Wednesday, February 16, 2011



The Way To Peace! #144

The Headlines for President Obama's Fiscal 2012 Budget Should have Read, "The President Proposes A Historical Brave New Fiscal Peace Time Budget For The People! One that Puts Forward, A New Financial and Investment Perspective of A Peace Time Economy!"

A Peace Time Economy that Prioritizes, The Rebuilding and Re-Investing in The Social Infrastructure of The U.S. and The World!

A Peace Time Economy that Prioritizes, The U.S. Once Again, Becoming An Exciting Manufacturing and Production Center, For The Worlds of Green Technologies and Energy!

A Peace Time Economy that, Sends Out The Message "Loud and Clear," that The Social Welfare of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, are His Main Priority!

A Peace Time Economy that is Structured, To Make Solid Investments in The Future of, "We The People!" That is Secured and Protected by Rules and Regulations Created, To "Protect The People," and, Bring A New Age of Trust and Hope "To The Hearts, Minds, and Spirits, "Of The People!"

And, There Can Not Be Any DisClarity Over How Any Program of The New Budget is To Be Paid for! There Must Be Absolute Transparency and Accountability!

But, There has To Be A Sense of Movement, in The U.S. Economy, and A Decline in The Vast Numbers of The UN-Employed! Just as, There has To Be , An Increase in The Global Economy, and A Decline in The Numbers of The UN-Employed, Before A Positive Economical Change in Our Lives Can Be Achieved!

Amazingly, Here "We" are in The First Quarter of A New Decade, and, Still, The Numbers of The UN-Employed have Not Changed! Who is In Charge of New Job Creation in The U.S. Government, or, as a Matter of Fact, in A Great Many Of The World Governments! There Seems to Be No Real Immediacy or Emergency of Their Concern, "For The Plight of The People!"

Just "Ask Anyone Who Lives On The Streets Of The People," and, They Will Tell You that, Who Ever is In Charge Should Be Fired, and, Made to Experience and Endure The Same Vicissitudes of Millions of People, Who are Struggling to Survive and Care for Their Families! Not to Mention The Homeless Who are Forced to Search for Food in Garbage Receptacles on Sidewalks, and, The Millions Who are Living in Tents, or, in Their Cars and Vans!

And then, Add to The Tragic, Incomprehensible, Unconscionable, and Incredulous Plight of The UN-Employed, The Thousands of Homeowners, Who have Lost Their Homes, Due to The Housing & Mortgage Crises! This is Another Tragedy, Because, of The Countless Numbers of Families, Who have Been Deserted by Their Governments, and, The Banks, in Time of Great Need!
And then, Add to that, The Countless Numbers of Homeowners, Who Can Not Sell Their Homes, Because of The Dire Weakness, in The Housing Market!
And, Yet The Cost of Living Continues to Increase, While Salaries Do Not!

Just "Ask Anyone Who Lives On The Streets Of The People," and, They Will Tell You that, A Change Must Come, and, This Misdirected, Misgoverned, Mislead, and, Misguided State of Being, Can Not Continue to Exist!

Its Time for The Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, To Become Global Activists, In The Name "Of The People," and, Work Day and Night, "For The Sake Of The People!"
And, Bring A New Sense of Hope to The Lives of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

Hope Must Be Restored to Our Lives! And, A New Joy of Life Must Be Restored to Our Lives! And, A Higher Quality of Life, Must Be Restored and Re-Established, For The Sake of, "One and All" to Share All Across This Beautiful Planet of Ours! From "Shore to Shore and Sea To Scintillating Sea," as the Saying goes! And, From The Horizons of Earth, To The Great Infinity of The Cosmos!

And, The New Season of Change that has, Rocked and Shook Up The Middle East, has to, Now, Become Immersed into A New Financial System, that, Brings Stability and Security, to The Lives of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth! For The Sake of Our Children and Our Lives, and, For The Sake of The Lives of Those, To Come, In The Future!

And, "We" Must Continue to Voice Our Concerns and Demands, via, The Social and Cross-Media Universes!

And, "We" Must Continue to Speak Out, via, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Google, Yahoo, You Tube, MySpace, iTunes, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Newspapers, Magazines, Interviews, Satellite, Cable, and, Network TV, and, Radio!

