Sunday, November 28, 2010



The Way To Peace! #122

As "We" Near The End of The First Decade, of The New Millennium, Demonstrations are Worsening Althrough-out The European Continent!
And, still, Our Civilian, and, Military Leaders Continue to Follow The Same Ole Path of De-Stabilizing of The Earths Economies!

But, It's a Welcome Sight to See, Students Demonstrating over New Cuts in Education! Education is A Very Important Area, Where More Investment is Needed, Not Cuts!
And, Our Present Day, and, Future Generations Need to Be Absolutely Assured that, They Will Receive The Best Education, that A Modern Day Green Technological, Philosophical, Scientific, and, Spiritually, United Earth Society Can Offer, and, Provide!
And, in Fact, The Education of Our Youth Should Be Our First Priority, and, For Free!
Thus Guaranteeing that Each and Every New Born Child, Of This Planet Earth, Will Receive The Enriched Wisdom, Knowledge, and, Enlightenment of The Most Experienced, and, Omniscient Minds of, "We The People!"
And that Includes, "Streetwise Educators," as well as, Book Learned Ones!

But, If, Our Leaders Don't Get This Message from The Student Demonstrations, and, Act on it, Immediately, There Should Be A "One Day Spending Halt," by Students , and, Their Sympathizers from All over The Earth!
That would Send A Clear, and, Precise Message to The Leaders of The World, to Invest, and, Not Divest from Investing in The Education of The Youth of The Earth!

But, What Will it Take for The Global Nations to Learn that The Old Models for Doing Business are No Longer Feasible, nor, are They Profitable for A 21st Century Economy!
And, What Will it Take for The Infamous "They," to Learn ,and, Understand that, "They" Can No Longer Depend on Bending The Law, to Suite Their Concerns, or, White Collar Crimes, Corruption, and, or, "Slight of Hand Governmental Policies, to Fool Us, or, Manipulate The Financial System, to Act The Way "They" Want it to!
Its Time for A New Earthwise Financial System! One that Creates Jobs!
A New Financial System that, Rewards Good Service, In Equanimity, with Fair Wage Increases, and, Social Security, when Its Time for Retirement!
Cutbacks on Wages, and, Cutbacks on Benefits, and, Cutbacks on Hiring, Will Not Bring about, or, Generate A Positive Global Work Environment!
Nor. Will it Bring Back The Good Ole Days! Nor, Will it Bring Back, or, Generate Confidence in The Consumer! Or, Bring about, A Positive Change, or, Trust in, The World of Big Business!
This Way of Thinking, and, Doing Business Must Come to An End, along with, The End of The Premier Decade of The New Millennium!

And, Its, also, Time for Our Civilian, and, Military Leaders to Realize that, The Winds of Change are Here and Now! And, A Change Must Come!

And, that, The Path to A New Millennium of Job Creation lies in An Active Global Engagement in Manufacturing, Productivity, and, Research, in Equanimity, with An Ecological Approach to Correct the Mishandling of The Earths Resources, as were Committed by The World of Big Business/Finance, in The Past, and, still Continues, Today!

And, This New Millennium Job Creation Model Should, also, Actively Engage in Repairing The Infrastructures of Our Towns, Villages, Cities, and States!
And, The Modernization Our Modes of Transportation!
And, It Should, Continue to, Include Investment in, and, Research, in This Extraordinary Age of Information, and, Communication!
And, The World of Finance Must Come to A Full Understanding, and, Realization, within Itself, that, The Path to A New Millennium of Job Creation, lies in The Growth of A Green Industry, that, Evolves into A Cultural Evolution, that Spreads All Across This Great Earth of Ours, and, Metamorphoses, and, is Reflected in The Homes, Hearts, Minds, and, Souls, of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
Sowing, and, Spreading The Seeds of A People's Evolution, that is Here and Now!
And This Will Be The Birth of A New, and, Great Consumer Evolution, that The Earth has ever Seen, and, This to, Must Come to Be, As "We" Come to An End, of The First Decade, of The New Millennium!

