancement is Very Exciting and Far Reaching, It also Reveals The Many Tragedies that A Conditioned, Militaristic, Class Oriented Society, has Wrought upon Us, Worldwide! And, Even so, "Divided and Miraculously We Stand!"

And, As "We" are All Aware of, In this Age of Instant Communication, Worldwide, that Reveals Most Everything that is Going on, Whether it Be, In A Political Demonstration in Iran, or, The Damage Caused by An Earthquake in Haiti, or, A Hurricane that Crushed Louisiana or, A Flash Flood, You Can See it Everywhere, On You Tube, or, On Cable or Network TV, or, In Print, or, Somewhere On The Internet! But, Somewhere, and, You Will See What The Effect was! Such as, The Floods In Australia, Where La Nina and Seasonal Monsoons, have Caused Mass Destruction and Changed The Course of Hundreds of Thousands of Lives!

Or, As in the Case of Wikileaks, Which Revealed Thousands of Documents, about The U.S. Government! Again, Showing just How Difficult it is, To Keep A Secret in This Day An Age, Although, There are Still Those, Who are Very Adept at Doing so!
However, The Point is, That Today, "We" Can See Metaphorically Speaking, "Every Pimple on The Face of Humanity!"
Which Should be Comforting in Many Ways, Because, It Shows The Difference and Beauty, in Being Different!

But, Its This Same Difference, That is Being Used, to Turn Countrymen and Countrywomen against One Another, and, Being Used to Create even Greater Divisions amongst Us, Politically, and, Economically! And, Even so, "Divided We Stand!"

It Used to Be, That You Knew Everyone Who Lived in Your Apartment Building, Village, Town, Neighborhood, and, On The Street Where You Lived, Personally!
However, Today, While You May Know The Latest News in The UK, You May Not Know Who Your New Neighbor Really is! Or, What Innermost Thoughts Your Children May Be Thinking!

And, While You May Know what The Latest 24 Hour, or Weekend, Political Spin is, You May Not Be Aware of, Just How Many Millions of Children are Living in Poverty, or, Have Dropped Out of School!

And, So, While We're Living in This Exceptional Time Period of Instant Turn On, and Communication, and, Technological Expertise and Advancement, "We Are" Even More Divided than Ever!
And, Interestingly, although Very Disturbingly, "Divided We Stand!"

But, Fortunately For Us,"We The People," Citizens Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun, Have A Lot that is in Common! And, In Many Ways There is, "Zero Degree's of Separation," Between Us! Even with, The Myriad Different Versions of Religious Persuasions, or, Political, and, Class Distinctions! Or, The Fine Line of Separation Created by What Race, Nationality, or, State of Immigration You Fit in, There is Much that Unites Us!

For One; A Very Obvious One (Back To "The Look"), When You Look upon The Earth, from The International Space Station, or, from A Space Shuttle, You Do Not See Boundaries Between Countries, or, The Color of Someones Skin! You See One Earth! And, "We are," "The People Of The Earth!" And, This is Our Planet and Our Home, and, Therein Lies The "Zero Degree of Separation," Between Us!

And, History has Shown Us Many Instances, When "We," As "A People" have Stood Up, For One Another!
And, There have Been Women and Men of Great Consciousness, Who have Stood Up, In The Name "Of All The People!"

In my Version of, "Sergeant Peppers Lonely Hearts Club," The Beatles Classic Album Cover, my 20th Century Version of it is, The Pictures of, Mahatma Gandhi, Jesus Of Nazareth, Mother Teresa, Siddhartha Gautama, Nelson Mandela, Confucius, Zoroaster, Mary Of Magdalena, Machiventa Melchizedek, Socrates, Lao-Tse, Mary, Martin Luther King, St. Francis Of Assisi, Muhammad, and, Charlemagne, All Joining Hands and Encircling This Great Planet of Ours! For, "United We Stand," In The Face of Great Injustices and Immoral Acts of Aggression against All Humanity! And, "United We Stand," In An Age Of Peace and Equanimity On Earth! And, "United We Stand," In An Age Of A Peace Time Economy! And, "United are We," in The Rights Of Freedom, Justice, and A Free Education, "For One and All!"
And, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal The World! And, A Way To A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, In Our Earthrise Movement, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People, "United We Must Stand," Until "We" have Achieved Our Goals of, A Cultural Evolution, "For All The People," On Earth!

And, "United We Must Stand," Until "We" have Achieved Our Goals of Creating
A Just and Enlightened Quality Of Life, "For All The People," On Earth!

And, "United We Must Stand," Until "We" have Achieved Our Goals of Eliminating Poverty and Homelessness, "For All The People," On Earth!

And, United We Must Stand," Until "We" have Achieved Our Goals of, A Free Education For Each and Every Newborn Child Of This Planet Earth!

And, Let Us Stand, As, A Great Soul Force, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Until "We" have Spread The Message of Our Goals and Attained, The Universal Communion and Union Of All Humankind!

And, Let Us Share The Wealth of Our Intentions via, The Social and Cross-Media Universes, and, The Internet! Whether it Be via, Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, You Tube, iTunes, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Google or Yahoo!

And, Let Us Share "The Good News" of, Hope, Change, A Shared Prosperity and Peace, "For One and All," in Non-Violent Demonstrations and Sit Ins, Texts, New Literature, Music, Art, and Dance!
And, Whether it Be, On The Winds Of Change, or, On The Wings of Phoenix Of Peace, or, On The Breath of Each Spoken Word, Let's Call upon The Civilian, Military, and, Religious Leaders of, The Earths United Nations to Call For,
A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogues, that,"Give Peace A Chance," and, Shakeup, Rock Out, and, Change The World!

And, With Each Tear and Smile, Let Us Reach Out to The Earth, and, The Universe, via The Earths Most Populated, Non-Violent, Activist Communication Network and Nexus, and Declare that, "We" are All, The Children Of The Earth, and, Proud to Be "One People of One World," This The Third Planet from The Sun! And, This is, The Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium!