Thursday, December 9, 2010



The Way To Peace! #125

Whoever is Advising President Obama, in regards to, the Tax Cuts, that, He and The Republicans have Been Negotiating Over, is Missing Out on A Great Opportunity to Re-Engage America in An Issue that, Goes All the Way Back to The Boston Tea Party, which is, of course, Taxes, and, Patriotism!

More Specifically though, in this Case, Another Tax Cut for The Rich, and, The Famous! Who Obviously, Do Not Need it!
They have, For the Most Part, on Retainer, Very High Paid Accountants Working, on Their Behalf's, to Find Tax Loopholes, to Begin with!

So, Why Not Take This Moment in Time, to Call upon The Members of The Forty Billionaires, Who have, already, Made a Magnanimous Gesture to, "Give away Half of Their Fortunes to Charity," Oprah Winfrey, and, The Celebrities who are Leading The Way in Philanthropic Acts, such as; George Clooney, Sean Penn, Angelina Jolie, Mia Farrow, Wyclef Jean, for Example, and, as many other, Celebrities, and, Millionaires as Possible, and, Ask Them on Camera, if They Really Need to Receive these Tax Cuts, that The Republicans are Pushing the President to Include, in the Most Recent Round of Proposed Tax Cuts!

Most of These Individuals Supported The Presidents Campaign to Run for The Presidency, against John McCain, so, Why Not, Call upon Them to Support His Tax Cut Proposal to The Congress, and, Save at least 420 Billion Dollars in Loans, that, Would, Most Likely Be, Provided to The U.S. by China, and, or, Whoever else The Obama Administration is Reaching Out to Cover Our Debts, and, Deficits!

And, This Would Be Quite a Saving, and, Demonstrate to, "We The People, " and, The Citizens Of The World, that, The U.S. is Conscious of Its Responsibilities to Repair Its Economy, and, by Doing so, Take a Positive Step Towards Balancing Its Budget!

Decades Come and Decades Go, as do, Presidents, Vice Presidents, Prime Ministers, Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses,, However, Its, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Who have The Imprint of This Time Space Reality, in Our Minds, Idea's, Emotions, Bodies, Spirits, and, Souls, and, are, Unfortunately, Left to Pay The Price for The Mistakes in Judgement, that are Made!

And, Before Another Decade Comes to An End, Its Important that "We" Take the Time to Reflect on, What "We" have Learned from it, and, What, "We" have that is Worthwhile to Show for it! And, What is The Sum Total, of, This First Decade of The New Millennium, in Concrete Terms! Such as; Life and Death! And, The State of The Earths Community, as A Whole!

For my part, The Changes that have Occurred are; (1) Exceptional, and, Profound, and, (2) Tragic, and, Very Discouraging!
And, Unfortunately, I, sincerely, Believe, that, This is a True Reflection of The World Today!

I am by Nature, An Empiricist, and, A Realistic Optimist, and, Though, I See Highly Advanced Evolutions Taking Place in Science, and, Technology, I have, also, An Uncertainty, and, Distrust in The Earths Governments, and, The World of Big Business, Banking, Finance, and, Religion!

And, Unfortunately, Too Many World Leaders, Both, Civilian and, Military, have Not Acted as True Representatives, "Of The People,", Nor, have "They" Acted with ,The Best Interests, "Of The People," in Mind!
For the Most Part, "They've" Been Selfish, and, Acted Subservient to The Wishes of The Lobbyists of, The "Ists," and, "Isms," of The Global Oligarchs!

Just "Ask Anyone who Lives on The Streets" of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, and, They Will Tell You that, A Change Must Come!

Why? Because, They Can Not Continue to Work Two Jobs a Week, or, Not at All in Many Cases, Due to A Poor Economy, and, A Lack of Innovative Job Creation, by Our Governments!

And, Too Many of Us, are on The Verge of Losing Our Homes, and, have, already, Seen Our Bank Accounts Shrivel up, and, Diminish, Right Before Our Eyes, to Almost Nothing!

And, All The While, Partisan Politics Continues, Irregardless of The Frustration, Anger, Fear, and, Sense of Hopelessness, that, Exists amongst Their Constituencies, and, Fellow Country Men and Women!

Just "Ask Anyone who Lives on The Streets, Highways, Buses, Sidewalks, or, Goes to Work in Subways, Trains, or, Airplanes," and, They Will Express The Deep Discontent, that, They are Feeling over The State of Affairs, Existing in The World Today!

But, Its Not, just, that, "We" are at The End of A Decade, Its, also, that, "We" are at, A Crossroads," which is Being Privately Referred to, and, Compared to, as Being The End of The Roman Empire!

But, Whose Empire? Or, Does it Really Matter! One Thing for Certain is, While There are More Millionaires, or, Billionaires than ever, There are, also, Too Many More of Us, Who are Living in Poverty, and, Struggling to Survive!
And, This Class Disparity is Too Much to Bear! And, Beyond Comprehension, on any Level of Human Nature to Understand!

And, Here "We" are, in The 21st, and, While New Changes in Government have Taken Place, "We" are, still, at War! UN-Declared or, in Regional Conflicts!
And, The Lives of Our Youth is Being Squandered Away, in Urinating Contests, Planned by, The Supposed Geniuses of Our Civilian, and, Military Leaders!

And, so, I ask Them, Why, Start UN-Declared Wars, or, Any Conflict, Without having An Exist Plan in Place?
And, Why, Send Our Children into Harms Way, Without Pause?

