Saturday, February 19, 2011



The Way To Peace! #145

This is, The Time to Contemplate, and, A Time to Act!

This is, The Time for Celebration, and, A Time of Continued Mobilization!

And, This is, The Time for Continued Re-Organization, and, A Time for Continued Demonstrations!

And, This is, The Time for Negotiations, and, A Time for Continued Protestations!

But, This is Not, The Time To Hesitate or Procrastinate!
This is, The Time To Increase The Degree of Non-Violent Activism, that, "We" have Begun, In All Area's that are The Concern of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

In Area's such as; Aid For The Poor!

Increased Research and Investment in The World of Green Technologies!

Exposing and Putting an End to The Immoral Business of Sex Trade!

A Call for, The Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, To Declare A Global Truce and Enter into Peace Dialogues with All The Warring and Chaotic Factions of The World!

Shift The Balance of Power from, "The Ists," and, "The Isms," of The Global Oligarchy (The Invisibles) and, Return It Back Safely, into The Arms of "We The People!"

And, Demand that, Our Governments Mobilize and Direct Our Armed Forces to The End Result of, Putting An End to Drug Cartels, and, Terrorism! Or, Find Alternative Solutions, that, are Lawfully Created and Implemented, to Eliminate The Threat of, Violence, Crime, and, Immoral Acts, that, These Illegal Organizations of Crime and Anarchy, Pose Against, "We The People," Citizens of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

The Elimination of Personal Taxes!

A New Global Financial System, that, Guarantees The Social and Economical Security of Each Citizen and Newborn Child of This Planet Earth!

Greater Investment, Research, Time and Funding for, Finding Cures for All The Diseases that have Plagued "We The People," Since The Beginning of Civilization!

A Universal Bank Account Set Up by The Earths United Nations, To Receive A Percentage of Every Tax Levied Against "We The People,"To Be Used Exclusively For The Benefit of, "We The People!" And, That Should Include Every Tithe Received by Each and Every Religion, and, Denomination of The World!

And, "We" Must Continue to Increase The Involvement of Our Earthrise Activism in Area's of Global Conservatism, and, The Protection of Our Sea's, Lands, Skies, and, The Universe, that is, Slowly Becoming An UN-Regulated Garbage Dump, for Any Nation Who Wants to Start Up A New Shuttle/Space Program!

And, "We" Must Organize Our Non-Violent Activism, To Embrace An Interdependent Group of Women and Men, Who are Willing to Represent "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, and, Our Concerns about The Continued Development of Space Travel, and, How Our Tax Dollars are Being Used to Partner with The Civilian, Military, and, Financial Leaders, as "They" Engage in The Space Age Industrial Entrepreneurialism!

And,The Balance Between The Rising Costs, and, Stagnant Salaries of, "We The People," Need to Be Adjusted and Re-Aligned, so that, "We" Can, "One and All," Enjoy The Fruits of Life, and, Receive A Fair Share of The Profits of The Global Economies!

"We" are Living During A Historical Time Period, Where The Global Activism, "Of The People," is The Only Guarantee that, "We" have, For A Future, that is, Truly, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens of, This, The Third Planet from The Sun!
And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium! And, A Way To,
The Establishment of, A Peace Time Economy! And, A Way To Feed, and, Heal The World!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 2oth and 21st Centuries, "We" have Much Work To Do! "We are Faced with Unfair and Illogical Budget Cuts in Both The Federal and State Governments!

And, "We" are Being Denied Bank Loans, that, Could Be of Great Assistance to Us, To Make Mortgage Payments, and, Care for Our Families!

And, Our Daughters and Sons are Being Sent to Fight in New Escalations of Conflict, in UN-Declared Wars!

"We The People, "Citizens of The Third Planet from The Sun, Need To Take Back Our Earth , from The Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders, Who are Leading Us, Day after Day, Into A Deeper State of Oppression and Depression!

And, "We" have to Create A New Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century, that, Free's Us, from Existing Under The Oppressive State of A Selfish, Egotistical, and Compromised Group of Leaders, Who are Being Controlled and Manipulated by The Global Oligarchy!

And, "We" have to Create A New Constitution of The 21st Century, that is, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"
A Constitution that, Takes Back The Power, from The Political Sophists, and, Lobbyists of, The World of Big Business, and, The Global Oligarchs, Who have Financed and Empowered The Creation of A Financial and Political System of, "Isms," and " Ists!" A Corrupted and Soiled System, that, Truly Does Not Represent, or, Benefit "We The People!"

And, "We" have to Create and Establish, A New Global Business Model, that is, Systematized to Address The Concerns and Life Issues of, "We The People!"
While Simultaneously Empowering Our Earthrise Evolution and Grassroots Movements, "Of The People!"

A New Global Political, and, Financial System that, Provides for The Welfare, and, The Social Security of, "We The People!"

A New System that, Creates Opportunity for Each and Every Citizen, To Enjoy The Successes of Their Labor, and, Gives Encouragement and Empathy, When Needed, Towards Achieving The Goals of, Each Interdependent Citizen Of the Earth!"

And, "We" Must, Non-Violently, Fight Against Any Attempt by The Authoritarian Political, Military, Religious, or, Financial Leaders, Who Wish To Impede or Curb Our Freedom to Express, or, Spread Our Message Of Peace and Unity, via, The Internet, and, or, The Social and Cross-Media Universes of Our Choice, such as;
Twitter, Google, Yahoo, Linkedin, Facbook, MySpace, You Tube, iTunes, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Newspapers, Satellite, Cable, or, Network TV, Magazines, Radio, or, The Arts!

And, "We" Must, Non-Violently, Demonstrate and Mobilize Against Any Attempt, To Control Our Use of The Earths Most Omnipotent, Technological, Non-Violent Activists Communication Network and Nexus, "Of, By, and, For The People!"

And, "We" Must Stand Firm and Resolute Against Any Attempt, To Subvert Our Earthrise Evolution and Grassroots Movements, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

And, Always Remember that, This is Our Earth, and, "We" are, The Heart, Mind, Body, and, Spirit of, A Great Soul Force of, Truth, Hope, Enlightenment, Wisdom, Peace, and, Equanimity, "For One and All!"

And that, "We" are The Eddies, Currents, X's, and, Breath of Air, of, The Winds Of Change! And that, Together, and, United in Purpose, "We" Can Soar to New Heights of Human Evolution, On The Wings of, The Phoenix of Peace,
In Equanimity with The Evolution of Life, and, The Constant Metamorphosis of The Cosmos! And, "The Good News" is, that, This is, A Great Season of Change! And, "We" are, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!