Thursday, November 18, 2010



The Way To Peace! #119

Today, while Enjoying A Beautiful Indian Summer Morning, my Mind Began to, Think of, and, Imagine, with All The Stress, and, Pressure, that, There is, on The Middle Class, Students, Lower Income Families, Single Parents, and, Artists of All Persuasions, to Survive, What Would the World Be Like, if, "There were No More Music!"

And, What if, The only Sound You Heard, was The Sound of Bombs Exploding, and, Gunshots Ringing in The Air, and, People Screaming!

And, What if, The World Became a Total War Zone, Filled with, and, Overcome by, Crime, Genocide, and, Violence, with Sirens Blaring everywhere!

And, What if, The only Sound You Heard, was, that of, Babies Crying, and, Grown Men Pleading, "Please Don't Take My Wife and Daughters! And, Begging on Bended Knee's, "Don't Take My Son's Away from Me!"

What if, There was No More Music!
Only a Vista that Paints, A Deathly View of Our Young Service Women and Men, of The United Global Armed Forces, Lying Mutilated, and, Prostrated over The Mountains, Streams, Oceans, and, Fields, Of The Earth!

And, Tear after Tear of Love Being Shed, at Their Funerals, by Parents, Friends, Family Members, and, Neighbors, All Mourning The Deaths of, "Too Many Early Passages, and, Shortened Life Spans of These Young People!" Too Many to Imagine!

And, once again, A Line from Bob Dylan's "Blowing in the Wind," Comes to Mind, "How many Times can a man turn his head, pretending that he just doesn't see."

What if, There was No More Music!
Just News Report, after, News Report, of Too Many Gang Related Deaths, and, Suicides! And, Drug Related Deaths! And, Too Many Crimes of Lawlessness, and, Violence, in general, to Imagine!

Can You Imagine A World without Music! Where Mob Violence, Vigilantism, Terrorism, and, The White Powder of Destruction, Polluting and Saturating The Air that You Breathe!

What if, There was No More Music!
Just The Moans of Children, and, Their Parents, Begging for Help, and saying, "Anything will Help, anything at all," Living in Tents, Cars, or, Deserted Vehicles on The Highways, Streets, in Alleyways, and, on Barren Landscapes, Slowly but Surely, Starving to Death!
With No Law, and, No Justice, and, No Sense of Morality, or, Sense of Being Here and Now! Just A Selfish and Egotistical Desire, to Possess that which, is Not Theirs to Possess!
And Showing, No Love, Friendship, or Respect For One's Fellow Human Being!

Just Take A Moment to Think about it, or, Is it Necessary to Paint An even Bleaker Graphic Description, of What A World with No Conscience, or, Lack of Spirituality, Civility, Common Sense, Immersed in One War after Another Can Cause!

You Don't have To Be, A Doomsday Prophet, or, Believe in The Book of The Dead, to Understand The Ramifications of Why it is so Important for The Civilian, and, Military Leaders Of The Earths Nations, and, "We The People, " Citizens Of The Earth, to Realize The Graffiti on The Wall!

Just ask Anyone on "The Streets Of The People," and, The Answer is The same, "We" Can Not Continue to Exist under The Labor of Inequality, and, Disproportionate Distribution, and, Sharing of Wealth! And, "We" Can Not Continue to Exist Living in A Conditioned Reality that has Poisoned Us, to Live, Act, and, Think, According to The Whims, and, Desires of The "Ists," and, "Isms," of The Global Oligarchy, The Invisibles! Which is Like Living in A Stagnant World of The Living Dead!

Just ask Anyone Who Lives on "The Streets of The People," Because, They Know What The The Earth Would Be like, if, "There was No More Music!

Just Imagine! No More Jay Z! No Mariah! No Johnny! No Elvis! No Debussy! No Aretha! No Stones! No Rascal Flatts! No Michael! No Faith! No Beyonce! No Wagner! No Stevie, No Jimmy! No Bruce! No Dylan! No Tchaikovsky! No Music!

The "Good News" is, There is A New Song of Hope! A New Anthem of Peace! And, A Universal Sonority of Melodies, Harmonies, Orchestrations, and, Lyrics, that are Flowing on The Winds of Change! And, A New Evolution is on The Way! And, A New, Non-Violent Revolution of Change, is Here to Stay!
And, This is,The Way To Peace! And, A New Dream to Heal, and, Feed The Earth!
And, A New Song of Love and Respect, For The Lives of One's Fellow Human Being, and, All Sentient Beings, of This, The Third Planet from The Sun! And, A New Song For A Peace Filled Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Can "We" Live in A World with No Music!

Can "We" Endure A Path of Insensitivity, so Severe, that, Poets, Philosophers, Peacemakers, Artisans of All Nature, Voices of Reason, and, Prophets, No Longer have A Voice to Speak! Can "We!"

As I Continue to Rake Leaves, and, Place them in One Bag after Another, I Know that, The Answer is, and, Will, always, Be No! Just ask "Anyone on The Streets!"

There Will, always, Be A Voice, Pure and Profound, that Will Sing out, In Clear and Precise Notes, Melodies, and, Lyrics, Uplifting Solar Axioms that, Anyone on The Streets of The People, Well Know, Deep within Their Hearts, Minds, and, Souls, as Being Undeniably, "The Truth!"

And, What A Great Chorus of Soulful Voices, Will Join in Harmony, and, Sing with This Voice of The Times, All Across This Earth of Ours, "Hallelujah, "Give Peace A Chance," and, Hari Om! And, in The Tradition of The Great Negro Spirituals, Great God Almighty, "We're Free at Last!" And, Peace Will is Here at Last!

And, Let Us Continue to Spread The Word of This New Song of Hope, Peace, and, Change, via The Global Internet, and, The Social, and, Cross Media Universes!

And, Let Us Share The Absolute Thrill, and, Joy of Our Earthrise Movement, "Of, By, and For The People," in A Ground Swell of Emotions and Rhythms, so Great that The Sound of it, Will Be as if, Its, The Beat of Billions of Us, are All, Marching in Union and Communion, and, in The Name of A Equanimity, and A Shared Prosperity, "For One and All!"

And, Let's Not Forget to, Shake, Rock, and, Change The World, in A Great and Soulful Synergy of Higher Frequency, All Across The Length Of, The Earths Largest Activists Communication Network, that The 21st Century has ever Known, via Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Yahoo, Google, Myspace, Youtube, itunes, and, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Bringing The Idea of A Global Truce, Peace Dialogue, and, A New Earth Constitution, and, Emancipation Declaration,"Of, By, and For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, is Necessary For Our Future Well Being, and, The Lives of Our Future Generations!
This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!