Thursday, February 10, 2011



The Way To Peace! #142

The Global Business Community has to Get Off The Fence and Invest in The Creation of New Jobs! And, Global Corporate Support is A Must!

Its A Simple Equation, Before Global Revenues Can Rise, The World of Business Must Invest!
But, "They Can Not Wait for A New Trade Agreement Before Investing, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Need Jobs Now!

The Earths United Nations, and The U.S. are Still Involved in A Global War on Terrorism (The "Overseas Contingency Operation"), and Three UN-Declared Wars (Iraq, Afghanistan & Pakistan), and This is Not The Time for The Global Business Community to, Procrastinate or Hesitate, "They" have to "Get Involved and Invest Now!"

The Trust Factor goes Many Ways, and "We The People, " are Being Asked to Trust and Work "Hand in Hand" with, The Civilian, Military, and Religious Leaders of The Earths United Nations, But, Its Time for The Business Leaders of The Earth to Invest in Re-Building The Global Infrastructures, and Green Technologies, and Create A Better World for, "We The People!"

The Trust Factor and The Human Factor Combined are Intertwined, and Can Not Be Refuted in The New Earth Equation of, Change, Hope, and The Cultural Renaissance of, "We The People!"
Ones Character is often Defined and Determined by Their Actions and Generosity of Spirit! And, This is The Time for The Global Business Community to Act, and Demonstrate by Their Actions, Their Commitment to The Continued Evolution and Growth, "Of The People!"

The Tax Dollars "Of The People," have Been Used to Bail Out Governments, Banks, Financial Institutions, and "The World of Big Business," in General, and, Now, Its Time that, "The World of Big Business," Banks, and, Financial Institutions, Showed Their Appreciation and Gratefulness, by Investing in Improving The Quality of Life of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

The Earth is Our Home, and, "We" Need Total Participation by, The Civilian, Military, Religious, and Financial Leaders of, The Earths Nations to Unite and Build A New Financial System, that is, "Of The People, By The People, and For The People," Citizens of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

This is The Time for A Complete Change in The Philosophy of Doing Business, and, Its Time for The Creation of A New Global Financial Model for Doing Business!

And, Its Time for The World of Business to Show, a little bit, more Courage in This Transitional Period, and Time of Change in The Evolution of The Earths Societies and Communities!

And, It is Important that Our Government Leaders Do Not Remove Any Regulation that is In Place to Protect "We The People," from The Sequel of The Subprime Disaster from Ever Taking Place again!

And, Its Time that "They" Worked More Closely Together, with "The World of Business," and, with The Local, Regional, and National Chamber Of Commerces, to Re-Energize Not Only The American Economy, But, The World Economy as Well!

But, Its also of The Utmost Importance that, Our Government Leaders Should Not Exhibit Any Foolishness by Erasing or Eliminating The Safeguards that Have Been Put in Place to Prevent Further Exploitation, Greed, Lust, or Corruption!

The New Philosophical, Intellectual, and, Corporate Business Model Equation, Should Be One that is, In Equanimity with A Regulatory System that, Builds Trust, with The People, and Improves The Quality of Life, "Of The People!"

And, There has to Be An Honest Partnership Between The World of Business, and The People, that is, Honorable, Trustworthy, and Fruitful for Both Parties to Be Involved in!
There are Trillions of Consumers Who are Ready to Embrace such An Alliance/Partnership, When the World Of Business, is Ready to Fulfill Its Share of The Responsibility of, Such A Noble Enterprise!

There are New Horizons to Explore, Empowered by, Such An Enterprise with People, But, First, The World of Finance and Big Business, Must Earn Their Way Back into Our Trust, To Be a Real Partner of, Our Earthrise Evolution and Movement, "Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

A New Age of Change has Come, and, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, are The Heart, Spirit, and Financial Power, that is Driving It! "We" have The Real Spending Power!
And, Without Our Participation, The World of Big Business, Would End up Being Bankrupt!

