Thursday, January 13, 2011



The Way To Peace! #135

"We" have to Believe in Something! If "We" Don't, What Do "We" have, Nothing!
"We" have to Believe in Someone! Because, If "We" Don't, What Do "We" have, Nothing!
Martin Luther King had "A Dream," that, "We" Believed in! And, He had A Great Soul Strength, or, as James Brown sang, "Soul Power," that, "We" Believed in!

Mahatma Gandhi had "A Great Soul-Force," that, "We" Believed in, and, Inspired Martin to Believe in ! And, They Both Led, Each in His Own Time Period, Non-Violent Movements, that, "We" Supported and Believed in! And, Gave Us The Will Power to Achieve Our Goals!

And, Whether it Be, "A Civil Rights Movement," or, An "End The War Movement," or, "Feed and Heal The World Movements," Its Time that, "We" Believed in Them, Again!

And, Whether You are An Optimist, Atheist, Pragmatist, Realist, or, Pessimist, Its Time to, "Bring Back The Dream," and, "Believe Again!"

And, Its Time to End This Vicious Cycle of Violence and Crime, that, "We" have Grown to Accustomed to, and, "Believe Again!"

And, "We" have to Protect and Care For The Defenseless and Destitute, and, Help Them to, "Believe Again!"

And, "We" have to Guide Our Children, in The Ways of Peace, Equality, Equanimity and, Harmony, so, that They May have Something Worthwhile and Good, to "Believe in Again!"

And, "We" have to Sing The Songs and Anthems of Peace and Love, Again!

And Trust, that, "We" Can "Believe Again!"

And, "We" have to Share The Fruits of Life with One Another, and, "Believe Again!"

Martin Luther King had A Wonderful Dream! Mahatma Gandhi had A Great Soul Force! Jesus Of Nazareth had His Gospel of Love! Siddhartha Gautama had His Eight Fold Path! Mother Teresa Believed in Being Merciful and Caring, For The Sick and The Poor! Lao-Tse Taught Us The Way Of Life, of which, He Freely Shared!
And, St. Francis Of Assisi Cared for The Lives of All Sentient Beings! And, Socrates Believed in The Truth!
And, The List Goes On and On of, Great Souls Who Shared Their Lives and Truths, For Our Benefit, Muhammad, Confucius, Zoroaster, Machiventa Melchizedek, Mary, and, Nelson Mandela, are All Believers, and, Its Time that "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "All," were "Believers Again!"
And, Awaken from, "The Nightmare of Being A Conditioned People," Manipulated to Believe in Untruths and False Rhetoric!

And, Its Time that, "We" Believed in Our Own Vision Path! A Vision Path "Of The People!"

A Vision Path that is, All Inclusive!

A Vision Path that, Gives Hope to Those Who have Lost Their Homes Due to Natural, as well as, Man Made Disasters! Who are Still Living in Tents, and, Without The Means to Take Care of Themselves, or, Their Families!

A Vision Path that Awakens Us, to The Unlimited Potential and Good, that, Lies within Each and Everyone of Us!

Isn't it Ironic that, When Martin Lived, "We" were Involved in An UN-Declared War, and, A Divided Country, and, World!
And, Here "We" are Living in A New Millennium, and, A New Decade, and, "We" are Still Involved in, Yet, Another UN-Declared War (Actually Wars!) and, A War on Terrorism! And, once Again, "We" are Existing In a Divided Country, and, in Many Ways, A Divided World!

And, The Time has Come, for Us, to Make Martin's Dream A Reality!
And, Its Time to Embrace The Mahatma's Great Soul Force, and, Make it Our Own, "Peoples Soul Power," Once Again!

And, Its Time that, "We" Passionately, Resolutely, and, Non-Violently, Motivated and Encouraged, Our Civilian, Military, and, Religious Leaders, Of The Earths United Nations, to Wholeheartedly Work on Behalf, "Of The People, and, For The People," to Bring Peace and Prosperity, to All The Earths Communities, and, Follow A Vision Path of, A New Age of Fraternal, Social, Spiritual, and, Universal Welfare, "For One and All!"
And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium! And, A Way To Heal The World! And, I'm Sure that Martin would Approve and Wish it For Us, as Well!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, During These Days and Nights of Crises, Chaos, and Despair, Felt by So Many, "We" Can Still Share The Hope of A Future of Greatness on Earth! For, In Our Combined Memories, Lie The Truth of What A Great People Can Do, In Times of Great Need!

And, "We" are Fortunate to Possess within Ourselves, The Empirical Knowledge of Times Gone By, When Great Deeds have been Achieved, In The Name of Peace, Equality, Equanimity, Freedom, and, Change!

So, Let's Share This Empirical Wisdom and Knowledge, through The Internet, and, The Social and Cross-Media Universes!

And, Lets Spread This Empirical Omniscience, Utilizing All The Technological Advantages of The 21st Century! All Across and Over, The Earths Unlimited X's, Airwaves and Myriad Outlets of, Our Earthrise Activist Communication Network and Nexus, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

And, Lets Continue to Sow, as Martin would have, A Call For The End of War, and, The Establishment of A Global Truce on Earth!

And, Let Us Continue to Call For Peace Dialogues, that, Represent The Wishes, Issues, and, Concerns, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

And, Let This Be A New Millennia of The Emancipation and Evolution of," All The People!" Written in The Ink of, The Memories of The Myriad Numbers of, Women and Men, Who Devoted and Gave Their Lives, to Create A Constitution Built from, The Revelations and Visions of, Billions of Citizens Of The Earth, Revealing The Great Potential of, What This World of Ours, Can Truly Be!

And, Whether "We" Express Ourselves, and, Share Our Idea's, Actions, Words, and, Thoughts via, Emails, Texts, Phone Calls, Non-Violent Demonstrations, or, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, MySpace, iTunes, You Tube, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, The Electoral Process, or, By The Many Ways, of This New Age of Technology! Just Take The Time to Do it! Or, Sing it! Or, Play it! Or, Paint it! Or, Dance it! Or, Orchestrate it! But, Just, Do it!
For The Winds of Change and Hope, For The Future, are Here and Now! And, "We" have to Rise to The Great Challenge, of This Time Space Reality, Now!

And, Whether it Be On The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, or, By Your Own Interdependent Non-Violent Resources, Let's, Altogether, Change, Shakeup, and, Rock The World! For A New Age, and A New Decade are Upon Us, and, Change "We" Must!
For The Good and Betterment of, All Sentient Beings of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

And, Let This Be, "The Good News," "Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, in The Year 2011, The Second Decade of The 21st Century!
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!