Monday, October 25, 2010



The Way To Peace! #112

The Publicizing of the 400,000 New Wikileak Documents Detailing the Acts of War in Iraq, Reveals what We've All been Aware of Since the First Conflict was ever Wrought by One Human Being upon Another! Which is that, "War is Hell!"
But, Let Us, also, Remember that, There have Been, Great Heroic Acts Performed by The Brave Women and Men of Our Armed Forces, that Should Never Be Forgotten!

However, in the Case of the UN-Declared War against Iraq, Let Us , also, Remember that there were No Weapons of Mass Destruction there, and that, "We The People," Citizens Of the Earth were Lied to!

And Tragically, Tens of Thousands of Lives were Lost! And, Tens of Thousands were Wounded in Action! And, Millions of Iraqis were Displaced from Their Homes, and Families! And, Who Knows the Actual Accounting of How Many, Who were Tortured! Yes, "War is Hell!"

And, This is Why The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations, Should Call For A Global Truce and Peace Dialogues, Wherever it is Needed, All Over This Earth of Ours!

And, If the Civilian and Military Leaders of The Worlds Nations, Do Not Wish to Be Rebuked by "We The People," Citizens Of the Earth, then, "They" have to Address the Real Life Issues and Concerns of "We The People!"

I heard Former President Bill Clinton say, at a Recent Campaign Rally that, "You are Tomorrows America," (meaning Us), and, He is Absolutely Correct!
But, in a Broader Sense, "We are, "One and All," Tomorrows World," and "We" Deserve to Be Treated with Respect and Honesty!

And, "We" Deserve Leadership, Who are Concerned about The Social Welfare and Social Security of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth! Isn't it so!

However, "We" have Endured Too Many Home Closures by the Same Banks, Who were Bailed Out by Our Tax Payer Dollars!
But, Since "We are Tomorrow World," and Our Children are The Future of Tomorrow, then, Why, Should any Child, or Family of The World, Live in Poverty!

And, The Truth is that, There are Millions, Who have Lost Their Homes and are Living in the Backs of Their Cars, and Vans! Or, Living in Tents, and Shelters!
What Kind of Example is this, For The Children of Tomorrow to Grow up in!

And, Where is The Compassion of Our Elective Officials! How Can "They" Stand by Idly, While Their Fellow Citizens are Suffering! Or, are UN-Employed and Disheartened!

It is Incomprehensible How anyone Can Stand by and Procrastinate, While The World is Starving For Compassion and Understanding of Just How Difficult it is to Exist in Todays Economic Climate!

And, While Wall Street,The Banks, Financial Institutions and Global Markets are Reaping in Profits, "We The People," Continue to Exist at a Loss! And, This is Intolerable, and, Why, A Change Must Come!

And, This is Why, "We" Need a New Earth Constitution and Emancipation Declaration "Of The People," that Guarantees that No One Will ever Have to Fear of Going Without! Or, Losing Their Home!

And, No One Should ever Have to Live in Fear of Crime, or Racial Threats and Profiling! Or, Fear of War, and Injustice!

The "Good News," is that, There is a New Hope! And Earth Hope! A Camp Hope For The World! Where "We The People," Citizens Of the Earth Can Find Safety in Numbers! And, in Hope For The Future!
Knowing that, There is a New Generation of "Women and men," Who are Determined to Eradicate The Deceit, Lies, Half Truths, and Falsehoods from The Political Rhetoric, and The World of Politics!

And, The "Good News," is that, The Winds of Change are Flowing, and, A New Horizon of Peace Lies Before Us! And, A New Age of Hope is Here and Now!
Now, For The Taking! The Choice is Ours! "We" have, but, to Reach Out, and Claim it For Our Own! Whether via The Vote! Or, via An Earthrise Movement of Global Demonstrations! Our Time has Come!
And, This is The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal The World! And, A Way To Build A New Peace Time Financial System, that is For The World! And, A Peace Time Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Rescue Those Who have Been Ignored, and Whose Lives have Been Written Off, as Meaningless!
And, Let Us, Lift The Spirits of Those Who have Been Forsaken!

And, Let Us, Re-Create A Time Period in Our Lives Based on Traditions of Honor, Trust, Commitment, Respect, Sincerity, and Compassion, For The Well Being of Each and Every Citizen of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

And, Let Us, Rise Above The Conditioned Reality of Non-Productivity and Amorphous, and Re-Invest in The Infrastructure of the Earth, by Repairing Our Roads, Highways, Subways, Bridges, Hospitals, Schools, Libraries, Museums, Homes, Parks, After School Learning, Health, and Cultural Centers!

And, Let Us, Lead The Way from Unreal to Real, by Sharing A Great Vision Path of Enlightenment, as A Great Soul Force of The Here and Now!
For "We are The Future," and The World is Depending on Us!

"We" have, but, to Change! And, Believe in The Principles of Equanimity, Equality, Fraternity, and A Shared Prosperity For "One and All!"

For "We" are All Born Children Of the Earth! And, "We" are, "One and All," Apart of The Family of Humankind, and The Universe!

So, Let's Share Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words and Actions, via The World Greatest, Global Activists Communication Network, and, in Doing so, Bring Hope to The Hearts, Minds, and, Souls of An Earths Populace, that has Been Longing to Be Rescued from The Cave of Indifference, and Eagerly, Looking Forward to Breathing in The Fresh Air of Hope, Security, Stability, and Freedom, from The Oppresion and Stale, Dark Prison, of Ego, Greed, Corruption, and Oligarchical Elitism!

And, Let's Spread The "Good News" of Our Interdependent Activist Movement, via Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, and, via All The Resourceful Outlets of The Internet, and the Cross Media Universe!

And, Let's Rise Above The Clouds of Illusion and Delusion on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, Hope, and Change!

And, Let's Rock, Change, and Non-Violently Shakeup The World, and "Give Peace A Chance!"
This is The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!