Monday, January 10, 2011



The Way To Peace! #134

There is Too Much Violence on This Earth! And, Too Many Crimes against Humanity! And, There is Too Much Injustice, and, Abuse of "We The People," Citizens Of This Earth! And, Too Much Corruption and Manipulation of Our Children!

And, This is The First Year of The New Decade, and, Its Time to Wake Up from, The UN-Employment Nightmare, that has Cursed The Earths Communities for, What Seems to Be, An Eternity!

Just Look at The UN-Employment Figures, and They Don't Lie! The U.S. 9.8%. Spain 20% ! France 9.2%! The UK 7.8%! Germany 7.7%! Turkey 9.8! These are Approximations, but, There are Tens of Millions, More, Who are Out of Work, and,These Figures are Way Too High for The 21st Century, or, Any Time Period!

And, Its Time for The World of Big Business and Finance, to Get Off The Fence, as The Saying Goes, and, Declare Which Side, "They" are on!

The United Coalition and U.S. Armed Forces, are involved in At the Least 2 UN-Declared Wars, and, The War on Terrorism!
And then, There's The Unfinished/UN-Declared War in Iraq, Where there are, Still, Approximately 60,000 Members of The Armed Forces Based, and, In Harms Way!

And, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, are Involved in Another Battle!
A Battle to Survive, Due to A Global Economic Disaster, Brought on by, The World of Finance, and, The Government Regulators, Inability, to Regulate and Oversee, The Housing, Mortgage, and, Real Estate Industries, and, Banks, That were Doing Business in The Sub Prime Fiasco, that Caused This Mess that The World Economy is Presently Wallowing in!

So, Its Time for, The Global Financial and Investment Community, to Show Exactly Whose Side "They" are on, by Investing in, The Rebuilding of The Earths Infrastructures, and, by Providing The Necessary Funding Needed, to Help The Earths Communities to Improve Their Quality of Life!

And, Its Time that Our Civilian, Military, and, Religious Leaders Joined Hands, and, Entered onto A Vision Path, and, Course of Action, that is, "Of, By, and, For The People," that, Feeds The World, Heals The World, and, Puts The Citizens Of The Earth Back to Work! But, This Time in A Peace Time Economy!

And, "They" Should, "One and All," Agree to Support A Call For A Global Truce, and, Immediately Engage in A Peace Dialogues, that are Geared Towards The Cultural Evolution, and, Peaceful Co-Existence of The People Of The Earth! And, A Universal Age of Enlightenment and Omniscience!

And, "They" Should, "One and All," Come to An Agreement, to Take A Quantum Leap In The Name, and, For The Sake of All Humankind to Rise to A Higher Level Conscious Awareness, that Excludes No One," and, Includes All Sentient Beings, and, This Earth of Ours! Guaranteeing "One and All,"The Security and Well Being that, "We" are All Deserving of!

For, "We" are All Born on This, The Third Planet from The Sun, and, There is Zero Degree's of Separation Between Us!

Just "Ask Anyone who Lives on The Streets of The People," and, They Will Tell You, that, A Good Neighborhood is One where Everyone Looks Out, For One Another, and, Respects Each others Property, and, Rights to Live as A Free Person, and, Enjoy The Fruits of Life! And, "No One" is Above The Law of The Land!
And, Lawns are Mowed! Garbage Picked up, and, An Overall Sense of Harmony and Equanimity Exists, and, Everyone Benefits from having, A Mutual Respect of One Another!
And, Children Can Play Safely, Irregardless of Race, or, Creed, and, Parents Can Rest Assured, that Their Family Can Lead Healthy and Secure Lives, in The Comfort of Their Homes, and, Neighborhood!

Just "Ask Anyone who Lives on The Streets of The People," and, They Will Tell You, that, The Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, Need to Create A Global System, that is Free from Corruption, Greed, Lust, and, Laws that Favor The Rich, Elite, Religions, and, The Global Oligarchs!
And, "They" Need to Create An Earthrise System, that is, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, For "We" are The Backbone, Heart, and Soul of The Earth!

And, Its Time for, A New Emancipation Declaration, "Of, By, and, For The People," and, An Earthrise Constitution, that is,"Of, By, and, For The People," that, Protects This New Age of Technology, and, Science! And, The Growth and Evolution of, The Green Industries, that are Evolving and Providing New Services and, Employment, For, "We The People!"
And, This New Age of Technology, Science, and Green, Needs New Leadership, Governmental Co-Operation, and, "A Vision" to Guide it!
And, Women and Men of Intelligence, Sensitivity, Conscious Awareness, and, Interdependency, to Work, in Concert with, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, to Develop Its Great Potential, Worldwide!
For "We" are The Consumers of The World, and, "We" Can Make a Difference! And, We" Can Shakeup, and, Non-Violently Rock The World!

Just "Ask Anyone who Lives on The Streets of The People," and, They Will Tell You, that A Change Must Come! And, This Change is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Stand Firm, to Protect Our Freedom to Freely Sojourn The Universe of The Global Cross-Media Universe!

And, May "We" Find Comfort in A World of Kindred Spirits and Activists, that are Dedicated to Live in An Age of Peace on Earth!

And, Let Us Continue to Reach Out, via The Internet, and, The Social and Cross Media Universes, Wherever The Cause of Peace, Change, Freedom, and Evolution of Our Fellow Human Being is Needed!

For, "We" are Very Fortunate to Have at Our Advantage, The Earths Most Expansive and Developed, Non-Violent, Activists Communication Network and Nexus, to Spread Our Idea's, Thoughts, and, Words!

So, Lets Use This Great Communication Network to Share and Sow, The Seeds of, Our Earthrise Movement, and, Visions of, A Better World, "For One and All," to Share!

And, Whatever You are Best at Doing, Take The Time to Do it, In The Name of Peace, and, A Shared Prosperity "For One and All!"
So, Use Your Cell Phones, Text it, or, Email it! And, Utilize All the Resources Available to You, via, Google, Yahoo, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, iTunes, You Tube, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, and, MySpace, to Change The World, For "We are The World! And, This is, Our Earth, and, Our Opportunity to Unify The World, "For Millennia upon Millennia to Come!"

And, May This New Decade, Bring Forth A Plethora of Successes, in All of Our Endeavors, and, Let Us Continue Be A Great Soul Force, For Universal Equanimity! For The Winds of Change are with Us, and, "The Good News" is, that, New Voices are Speaking Out in The Name of Peace!
So, Lets Take The "Peace Train," as, Yusef has Sung Out to Us, and, Lets, Soar on The Wings Of The Phoenix of Peace," for, "The Times They are A Changing," (Thank You Bob Dylan), and, Our Time has Come! So, Let's "Give Peace A Chance,"as, John & Yoko, and, A Few Good Friends have Shared with Us!

And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!