Monday, January 24, 2011



The Way To Peace! #137

Who Created The Political Model for Budget Cutting, that, Our City, State, and, Federal Governments Appear to Abide by! That States that, It is Politically Correct to Cut Budgets for Education, Libraries, Public Transportation,
Fire and Police Departments, The Postal Service, and, The Arts?
This is a Ludicrous idea!

With The U.S. Economy and The State of UN-Employment (still in Horrible Shape approx. 9.4% Nationally), Why Would Anyone Think about Further Cutbacks that Concern the Welfare of, "We The People!" And, Without a Doubt, This Should Be a Global Concern, because, This Type of Governmental Policy Thinking is Prevalent Everywhere, and, So, It Effects Every Citizen Of The Earth!
And, This is, Just Another Reason Why, Peace is So Important to The World!
Make More Cutbacks in The Pentagons Budget, and, Comparable Departments of Defense, Worldwide!

And, This is, Why A Philosophical Change in The Way of Thinking, Must Take Place, amongst The Civilian, Military, and, Religious Leaders Of The Earths United Nations!

A Practical and Realistic Change that, Honestly, Morally, and, Sincerely Addresses and Concerns Itself, with The Economical, Physical, Spiritual, Intellectual, and, Cultural Welfare Of The Citizens Of The Earth, "We The People!"
And, A Philosophical Change in Thinking, That is Concerned with, Improving The Living Conditions and Infrastructure of The Earths Towns, Villages, Cities, Ports, and States!

And, In Addition, Philosophical and Financial Investments are Needed to Further Space Exploration, But Only, in Equanimity with The Importance of, There Being Peace On Earth!

"Ask Anyone Who Lives on the Streets" of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, and, They Will Tell You, that, A Change Must Come! For, They Can Not Find Any Real Hope in Their Future with UN-Employment, for One Thing, as High as It is!

And, Those Who are Employed, Can Not Continue to Work The Inordinate Amount of Hours (whether They are a part of a Two Parent or Single Parent Family) that They Need to Work at, In Order to Pay Their Bills, or, Enjoy a Few Simple Pleasures in Life, Like Going to a Movie, or, Bowling Together, for Example! And, They Can Not Continue to Go On Without Better Benefits, or, Trust in Their Employees, that, They Will Not Be Let Go of, or, Forced into An Early Retirement!

And, Just "Ask Anyone Who Lives on The Streets Of The People," if, They Trust Politicians, in General, and, They Will Give You, A Resounding No!
And, For This Feeling and Thinking to Change amongst The People, The Civilian, Military, and, Religious Leaders Of The World, Must Change! And, "They" Must Earn The Respect and Trust, "Of The People!"

A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue is An Important Part of This Philosophical Equation, if, There is To Be "Peace On Earth," and, A New Earth Union and Communion, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Must Come to Fruition!

And, A Feeling of Economic Parity is Another Part of The Equation! Which Does Not Mean that, Everyone Should Be A Millionaire! Its The Security in Knowing that, You Need Not Worry about, How You are Going to Care for Your Family, or, Pay for the Education of Your Children! Or, How You're Going to Make Your Mortgage Payment, or, Pay Your Taxes! Or, once again, Be able to Afford to Enjoy The Fruits of Life, and, the Everyday Pleasures of Life, with Your Family and Friends!
And, The Knowing that You are Respected as A Citizen Of The Earth, by Your Peers, Family, Friends and, Fellow Citizens!

And, A New Earthrise Constitution, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Should Be Created to Embellish upon, The Reality that, "We" are, "One and All," Born of This, The Third Planet from The Sun, Called Earth, and, Therefore Should Inherit of All The Freedoms and Rights of A Civilized Earth Society, that Guarantees, Free Education, Free Health Care, and, An Inalienable Right to Live, Work, and Be Free from Oppression and Forced Subjugation, Wherever Their Paths May Take Them On Earth, or, The Universe! There are Zero Degree's of Separation Between Us, as A Newborn Child of The Earth, and, Material Wealth Should Not Be a Criteria, or, A Factor in Establishing The Value or Worth, of Any Human Being!

More Importantly is Who "We" are Spiritually, Universally, Humanistically, Culturally, and, Personally! And, What Our Contribution is, in regards to, The Care of The Earth, and, Our Families! And, The Respect that "We" Show One Another!

And, A New Emancipation Declaration, "Of The People, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of the Earth, Should Guarantee that, No One Should Ever Go Without!

And, No Child Should Ever Live in Poverty! And, No Adult Should Ever Live with The Feeling of Hopelessness, or, Homeless! Just "Ask Anyone Who Lives on The Streets Of The People," and, They Will Tell You that, A Change Must Come!

And, Let There Be No Doubt that, The Winds of Change are upon Us, because, With The Exhalation of Each and Every Breath "Of The People," Therein Lies The Empowerment of A Great Soul Force of Change, Hope, and, Peace!

And, With Each and Every Idea, Thought, Word, and, Action of, "We The People," Lies The Empowerment of A Great New Soul Force of Activism, and, Grassroots Movements, of A New Age of Equality, Fraternity, Equanimity, and, Environmental Protection, and, Ecological Security! And, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal The World! And, A Way To A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Our Voices Sing Out, and, Speak Out, As A Great Choir of Soulful, Truthful, Faithful, and, Moral, Ambassadors of Change!

And, Let Us Continue to Sow The Seeds of, An Age of Visionary Sojourns, Quests, and, Pioneering of, New Earthrise Horizons! And, Lets Spread "The Good News," of Compassion, and, Relief of, and from, Economical Oppression, Dictatorship, and, The Isms and Ists, of Whatever Nature!

And, Let Us Soar on The Winds of Change, Leaving No Wave Untouched, and, No Leaf Unturned, and, No Blade of Grass UN-Moved!

And, Let Us Share The Transcendental Heights of Our Vision Path, "Of, By, and, For The People," from, The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, Wisdom, and, Enlightenment!

And, Whether it Be by, Linkedin, Facebook, Yahoo, iTunes, Google, Twitter, MySpace, You Tube, or, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Lets Spread The Message of Our Concerned Effort on Behalf "Of The People," All Across This Magnificent Earth of Ours, Utilizing Every X and Thought Wave of, The Most Majestic, Peoples Non-Violent Activist Communication Network and Nexus that, This Age has Ever Known! Utilizing Every Resource and Outlet of, The Internet, and The Social, and, Cross-Media Universes!

And, As Mary, Martin Luther King, Jesus Of Nazareth, Mahatma Gandhi, Siddhartha Gautama, Muhammad, Nelson Mandela, Zoroaster, Confucius, Socrates, Mary Magdalene, Lao-Tse, Mother Teresa, St. Francis Of Assisi, Charlemagne, and, Machiventa Melchizedek, Would Conscious Us to Do, Let's "Give Peace a Chance!" And, Lets Shakeup, Rock Out, and, Change The World! This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!