Monday, November 1, 2010



The Way To Peace! #114

The Pendulum Revelation that has Occurred over the Past Decade has Revealed What Most of Us are already Aware of, Which is, that Both The Republican and Democratic Parties are to Blame for Their Lack of Focus on Creating Jobs For "We The People!"

And that, The UN-Declared Wars and the War on Terrorism have Been An Obsession for Both The Bush, and Obama Administrations, Spending as Much as Two Billion Dollars a Week on Them, but "They" were Not Focused on Job Creation, Which has Cost The Loss of Employment for Tens of Millions of Americans!

And, What has Been Just as Tragic for "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, is that, The Reasons for Attacking Iraq, were Falsified by The Bush Administration, in The First Place! Which was An Outright Betrayal of The Trust and Confidence that "We The People" Placed in Them!

And Specifically, in regards to The Obama Administration, "They're" Economic Obsession, Focused Primarily on Bailing Out The Banks, Automobile Industries, Financial Institutions, and State Governments, but, "They" Forgot about Investing in Creating Jobs for Main Street, Where Homeowners were Being Threatened with The Loss of Their Homes, Because of The Greed, and Lust of The Banks, and The Global Finance Community, Who Remained Silent, While Improper Business Practices were Leading The Earths Nations into A Financial Demise that Broke The Global Financial System, and Left Hundreds of Millions of Lives in Decay, Worldwide!
Losing Our Homes, Our Bank Accounts, Our Jobs, and, In Some Cases Our Lives!
And, This is Why Our Earthrise Evolution, Must Change The World! Shake up The World! And, Non-Violently Rock The World!

The "Good News" is that, The Winds of Change are Flowing! And, A New World of Hope has Embraced Our Earth Camp of The People!

A New World of Hope that is Bent upon Rescuing This Sacred Earth of Ours, and "We The People," from The Threat of War, Terrorism, Poverty, Homelessness, and Joblessness!

A New World of Hope that is Determined to Protect and Care For The Concerns of, "We The People,' Citizens Of The Earth, and The Lives of All Sentient Beings!
And, Establishing A World of Justice For "One and All!"

This New Hope is Buoyed by The Efforts of A New Generation of Interdependent Women and Men, Empowered by A New Earth Constitution, and Emancipation Declaration, "Of, By, and For The People!"
Bringing Forth A New Hope, For A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue amongst All Warring Factions of The Earth!
With Voices of Reason, Peacemakers, and The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations Setting Forth A Global Peace Initiative, that Creates A Binding Resolution, that Solves The Myriad Differences that have Caused Diversion and Separation, All Over This Earth of Ours!
It is Imperative that New Solutions are Found to Heal The Wounds that have Taken The Lives of Our Children, Neighbors, and Friends, During This Pendulum Revelation Cycle of Time!

But, This New Hope, also, Needs Our Vote! A Vote For The Earth! A Vote For The People! A Vote For Civility and Common Sense! And, A Vote For A New Age of Universal Equanimity!
And, This is The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal The Earth! And, A Way Towards The Establishment of A Peace Time Economy and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Work in All Earnest to Unlock The Gridlock of Partisan Politics!

And, Let Us All, Work in Earnest, to End The UN-Declared Wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan!

And, Let's Continue to Support Our Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations, Who are Committed to Defend Our Shores, Principles, and Rights from The Forces of Chaos, Selfishness, Ego, Crime, Immorality and Injustice!

Another Ten Members of Our Armed Forces were Killed in Iraq, and Afghanistan Last Week! Let Us always Remember These Brave and Courageous Women and Men of The Earths United Coalition Armed Forces, Who have Given Their Lives to Protect Our Lives and Freedoms!

And, Let's Spread The Word of Our Earthrise Movement "Of The People, By The People, and For The People," via The Global Internet and The Cross and Social Media Universe!

And, Let's Share Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and Actions, in An Earthrise Demonstration, and Global Consciousness of Non-Violence, Across The Greatest Activists Communication Network of Hope and Change that The Earth has ever Known, via Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, and Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms!

And, May Our Spirits Be As One Great Soul Force and Sing Out , Let's "Give Peace A Chance," on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace!

And, May This New Cycle of The Pendulum Reveal that, A New Age of Hope, Change, and Peace "Of, By, and For The People,"has Truly Come to Be, on This, The Third Planet from The Sun, For, "One and All," to Share!
This is The Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium!