Thursday, February 3, 2011



The Way To Peace! #140

There is No Room for Authoritarian Rulers, Who are Egotistical Dictators, in The Future of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, There is No Room for Imperialistic Oligarchs, in The Future of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, There is No Room for, Any, "Isms," or, "Ists," Who are under The Control of, The Global Oligarchy! For, The Winds Of Change are Here and Now! And, Without a Doubt Change Will Come!

And, Let Us Not Be Fooled by, False Rhetoric and False Concessions! Our Strategic Vision Should Be to Create An Existence, "For The People," that, Is Graced with Peace and Unity, " For All The People!" For "We" Represent, An Earthrise Evolution and Movement, that, is "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People" of, This, The Third Planet from The Sun! For, This Our Home and Our World, and, Our Time has Come!

And, Let Us Be Released from, The Conditioned Reality, that, has Chained Us, Body and Soul, to An Oppressive System, that, In Truth, Still has No Real Desire to Change! But, Now it Must, For, The Winds of Change, are Here and With Us!
And, Its Time that, "We" were, "Free at Last, Great God Almighty Free at Last," as the saying goes!

Which is Why, Our Earthrise Evolution and Movement, "Of, By, and, For The People," Stands as An Emancipation Declaration, from The, often, Violent, Aggressive, and, Cruel Polititization of, "We The People!"

Our Earthrise Movement is An Evolutionary Grassroots Covenant of, "We The People," that, Transcends The Fear of Change! Because, It is Change! And, "We" are that Change! And, "We" are The Political, Economical, and, Social Reforms that, are The Empowerment of Soul/People Power of Change!
For, "We" are, A Great Non-Violent Soul Force of, Women, Men, and, Children, Who have The Courage to Stand Firm, in The Face of Military Force, Vigilantes of Fear, and, Agents of Greed, Chaos, and, Corruption!

And, Together, "We" Will Stand Steadfast, as The Hope for The Future! For "We" are, The Passion of Change, Freedom and Truth!

And, Together, "We" are, The True Covenant of, "All The People, Irregardless of Race, Creed, or, Nationality!
For, "We" are, The New System, that, is Truly, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, "We" Must Continue to Show Our Determination and Resolve to, The Civilian, Military, and, Religious Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, that, "They" Must Listen, Think, and, Act," upon Our Requests, Suggestions, Demonstrations, and, Protestations, In Fairness, and, In An Open Minded Forum!

And, "They" Must Adhere to, Our Call for, The Creation of A Universal System of Culture, that, Embraces The Lives of, "All The People!"

And, Its Time that, "They" Addressed The Need of, A Peace Time Economy and Work in A Joint Effort, with The World of Finance, to Obtain The Necessary Investment Capital Needed, to Create A New Financial System and Global Model for The World of Business, that, Encourages The Re-Vitalization of The Earths Infrastructures, and, The Creation of New Jobs!

And, These Civilian, Military, and, Religious Leaders Must Come to Comprehend that, There is No Room, for A War Time Economy in The Future of, "We The People!" And, Its Time that, "They" Gave Peace A Chance!

And, A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue are Necessary, to Provide The Cohesive Guidance and Support, to Build A Bridge from The Past, to The Future! Because, The Winds of Change are Flowing, and, Change Can Not be Denied!

And, There is Need for, An Earthrise Constitution, that, is, "Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, that, Allows for The Constitutions of The Past, to Be Re-Constructed into A New Covenant, "Of The People," For Us to Live and Enjoy All The Privileges of Life, in A World of Social and Communal Security!
For, There is No Room for Poverty, Homelessness, Fear or Illegal and Immoral Injustices, in Our New Age of Compassion! The Welfare of, Each and Every Women, Child, and, Man Should Be, One of The Main Priorities of, Our Earthrise Evolution!
And, The Protection and Education of, Each Newborn Child, Women, and, Man Should Come under The Mandate of, Our Resolution and Convictions!

And, "We" Expect The Civilian, Military, and, Religious Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, to Comply with Our Wishes, and, Be True Representatives "Of The People!" And, Act as True Activists, "Of The People!" And, in Doing so, Change The World!
And, Agree to Shakeup, Rock Out, and, Change The World, into An Age of Equanimity and Prosperity, "For One and All!" And, A Peace Millennia, that, is, "Of, By, and, For The People! For "We" Embody The Evolutionary Movement, Of The Future, and, The Time for Change has Come!

Just "Ask Anyone Who Lives On The Streets of The People," and, They Will Tell You, that, Its Time for, An End of Partisan Politics, Political Rhetoric and Lies! And, The Time has Come, for A New Age of Solar Axioms and Truth, to Lead The Way!
And, Let Us Lift Our Spirits Up High, and, Soar on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, Change and Hope, to A Future where Illusions and Delusions of A Conditioned Reality are Made Real by, The Fusion and Fortitude of, Our Beliefs in A World of Harmony and Peace!
And, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal The World! And, A Way To Continue Evolving on The Vision Path, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," and, A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Re-Invigorate Ourselves, in The Sowing of Seeds of, A New Fraternity, Communion and Union, that, Excludes No One, and, Includes Everyone, and, That Means, "All Sentient Beings" of, This, The Third Planet from The Sun, In A New Age of Dynamism, Vision, and, Activism!

And, Let Us Express and Project, This New Dynamism and Vision, via, The Internet, and, The Social and Cross Media Universes! Using All of The Available Levels of, X's, Thought Projections, Paths, and, Links of Linkedin, Twitter, You Tube, Facebook, Yahoo, iTunes, Google, MySpace, and, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, to Share "The News" of, Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions!

And, Let's Shift The Balance of Power away from, The Conditioned Reality of The Past, to The Transcendental, Prescient, Universal, Spiritual, and, Humane, Conscious Awareness and Reality of, "We The People!"

And, Lets Continue to Synergize and Energize Each Other, via, The Earths Most Omnipotent Non-Violent Communication Network and Nexus, "Of, By, and, For The People!" For, There is Nothing that, "We" Can Not Do, as long as, "We" Remain United in Purpose! And, United as, "One People" Of The Earth!
For, "We" are The Eddies of Change! The Breath of Change! And, The Heart and Soul of Change!

And, "We" are The Spirit, Imagination, Creation, Personification, Manifestation, Wisdom, and, Enlightenment of Change, Hope, Mercy, Kindness, and, Backbone of Change!

And, As Our Historical Perspectives, Intuitions, and, Memories of, Jesus Of Nazareth, Siddhartha Gautama, Mahatma Gandhi, Confucius, Zoroaster, Muhammad, Nelson Mandela, Mary, Machiventa Melchizedek, Socrates, Lao-Tse, Martin Luther King, St. Francis of Assisi, Charlemagne, Mary Magdalene, and, Mother Teresa, have Taught Us, by Their Words, Experiences,Thoughts, Words, and Actions is, How Powerful and Meaningful, "We" Can Be, When "We" are, United as, "One People," under The Moon, Sun, and, All The Luminous Bodies of The Cosmos! For United Together, "We" are, The Way To Peace and, A Peace Millennium!