Aren't "The Geniuses of War," Aware of, What The Costs Will Be, and, Whose Lives Will Pay for it!
Or, Whose Family Will be Broken, by, The Passing, or, The Physical, and, Or, Emotional Damage Caused to Their Daughters and Sons!

And, Here "We" are about to Begin The Second Decade, of The New Millennium, with The Same ole, "Tax The People," and then, "Ask The People," to Spend Their Hard Earned Dollars, Euros, Pounds, etc. to Bail Out, The So-Called Geniuses Who Got Us into This State of Amorphous, to Begin with!

And, still, The World Changes, which, I am ever so Grateful for! Why? Because, "We are The World," and, I, sincerely, Believe that, "We Can Make a Difference!"

Why? Because, "We" are Not Concerned about Who is Leading Whom, in The Polls! "We" are Concerned about Caring, and, Providing The Proper Nourishment, and, Education for Our Children, and, Their Children!

And, "We" are Not Concerned about, How Best to Manipulate One Class against Another to Get Out The Vote, or, to get Re-Elected!

But, "We" are Concerned about, "Keeping a Roof over Our Heads," as, The Saying Goes! And, Paying for The Mortgage, or, Property Taxes! Or, Repairing The Damage to Our Homes, Caused by Natural Disasters!

And, "We" are Not Concerned with, How Best to Articulate a Political Course of Action, or, Vote, Based Purely on Some Analytical Think Tank, Advisor, Theory, or, Projection!

But, "We" are Concerned with Real Life Problems, and, Situations! The Kind that Force You to, have to Deal with, Unbearable Living Conditions, or, A Future that, has Absolutely, No Class Distinction, or, Respect to Look Forward to!
And, This is Why, I Believe that, The Winds Of Change are Flowing! And, A Change Must Come!

A Change that, Brings Hope with it! And, Not More Rhetoric, Lies, and, Half Truths!
"We" Need a Real Change that is Based on The Needs, "Of The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
A Real Change that Indicts, and, Exposes Child Pornography, and, The Evils of The Human Sex Slave Trade!

A Real Change that Distinguishes Between, Street Crime, and, The Theft of Stealing The Life Savings from Millions of Families, Whose only Crime was to Trust in, The So-Called Geniuses of Finance, and, The World of Big Business, who Orchestrated Ponzi Schemes, and, Scams, for Their Own Selfish Benefits!

And, Who play The Same Tune over and over again, which is, "Me, Me, Me!"
And, The only "Do," "They" Care about is The "Dough/Money," that, "They" Can Put, Directly, into Their Own Pockets!

And, The only "Re," that "They" Care about, is Not, An Environmental, Ecological, Natural One, that, Utilizes The "Rays," of The Sun, as A Form of Energy!
"They" only Care about Using Oil, Gas, and Nuclear Energy, to Empower Themselves! That is Their Version of Musical Scales, There is No Harmony, "Of, By, and, For The People," Involved in it!

And, There is No Ethical Standards, or, Humanitarian Efforts Involved in it! There is, only, Their Lust for Power and More Power!
And, This is, Why, The Winds of Change are Here and Now! And, A New Anthem is Being Sung, that is, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"
And, This is , The Way To Peace and, A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "We" have a Great Deal of Work to Do! In Haiti! In Louisiana, In Sudan! And, Althrough-out The World!

And, "We" Must Be A Great Working Force, "For The People!"

And, A Great Soul Force, "Of, By, and, For The People!"

And, "We" Must Persevere against The Warmongers, and, Imperialists, Who Know of, only, One Way, and, that is,The Path of War, Destruction, Fear, and, Lust for Power!

And, "We" Must Continue to Empower Each Other, and, Encourage Each Other, to Reach a Higher Ground of Conscious Awareness, and, Sense of Morality!

And, in Doing so, Call for A Global Truce, and, Inspire The Civilian, and, Military Leaders of The Earths United Nations, to Enter into A Worldwide Series of, Peace Dialogues, Wherever They are Needed! And, Diplomatically Find Solutions for Our Problems, and, Differences, and,Actively Engage Themselves in Changing The World for the Better!

And,"We" Must Spread The Word of Hope, Peace, and, of A New Beginning!
One, that is, of, "Respect For One Another," via The Internet, and, The Social, and, The Cross-Media Universes!

And, "We" Must Continue to Share, "The Good News." of, Our Earthrise Movement, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," via The Earths Largest, Non-Violent, Activist Communication Network, and, Nexus, through Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, Google, iTunes, Myspace, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, and, You Tube, to Each, and, Every Home, Heart, Mind, Good Spirit, and, Soul, Wherever They May Be, on This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

And, As The New Decade Approaches, Its Time that "We" Seriously, Gave Peace a Chance!

And, Its Time that, "We" Embraced, A Shared Vision of Peace, and, Prosperity "For One and All!"
For, "We" are All Deserving of, A Life of Social Security! And, This Should Be a Given, Because, "We" are, "One and All," Born as Citizens Of The Earth!

And, The Earth is Our Home, and, The Universe is The Village, City, State, Country, and, Cosmic Neighborhood, that "We" are All, Apart of!

And, Because of this, "We" Should All Be, The Beneficiaries of, A New Earth Constitution, and, Universal Emancipation Declaration, that, Embraces, Both, Our Present day Generation, and, Future Generations for Millenniums to Come!

So, Let's Soar to Greater Heights of Moral Integrity, on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, Justice, and, Equanimity, "For One and All!"
For, This is, The Way To Heal The World, and, Create A New World of Enlightenment, Wisdom, Knowledge, Spiritual, and, Cultural Awareness on Earth!
And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!