And, The Earths Civilian, and, Military Leaders Must, also, Come to The Full Realization that, War, Regional Conflicts, Crime, and, Terrorism, is "Not Good for Business!" Even, The Global Marketplaces are Coming to A New Understanding of This!
And, Its Time for A New Global Peace Time Economy, to Replace the Old Outdated/Broken Down One! A Compassionate One, that, Embraces The Necessity, and, Humane/Conscious Awareness, that, to Feed, and, Heal The World, is of "Benefit to One and All!"
A Peace Time Economy, "Empowers The People!" A War Time Economy, only, Empowers The "Ists," and, "Isms," of The Global Oligarchy, spawning New Millionaires, while "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Continue to Lose Our Homes, and, See Our Bank Accounts Disappear, Due to, A Corrupt, and, Discrepant Financial System!
And, For An End to Come to The Global Financial Crises, that has Brought about, Tragic Defaults on Residential Mortgages, Market Crashes, Plummeting Bank Shares, and, Increased The Ranks of The Poor, and, Decimated The Ranks of The Middle Class, There Must Be A Real Change in The Worlds of Business, and, Politics! One that, Must Occur, Immediately! There is No Time, for Further Delays in Action!
Its Obvious, to, Anyone who Lives, "On The Streets of The People," that, New Government Policies are Needed!
And, A New Perspective in The World of Finance, is Needed! And, It Must Be A Global Financial Rescue Plan, that, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Can Trust, and, Believe is Directed Towards Aiding, and, Improving Our Lifestyles, and, Quality of Life, and, Not Levying Further Taxes on Us!
And, Partisan Politics Must Come to An End! And, A New Age "Of The People," Must Begin!
A New World of Politics, that, is, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!" That is Composed of, A New Generation of Women, and, Men, Who are True Public Servants "Of, By, and, For The People!"

This is The Path that Will Result in An Earthrise Movement, that, is, "Of, By, and, For The People," Dedicated to An Emancipation Declaration, and, Earth Constitution, that, is, "Of The People!"

An Earthrise Emancipation Declaration, and, Constitution that, Protects The Rights, Laws, Principles, and, Freedoms, of "All The People!"
Leaving No Woman, Child, or, Man, Feeling Homeless, or, Feeling like They are "Strangers, Living in A Strange World!"
This is The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!
Just ask, Anyone who Lives, "On The Streets of The People," and, They Can Tell You what it Feels like to Be Alone, Existing in A State of Being, without True Representation, Consideration, or, Any Meaningful Concern over Their Lives!
And, This, to, Must Come to An End, along with The End of The First Decade, of The New Millennium!

Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers of The 20th, and, 21st Centuries, A Global Truce Must Come to Be!

And, Peace Dialogues Must, also, Come to Be, For without Diplomacy, Peace Can Not Be A True, and, Decided Reality!

And, Our Destinies are to Continue to Be, Activists of Peace! And, "Activists Of The People!"

So, Let Us Continue to Immerse Ourselves, in, Resolutely, Achieving Our Goals of Peace on Earth! And, As Being, "The Peoples Advocacy!"

And, Let Us Continue to Be, A Nexus of The Earths Largest, and, Most Powerful, Non-Violent, Activists Communication Network, and, Give Support Whenever, or Wherever, It is Needed!
Whether it Be with The Striking Workers, in Portugal, or, France! Or, with The Students, in Italy, and, Great Britain! Let Us Be A Great, Non-Violent, Soul Force of Hope, Peace, and, Change!

And, Let's Continue to Spread The Word of Job Creation Proposals! And, Peace Proposals, All over This Planet Earth, via Linkedin, Yahoo, Google, Twitter, Facebook, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, iTunes, YouTube, and, via The Global Web, and, The Social, and, Cross-Media Universes!

And, As The First Decade of The 21st Century Comes to An End, Let Us, Re-Commit Ourselves to "Giving Peace A Chance!"
And, May Our Hearts, Minds, and, Spirits, Soar on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, as, "We" Continue to Journey on Our Vision Path of Evolution, and, Life, on This, The Third Planet from The Sun, and, in The Universe!
For, This is The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!