Sunday, December 19, 2010



The Way To Peace! #128

There have Been Notable Acts of Betrayal
in The Worlds of War, Religion, and Politics althrough-out The History of The World, and Each One has had A Relative Value in The Time Space Reality, that it Occurred in!
Every High School Student Knows of The Betrayal of Julius Caesar, by Marcus Brutus, and, of course, in The U.S., There was, The Infamous Act of Betrayal by, Benedict Arnold!
But, All that was in The Past! In Today's World, In The Conditioned Reality, such as The One that, "We" Live in, Where One Can Get Away with, almost, Anything, The Betrayal of The Republican Party, in regards to, The NY Public Officials, and The Women and Men who Volunteered to Search for Survivors, and, or, The Remains of The Victims of The Attack on The World Trade Center, is Too Much to Imagine, and Beyond Comprehension!
The Republicans Refusal to Join with Representatives of The Democratic Party, to Pass The 9/11 Responders Bill, is A Betrayal of Everything that, A Government "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," is Supposed to Stand for!
And, They have No Valid Excuse for Not Passing This Very Important Bill! Most Definitely, Not The Christmas/New Years Holiday Break! And, Money Should Be A Non-Issue! What Can The Republican Leadership Be Thinking of?

The Firefighters, Police Women and Men, DOT, and The City Workers who Worked
Tirelessly, and, The Countless Numbers of Women and Men, who Freely Gave of Themselves, and Volunteered to Work in Conditions that were Tragic and Horrific to Experience, Should All Be Given Medals of Honor (please take note, that These Brave Women and Men, Did Not Ask for A Holiday Break, during the Very Intense Time Period that They were Searching for Their Colleagues, Friends, and Civilian Casualties)! Instead, They are Being Refused Aid, that, Could Save Their Lives from The Illnesses, that They Incurred, from Their Selfless Actions, by The Senators of The United States Republican Party!

And, The Families of The 9/11 Victims, who have, already, Suffered Enough, Now, have to have, This Additional Abuse Heaped upon Them!
And, In A Sense,They have, also, Become Victims, only, This Time, Its at The Hands of The Republican Party!
This is A Disgrace and A Shame!
And, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth have had Enough of These Callous Acts of Partisan Politics!
And, These Politicians are Betraying Everything, that is Good and Admirable about what The U.S. Represents and Symbolizes!
And, This is An Injustice that Can Not Be Cordoned, or, Accepted by, "We The People!"
And, "We" have had Enough of The Indifference and Lack of Humanity of These Politicians, and, Enough is Enough!
And, A Change Must Come!

And, On Another Positive Note, As "We" Prepare to Enter into A New Decade, The "Ists," and, "Isms," of The Global Oligarchy, Will Find it More, and More, Difficult to Manipulate or Cajole, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, to Live by Their Inept, and Corrupt Standard of Living!
And, "They" Will Find that, "They" Can No Longer Delude, or, Convince, "We The People," to Believe in Their Broken, Failed, Poisonous, and, Self Serving System of Politics, and Finance!
And, Its Time that, "They" Took Notice that, "They" Will Not, Be Able to Continue Their Business Model, of "Profit at Any Cost," or, Continue to Pursue Business Activities, that have Placed in Jeopardy, The Ecological Balance Of The Earth, and, The Well Being Of The Citizens Of The Earth, and, "We The People!"

"We The People, Citizens Of The Earth, have had Enough Betrayals!
Betrayals by The Church Hierarchy, Whose Silence, for Decades, in regards to, Pedophilia amongst Their Priests, was, and, Still is, A Sin against All Humanity, and, The Faith that, "They" Claim to Believe in!

And, "We" have had Enough Betrayals, by Egotistical/Power Hungry, Civilian and Military Leaders, Whose Actions and Policies have Led Our Children into War Under False Pretenses!

And, "We" have had Enough Betrayals, by The World of Finance, who Gamble with The Life Savings, of, "We The People," without Our Approval, or, Consideration of Our Welfare, Should These Risk Taking Financial Investments Fail!

However, Today, "We The People," have An Opportunity to Begin, Anew, and, Continue to, In The Second Decade of The New Millennium, Change The World that, "We" Live in! And, Change "We" Must!
Beginning with Each and Every One of Us! Call it "A People's Change!" Or, "A People's Evolution!" Or, An Earthrise Movement, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"
But, Change is A Necessity that, Is as Important as Life itself! For Life is All about Change! Changes from which, "We" Must Learn from!

And, "We" have to Change from, Living in A Conditioned Reality, to An Enlightened Reality, of Hope, Compassion, and Wisdom!
And, In Doing so, Empower Each Other to Resolutely, Follow A Vision Path, that, Is, "Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
For, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal The World!
So, that, "We The People," "One and All," May Live in A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of, The 20th and 21st Centuries, "We" have A Great Opportunity to Create A New World, and, A New Age of Being, with Each New Rising of The Dawn!
And, Re-Engage, Ourselves, in This New Dawn, For as Long as it Takes, to Achieve Our Destiny's, and Goals of Peace on Earth!

And, As The Full Moon Looks Down on Us, Let's Take The Time to Reflect, and, Rejoice in The Harvest of New Peacemakers, and, Voices of Reason, Who have Taken up The Cause of Peace, and, The Cause "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

And, Let's Humbly, Celebrate, The Smallest of Our Achievements, to The Most Grandiose, of Them! Knowing that, "We" have, still, Much to Do! Although, There Will Be A Great Price that, Lies Ahead, to Pay For it!
But, Knowing is Believing, and, Believing is The Soul Strength, that, "We" Need to Continue Sowing The Seeds of A New Age of Equanimity! Economically, Spiritually, Ecologically, Philosophically, and, Humanely, On Earth!

And, Let Us Continue, to Sow These Seeds, via The Internet, and, The Social and Cross-Media Universes!

And, Let's Share The Harvest of Our Fruits, via The Earths Largest, and, Most Extensive, Non-Violent and Evolved Grassroots Activist Communication Network, and, Nexus, that, The World has Ever Known!

And, So that, No One is Out of Reach, Let's Spread The Word of Our Earthrise Movement of Change, Hope, Peace, Compassion, and, Social Security, For "All The Peoples Of The Earth, via Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Yahoo, Google, iTunes, YouTube, and, Myspace!
Lets Text it! Up link and Download it! Email it, and, Share it, Through All The Thought Projections, and, Global Communication Outlets, Available to Us!

And, Let's Call upon Our Civilian, Religious, and, Military Leaders Of the Earths United Nations, to Declare A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue, to Begin, Immediately, In The New Decade!

And, Let's Leave No Stone Unturned, in Our Earthrise Movement!
Just "Ask Anyone who Lives On The Streets," of, "We The People," and, They Will Tell You, that, A Change Must Come!
So, Let's Rock Out, Shakeup, and, Change The World! For as The Song Goes, "We are The World!"
And, Let's Be Thankful, Because, The "Good News" is, that, The Sign of The Times, is With Us!

And, Let Your Spirits Soar on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, and, The Winds of Change! And, In This Holiday Season, Let's Celebrate, The Advent of The Way of Peace, For "One and All," to Share!

And, As "We" Begin The Second Decade, of The New Millennium, on This,
The Third Planet from The Sun, Let's "Give Peace A Chance," as John & Yoko and A Few Good Friends sang, Many Decades Ago!
This is The Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium!