Thursday, December 16, 2010



The Way To Peace! #127

Life is A Wonderful Vehicle, Through Which The Universe Flows, and Expresses Itself, in All of Its Unlimited Magnitude, and Beauty! And, Prescience is A Key Part of The Human Psyche, Through Which One Universe, of Conscious Awareness, Flows to Another! And, Here "We" are, about to Advance into, A New Decade!
A Friend emailed me, that, "There is alot to Celebrate for," and, I Agree! There is!

For One, I am Grateful for, The Sound of of Child's Voice, as He, or, She, Exclaims Sounds of Joy, When They are Playing in The Park, or, Enjoying A Playful Moment with A Member, or, Friend of The Family!

And, Another is, The Magnificence of Nature in All Its Beauty and Grandeur!

And, I am Grateful for, All The Parents Who Provide Their Children with The Proper Upbringing Needed, to Nourish Their Emotions, Minds, Intelligence, Spirits, and, Souls!

And, I am Grateful for, The Gracious Philanthropic Gesture, Made by The Forty Billionaires, Who've Agreed to Give Half of Their Fortunes to Charity!

And, I'm Grateful for, The Visionaries such as; Julian Assange, Bill McKibben who Organized the "Step It Up" Movement, Elinor Ostrom, George Clooney, Sean Penn, Ex-Presidents Bill Clinton, and, Jimmy Carter, Anil Gupta, Natalia Allen, and Many Others, Who've Given Freely of Themselves, to Create a Better World, For "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

In Truth, Its Time, For Women and Men of All Persuasions, to Step Forward, and Share Their Gifts with "One and All," For The Betterment of The Earth, and The Earths Societies!

And, Its Time For Us, "One and All," to Re-Dedicate Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and Actions, to The Creation of A New Age of Compassion and Education, and, A Spiritual, Cultural, and Universal Conscious Awareness, that, Embraces Each and Everyone of Us!
And, that, Guides Us along The Path of A Great Peoples Vision! A Great Vision Path that Empowers Each and Everyone of Us! An Earthrise Movement, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"
Its A Grassroots Movement of The Earth, that, Embraces Those of Us, Who are In Need of A Helping Hand, When Times are Most Difficult!

And, A Great Soul Force, "Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth,Who are Determined, to Rock Out, Shake up, and Change The World "We" Live in, For The Betterment of, "One and All," and The Lives of All Sentient Beings!

Personally, I Would Feel Very Grateful, If, I Knew that, There was Not One Child Living in Poverty! Or, Being Sold as A Sexual Toy, in The Sinful/Evil World of Child Pornography!

And, Personally, I Would Feel alot Better Knowing that, Homelessness was, A Thing of The Past, and Would Not be Apart of The Next Decade, or, The 21st Century!

And, I Would Feel alot Better, If, I Knew that, Politicians No Longer Included "Earmarks," of Any Kind Whatsoever, in Any Future Legislation, such as, in the Present Tax Package, Negotiated and Decided upon by President Obama, and,
The Members of The Democrats, Tea Party, and Republicans! Imagine, Some Eight Billion Dollars, in "Earmarks!" "They" Still haven't Learned Their Lessons! But, They Will! Because "We The People," have had Enough!

And, I Would Feel Better, If, The Civilian, and Military Leaders of The Earths United Nations, and, Their Adversaries Realized that, War and Violence, only, Leads to More War and Violence! And, Its Time that, "They" Gave Peace A Chance!
And, I Would, Personally, Feel Better, If, A Global Truce, and Peace Dialogue, was Called for, To Give Diplomacy A Chance!
"The Times They are A Changing," as Bob wrote, and, Its Time For A New Age of Peace On Earth to Begin!
And, Its Obvious to, "Anyone Who Lives on The Streets," of, "We The People," and "Walks in The Shoes," of, "We The People," That, A Change Must Come!
And, as The Saying Goes, " The Sooner The Better!" For The Betterment of, The World "We" Live in! And, For The Betterment of Our Future Generations!

And, That, Would Be A Civilized, and Highly Evolved Way To Enter into, The Next Decade! And, This Would Be The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal The World! And, Bring Us from, An Age of Unreality, into An Age of Hope, and, The Reality of A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, This Holiday Season, Let Us Share The Gifts of Compassion, Love, Peace, Understanding, Good Friendship, and, Respect, For, "One and All!"
And, A Determined Resolve, to Confront The Injustices of The World, For The Betterment of The World!

And, Let's Share The Gifts of, A Great Prescient Consciousness, and Movement, of Enlightenment,Wisdom, Patience, and, Positive Awareness via Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, iTunes, and, You Tube, Freely and Joyfully, on The X's of The Worlds Greatest Activist Communication Network and Nexus, "Of, By, and, For The People!"

And, Let's Share, "The Good News," of, This Earthrise Movement, All Around The World, via The Internet, and, All of The Resources, and Outlets of, The Social, and Cross-Media Universes!

And, Let's Project Our Thoughts, and, Idea's of A Transcendental Reality, through which A Peoples Evolution, Revolution, and Universal State of Being, (Soaring on The Wings Of The Phoenix of Peace and The Winds of Change), Can Create The Reality of, An Earthrise Constitution, and, Emancipation Declaration that, Declares, that, Each and Every Citizen Of The Earth is Deserving of, A Just and Fair Opportunity, to Share in, and, Prosper from The Earths Resources! In Ecological Balance, and, In Equanimity, with, This, The Third Planet from The Sun, and The Universe that "We The People," Citizens Of the Earth are Apart of! This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!