Thursday, December 30, 2010



The Way To Peace! #131

As "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth Enter into a New Decade, I Feel as if, "We" are All, Existing in The Eye of A Hurricane, Filled with The Illusions of Calm and Tranquility, Surrounding Us!

On The National Front, in The U.S., "We" are Drifting along in The Post Political, Holiday Break Time Period! Celebrating it with Our Family and Friends, and, Sharing The Season and Holiday Cheer with Each Other!

On The International Front, Its mostly the Same as, it is, in The U.S., But, There is also A Silent Expectation, that, War, or, A Terrorist Attack, May Cause A Break in This Moments Calm!

Of course, There is The Usual Travel Chaos, due to The Storms of Winter, But, These inconveniences are Not Attributed to Any Man Made, Ecological, or, Environmental Catastrophe! Although, of course, Everything is Relative, isn't it!
And, So, The Illusion of Calm Continues!

And, of course, There will Be the New Years Eve Festivities, in Times Square, and, All Around The World, But, still The Illusion of Calm Continues, and, Will Be Enforced by, The Powers that Be!

But, "We," Who have Lived in The Eye of The Hurricane before, Know that, The Tsunami/Earthquake of Political, Economical, Scientific, Technological, Philosophical, Spiritual, Ecological, Cultural Conflicts, Campaigns, Royal Marriages, Sociological Differences, and, Media Blitzkriegs, are Soon To Be Upon Us! Beginning in The New Decade!

So, "Get Ready," as The Song Title States, to Hold On to A Roller Coaster Ride of Great Portent, as "We" are Cast, as An "Important Voting Block of Change," in The Upcoming "Perfect Storm!"
A "Perfect Storm," Made up of So Many Intrigues that, Robert Ludlum (should He still be alive), or, James Patterson Would Find it Difficult to Compete with!

But, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Who have Lived in The Eye of The Hurricane, For Most of Our Lives, and Survived, Know of The Illusion of Grandeur, Spoken in Grand Rhetoric, that, Will be Used to Tempt Us to Vote for One Candidate or Another! Or, For One Party or Another! Or, to Try and Convince Us, that, "Things are Really Getting Better!"

However, "Just Ask Anyone Who Live on The Streets," of, "We The People," and, They Will Tell You, that, They Will "Not Be Fooled Again," by The "False Hypothesis," that, "Things are Really Getting Better," When They're Not!

Just Ask The Tens of Millions, Who are UN-Employed, if, "Things are Really Getting Better!"

Just Ask The Students and Their Families, Who are Faced with Rising Costs in Education, and, Student Loan Debts, if, "Things are Really Getting Better!"

And, Ask The Hundreds of Thousands, Who have Lost Their Homes, Due to Natural Disasters, War, Genocide, or, A Poor Economy, Worldwide, if, "Things are Really Getting Better!"

So, Let Us, "Not Be Fooled Again," by This False Calm, that, "We" are Experiencing! Instead, Let Us Prepare for, What Lies Ahead! For, The Myriad Hurdles, Obstacles, Impediments and Challenges Will Be Many, and, "We," Will have to Steel Ourselves against, The Sophists, Lobbyists, Global Oligarchs, and Manipulative Economists, Who will Try and Sell Us A "Pot of Lies," All Dressed up in Pretty Ribbons and Bows, to Sway Our Opinion and Conscious Awareness Away from, The Truth!
Which is, that, A House Cleaning on A Global Scale is Needed! And, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth Must Be Ready, Committed, and, Dedicated to, Continue Following Our Own Vision Path, of Change!
And, "We" Must Continue to Sow The Seeds of Our Earthrise, Grassroots Movement of Peace, Change, Hope, and Compassion!

And, There Must Be A New Economic Parity, amongst All The Social Communities Of The Earth, that, Guarantee's, and, Provides for The Social Security, and, Social Welfare of, Each and Every Citizen Of The Earth!
Our Future Depends on it! And, The Lives of Our Children, Depend on This! Why? Because, Let Us Never Forget, that, "We" are All Equal under The Moon, Sun, and, Luminous Bodies of The Universe! And, that, "We," Must Put an End to Class Consciousness, and, All of Its Illusions! Its Time that, "We" Created A New Beginning, of Universal Equanimity, on Earth For "All of The People!"

And, The Civilian, Military, and, Religious Leaders of The Earths United Nations, have to Agree to Put in Place, A Strategic New Vision, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," that, Embraces and All Encompasses, A Global Truce, and Peace Dialogue!
A Strategic Plan that, Inspires and Empowers The Creation of An Earthrise Constitution, and Global Emancipation Declaration, that, Serves to Protect, and, Defend The Rights, Freedoms, and, Laws of, "All The People," of, This, The Third Planet from The Sun!
This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way to Heal The World! And, A Way To A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of, The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue to Follow, and, Spread "The Good News" of Our Vision Path, and Truly, Let it Be, "The Vision Path of The People!"

"Let it Be, Let it Be," to Take a Few Words from The Lyrics of The Beatles Classic, Because, A Change that Enhances and Enriches, The Lives of The People," Must Come to Be!

And, Whether it Be by Song, The Internet, or, The Social and Cross-Media Universes, A Change Must Come!

So, Let's Continue to Share "The Good News" of, Our Cultural, Non-Violent, Peace Initiative, via Linkedin, Facebook, iTunes, You Tube, MySpace, Yahoo, and, Google!
And, Let's Text it, Twitter it, Uplink, Download, Email, or, Call it in! For, "The Times They are A Changing," and, "The Sign of The Times," are Here and Now!

And, Let's Lift Our Spirits High, and, Soar on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, and, The Winds of Change! And, Let Our Hopes and Aspirations, Take Us To A Higher Plane of Transcendental Experiences of Great Human Compassion, and Universal Ideals, that, are Truly Symbolic of, A Great People," and, A Great Age of Peace on Earth!
This is The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium, as "We," Enter into The Second Decade of, The 21st Century! Let's "Give Peace A Chance!"