Monday, January 3, 2011


The Way To Peace! #132
Once again, As A New Decade Begins, The Second Decade of, The New Millennium, Our Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Spiritual Leaders Of The Earths United Nations, have A Wonderful Opportunity to Change The World, and, Heal The Wounds, that have Caused "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, and, The Earth Itself, so Much Loss and Pain!

For, There has Been Too Much, Loss of Life! Loss of Hope! Loss of Employment! Loss of Respect and Belief, in The Direction and Path, that, has Been Cast upon Us, by Poor Decision Making, and, or, The Corrupt and Self Serving Policies of Too Many of Our World Leaders!

But, This New Decade Offers All The Earths Leaders, New Opportunities and New Strategic Platforms to, "Come Together, " as The Beatles sang, and, Work Towards Creating Sound and Fortuitous Solutions, that Can Enhance The Living Conditions of, "All The People," as well as, Improve The Evolutionary Conditions of Our Home, This Planet Earth!

And, New Accords should Be Actively Pursued and Engaged in! That Improve The Quality of Our Waterways, Lands, and, Skies!

And, A New Collaborative and Co-operative Spirit, amongst The Earths United Nations should "Stand," as, Sly & The Family Stone, sang, Firmly and Resolutely, Whenever They are Faced with New Acts of War, or, Threats to Take Away The Rights of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth! Or, Any Attempt to Subjugate Us, against Our Wishes, by Any Dictatorship, Organized Crime Family, Drug Lord, Financial Institution, Religion, or, Country, that. has Chosen Not to Be Apart of, A United Earth Community, "Of, The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

The Lyrics of, "Yes, 'n' how many times can a man turn his head Pretending he just doesn't see," of, Bob Dylan's "Blowing in The Wind," Expresses Clearly The Attitude that, The Civilian, Military, and, Religious Leaders Of The Earths United Nations should Be Adhering to, in This New Decade!

And, "We The People," Must Give Rise to, The Myriad Challenges that Lie Ahead! Convincingly and Determinately Committed and Dedicated, to A New Earthrise Constitution, Empowered and Supported by, A Great Soul Strength and Desire by Each and Everyone of Us, to Right The Wrongs of Millennia upon Millennia of Evil Doers and Warmongers, Who Laughed in The Faces of, "The People, and, Sinned against All Humankind!
There Can Be No Place for This Kind of Leadership, or, Human Behavior in The 21st Century!

And, Let there Be, No Wind, No Hurricane, No Tornado, Earthquake, Tsunami, Mountain, or, Human Made Disaster to Impugn Us, from Being A Compassionate and, Highly Spirited Earthrise Society, "Of the People!"

And, Let Us Speak Out Loud and Clear, When Faced with Any Act of Injustice, that, Impedes, or, Attempts to Impede, Our Rights to Be, "A Free People and Just People!"

And, Let Our Earthrise Emancipation Declaration Be, "Of, By, and, For The People," of, This The Third Planet from The Sun!
For, This is The Way To Peace! And, A Peace Millennium! And, A Way To Heal The The World!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, As The Sun Sets on Yet Another Decade, Let's Begin Anew to Lift the Hearts, Minds, Spirits, Hopes, Dreams, and, Aspirations of All, Who will Truly Listen to Our Song of Peace, Equanimity and Truth!

And, Let Us, Send Out Words of Encouragement to All Who Would Listen to, Our Anthems of Change and Empathy, For Those Who are in Need!

And, Let Our Voices Act in Great Chorus, and Shout Out, in A Resounding Acclaim, "All we are saying is Give Peace a Chance!"
Text it, Email it, and, Reach Out to All Who Will Listen, via, The Internet, and, The Social and Cross Media Universes, that It is Time for A Global Truce, and Peace Dialogue, along with A Global Campaign to End Poverty, and, Care for All Who are Disenfranchised and Living Without The Means to Care for Themselves!
And, Let's Shout it Out via, The Grandest Non-Violent Activists, Communication Network and Nexus All along The Earths Horizon, to Each and Every Corner of The World!

And, There is No Reason Why, "We" Can Not Share The Gospel and Joy of, Our Earthrise Composition of, "One World, and, One People, Of The Earth, with"One and All," via Google, Yahoo, iTunes, You Tube, MySpace, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, and, Our "Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms," All Over The Earth, and, in Doing so, Shake up, Change, and, Rock Out, The Naysayers, until They are, "One and All," True Believers in Our Cause!

And, Let This Decade Be One of A Peaceful and Cultural Fulfillment On Earth, For This "Good News," is The Welcoming Home, that, "We" have Strived for, For All of Our Lives!
And, Let Us Flow on The Winds of Change, and, Ride The Air Waves of The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, to, Wherever Peace, Universal Equanimity, and, Conscious Awareness, May Lead Us! For This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!