Thursday, November 25, 2010



The Way To Peace! #121

As "We" Come to An End, of The First Decade of The New Millennium, and, As The North, and, South Koreans Engage each other, and, Threaten to Start, Yet Another, Conflict, It Never Ceases to Amaze me, that, after All of The Centuries of War, There are Still Leaders who Believe that War, and, Conflict is A Way to Resolve Their Differences!
I would Hope that The Leaders of China, are Counseling North Korea, to Follow A Course of Reason! If, For No Other Reason, than, It is Not in The Best Interests of China, to Show that Their Political Influence has No Strategic Effect on Those Countries, who Come Under Their Area of Influence!
And, This is Not The Time to Cause a Wrinkle, in China's Worldwide Influence on The Earths Nations Economies, and, Financial Marketplaces!
"This would not be good for Business," as the saying goes!

And, As "We" Come to An End, of The First Decade of The New Millennium, It Should Be Obvious, to The Civilian and, Military Leaders of The Earths United Nations, that, Its Time that "They" TCB'd! Because, If "They" Do Not, "Take Care of Business," and, Address, The Real Concerns, "Of The People," which is, Job Creation, Good Health Conditions, and, Social Security for Our Families, There Will be Zero Profit Margins! After all "We" are The Backbone, and, Soul of The Earth's Economies!

And, As "We" Come to An End, of The First Decade of The New Millennium, It Should Be, more and more, Obvious, that, A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue, is The Best Way to Address the Global Conflicts, and, UN-Declared Wars, that Continue to Threaten The Social Security, Health, and, Financial Stability of, The Earths Nations, and, Therefore The Welfare of, "We" The People!"

Bob Dylan's Lyric of, "How many years can some people exist, Before they're allowed to be free," from, "Blowing in the Wind," once again, Comes to Mind!
Why? Because, For Century after Century, "We The People, " Citizens Of The Earth, have Been Conditioned/Fooled to Follow False Prophets, and, Civilian, and, Military Leaders, into Endless Graves of War! And, This Must Come to An End, along with This Premier Decade!
Haven't "We" Learned, that, after all this Time, that Diplomacy, and, Global Policies, that are of Benefit to, "We The People," and, that, are In Equanimity with The Earth, and, The Universe, is The Path that is Most Profitable, Sensible, Moral, Logical, and, Ethical, for The New Business Model of The 21st Century to Be Based on!
A Global War Time Economy, simply, Does Not Work, nor, Is it The Way, For An Evolved People, Of the Earth, to Follow!
And, This is Why, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Need A New Earthwise Constitution, and, Emancipation Declaration of Independence, "Of, By, and, For The People!"
Its Time that, "We" were Free, from The Whims of Leaders who Start Wars, and, Conflicts, without The Slightest Consideration of How Many Lives Will be Lost, or, How Many Families Will Suffer, Because of This Loss of Life!
And, I am referring directly to, Our Daughters, and, Son's, who Will Be Sent Home in Funeral Caskets! And, This Must Come to An End, along with This Premier Decade of The New Millennium!

And, Its Time that, "We" were Free, from Living in Fear of, Street Crimes, Drug Related Crimes, The Human Slave Trade, Child Pornography, Racial Profiling, Genocide, Poverty, Homelessness, The Inordinate Costs of Health care, Increased Taxes, and, Religious Fanaticism!
Just Think about it! "We" have Been so Conditioned to Live in Fear, that, "We" Can Not Live in A True State of Peace of Mind, With Each Other, or, Within Our Innermost Being, Without having to Be Constantly Faced With, How am I going to Pay for this,!"
And, As "We" are All Aware of, by Now, Bank Loans, and, Credit, and, Debit Cards Can Go Just So far, "Before You have to Pay The Piper," as the saying goes! Or, The Loan Shark, which is even Worst! And, This Conditioned State of Being, Must, to, Come to An End, along with The End of The Premier Decade, of The New Millennium!

This is Why, "We" Must Continue to Spread The Word of Our Earthrise Movement, "Of, By, and, For The People!

And, This is Why, "We" Must Continue to Be A Great Soul Force, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

And, This is Why, The Winds of Change are Here and Now! Because, A True Change, "Of the People," is The Path that, "We The People," Citizens Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun Must Continue to Embark on! And, Continue to Sow The Seeds of!
And, This is The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Feed, and, Heal The World!
And, This is The Way To A Peace Time Economy, and, A Peace Millennium, that is Culturally, Spiritually, and, Universally Evolved!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue to Sow The Seeds of A New Age of Hope, and, Prosperity "For The People!"

And, Let's Continue to Reach out All Across This Earth of Ours, via The Greatest Earthrise Communication Activists Network, to A New Horizon "Of The People!"

And, Let Us Work Diligently Towards Bringing about, The Full Realization of This, New Horizon of Change! And, A New Horizon of Peace! And, A New Horizon of Equanimity, and, Compassion for One's Fellow Human Being!

And, A New Horizon that Embraces The Lives of All Sentient Beings, and, of,
This Planet Earth!

And, Let's Twitter, This "Good News!" Let's, You Tube This "Good News!"
Let's, iTune it! Think it! Talk it! Facebook it! Linkedin it! Google it! Yahoo it!
And, Let's Spread The News, via Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, and, Let's, Utilize All of The Resources, and, Outlets, of The Global Internet, and, The Social, and, Cross-Media Universes!
For, This is The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!