Sunday, October 10, 2010



The Way To Peace! C-VIII

I Find it Truly Amazing that The Politicians running for Mid Term Elections in The U.S. Continue Their Bickering, While UN-Employment Figures Remain at 9.6 Million!
Recently, President Obama has Asked Democrats to Vote! But Disenchantment in How His Administrations Economic Policies Have Not Provided Jobs "For The People," are Very Difficult to Ignore!
While The World of Big Business is Sitting Pretty with The Funds of The Recovery and Reinvestment Package in Their Bank Accounts!
And, The Banks are Protecting Their Interests, After Having Been Bailed Out by Our Tax Dollars!

And, The U.S.Government Continues to Spend Two Billion Dollars a Week, For The UN-Declared War in Afghanistan and Pakistan, While Millions of Children Live In Poverty!
And, Tens of Thousands of Americans Have Lost Their Homes Due to The Corruption of The Global Financial Community, and The Lack of Overview, and Checks and Balances in The U.S.Congress, and Amongst The Financial Regulators!

And, The Republicans Think That Doing Nothing Except to Undermine The Obama Administrations Policies, and The Democrats, is An Endearing Quality To Us!
And, that "We" are Going to Give Them a "Free Pass" Back in Power! What a Horrific World of Illusion "They" Exist in!
To Say that "We The People, " Citizens Of The Earth, are Frustrated with Both of These Choices To Represent Us, Would Be a Tremendous Understatement! And, Its Definitely Time For A Change!

Over The Last Ten Years Both The Democrats and Republicans Have Allowed The Previous Bush Administration, To Get Away with Whatever "They" Wanted! Imagine it, A So-Called Conservative President was Actually The Leader of A Spending Craze Beyond Comprehension! And, Involved Our Country, and Our Coalition Allies in An UN-Declared War Under False Pretenses!
No One Has Ever said, That Saddam Hussein was Anything Less than Being A Despot, and As Cruel A Leader as The World has Ever Seen, But, The Citizens Of The Earth Have Been Set on A Course of Destruction that Has Drained Our Economies, and Caused The Loss of Tens of Thousands of Lives, and That is A Very Conservative Figure, as "We" are All Aware of, and The Displacement of Millions from Their Homes!
And, Unfortunately, The Election of The Obama/Biden Ticket has Proved to Be Less than What was Hoped for! And, This to, is Why, A New Change Must Come!

For One Thing, There is Much Too Much of An Elitist Attitude Existing in The World of Politics!
And, What "We" are In Need of, is Elective Officials Who are "Of, By, and For The People!"
And, "We" are In Need of A New Generation of Women and Men, Who are Our Friends and Neighbors, Stepping Forward to Represent "We The People!"

"We" Need An Earthrise Interdependent Movement "Of The People, By The People, and For The People," To Come Forth and Demand that A New Constitution and Emancipation Declaration "Of The People," Be Created to Rid Us of The Present Loopholes in Campaign Spending, and Create Government Policies that are Both Fiscal and Responsible "To The People!"

And "We" Can Not Continue to Be Taxed and Taxed, Over and Over again, Without Respite! And, Enough is Enough! And, A New Change Must Come!

Isn't it Obvious, That The Current Path that "We" are on Can only Lead Us to More Conflict, and Retribution on All Sides!
Isn't it Bizarre, How Over The Last Half a Decade, That Some of Our Allies Have Become Our Enemies and Vice-a Versa! And, How "God" has Been Used, and Abused by Religious, Civilian, Political, and Military Leaders to Thrust Us, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, into One Conflict after Another! And, Much Too Often Under False Pretenses! And, A Change Must Come!

One Approach, Would Be to Call For, A Global Truce and A Peace Dialogue to Balance Out The Constant Conflict, Caused by The Leaders of Chaos, Terror, and Lies! Its Time that "Peace was Given A Chance!" And, For The Sake of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, A New Change Must Come!

One Can Feel The Winds of Change Flowing, and Reaching Out To Every Corner of The Earth! A Fresh Breath of Air, Flowing on The Winds of Change, To The Hearts, Minds, and Souls, of An Earths Populace, Who are Tired of War, and Long For Peace! A Peace Everlasting! Not just A Temporary Cease Fire in Hostilities!

"We" are All Citizens Of The Earth! This is Our Planet and Our Home! And, "We" are "One and All," Members of The Family of Humankind! And, Let This New Change Amongst Us, Be One of Respect "For One Another!"
Its Time that "We" United as One Great Soul Force To Heal and Change The World!
This is The Way To Peace! And, A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, There is Much to Be Done, To Improve Education, Healthcare, and Open The Doors of Perception of All of Our Minds, To Embrace The Conscious Awareness of A Universe of Equanimity, That is In Balance with Each and Every Newborn of This Planet Earth!

And, Let Us Continue to Spread The Word via The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe!
"We" Have A Great Opportunity to Build The Greatest Activist Global Communication Network that The World Has Ever Known!

And, "We" Have Great Opportunity to Non-Violently Shake Up The World via Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter and "Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms!"
This How Great Moments Have Taken Place althrough-out Our History, Through Great Initiatives, and, Great Efforts, and Our Time Has Come!
This is The Way To Peace, A Peace Time Economy, and A Peace Millennium!