And, "We" Need A New Standard of Values that Places, "We The People," and, The Lives of, All Sentient Beings, of This, The Third Planet from The Sun, First!
For, "We" are The Soul Force of, Hope, Peace, and Change!

And, Wherever The Rights of "We The People," are Being Threatened, "We" Will Non-Violently Reject, Rebel, and Resist It!

And, Whenever or Wherever Cuts are Being Proposed, by Any Federal, State, or City Budget, in Education, Aid for The Poor, and Destitute, Social Security, or Cultural Projects "Of The People," "We" Will Reject, Rebel and Resist against It!

And, Before Wars, or Regional Conflicts are Entered into, The Implicit Agreement and Accord "Of The People," Must Be Sought Out, or, We Will Reject, Rebel and Resist It! For The Life of Every Interdependent Citizen, of This, The Third Planet from The Sun is Sacred, and Will Never again Be Compromised, Manipulated or Coerced, For, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth are The True Representatives of The Law of The Land, Seas, and Skies! And, Our Approval is Necessary Before Our Leaders Can Approve Any Conflict or War!

This is, The Framework of Our Earthrise Constitution, "Of The People!" And, These are The Core Principles of, Our Earthrise Emancipation Declaration, "Of The People!" For The Winds of Change are Here and Now, and, "We've Learned from Experience, that, The Injustices that have Prevailed over The Course of Centuries, Can No Longer Be Tolerated or Endured by, "We The People!"
And, A New Age has Come, To Free Us from The Past, and Break The Chains of The Conditioned Reality that has Infected Us, Like A Cancer of, The Soul and Spirit!

And, "We" have Learned that The Best Cure for What Ails Us is, The Belief in Ourselves and in Each Other!

Just "Ask Anyone Who Lives On The Streets Of The People," and They Will Tell You that, "We" Can Not Continue Abusing, Misusing, Enslaving, and Killing Each Other! There is A New Equation for Our Peoples Evolution, that is "Streetwise" in Any Neighborhood on Our Planet Earth, and Its Not, "To Kill or Be Killed!" Its, "Live and Let Live!" And, "We" Can, "One and All" Prosper Together and Enjoy The Fruits of Our Labor and Our Lives!

And, Its Time for The Civilian, Military, Religious, and Business Leaders of, The Earths United Nations. to Call for, A Global Truce and Peace Dialogues!
There are Too Many Mothers, Fathers, Sisters and Brothers, Aunts and Uncles, Nieces and Nephews, and, Sons and Daughters, from South to North Korea, and, from Turkey to Kurdistan, and, from Israel to Palestine, and, from Thailand to Cambodia, and, from North Sudan to South Sudan, and, in Egypt, and Wherever The Pendulum of War and Unrest May Swing, Who are Being Threatened, or, Displaced from Their Families and Homes, and Killed! And, Its Time that, Our Leaders Worked for Peace, and, Reached Out to The World, To "Give Peace A Chance," Before Another Life is "Lost in Vain!"
And, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal The World! And, A Way To A Peace Time Economy, and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, The UN-Declared War in Afghanistan Will Soon Be Escalating, once again, As The Approaching Weather Conditions Improve in The Afghan Region, and Allows for Yet, Another Thrust/Surge against Al Qaeda and Their Allies, in Pakistan and Afghanistan!

And, There are Still more than Fifty Thousand U.S. and Coalition Troops in Iraq!

And, "We" are Still Involved in The Overseas Contingency Operation, Worldwide!

So, Lets Remain Diligent and Not Underestimate, The Amount of Work that Still Lies Ahead of Us!

So, Lets Upgrade Our Peace Efforts and Peace Initiatives, and Intensify Our Focus On Our Peace Movement!

And, Lets Intensify Getting Out Our Message of Peace, via The Internet, and, The Social and Cross-Media Universes!

And, To The Earthrise Anti-War Groups, Now is The Moment, To Re-Awaken The Global Consciousness about, The Senselessness of War, Genocide and Regional Conflicts, Wherever They May Be!

