Thursday, October 28, 2010



The Way To Peace! #113

As the Mid Term Election Early Voting begins, and The Hype from The Left, Right, & Center Intensifies more and more, I find my Thoughts Drifting away to John Lennon's Classic song, "Imagine!"

Of course, the Words to my Version of It are Different! And, I wish that I could say that they are as Impressive as John's, but, they're not, however, they Express what I've been Thinking over and over for the Past Few Weeks!

"Imagine there are No Politicians, No Lobbyists, or Partisan Think Tanks!"

"Imagine there was No Poverty, No Racism, or Homelessness!"

"Imagine that, there was No More War, or Crime, or Human Slavery.

"You May Think that these are Unrealistic Thoughts, but, Its Time for A Real Change to Come, and The Earth Will Be Much Better for it! And Our Children Will Grow up in A World of Peace, Hope, and Love!"

I Think You know where I'm Going with This Idea so, I'll simply say, "Thank You," to John for His Courage and Commitment to "Starting Over," because, This is What "We The People, " Citizens Of the Earth Must Do!

And, As I have Written, Many Times Before, "We" are at A Crossroads in Time that Can Not Be Ignored! And, "We" have to Call upon Our Best Instincts, and Common Sense, if "We" are to Rise Above The "Muck and The Mire," that "We" have Been in, and Continue to Be Force Fed over and over again, Especially during Election Campaigns, with The Same Ole Rhetoric, False Promises, and Misuses of The Greatest Achievements in American History!
And, as George Harrison sang," Beware of Darkness," Because, "We" are Being Told Absolutely Anything at All, to Get Our Vote! Irregardless of What The Truth is!

So, Let's Not Be "Fooled again," by The Invisibles, Who Believe that "They" Can Buy Elections , or Us, as A Matter of Fact!

"They" are Capitalistic Oligarchs, Who Care Not One Bit about Our Lives! "They Care only about Their Investments and Profits!
But, "They" are Not as Invisible as "They" once were, All You have to Do is Follow The Money Trail, and it Will Lead You Directly to Them!
And, Remember "They" are The "Ists", "Crats", and "Cans," of The World of Politics and Finance!

This is The Time for An Earthrise Movement, "Of The People, By The People, and For The People", "We", Who are The Citizens Of the Earth!
And, Let Us Remember that, This Crossroads that "We" are at, is Much More Important than Another Election Cycle!
Its A New Beginning, A Chance for Us, "One and All," to Start Over again!

And, Its of The Utmost Importance that, "We" Free Ourselves from The Conditioned Reality that has Corrupted Our Lives, and Establish A New Earth Constitution and Emancipation Declaration Made up of Our Own Values and Principles!

And, It is of The Utmost Importance that, "We" Free Ourselves from Paying Billions of Dollars for yet Another UN-Declared War, that Continues to Take and Take from Us The Most Precious Gifts of Our Lives, Our Children! And, Our Beliefs in The Principles, Law of The Land, and The Solar Axioms, that "We" were Taught to Believe in!

"We" were Taught these Solar Axioms by Socrates, Confucius, Lao-Tse, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Siddhartha Gautama, Nelson Mandela, Muhammad, Zoroaster, Martin Luther King, Machiventa Melchizedek, St. Francis of Assisi, and Jesus of Nazareth! These Illuminated Human Beings Guided Us and Taught Us The Ways of Equanimity, Equality, Justice, Love, Truth, and Peace!

And, This is Our Moment to Shine and Illuminate The World, In A Great Earthrise of Enlightenment, Wisdom, and Cultural Evolution!
But, to Do this, "We" Need to Be A Great Soul Force "Of, By, and For The People," For Our Moment in Time to Finally Come!
And, This is, The Great Vision and, "Good News" that "We" have Been Waiting and Longing for!
And, This is The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal The World! And, Share The Fruits of A Peace Time Economy, and Peace Millennium with Each Other!
For The Winds Of Change and Hope are Flowing On The Wings Of The Phoenix of Peace!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Cast Our Votes for The Earth!

And, Let Us Cast Our Votes for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue!

And, Let's Continue to Get Out The Word of Our Hopes and Aspirations, via The Greatest Earthrise Activist Communication Network that The World of Cross and Social Media has ever Seen!

Great Moments are Built on Great Acts, so, Let Us Build A Global Bridge that Reaches Out To Each and Everyone of Us, Earth, Land, and Sea, of This The Third Planet from The Sun!

And, Whether it Be, via Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, or Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Let' s Spread The Word of A New Global Camp of Compassion,"A Camp of World Hope!" And, Let' s Rescue All Who are In Need! And, "Give Peace A Chance!"
This is The Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium!