Monday, November 22, 2010



The Way To Peace! #120

Daily, "We" See The New, and, Old Elective Faces, of The World of Politics, on Cable, and, Network TV programs, and, in The Daily Newspapers, and, Magazines, Expressing Their Concerns about Reducing The National Debt, and, The Deficit!
But, Who Got Us into This Mess to Begin With! Did You, or, I Spend Trillions of Dollars, Euros, or, Pounds on Policies, and, Programs that have Placed The Global Economy in Debt!
Who Authorized, Condoned, and, Authorized this to Happen!

And, are Our Newly Elected Politicians, Really Concerned, as, "They" Appear to? And, has The Old Guard, Really Learned Their Lessons?
And, are "They," The "Infamous They,"Really Serious about Cutting Back on Their Spending Programs, and, Balancing The Budget, as "They" Appear to Be? Or, is This, Just More Political Rhetoric!
"They," once again, The "Infamous They," Continue to Spend Two Billion Dollars a Week, on The UN-Declared Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan! And, Who Knows Exactly what The Actually Cost is, when You Factor in Intelligence Costs!

And, How Dare "They" Continue to Discuss The Use of Our Social Security to Pay off The Debt, that "They" incurred to Begin with! Money that has, Already, Been Taxed!

And, Who amongst Us Agreed, to Allow The Fed to Print up Trillions of Dollars, whenever "They" Deem it Necessary to Address Our Growing "Out of Control Debt," or, The Inflation, or, Recession, or, Whatever it May Be, Whenever "They" Want to!
Did You, Give Them Authorization to Do so? If You or I Printed up Money whenever "We" Needed it, "We" would be Arrested for Being Counter fitters!

And, Who are The Loan Sharks, Who have Been Lending Us These Astronomical Amounts of Financing to Pay for Our UN-Declared Wars? The Interest Costs alone, Must Be Ludicrous!

Just ask "Anyone Who Lives on The Streets of We The People," and, They Will Tell You that, Payback Can Be An Endless Affair, to Deal with!

Just ask "Anyone Who Lives on The Streets of We The People," and, They Will Tell You that, Loan Sharks are Not Sympathetic to Your Problems! All "They" Want is Their Money, when The Payment is Due! So, What Do These Buyers of Our Debt Want! And, What is Our Government, Willing to Pay! Does anyone Really Know?

Just ask Any Single Parent, The Importance of Balancing Their Budget!

Just ask The Student, Mom and Pop Businesses, Farmers, Musicians, Artists, or, Dancers, and, They Will Tell You that, "We" Must, "One and All," Participate, and, Be Apart of A Global Eco/Economical System, that is In Equanimity!
And, obviously, It Must Be An Honest, and, Transparent System, For, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth to Believe, and, Trust in, For it to Work!
And, A Conscientious Awareness, Understanding, and, Synergy amongst, "One and All," is Needed, If, this, Universal Eco/Economical System, is, To Be A Practical Success, "For One and All to Share!"!

However, Even in Doing so, "We" Must All Remain Diligently Aware, Because, If, For Any Reason These Systems are Out of Sync with Each other, "We" Will Be at The Mercy of The Risk Takers, and, Opportunists, of The "Ists," and, "Isms," of The Global Oligarchs, Who Do Not Care about Our Needs, or, in Fact, How "We" are Going to Meet Our Personal Obligations!
These Global Oligarchs are Manipulators of Deceit, and, Chaos! And, Their, only, Concerns are about, What Their Gains are, and, Its, always, at The Expense of "We The People!"

Its A Shame that, These Individuals, and, Their Corporations have Chosen to Manipulate and Corrupt The Tenuous Balance that Occurs, when The Financial Times of, "We The People" are Most Vulnerable!

Its A Shame that, "They" would Rather that, The Global Financial System Remained in A State of Amorphous, and, Ripe for Their Picking!
And, "They," Absolutely, Do Not want A Peace Time Economy, Because "They" Can Not Control, or, Understand How to Direct Their Lobbyists, and, Co-Hort's to Implement Their Strategic Plans!

Its A Shame that, These Individuals, and, Their Corporations, Do Not Care, One Iota, about The Poverty that Exists in Our World! Nor, Do "They" Care that, There are Millions Who are Homeless, or, Living in Unsanitary Conditions! Or, are Suffering from A Lack of Employment!

