Sunday, February 6, 2011



The Way To Peace! #141

Its Time for A Transition and Change from A Conditioned Reality, To A Peoples Universe, and, An Earthrise State of Being! For, It is in Our Best Interests, that, Our Earthrise Evolution and Movement, is To Guarantee that, "We" are A "Free People," and, Not Subservient to Any, "Ism," or, "Ist," of The Global Oligarchy (The Invisibles)!
And, Its Time that, Our Principles and Values were, The Priority of, The Civilian, Military, and, Religious Leaders of, The Earths United Nations!

And, Its Time that, The Civilian, Military, and, Religious Leaders, Put Forth Concrete Political, Economical, and, Social Reforms, that, are of Benefit of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

This New Decade of The 21st Century, has Brought Us, "One and All," To A New Crossroads of Change! And, Change "We" Must, if, "We" are To Be, "A People Of The World," Who are, A True Fraternity, Communion and Union, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
For, Our Vision Path Lies Before Us! And, The Past has Shown Us How to Build A Bridge of Unity and Community, to Every Corner and New Horizon of The Earth!
"A Bridge of The People!" A Bridge of Peace and Harmony! And, A Bridge To A New Age of Hope, Compassion, Truth, and, Social Security, "For All The People!"

And, From East to West, or, From North to South, Wherever The Winds of Change are Flowing, Lets Wake up, Shakeup, and, Non-Violently Rock Out, and, Change The World!

And, "We" have to Continue to Shift The Balance of Power, Away from The Past, to A New Reality, Consciousness, and, Philosophical/Universal Earthrise Community, that, Embraces All Creeds, Races, and, Nationalities, as "One People" of, This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

And, Let Us Make sure that, The Interests "Of The People," are The Main Priorities and Interests of, The Civilian, Military, and, Religious Leaders of The Earths United Nations, and, Not The Policies and Interests of, The Global Oligarchy (The Invisibles/Elitists)!

"We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Can No Longer Live Under The Rule or Thumb of, Any Religion, "Ism," or, "Ist" of, The World Nations! Our Time has Come! And, This is The Age "Of The People! And, Our Covenant is, "For The People!" And, "We" are The Soul Force of Change! A Change and Transition, to An Age of Equanimity, Equality, and, Prosperity For All The People of This, The Third Planet from The Sun! The Age of Elitism is Over, and, Make No Mistake about It!

And, The Earths Civilian Leaders, Must Understand that, "They" have to Agree To Be, True Representatives, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

And, The Military Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, Must Understand that, It is Their Responsibility to Protect and Serve, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, The Religious Leaders of, The Earth, Must Understand that, It is Their Responsibility to Provide"The People," with Spiritual and Moral Axioms, and, Compassion and Honest Values, and, Guidance For Each and Every Citizen Of The Earth, Irregardless of Creed, Race, or, Nationality!

And, The Financial Leaders and Economists of, The Earths Business Communities, Must Understand that, It is Their Responsibility, to Build A New Financial System and Rapport, that, Invests and Supports The Entrepreneurialism and Social Infrastructures, Community Programs, Cultural Evolvement, Manufacturing and Productivity, Education, Development and Evolution of, The Hopes, Dreams, and, Realities of, "We The People!"

And, Joined Together, In A Solid Commitment, All of The Leaders of The United Earths Nations, Must Agree that, The Time has Come to Eliminate, Poverty, Homelessness, Slavery, Crime, and, War, from This, The Third Planet from The Sun!
And, Make Our Planets Seas, Skies, and, Shores, Safe from, Fear, Hate, Genocide, Corruption, Pollution, and, Manipulation by, The "Isms," and, "Ists," Who have Plagued, Misused, Abused, and, Profited by, Any Means Available to Them, "At The Expense of, "We The People!"
And, A Call for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogues are Needed to Address,
The Social, Political, and, Economical Issues that, are of Concern of, "We The People!"

And, The Creation of A New Earthrise Emancipation Declaration, "Of The People," Plus, A New Earthrise Constitution, "For The People," is Needed to Address The Issues and Concerns of, "We The People!"
"We" are Faced with A Philosophical, Spiritual, and,Economical Time of Change, and, It Can Not Be Denied!

And, Altogether, As One Great United Soul Force of Change, Hope, Truth, and, Compassion, "We" Must Continue to Share The Message of, "All" Who Live On The Streets of, "We The People," and, In the "Noble, Tried and True Tradition" of, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Jesus Of Nazareth, Martin Luther King, Siddhartha Gautama, Muhammad, Confucius, Zoroaster, Mary, Nelson Mandela, St, Francis of Assisi, Socrates, Mary Magdalene, Lao-Tse, Machiventa Melchizedek, and, Charlemagne, via The Internet, and, The Social, and, Cross-Media Universes!

And, "We" Must Continue to Empower Our Earthrise Message of, Change, Hope, Truth, and, Compassion with Each and Every Idea, Thought, Word, and, Action!
And, By Each and Every, X, Eddie, Stream of Consciousness, Non-Violent Demonstration, Sit In, Text, Email, Phone Call, Anthem of Peace, and, Protest against All who Would Attempt to Impede Our Earthrise Evolution, and, Movement "Of, By, and, For The People!"
For, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal The World! And, A Way To A Peace Time Economy, and, A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Lets Continue to Spread "The Good News" of, Our Message of Encouragement, "For The People," Wherever It is Needed, and, To All, Who are of A Universal Conscious Awareness, that, "One and All," Should have The Opportunity To Work, Live, and, Evolve in, A Positive Environment! Where Each and Every Newborn Child, has An Inalienable Right to Achieve His or Her Dream, Goal, Fate and Destiny, Wherever They May Live on This Planet Earth!

And, Lets Utilize All The Avenues and Unlimited Resources of, The Earths Most Omnipotent, Non-Violent Activist Communication Network and Nexus, "Of The People," and, The World of Technology, and, Continue to Sow The Seeds of Change, and, Nourish, Care for, and, Share The Harvests of Our Fruits of Labor, and, Our Beliefs, and, of, Our Great Potential, To Be, A Great People, with, "One and All!"

And, Lets Freely Share These Harvests with, "One and All," on, The Beautiful Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, Hope, Compassion, and, Change, without "Reservation or Hesitation," To All Sentient Beings, via Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Linkedin, MySpace, You Tube, iTunes, and, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, and, "Let Freedom and Peace Ring Out, Loud and Clear!" And, Lets, "Give Peace A Chance!

And, May "We" Be Lead from Living in An Age of A Conditioned Reality, To A New Age of Vision, Wisdom, Enlightenment, Change, and, Prosperity For One and All!"

And, May "We" Be Lead from An Age of War and Fear, To An Age of Peace, Social Security, Freedom, and, Uplifted Spiritual and Universal Values!

And, May "We" Be Lead from An Age of Division, Illusion, and, Economical Instability, To An Age of Equal Opportunity, and, United Under The Moon, Sun, and, Luminous Bodies of The Cosmos!

And, May "We" Be Lead from An Age Where One's Beliefs are Often Determined by An others Greed and Lust, To An Age Where One's Value is Determined by, His or Her Positive Acts, Thoughts, Words, Idea's, and, Actions, Irregardless, of Race, Nationality or Creed! For, This is, The Way To Peace and, A Peace Millennium!