And, Now is The Time to, Re-Power Our Global Anti-War Movement in A New Earthrise Campaign, "Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and Generate A Massive Non-Violent Resistance against The Senseless Use of War as A Strategic Means to Resolve The Differences that Exist Between, The Forces of Chaos, Division, Dissolution and Destruction, and, The Leaders of The Earths United Nations, and "We The People!"

Lets Light Up The X's, and Use Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words and Actions to Continue Building A Great Peace Bridge "Of The People," Worldwide!

And, Lets Continue to Give Hope, and Encouragement, Wherever Peace and The Rights of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, are Being Forced to Comply with The Wishes of Dictators, and, The "Isms," and, "Ists" of, The Global Oligarchy!

Our Soul Force Lies in Our Being Able to Create and Mobilize, Over The Earths Most Omnipotent, Non-Violent Activist Network and Nexus of Change and Peace, and Unite in One Great Synergy of Protestation, to Rock Out, Wake Up, Shakeup, and Change The World!

And, Our Non-Violent Soul Forces Effectiveness, Lies in Our Sincerity, Honesty, Truth, Compassion, Belief and True Passion in Bringing Change, to A World that has Been Seduced by, Illusion, Temptation, Greed, Ego, and The False Rhetoric of, The Miscreants and Lobbyists of, The Global Oligarchs!

And, Our Soul Strength Lies in Being A Great Soul Force "Of The People!"

So, Once again, Lets Continue to Connect and Link Up, with Our Earthrise Soul Force "Of The People," via Twitter, Google, Facebook, Linkedin, Yahoo, You Tube, MySpace, iTunes, and Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms!
And, Lets Contemplate, Meditate, and Concentrate on Our Objectives of, Our Vision Path, and Work Towards The Creation of An Earthrise Union and Communion of, A New Generation of Voices of Reason and Peacemakers!

And, Lets Sing, The Anthems of Peace, Once again! And, Lets Protest and Demonstrate in The Name of Peace, Once again!

And, May Our Efforts, Lead Us from Living in An Age of A Conditioned Reality, To A New Age of Vision, Change, Omniscience, and Prosperity "For One and All!"

And, May Our Efforts, Lead Us from An Age of War, Fear, Corruption, and Racism, To An Age of Social Security, Freedom, Truth, and Morality!

And, May Our Efforts, Lead Us from An Age of Division, Separatism, Economical Instability and Double Standards, To An Age of Equal Opportunity "For One and All," Under The Moon, Sun, and Luminous Bodies of The Universe!

And, May Our Efforts, Lead Us from An Age Where Ones Personal Beliefs are often Determined and Denigrated by Anothers Evil Intentions, To An Age Where Good Acts are Determined by Ones Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and Actions, Irregardless of Race, Nationality or Creed!

I Can Hear The Byrds singing, "Turn, Turn, Turn," and, This is "Our Season," The Season "Of The People!" So, Lets Sing Our Song of Change, from The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, For You Can Feel it, and Sense it Permeating The Air! Change! Change is In The Air! Its Like "The Sound Of Silence", or, An Early Spring, that has Suddenly Come upon Us! Enlightening Us, Intoxicating Us, and Showing Us, What Our Future Can Be! And, As Our Luminous Visionaries, Prophets, and, Women and Men "Of The People," have Shown Us, and Taught Us! Their Names Still Inspire Us; Siddhartha Gautama, Mother Teresa, Jesus Of Nazareth, Confucius, Socrates, Zoroaster, Muhammad, Lao-Tse, Mary, Martin Luther King, St, Francis of Assisi, Charlemagne, Mary Magdalene, Machiventa Melchizedek, Nelson Mandela, and Mahatma Gandhi! This "New Season Of The People," is A Mirror of Their Historical Example, and, Proof that, This New Season "Of The People," is Here to Stay! This Early Spring, that, Brings with It, A Fragrance of, New Beginnings and Hope, Is Contagious, Uplifting, Magnificent, and Humbling To See! And, This is, The Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium!