Wednesday, October 20, 2010



The Way To Peace! 111

The Message that "We The People," Would like to Hear from President Obama and His Administration is, that, They are Creating Millions of New Jobs! That Would Lift The Hearts, Minds, and Souls of, "We The People! If, The President Would like The Democrats to Remain in Power, All that He, and His Administration have to Do, is Get Busy Creating New Jobs! Seriously!
And, You Don't have to Be a Yale, Harvard, or Princeton Graduate, to Know what The Problem is, in The U.S.

And, What's with The Banks, and Their Foreclosure Mentality! Don't "They" Realize that "We" are Fighting in Three Wars (Two UN-Declared Wars) and, The War on Terrorism (The Overseas Contingency Operations)! They Should Be Investing in America, Not Foreclosing on it!

And, What is The World of Big Business Waiting for, before, "They" Decide to Spend Some of The Billions of Tax Payer Dollars that "They" Received in The Form of "Bail Outs!" Don't "They" Realize that while Wall St. is Riding High, Main Street America, is Struggling to Survive!" Have "They" No Heart, Compassion, or Concern, For Their Fellow Human Being! Don't "They" Realize that alittle Gesture of "Good Faith," Can Be of Great Benefit to Them, and The World!
What are "They," All Waiting for, Christmas, New Year, or, For A New President and Congress!

And, Why is The Chamber of Commerce Playing such Dangerous Games of Politics! This is Definitely , Not the Time to Conduct A Politics as Usual Behavior!
"They" Should Stop Trying to Influence The Political System by Trying to, "Buy Elections!"
"We The People," Need Public Officials in Office, Who are Willing to Earn Their Pay, and Be True Representatives "Of The People!" Not "Puppets of The Capitalistic Oligarchs," (The Invisibles)!

And, If, There ever was A Time to Place a Lid on Campaign Spending, Now is The Time for it!
"We The People" were All Brought up to Believe that, "We" Live in "The Best Democracy in The World," but, If Our Politicians Can Be Bought by The Chamber of Commerce, Foreign Influences, or, The World of Big Business, then Our Democracy Will Be Meaningless!
And, "We" Will End up Living in A Conditioned Reality, Instead of A Real One!
As Mahatma Gandhi once said, "Lead Us from Unreal to Real," and, This is The Time for it!

And, If, There ever was A Time for An Honest Regulatory System, in Both The Worlds of Finance and Politics, Now is The Time for it! The "Subprime Mortgage Disaster," is Proof of What Too Much Greed and Corruption, and A Lack of Regulatory Oversight Can Cause!

And, If, There ever was A Time for "Common Sense," to Be One of The Most Important Elements of The Earths Civilian and Military Leaders Policies, Now is The Time for it!
And, For One Thing, Do Not Presume, or Assume that You Can Change The Retirement Age, Whenever it it Suits You, or, Attempt to Use Social Security as A Means to Balance Your Budgets, or Use Our Savings to Invest in Risky Business Ventures Whenever You Want to!
So, to President Nicolas Sarkozy, President Barack Obama, President Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister Angela Merkel, Prime Minister David Cameron, and Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, Now is the Time to Use alittle "Common Sense," Where "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth are Concerned!
And, my humble advice to You is, "Don't Take anything for Granted," Because, The Winds of Change are Flowing, and A New Fresh Air of Hope is Circulating The Earth! And, A Change Must Come!

And, to All of The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations, This is The Time to Call for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue!
And, Its Time to Talk Directly with Your Adversaries, and Enemies! And, Its Time to Find Concrete Solutions to The Reasons that Continue to Divide Us!
And, Its Time to Change The Perception that "We" Can Solve All of Our Problems, by The Use of Force and War! Now is The Time for New Approaches, and New Idea's to Solve Our Differences of Opinion!
Take alittle The Time to Think and Discuss What Good is This Age of Technological Evolution, If "We" Continue Down a Path of War and Destruction! This is The Time, When alittle "Common Sense," Can Go a Long way!

And, What Good Will A Global Economy Be, If "We" are Continuously Involved in One Global or Regional Conflict, or War, after Another!

And, If, There ever was A Time for A New Earth Constitution, and Emancipation Declaration "Of The People, By The People, and For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Now is The Time for it!

And if, There ever was A Time to Concentrate on Healing The World, A Global Peace Time Economy, and Peace on Earth, Now is The Time for it!
And, This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let's Rock, Shakeup, and Non-Violently Demonstrate, to Change The World!

And, Let's Continue to Build The Largest Global Activist Communication Network of Peace and Change! For, The Winds of Change and Hope, are On Our Side!

And, Let's Continue to Spread The Good News of Our Earthrise Movement of Hope and Compassion, via The Global Internet and The Cross-Media Universe!

And, Let's Share The Good News, via Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, and Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, All Across The Earth!

And, Let's Build An Earth Camp of Hope, For The Poor and Homeless! And, Rescue All, Who are In Need!

And, Let's Transcend The Conditioned Reality of Corruption and Greed, and Re-Establish A World of Equanimity, Justice, and Equal Rights, "For One and All," to Share!

And, Let's Embrace The Phoenix of Peace, and Rise to A Higher Ground of
Selflessness, and Self Awareness, and Enlightened Human Intelligence, on Its Wings of Wisdom, and "Common Sense!"
This is The Way To Heal The World! And, Change The World! And, Bring Hope to The World!
And, This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium! Let's "Give Peace A Chance!"