Monday, October 18, 2010



The Way To Peace! #110

What "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, have Been Longing For, Is an "Earth Hope," or, A "World Hope," Camp that "We" Can Call Our Own!

With Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earth, That "We" Can Trust in, and Believe in, and, in Whom, "We" Can Place Our Hopes and Dreams, Without Being Violated, Abused, Misused, Misdirected, or Manipulated!
A "World," or, "Earth Hope" Camp, "Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

The "Good News" is, that, There is A New Wave of Hope! And, An Earthrise of Hope! And, A Great Soul Force of Hope, That is Determined to Rescue All, Who are In Need!
And, A Fresh New Air of Hope, is Flowing on The Winds of Change!

A Resolute and Determined Movement, "Of, By, and For The People," Who are Willing to Rock, Shakeup, and Non-Violently Change The World!

A United Nexus of Interdependent Women and Men, Who are Willing to Sacrifice of Themselves, to Rescue Those Who are Homeless, by Providing Them with Homes!

An Interdependent Nexus of Women and Men, Who are Willing to Selflessly Come to The Aid of The Millions, Who are Living in Poverty, and Provide Them with Jobs, and The Nourishment They Need to Survive, and Live Qualitative, Happy, Normal, and Productive Lives!

Some of These Women and Men are Celebrities such as; Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, Who are Working Continuously to Repair The Damage Caused by Hurricane Katrina, in Louisiana!

And Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore, Whose "Rich Men Don't Buy Girls," Campaign against Child Slavery, is of The Utmost Importance!

And, The List of Names Goes On and On, Beginning with; George Clooney, Wyclef Jean, and Sean Penn's Efforts, to Aid Haiti!

And then, There is Former President Bill Clinton's CGI, Oprah Winfrey, and The Forty Billionaires, Whose Philanthropic Efforts are Giving Hope to So Many of Us, Who are Destitute and Desperate!

But, There are, also, Many Unsung Heroines and Heroes of The Red Cross, Peace Corps, Doctors and Nurses Without Borders, Rose Mapendo's Fight against Genocidal Violence and Mission of Peace, and Runak Faranj's, Courageous Battle against "Honor Killings!"

Plus, So Many Other, Citizens Of The Earth, Who Live to Serve Those Who are In Need, from Every Nation, and Persuasion Of Life!

And, Its Because of These Interdependent Individuals, Who May Be Your Next Door Neighbor, or, A Stranger, Who Has Offered Her, or, His Assistance, In Time of Need, That The Winds of Change are Bringing A Fresh New Air of Hope to The Earth!

And, Its Up to Each and Everyone of Us to Contribute Whatever "We" Can, to Make A Better World For Each Other! Sometimes it May Be A Simple as saying, "Thank You!"

But, Most 0f The Time, it Takes A Great Effort, Which is Why, "The Times They Are A Changing!" Because, The "Real Surge to Change The World, and Bring about Peace on Earth, is Being Brought Forth by "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Who Have Been Willing to Selflessly Sacrifice The Lives of Our Children to Live in A World of Peace, and Support A World Economy, During The Worst of Times!

And Now, Its Time For The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations to Call For, A Global Truce, and Begin A Serious Peace Dialogue, That Calls For The End of War, Drug Cartels, Crime, Human Slavery, Poverty, and Homelessness!

And, Establish An Earth Constitution, and Emancipation Declaration "Of The People, By The People, and For The People," That Guarantees The Social Security, Education, Health care, and Moral and Spiritual Welfare of Each and Every Citizen Of The Earth, Irregardless of What Race, Creed, or Nationality, That You May Be!

And, Its Time For The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations, and The World of Finance, and Global Business Affairs, to Come Together, and Create A Global Financial System Whose Global Model is Based on Sharing Their Profits and Wealth, by Re-Investing and Re-Building The Infrastructure of Our Cities, States, Towns and Villages.
And, by Providing Each and Every Citizen Of The Earth, with, A Universal Perspective, That Embraces and Clearly States, That, Unequivocally, No One Will Ever Need Fear from Being Without!
And, That Means, Being Without A Home, Job, or The Means to Care For, Her or His Own Family!
This is The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal The World! And, A Way To A Peace Time Economy, and Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let's Build An Earth Camp of Hope, or, Call it A World Camp of Hope! That Ushers in A New Age of Peace, Change, and Compassion For "One and All!"
And, Let Us, Continue, to Soar on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace!

And, Let Us, Continue, to Spread The Word through The Earths Largest Global Activist Communication Network, "Of, By, and For The People!"

And, Let Us, Continue, to Express Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and Actions, via The Internet, and The Cross-Media Universe!

And, Let Us, Continue, to Express Our Views, via Text Messages, Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, and "Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, All Across This Beautiful Planet of Ours!

And, Let Us, Continue, to Non-Violently Demonstrate For Change, Hope, Peace, and A Cultural and Spiritual Evolution Of, "We The People,!"
This is Our Planet, and A Change Must Come! So, Let's "Give Peace A Chance!"

Last Week, Another Nineteen Members of Our Armed Forces Died in Afghanistan! And, Another Billion Dollars was Spent! And, "We" are All Aware that, More Deaths are to Come! And, This is Just Too Much to Bear! And, A Change Must Come!

Yes, "We" Must Defend Our Rights, and Principles to Live as A Free People,"Of The Earth!" And, "We" are Very Fortunate to Have A United Coalition of Brave Women and Men to Protect Us! However, Let's, Continue, to Demand That The Civilian and Military Leaders Of The Earths United Nations, Use Their Might, Will and Soul Power, to Bring An Era of Peace, Justice, Social Security, Equanimity, Conscious Awareness, and, A Spiritual and Moral State of Being to Our Earths Communities! And, By Doing so, Rescue Us from Living In Harms Way!

And, Let Us, "One and All," Remain As A Great Soul Force, Satyagraha, In The Illuminated Tradition of Jesus of Nazareth, Siddhartha Gautama, Mahatma Gandhi, Zoroaster, Confucius, Muhammad, Lao-Tse, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Machiventa Melchizedek , Socrates and St. Francis of Assisi!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!