Thursday, October 7, 2010



The Way To Peace! C-VII

As the Seasons Change, so, Do "We" Have to Change! And, "We" Who are Educators, Must Address The Issues of How to Address The Fact, That A Child Drops Out of School Every Eleven Seconds, and How, Do "We" Inspire and Teach A New Generation, Who are Being Nursed by Modern Technology, and TV!

And, "We" Who are Parents, Must Provide The Guidance, Patience, Encouragement, Discipline, Love, Caring, and Passion For Life, and Respect For One Another, That is Needed For Our Children to Grow Up and Flourish, In A Healthy 21st Century Society!

And, "We" Who are of Moral, Spiritual, Religious, and Universal Persuasion, Must Selflessly Share The Word, and Spirit Of Peace, Love, and Respect For One's Fellow Human Being, and All Sentient Beings, with Our Constituents and Congregations!

And, Those of Us, Who are Politicians, Must Work, Arduously, to Make A Better World For "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth! And, Must Resist The Temptations of Bipartisanship Policies, and Illusions of Grandeur and Power! And Truly Be Representatives Of The People!"

And, Those of Us, of The Global Financial Community, Who are Successful, Must Realize that A World, in which Two Million Children, in The U.S. alone, are Living in Poverty, Can Not Hold Any Real Satisfaction or Respect, For Being Successful!
Too Many are Living in Poverty, Worldwide! While Too Many are Lavishing in Materialistic Pleasures!

And, To The Youth of This Planet Earth, It is Your Responsibility to Learn from The Experiences and History of Your Parents and Elders! And, Forge Ahead with New Paths For Advanced Universal, and Humanistic Platforms and Models, of A New Age of Business, Education, Science, Technology, The Earths Environment and Ecology. and The Welfare of Your Fellow Human Being!

The Winds of Change are Here and Now, and "We" Must All, Continue to, Commit and Dedicate Ourselves to The Continued Evolution of Life, in Parallel with The Continued Evolution of The Universe, and All Sentient Beings Here on Earth!

And, As A Great Soul Force, Satyagraha, Let Us Resolutely Rise to The Occasion of A Great Earthhrise Movement "Of, By, and For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, and Take to The Higher Ground, For The Sake of Our Children and The Future Of The Earths Survival!

And, Let Us, As A Great Soul Force of Hope, and Universal Consciousness, Sow The Seeds of Peace and Harmony, as A Clear and Definitive Option to War and Chaos!

And, Let Us, As An Enlightened Earthrise Citizenry, Who Have Had Enough of Violence, Crime, War, and Injustice, Call For A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue, to Put an End, "For Once and For All," to These Acts Against Humanity!
For The Winds of Change are Flowing, and A New Season of Change is Upon Us! And, Its Time For A Change! A Change that Non-Violently Shakes Up The World!

And, As an Earthrise Citizenry of Emancipators, Let Us Create A New Earth Constitution, and Emancipation Declaration, That Protects and Defends The Rights of Each and Everyone of Us to Live in Peace, and Have The Freedom to Pursue Our Dreams, Goals, and Visions, in Equanimity with Each Other!
"We" are All Citizens Of The Earth, and Deserve to Be Given An Equal Opportunity to Succeed in Our Life's Pursuits, and Enjoy The Fruits of Our Life's Efforts!
And, Share in The Beauty, Grace, and Prosperity of This Earths Resources and Natural Riches!
No One Should Ever Be Without, and No One Should Be Left Behind! And, As "We" Continue to Evolve As An Earth Nation "Of The People!" There is Too Much that Lies Ahead For Us To Share, For Anyone to Be Left Out!
This is The Way To Peace, and, A Way To Heal The World! And, A Way to A Peace Time Economy, and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue to Build The Most Extensive Global Activists Communication Network that The Earth Has Ever Seen!

And, Let Us Use All The Resources Provided to Us, and Spread The Word of Our Earthrise Movement, "Of, By, and For The People," All Over The World, via The Internet, and The Cross-Media Universe!

And, Let's Text it, Sing it, Set Up "Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms," via Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter, and Non-Violently Demonstrate, That Its Time to, "Shakeup and Change The World," and "Give Peace A Chance!

And, Let's Continue to Take The Initiative, For "The Times They Are A Changing," as Bob Dylan Composed, and Continues to Sing! And, Because "We" Can Not Afford to "Wait For A Change to Come," We" Have to, "One and All," Be The Ambassadors of, "A People Change," That Reaches Out to Every Heart, Mind, and Soul, All Over This Earth of Ours!

And, Let Us Continue Build, A Heart, Mind, and Soul Bridge of Conscious Realization, to Each and Everyone of Us, That Cherishes and Revels in The Idea and Reality, That, "We" are, "One and All," Members of A Great Family of Humankind, and, That All of Our Futures are Indelibly Inter-Connected, and Intertwined with The Future of Each and Every Woman, Man, and Child, of This, The Third Planet From The Sun!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!