Thursday, November 4, 2010



The Way To Peace! #115

While The Post Election Analyses Continue as to The Reasons Why, President Obama, His Administration, and The Democrats, Took such a Beating, and, While The Media Debates The Comparisons between The Challenges that FDR had, and The Policy Challenges of President Obama, to Improve the Economy, and Bring about The Change that He Promised during His Campaigns, (and Did Not Deliver) "We The People," Citizens Of the Earth are Still Struggling to Survive!

"We" are Not Involved in An Intellectual Discussion about "What Went Wrong," We" are "Living The Nightmare of What Went Wrong!"

Ask anyone on The Streets Where "We The People," Live and Work, and They Will Tell You That "We" Need Jobs, and Bank Loans to Pay for Our Children's Education, and Help Make Mortgage Payments!

Ask anyone on The Streets Where "We The People, " Citizens Of The Earth, Live and Work, and, They Will Tell You that, "We" Do Not Need Anymore Increases in New Taxes, or Health Care Costs!

And that, "We" Need Definite Promises from The New Congress, and President Obama, that Social Security Will Not be Tampered with, or Compromised in anyway, Whatsoever!

And that, "We" Need New Financial Regulations that Protect "We The People," Citizens Of This The Third Planet from The Earth, from The Corrupt Business Practices of Banks, Financial Institutions, Governments, Politicians, and Lobbyists, Who are In the Pockets of The "Ists," and "Isms," of The Global Oligarchy, The InVisibles, whose Attempts to Buy Elections, and, or Manipulate Government Policies, and The Global Economy, is A "Betrayal" of Each and Every Citizen Of This Planet Earth!

Everyone on The Streets, Roads, Highways, Subways, Buses, and, Sidewalks, of
"We The People," Knows that, "We" have Been Betrayed by The Greed, and Lust of The World of Big Business, and Our Governments, Who Skirt around The Legalities and Laws, that have Been Put in Place to Protect "We The People!"

Fortunately For Us, The Pendulum of Time has Changed, once again, and, The Winds of Change, and Hope are Flowing on An Earthrise Movement, "Of, By, and For The People!"
And, This Time, The Needs of "We The People," have to Be Adhered to! Why?Because, A Real Change has Come! And, "A Peoples Evolution," is Here and Now!

And, This to, is Timely, Because, Our Needs are Many! And, "We" Can Not Afford to Wait for A "Two Year Plan," to Improve The Economy, or, that Addresses the Immediate Issues, and Concerns, that Affect Our Lives!

"We" Need to be Able to Feed and Care for Our Families, Now! Not in Two Years, or, Three Years!

And, "We" Need A Health care System that is, "Of, By, and For The People!"

And, "We" Need A Fair Tax System, "Of, By, and For The People!" Not One that Favors The Oligarchs/InVisibles, Corporations, Elitists, The Rich and Affluent, Celebrities, and Financial Institutions!

And, "We" Need A Social Security System that Protects The Earnings, "Of The People!" One, that Can Not Be, Continuously, Taxed and Threatened!

And, "We" Need Job Security, "Of, By, and For The People," with Limits on How Much Work that Can be Outsourced, and Guarantees on How Much Manufacturing Should Be Produced, and Continued to Be Manufactured, on A Quarterly Basis, without Disturbing The Global Exports and Imports of The Earths Nations! And, "We" Need A Real Honest and Fair Minded Job Creation Policy, "Of, By, and For The People," Citizens Of the Earth!

And, "We" Need A Cultural Evolution, "Of, By, and For The People!" An Earthrise Evolution, that Supports, and Embraces The Arts, and The Spirit, "Of The People!"

And, "We" Need An Honest Dialogue, "Of, By, and For The People," Going from Town to Village, City to City, State to State, and Country to Country!
An Earthrise Dialogue via The Earths Largest Peoples Activist Communication Network!

And, "We" Need Honest, Intelligent, and, Just Representation, "Of, By, and For The People!" A New Generation of Women and Men, Who Understand The Everyday Problems, "Of The People!"

And, "We" Need A New Earthrise Constitution, and Emancipation Declaration, "Of, By, and For The People," People Of All Races, Colors, and, Creeds to Be One People, Under The Moon and The Sun, and All The Illuminated Bodies Of The Universe!

And, "We" Need A Peace Time Economy, "Of, By, and For The People," that Spends, Supports, and Invests in The Way of Peace!
A Peace Time Economy that Invests in, and Supports Small Businesses, and, is Committed to Re-Build The Infrastructure of The Earth, that is Environmentally, and Ecologically Correct, and Sound!

And, "We" Need New Values, "Of, By, and For The People," that Gives Birth to A New Age of Hope, Change, and Peace, "For The People!" That Embraces A New and Enlightened Sense of Morality, and Rejects Human Slavery, Poverty, and Homelessness!

And, "We" Need A Law Of The Earth, that is Just, Fair, Equal, Honest, and Non-Corruptible!

And, "We" Need Civilian and Military Leaders of the Earths Nations, Who are, "Of, By, and For The People," Citizens Of the Earth, to Call For A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue!
Leaders Who Condemn War, Crime, Torture, Genocide, Human Slavery, Poverty, Racism, Immorality, and Crimes against Humanity!
Leaders Who are Committed to Defend Our Rights to Live as A Free People!"
Leaders Who are Dedicated to Protect, Nourish, and Care for The Social Security and Welfare, "Of the People!"
Leaders Who Embrace A Great Universe of Solar Axioms, that are In Equanimity with "We The People," Citizens Of this The Third Planet from The Sun, and, The Cosmos!
Leaders Who are Willing to Walk Hand in Hand with "The People," and, Willing to Accept The Will of The People, and, The Voice of the People," that is Fair, Meaningful, and In Equanimity with "All The People!"

And, "We" Need An Earthrise Political, and, Financial System, that is, "Of, By, and For the People," that is Rooted and Centered in An Earthrise Movement of Hope, Change, Peace, and A Shared Prosperity For "One and All!"
There is No Reason Why any Child Should ever Go Without, or, Lack for A Good Education, Upbringing, or, Opportunity to Achieve Their Dreams and Goals, in Life!
The Winds Of Change are Flowing All Over This Earth of Ours, on The Wings of Compassion, and, The Phoenix of Peace! Bringing A New Vote of Hope, Which is "Good News" For "We The People," Citizens Of the Earth! Its A Non-Partisan Vote! More Like A Global Mandate, that is, "Of, By, and For The People!"
Based on Common Sense, Wisdom, Civility, Spirituality, and, A Moral and Universal, Inclusiveness Of All Humanity, and, All Sentient Beings!
And, This is, The Way to Peace! And, A Way To Heal The Earth! And, A Way Towards A New Age of A Peace Time Economy, and, A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue To Gather in Great Masses of Non-Violent Demonstrations, and, Spread The Word of Our Earthrise Evolution!

And, Let Us Continue to Spread The Word, "Of, By, and For The People," via The Internet, and The Social and Cross-Media Universes, Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, and Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms!

And, Let's Build, and Propagate Our Efforts, via The Greatest Activists Communication Network of Peace, Hope, and Change, as A Great Non-Violent Soul Force of Peace! This is The Real Change and Evolution, that "We" have All Longed for, and Worked for!
And, Let's Encourage The Naysayers to, "Give Peace A Chance!" For, A New World of Hope Lies Before Us, so, Let's Rock, Shakeup, and Continue to Sow The Seeds of Great New Era of Achievement, and Peace on Earth!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!