And, Through Non-Violent Demonstrations, Texts, Sit Ins, Peace Marches! And, Through Peace, Feed and Heal The Earth Concerts, The Arts, and, Every Available Outlet and Resource of The Internet!

There is No Doubt that, "We" have Entered into A Historical Time Period, and, An Uplifting, Positive, and, Hopeful Season of Change! And that, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, are The Soul Power that is Driving and Influencing, This Great Evolution/Peoples Revolution!

But, Let Us, Always, Remember that, Together, "We" are, "A Great Soul Force of Change!"

And, Together, "We" are, Also, A Great Earthrise Evolution, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

And, United, As One, "We" are, The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!
And, A Great Wave of Humanity, To Heal The World, and, The Driving Force and Believers, In What Can Be, A New Age of, A Peace Time Economy!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "We" have to Continue to Work Towards, The Creation of A New Age of Social, Economical, and, Political Reforms, That are Truly "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!'

And, "We" have to Continue to Shift The Balance of Power Away from, The "Ists," and, The "Isms," of The Global Oligarchs (The Invisibles), To "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, "We" Must Continue to Call for, A Global Truce and Peace Dialogues!
Until Peace is Prioritized, Before War, The Global Budgets of The Earths United Nations Will Continue, to Spend Trillions upon Trillions on War, and, Ignore The Real Costs Needed to Build and Maintain, The Peace!
And, While "We" are in A Constant State of War, Funding Will Always Be Prioritized, For War, or, UN-Declared Wars, or, Continuous Escalations of, War!

And, These Funds are Taken Away from Building and Maintaining, A Bridge of Peace that Reaches from, One End of The Earth to The Other! And, The Caring for, Those of Us, Who are Less Fortunate!
And, These Funds are Taken Away from Investing in Finding Cures for Diseases, That have Plagued The Earths Populations, For Millennia after Millennia, in One Form or Another!

And, "We" have to Work Ceaselessly Towards, The Creation of, A Constitution "Of The People," That Places Peace, and, The People, First!

And, "We" have to Work Tirelessly Towards, The Creation of, An Emancipation Declaration, That, Free's Us from, The Conditioned Reality of Being Controlled, and, Living in Fear, and, Crimes Committed against All Humanity!

And, Let Us Continue to Create New Idea's of Peace! And, Project Thoughts of Peace and X's, of Universal Conscious Awareness!

And, Lets Continue to Create New Links and Connections of Peace, via, The New Technological Advances, and, The People Powered Universe and Omnipotent, Non-Violent Activist Communication Network and Nexus, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," That, The World has Ever Known!

And, Lets Encourage and Support The Forces of Peace, Wherever They Maybe!
For The Alliances of Chaos, Crime, War, Terrorism, Genocide, and, Immorality, are Determined, To Turn Back The Hands of Time!
And, "We" Must Be Just as Determined, and, Show The Same Immovable Resolve and Perseverance in The Continuation of, Sowing The Seeds of Our Grassroots Movement, and, Earthrise Evolution, and, Evolve into A New Age of Equanimity, Harmony, and, The Opportunity For "One and All" to Enjoy The Fruits and Prosperity of Their Interdependent Ideas, Thoughts, and, Entrepreneurial Explorations!

And, Lets Continue, To Maintain A Transcendental, Philosophical, and, Enlightened Perspective, as "We" Continue to Exist, Within The Eye of The Hurricane of Change!

And, Lets Continue to Share, "The Good News" of, Our Successes, as well as, The Challenges that Lie Ahead of Us, as "We" Continue The Evolutionary Revolution of, Our Vision Path "Of The People!"

And, Lets Continue to Soar to New Heights, On The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, Hope, and, Change!
And, Lets Continue to Empower Each Other, With Each Breath of The Winds of Change!
And, Lets Continue to Sing The Anthems and Songs of Peace, Hope, and, Change, and of, A Non-Violent Evolution, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," All in Parallel and In Equanimity, With The Evolution of Life, and, The Great Cosmos, Spiritually, Soulfully, Intellectually, Emotionally, Mentally, and, Physically!
For, This is,The Way To Peace and, A Peace Millennium!