Sunday, December 5, 2010



The Way To Peace! #124

Thanks to George Clooney's recent Trip To Sudan, President Obama and His Administration has Been Made Aware of The Potential Threat of Violence that May Occur over The Upcoming Vote on Secession, in January of 2011!
And, The Civilian, and, Military Leaders of The Earths United Nations Can Not Allowed this to Happen, Again!
Preparations Should Be Made, Now, to Make absolutely Sure, by A Coalition of Nations, that, The Genocide that Claimed the Lives of 400, 000, or, More, by, The Government Backed Janjaweed Militia, in 2003, Never Happens Again!
And, This Should Be A Moral Responsibility Shared by All The Leaders of The Earths Free Nations!

And, This Should Be A Moral Responsibility of All The Leaders, of The Western Industrialized Nations, to Lead The Way!
And, in Truth, No Nation Should Be Left Out, from Participation, and that, Should, Most Certainly, Include China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and, Israel!
And, This is Not The Time for, Procrastination, Hesitation, or, Delay of Action, in Anyway Whatsoever!

Every Citizen of This Planet Earth, has The Inalienable Right to Be A Interdependent Being, and, Enjoy Living in A Free Society!
And, Ones Interdependence Should Be A Natural Right of Being, from from The Day of Birth!
And, As Previously Mentioned, The Sudanese have, already, Experienced Enough Genocide in Their Nation to Last For An Eternity!
Hundreds of Thousands have Been Killed, and, Millions have Been Displaced from Their Homes!
And, The Actual Count of Mothers and Daughters, Who have Been Raped, and, Abducted from Their Homes, and, Families, to Exist as Sex Slaves, is Too Many, and, Too Tragic, To Imagine!

And, The Actual Count of How Many Fathers and Sons, Who have Been Forced to Execute Their Friends, Family Members, and, Neighbors, only, to End up Being Subservient to An Immoral Armed Force of Evildoers, is A Crime of The Most Sinful Nature, Against All Humankind! These Abuses are An Example of, what The Worst Behavior in Human Nature is, and that, Can No Longer Be Condoned, or, Permitted to Happen Again!

And, Every Civilian, and, Military Leaders of The United Earth Nations, Must Understand that, These Atrocities Can Not Be Allowed to Transpire Anywhere on The Surface of, This, The Third Planet from The Sun!
And, Notice Must Be Served to Any Rogue Nation, Terrorist Group, or, Dictator, that, This is A New Age, Where Peace and Justice Will Reign on Earth, "For One and All!"
And, This is The Path that, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth Desire, and, Wish to Take!
Individual Acts, or, Acts of Lawlessness, by Anyone, No Matter Who The Perpetrator May Be, Will No Longer Be Tolerated!

This is Not The 20th Century! The Millions of Lives that were Lost Due to War, and, The Complacency to Act, by, The Earths Leaders, Must Be a Lesson Learned, by," One and All," but, that's Where it Should End!
This is The 21st Century, and, Crime, Corruption, Child Pornography, The Sex Trade, and, Acts of Immorality Against The Life, of Any Woman, Child, or, Man, is A Sacrilegious Act, and, Evil Violation of The Most Severest Nature!
And, Innately, and, Internally,, "We" Must, "One and All," As "a People," Understand this! En Visualize it! And, Concentrate on it!

This is A New Millennium, and, "We" are about to Begin A New Decade, and, With it, A New Vision of Honor, Respect, and, Conscious Awareness amongst All Humankind, Must Be Expected by, "One and All," to Be, A Reality! A Conscious Reality to Be Shared with Each New Born Child, by, Their Parents, from Their Day of Birth!
And, Expected to Be Adhered to, Protected, and, Defended by, The Global Armed Forces, and, The Public Servants,of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

Lao-Tse was A Vehicle for, The Way! Martin Luther King was A Vehicle for, A Great Dream! Mahatma Gandhi was A Vehicle for, A Great Soul Force, Satyagraha! Siddhartha Gautama was A Vehicle of Enlightenment for, The Eight Fold Path! Jesus Of Nazareth was A Sublime Vehicle for, The Gospel of Love!
And, on and on, The Teachings, and, Visions, of, What The Paths of Justice, and, Morality on Earth Should Be!
And, In This Great Age of Information, and, Communication, No One Person Should be Ignorant of, What Their Place Should Be, in This Civilized Age!
And, Its Time for The Earths Civilian, Religious, Spiritual, and, Military Leaders to Be An Example, "Of, By, and, For The People," and, Walk in The Shoes of Enlightenment, and, Wisdom!
And, Govern, and, Lead, by, The Laws of An Earthrise Constitution, and, Emancipation Declaration "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," that, Truly Embraces The Rights of, "One and All," to Live in A Terror Free, Crime Free, and, War Free Reality!

And, Its Time for, The Civilian, Religious, Spiritual, Philosophical, Humanitarian, and, Military Leaders to Call for A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue, that Addresses, Creating A New Age of Passion, Omniscience, Peace, and, Age of Social Security For Every Sentient Being!
This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way to Heal The World! And, This is, The Way of, A Peace Millennium, and, A Peace Time Economy!

Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, The Outrageous Crimes of Genocide, and, War Must Never Occur again, in Sudan, or, Anywhere on Earth!

Let Us, Each and Everyone of Us, Organize, and, Spread The Word, via The Internet, and, The Social, and, Cross-Media Universes, that A New Vigilance Must Be Set in Motion to Monitor Any Escalation of Violence, that, May Occur in Sudan!

And, Let's Spread the Word via Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, and, All Across This Earth of Ours, via, The Most Impressive, and, Magnificent Non-Violent, Activists Communication Network, and, Nexus, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," from Continent to Continent, that, A New Respect, and, Honor for The Lives of All Sentient Beings Must Be One of Our First Priorities!

And, Whether it Be, The Continent of Africa, Europe, The Middle East, Asia, or, North, and, South America, A Change Must Come! A Peoples Change! A Peace Change! One of Hope, and, Compassion!

And, May Our Earthrise Movement, "Of, By, and For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Be An Inspiration to, "One and All," to, Strike, Demonstrate, Have Sit ins, Chant, Sing, "Give Peace A Chance," or, "Amazing Grace," Soaring on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, or, by, Marching, Rock, and, Shakeup The World, that, "We" are A Great Soul Force that Can Not be Ignored, or, Denied!
And, that, This is Our Earth, and, Our Home! And that, "We" are, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!