Thursday, December 23, 2010



The Way To Peace! #129

I Would like to Congratulate President Obama, and, The Members of The U.S. House of Representatives, and, The U.S. Senate for Repealing, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," and, For Passing The Tax Package (although Anyone Worth more, or, Earning more, than $500,000, Should have Been Excluded from it), and, The 9/11 Responders Bill (although it took 9 years, which Cost Hundreds of Lives, Who Could have Benefited by An Early Passage of it)!
But, It Does Demonstrate what Can Be Done, When Our Politicians Work in A Collaborative and Co-operative Political Environment! And, What a Wonderful Spirit and Gift, The Passing of These Pieces of Legislation have Provided Millions of Americans, and, A Positive Note to End The First Decade, of The New Millennium, and, An Excellent Way to Enter into The Second Decade!

And, In Keeping with The Spirit of The Holidays, I Would like to Wish A Very Happy Holidays, to All The Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers, Who have Worked Arduously, and, Tirelessly, to Advance The Cultural Evolution of "We The People,"Citizens Of the Earth!

And, I Would like to Wish A Very Happy Holidays to The Members of The Earths United Armed Forces, Who are Serving to Protect Our Rights of Freedom and Peace, Worldwide!

And, I Would like to Wish A Very Happy Holidays, to The Countless Numbers of Families Who are Homeless, and, Living in Tents, Shelters, Their Cars & Vans, Worldwide!

And, I Would like to Wish A Very Happy Holidays, to All The Children of This Planet Earth Who are Living in Poverty, or, Conditions to Tragic to Describe, Worldwide!

And, I Would like to Wish A Very Happy Holidays, to All The Families Who have Lost A Member of Their Family, Due to War, or, Violence Whatever The Nature of It, May Be!

And, If, There Ever was a Time for A New Age of Peace, Hope, Compassion, and, Change, That Time is Now!
So, I Wish "One and All," A Peace Filled Holidays, and, A Future Now Experience of, "Peace On Earth," and, A Millennia of Economic Security!

And, May Our Hearts, Minds, and, Souls Be As One Great Soul Force of Universal Equanimity and Fraternity, of, An Earthrise Community "Of, By, and, For The People," of, This, The Third Planet from The Sun!
For, This is The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!