Friday, November 12, 2010



The Way To Peace! #117

The Way To Peace is Not An Easy Path to Take! Take for Example The Challenges that Illuminated Beings such as; Jesus Of Nazareth, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Siddhartha Gautama, Socrates, Nelson Mandela, Confucius, Muhammad, Zoroaster, Lao-Tse, Martin Luther King, St. Francis Of Assisi, Machiventa Melchizedek, Rabindranath Tagore, Winston Churchill, Rosa Parks, and, Charlemagne, Faced in Their Lives!

But, If that is Not Enough, Just Ask Anyone on The Streets, of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth! Ask anyone Who is, "Streetwise!"
Ask The Bus Driver, The Maid, The Factory Worker, and The Miner!
Ask The Brave and Courageous, Women and Men of Our Armed Forces!
Ask The Musician, The Dancer, Singer, and The Artist!
Ask The Social Worker, The Teacher, and, The Student!
Ask The Employee's of Our Public Services, The Flight Attendant, and, The Transit Worker!
Ask The Mothers and Fathers, Grand Parents, Aunts and Uncles, Sons and Daughters of Hard Working Families All Across This Earth of Ours!
And, You don't have to Be Einstein, or, Streetwise, to Know what Needs Fixing!

For one; Decent Employment with Good Benefits!
Two; Equal Opportunity!
Three; A Just and Fair Legal System "For One and All!"
Four; Respect!
Five; An Opportunity for A Good Education!
Six; Quality Time with Your Family!
Seven: Living in An Environmentally and Ecologically Correct State of Being, that is Not Being Abused by The World of Big Business, or, Raped For The Sake of Profit, and Profit Alone!
Eight; A Spiritual and Universal Awareness that Protects, and, Is Sensitive to The Rights of All Sentient Beings!
Nine; Knowing that Your Children Can Look Forward to A Present and Future, that Provides Them with Safety from, Sexual Predators, Crime, Violence, and War!
Ten: And, that Our Senior Citizens Can Enjoy The Social Security of Their Golden Age, and, Respect Due One Who has Lived A Lifetime of Service and Experience, as, Both A Parent, and, as A Citizen Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun, Called Earth!

You Do Not have to be A Harvard, or, Cambridge Graduate, to Know that, There are A Myriad Different Challenges to The Way To Peace, however, United in Purpose, Resolve, and Understanding of what The Difficulties are, Can Help Us, to Evolve to A Higher Ground, as Stevie Wonder sings, or, A Transcendental State of Being, that Embraces "One and All!"

And, You Do Not have to Be Charlemagne to Learn that, War, or, A War Time Economy, Can Solve The Problems that Our Earths Nations are Being Faced with!
It Will Take a Joint Effort by The Leaders of The Earths Free Nations, to Change The World, and, Establish A Universal Conscious Awareness, that is Centered, and Rooted in Co-operation, and, A Humanitarian Sensitivity to The Plight of Each and Every Citizen Of the Earth!
"We" are Now, Existing in The 21st Century, and, One Does Not Need to Be A Brain Surgeon to Know what Needs to Be Done, to, "Make A Better World for You and Me," to Use a Line from Michal Jackson's "Heal The World," to Make The Point Clear!

Ask Anyone on The Streets of, "We The People," and, They Will Tell You that, They are Fed up Feeling as if They are Second Class Citizens, while The Elite, Wall St. and The Worlds of Finance, Reap in The Profits! Even when, The Economy is at Its Worst, and, People are Losing Their Homes, and, Bank Accounts, Which was Caused by, The Corruption and Greed of A Broken Financial System, Created by The "Ists," and, "Isms," of The Global Oligarchy!

The "Good News," is, that The Times have Changed, and, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Will No Longer Stand for any Politician Who Cares More for His, or, Her Self Interests, than The Interests of, "We The People!"

And, "We" Will No Longer Stand for, The Banks, and, Global Business Communities, "Risk Taking Business Investments, and Attitude," over that of, The Interests of "We The People!" Who then, Expect to Be Bailed Out, by "We The People!"

And, "We" Will No Longer Stand for, The Predators Who Dare to Take Our Children from Us, for their Own Sexual Perversions! This Can Not Be Allowed to Continue!
Our Families Must Be Protected! And, The Lives of Our Children Must Be Kept Safe, from Warmongers, Dictators, Crime Lords, Sexual Perverts, Religious Zealots, Political and Financial Sophists, and Criminals!

The "Good News," is that, The Winds Of Change, are Flowing All Across This Earth of Ours, Spreading The World of Our Earthrise Constitution, and, Emancipation Declaration, "Of, By, and For The People!"
And, A New Hope is Amongst Us! Manifested in, A Determined Nexus of Women and Men, Who Believe in The Sanctity of All Humankind! And, are Willing to Preserve, and, Protect This Sanctity, from All, Who Would Destroy, or, Try to Pervert it!

There is A New Hope, Soaring of The Wings of Hope, Peace, and, Change, of The Spirit of The Great Phoenix of The People Of The Earth," and, Its Not a Second to Soon! Because, It is Obvious to Anyone Living on The Streets, and Sidewalks, "Of The People," that A New Age of Equanimity, and Equality, "For One and All," Must Become a True Reality!
And, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal The World, Feed The World, A Peace Time Economy, and, A Way To Peace!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Remain Focused on Building The Worlds Largest Activist Communication Network, and, Spread The Word of Our Universal Peace Effort!

And, Let's Continue to Reach out, via All of The Resources, and, Outlets of, The Global Internet, and, The Social and Cross Media Universes, that, "We" Can No Longer Stand for A World, Where The Rich get Richer and The Poor get Poorer!
No Child Must ever Endure Living A Single Day, Living in Poverty, or, Lack For A Proper Education, or, Sanitary Living Condition!
Or, Fear of Being Kidnapped, and, Forced into A Life of Child Pornography!
Anyone who Lives on The Streets of, "We The People," Knows that A Change Must Come, and that, "We" are that Change! And, Our Time has Come!

And, Let Us Continue to Demand, and, Call for, A Global Truce and A Peace Dialogue. to Put an End to An Intolerable Situation that has Lasted, and, Controlled Our Lives, for Much Too Long! Which is War, as A Way to Solve Our Problems, and Differences!
"We" are Not Strangers to One Another! There is, but, One Degree of Difference Between Us! Which is, of course, Who are Parents are! Beside that, "We" are All, Citizens Of The Earth! And, that "We" Acknowledged this to Be A Solar Axiom, and, Its Time that, "We" Sincerely, Gave Peace A Chance!
This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!