And, To Add to this, Unconscionable Situation, It is A Shame that, Our Governments Continue to Levy Tax after Tax, upon Us, to Pay for Their Incompetency!
What The Civilian, and, Military Leaders of The Earths United Nations Need to Concentrate on is, Creating A New and Innovative Job Market, For The 21st Century!
And, A New and Innovative Global Business Climate, that Supports A Peace Time Economy, and, An Environmentally Correct Manufacturing, Productivity, and, Green Technology!

There is A New World of Technology, that Can Provide A Plethora of Employment, but, Our Civilian Leaders, Global Corporations, and, The Movers and Shakers of The World of Business, have to Move in Concert with Each other, and, Embrace The Evolution of A New Age of Green Industrial Entrepreneurialism, and, A Peace Time Economy!

This is The Time to Invest in Science, Education, and, A Cultural Evolution!

And, This is The Time for A New Spiritual Evolution!

And, This is The Time for An Advanced Age of Communication, and, Space Exploration!
"We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, have, Always, Been Explorers, and Pioneers, Reaching Out to New Frontiers, and, A Universe of Limitless Potentialities, Galaxies, Supernovas, and, Realities, and New Worlds and Horizons, to Experience!

And, This is The Time to End The Senseless Violence of Drug Cartels, Street Gangs, White Collar Corruption, Political Deception, and, Religious Fanaticism and Perversions, to Sick to Imagine!

And, This is The Time to Put an End to War, Global Conflicts, and, Acts of Terrorism!

And, This is The Time to End Human Slavery, and, The Evil Acts Perpetrated against Humanity, by The Human Sex Trade!

And, This is The Time for The United Earth Nations, to Adopt A Global Social Security, Welfare, and, Health Program, that Protects Each and Every Citizen Of The Earth!
If, There are, Always, Enough Finances to Pay for One War after Another, then, There Should Be No Reason Why, Peace, and, The Social Welfare and Security of "We The People, is Not A Worthwhile Reality to Invest in!

And, This Should Be A New Age of Advanced Idea's, For The Positive Evolution of The Earth! And, An Age of Hope and Compassion!

And, This Should Be An Age of New Medical Discoveries and Cures, For The Myriad Diseases that Kills Millions of Us, Unnecessarily, Each Year!

And, This is A Time to Feed, and, Heal The World! And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Now, is The Time, For Us, to Press ahead with Our Earthrise Movement, "Of, By, and, For The People!"

And, Now, is The Time, For Us, to Call upon The Civilian, and, Military Leaders of The Earths Nations to Declare A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue, For World Peace, "For One and All," to Share!

So, Let's Continue to Spread "The Good News," of Our Great Soul Force Movement, "Of, By, and, For The People," via The Earths Largest, Global Activists Communication Network!

And, Let's Continue to Share "The Good News of Hope, Change, Peace, Economic Parity, and, Universal Equanimity, with, Our Children, Friends, Neighbors, and, Fellow Citizens Of , This, The Third Planet from The Sun!
This is The Time for Change! "We" are at A Crossroads in History, that, Can Not Be Denied, or, Ignored! And, The Winds of Change are Here and Now!

And, Let Us Give Thanks to Those of Us, Who have Continued to Stay The Course, and, Carry The Extra Weight of Our Earthrise Evolution, at Times, Against All Odds!

And, Let Us Continue to Give Thanks to The Brave, and, Courageous, Women and Men of The Earths United Armed Forces, Who have Chosen to Place Their Lives, in Harms Way, Everyday! Fighting to Protect, and, Preserve Our Freedoms, and, Rights, to Evolve as A Free People, Of The Earth, and, The Universe!

And, Let Us Continue to Give Thanks, and, Encouragement to A New Generation of Voices of Reason, Peacemakers, Philanthropists, and, Culturally Evolved Women and Men, "Of, By, and, For The People," For Sharing Their Soul Strength, and, Resolute Commitment For The Empowerment of The Earth, and, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, Let Us, "One and All," Continue to Share "The Good News of Hope, Peace, and, Change, via Linkedin, Myspace, Google, Yahoo, iTunes, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Across The Global Electromagnetic Waves of The Internet, and, The Great Sea of The Social, and, Cross-Media Universes!

And, Let Us Project Our Thoughts, to Shakeup, Rock, and, Change The World, On The Wings Of The Phoenix of Peace! And, Let's "Give Peace A Chance!"
This is The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!